180 research outputs found

    Beamforming and Multiuser Detection in CDMA Systems with External Interferences

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    Multiuser detection has been investigated to mitigate the near-far effect in CDMA systems. Antenna arrays have been shown to provide spatial diversity and cancel undesired signals. In this paper we consider the synergy of both multiuser detection and antenna arrays for the base station of a CDMA system. The receiver we proposed consists of the known multiuser decorrelator, which cancels multiple-access interferences followed by a beamformer for each user, which cancels the external interferences. This receiver adds an extra branch to the decorrelator. This additional branch, corresponding to a fictitious user with an unused code and zero power, allows to estimate the external interference signal subspace and compute a suitable beamforming weight-vector that cancels the external interferences. The receiver is also extended to the asynchronous case and all of this without any training signal or any a priori spatial information.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Blind multi-user combining at the base station for asynchronous CDMA systems

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    This paper studies the potential benefits of antenna arrays in cellular CDMA communications and proposes a powerful scheme to undertake the array processing at the base station in CDMA mobile systems. The proposed technique exploits the temporal structure of CDMA signals. The necessary information is extracted directly from the received signals, thus no training signal orPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Blind multiuser adaptive combining for asynchronous cdma systems

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    This paper presents a novel technique to globally estimate and track the direction of arrival (DOA) of different users in an asynchronous CDMA system. The estimates are obtained exploiting the temporal structure of CDMA signals. No training signal nor a priori spatial information is required. The necessary information is extracted directly from the received signals. The proper combining of the overall information present at the receiver after the despreading, jointly with an Eigenvalue Decomposition (EVD), let as estimate the generalized steering vector for each user. Furthermore, a direct iteration method is introduced in our scheme in order to make the array robust to channel variations and to reduce the computational load of the EVD required for each user.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Approximations of the aggregated interference statistics for outage analysis in massive MTC

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    This paper presents several analytic closed-form approximations of the aggregated interference statistics within the framework of uplink massive machine-type-communications (mMTC), taking into account the random activity of the sensors. Given its discrete nature and the large number of devices involved, a continuous approximation based on the Gram–Charlier series expansion of a truncated Gaussian kernel is proposed. We use this approximation to derive an analytic closed-form expression for the outage probability, corresponding to the event of the signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio being below a detection threshold. This metric is useful since it can be used for evaluating the performance of mMTC systems. We analyze, as an illustrative application of the previous approximation, a scenario with several multi-antenna collector nodes, each equipped with a set of predefined spatial beams. We consider two setups, namely single- and multiple-resource, in reference to the number of resources that are allocated to each beam. A graph-based approach that minimizes the average outage probability, and that is based on the statistics approximation, is used as allocation strategy. Finally, we describe an access protocol where the resource identifiers are broadcast (distributed) through the beams. Numerical simulations prove the accuracy of the approximations and the benefits of the allocation strategy.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Stochastic resource allocation with a backhaul constraint for the uplink

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    We propose a novel stochastic radio resource alloca- tion strategy for the uplink that achieves long-term fairness in terms of similar bitrates considering backhaul and air-interface capacity limitations. We focus on a single cell scenario based on WCDMA technology. We propose to use a maximin criteria to introduce fairness among the different users’ throughputs. An stochastic approximation is implemented to obtain an online algorithm where the Lagrange multipliers are estimated at each scheduling period. Our results show that the proposed scheme achieves higher fairness among the users and, in some cases, a higher sum-rate compared with the well-known proportional fair scheduler.Postprint (author's final draft

    Closed-form capacity bounds for downlink and uplink decoupling

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    ©2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Downlink (DL) and uplink (UL) decoupling (DUDe) is a new architectural paradigm where DL and UL are not constrained to be associated to the same base station (BS). Thus, a user having access to multiple BSs within a dense cellular network can receive the DL traffic from one BS and send its UL traffic through another. Building upon this architectural paradigm, the present paper provides tight analytical bounds in closed form for the UL ergodic capacity that depend solely on the density of the infrastructure. The devised bounds account for the backbone network congestion and the synchronization of the acknowledgments of the decoupled channels. The proposed bounds are compared against extensive numerical simulations demonstrating the tractability and accuracy of the expressions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Stochastic Geometry Analysis and Design of Wireless Powered MTC Networks

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    Machine-type-communications (MTC) are being crucial in the development of next generation mobile networks. Given that MTC devices are usually battery constrained, wireless power transfer (WPT) and energy harvesting (EH) have emerged as feasible options to enlarge the lifetime of the devices, leading to wireless powered networks. In that sense, we consider a setup where groups of sensors are served by a base station (BS), which is responsible for the WPT. Additionally, EH is used to collect energy from the wireless signals transmitted by other sensors. To characterize the energy obtained from both procedures, we model the sporadic activity of sensors as Bernoulli random variables and their positions with repulsive Mat\'ern cluster processes. This way, the random activity and spatial distribution of sensors are introduced in the analysis of the energy statistics. This analysis can be useful for system design aspects such as energy allocation schemes or optimization of idle-active periods, among others. As an example of use of the developed analysis, we include the design of a WPT scheme under a proportional fair policy.Comment: This work has been accepted at the 2020 21st IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2020). Copyright held by IEE

    A stochastic approach for resource allocation with backhaul and energy harvesting constraints

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    We propose a novel stochastic radio-resource-allocation strategy that achieves long-term fairness considering backhaul and air-interface capacity limitations. The base station (BS) is powered only with a finite battery that is recharged by an energy harvester. The energy harvesting is also taken into account in the proposed resource-allocation strategy. The constrained scenario is often found in remote rural areas where the backhaul connection is limited, and the BSs are fed with solar panels of reduced size. Our results show that the proposed scheme achieves higher fairness among the users and provides greater worst user rate and sum rate if an average backhaul constraint is considered.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Effect of correlated building blockages on the ergodic capacity of mmWave systems in urban scenarios

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    The millimeter waves (mmWave) bands, considered to support the forthcoming generation of mobile communications technologies, have a well-known vulnerability to blockages. Recentworks in the literature analyze the blockage probability considering independence or correlation among the blocking elements of the different links. In this letter, we characterize the effect of blockages and their correlation on the ergodic capacity. We carry out the analysis for urban scenarios, where the considered blocking elements are buildings that are primarily parallel to the streets.We also present numerical simulations based on actual building features of the city of Chicago to validate the obtained expressions.This work was supported by Agencia Estatal De InvestigaciĂłn, Ministerio De Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn, MCIN / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033 through the Project ROUTE56 - PID2019-104945GB-I00.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Sensor selection and distributed quantization for energy efficiency in massive MTC

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    This paper presents an estimation approach within the framework of uplink massive machine-type-communications (mMTC) that considers the energy limitations of the devices. We focus on a scenario where a group of sensors observe a set of parameters and send the measured information to a collector node (CN). The CN is responsible for estimating the original observations, which are spatially correlated and corrupted by measurement and quantization noise. Given the use of Gaussian sources, the minimum mean squared error (MSE) estimation is employed and, when considering temporal evolution, the use of Kalman filters is studied. Based on that, we propose a device selection strategy to reduce the number of active sensors and a quantization scheme with adjustable number of bits to minimize the overall payload. The set of selected sensors and quantization levels are, thus, designed to minimize the MSE. For a more realistic analysis, communication errors are also included by averaging the MSE over the error decoding probabilities. We evaluate the performance of our strategy in a practical mMTC system with synthetic and real databases. Simulation results show that the optimization of the payload and the set of active devices can reduce the power consumption without compromising the estimation accuracy.The work presented in this paper has been carried out within the framework of the project ROUTE56 (PID2019-104945GB-I00/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033) funded by the Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciĂłn (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation); the FPI grant BES-2017-079994, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities; and the grant 2017 SGR 578, funded by the Catalan Government (AGAUR, Departament de Rercerca i Universitats, Generalitat de Catalunya).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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