46 research outputs found

    Customer Churn Detection and Marketing Retention Strategies in the Online Food Delivery Business

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    The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the behavior of customers within the Online Food Delivery industry, through which it is proposed to develop a prediction model that allows detecting, based on valuable active customers, those who will leave the services of Alpha Corporation in the near future. Firstly, valuable customers are defined as those consumers who have made at least 8 orders in the last 12 months. In this way, considering the historical behavior of said users, as well as applying Feature Engineering techniques, a first approach is proposed based on the implementation of a Random Forest algorithm and, later, a boosting algorithm: XGBoost. Once the performance of each of the models developed is analyzed, and potential churners are identified, different marketing suggestions are proposed in order to retain said customers. Retention strategies will be based on how Alpha Corporation works, as well as on the output of the predictive model. Other development alternatives will also be discussed: a clustering model based on potential churners or an unstructured data model to analyze the emotions of those users according to the NPS surveys. The aim of these proposals is to complement the prediction to design more specific retention marketing strategies

    Comprobación experimental de la ley de Stefan-Boltzmann en la cátedra de Física III de Ingeniería de la UNLP

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    El dictado de la materia Física IIIA de las carreras de Ingeniería Electrónica, Electricista y Química dictadas en la Facultad de Ingeniera de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata abarca dos módulos bimestrales. En el segundo de ellos se abordan temas de Física Moderna y entre las actividades de laboratorio establecidas, los alumnos realizan un experimento donde comprueban la ley de Stefan-Bolztmann determinando la dependencia funcional de la irradiancia emitida por un cuerpo negro con su temperatura absoluta utilizando un cubo de Leslie. En el presente trabajo se describe el instrumental utilizado en el laboratorio, la metodología experimental realizada por los alumnos, se presentan las mediciones realizadas y se analiza la relación funcional entre la irradiancia emitida por el cubo de Leslie y su temperatura comprobando la Ley de Steffan-Boltzmann. Además, se determina el valor de la constante de Stefan-Boltzmann (σ) analizando la relación de la radiación electromagnética emitida por la cara negra del cubo con su temperatura.The Physics IIIA course of the Electronic, Electric and Chemical Engineering degrees of La Plata University includes two modules of two months each. The second teaching module includes Modern Physics topics and laboratory activities where students perform an experiment to verify the Stefan-Boltzmann law where they get the dependency of the radiation of the black body with the absolute temperature of the Leslie cube. In the present work, we describe the experimental methodology, the experimental equipment and we analyze the temperature dependence of the radiation emitted by the Leslie cube. Finally, we verified the Stefan-Boltzmann law and determine the Stefan-Bolzmann constant (σ) from the temperature dependence of the radiation emitted by the black face of the Leslie cube

    Experimental verification of the Stefan-Boltzmann law in the physics III course of the engineering department of La Plata University

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    Facultad de Ingeniera de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata abarca dos módulos bimestrales. En el segundo de ellos se abordan temas de Física Moderna y entre las actividades de laboratorio establecidas, los alumnos realizan un experimento donde comprueban la ley de Stefan-Bolztmann determinando la dependencia funcional de la irradiancia emitida por un cuerpo negro con su temperatura absoluta utilizando un cubo de Leslie. En el presente trabajo se describe el instrumental utilizado en el laboratorio, la metodología experimental realizada por los alumnos, se presentan las mediciones realizadas y se analiza la relación funcional entre la irradiancia emitida por el cubo de Leslie y su temperatura comprobando la Ley de Steffan-Boltzmann. Además, se determina el valor de la constante de Stefan-Boltzmann (V) analizando la relación de la radiación electromagnética emitida por la cara negra del cubo con su temperatura.The Physics IIIA course of the Electronic, Electric and Chemical Engineering degrees of La Plata University includes two modules of two months each. The second teaching module includes Modern Physics topics and laboratory activities where students perform an experiment to verify the Stefan-Boltzmann law where they get the dependency of the radiation of the black body with the absolute temperature of the Leslie cube. In the present work, we describe the experimental methodology, the experimental equipment and we analyze the temperature dependence of the radiation emitted by the Leslie cube. Finally, we verified the Stefan-Boltzmann law and determine the Stefan-Bolzmann constant (V) from the temperature dependence of the radiation emitted by the black face of the Leslie cube.Facultad de IngenieríaInstituto de Física La PlataCentro de Investigaciones Óptica

    Experimental verification of the Stefan-Boltzmann law in the physics III course of the engineering department of La Plata University

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    Facultad de Ingeniera de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata abarca dos módulos bimestrales. En el segundo de ellos se abordan temas de Física Moderna y entre las actividades de laboratorio establecidas, los alumnos realizan un experimento donde comprueban la ley de Stefan-Bolztmann determinando la dependencia funcional de la irradiancia emitida por un cuerpo negro con su temperatura absoluta utilizando un cubo de Leslie. En el presente trabajo se describe el instrumental utilizado en el laboratorio, la metodología experimental realizada por los alumnos, se presentan las mediciones realizadas y se analiza la relación funcional entre la irradiancia emitida por el cubo de Leslie y su temperatura comprobando la Ley de Steffan-Boltzmann. Además, se determina el valor de la constante de Stefan-Boltzmann (V) analizando la relación de la radiación electromagnética emitida por la cara negra del cubo con su temperatura.The Physics IIIA course of the Electronic, Electric and Chemical Engineering degrees of La Plata University includes two modules of two months each. The second teaching module includes Modern Physics topics and laboratory activities where students perform an experiment to verify the Stefan-Boltzmann law where they get the dependency of the radiation of the black body with the absolute temperature of the Leslie cube. In the present work, we describe the experimental methodology, the experimental equipment and we analyze the temperature dependence of the radiation emitted by the Leslie cube. Finally, we verified the Stefan-Boltzmann law and determine the Stefan-Bolzmann constant (V) from the temperature dependence of the radiation emitted by the black face of the Leslie cube.Facultad de IngenieríaInstituto de Física La PlataCentro de Investigaciones Óptica

    Analysis of the applicability of the Bohr model in the prediction of the emission lines of the helium atom in the frame of the Modern physic course of the Faculty of Engineering of La Plata University

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    El dictado de la materia Física IIIA de las carreras de Ingeniería Electrónica (IE1), Electricista (IE2) y Química (IQ) dictadas en la Facultad de Ingeniería (FI) de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) abarca dos módulos bimestrales. En el segundo de ellos se abordan temas de Física Moderna y entre las actividades de laboratorio establecidas, los alumnos deben realizar un experimento destinado a determinar las líneas características de emisión de una lámpara de gas de He a baja presión utilizando un espectrómetro portátil. En el presente trabajo se describe el instrumental utilizado, la metodología experimental adoptada, se presentan las mediciones realizadas de las líneas características emitidas por el átomo He (HeI) y se las compara con las líneas publicadas en la literatura. A partir del uso del modelo de Bohr para el caso del átomo de He+1 simplemente ionizado (HeII), se estiman las longitudes de onda emitidas por el ión HeII y se las compara con las líneas características del HeII publicadas. También en el marco del modelo de Bohr, se calculan las longitudes de onda emitidas por el átomo HeI despreciando la repulsión entre los electrones y se las compara con las líneas observadas en el laboratorio. Finalmente, se analiza la aplicabilidad del modelo de Bohr en la descripción de los sistemas HeI y HeII.The Physic IIIA course of the Electronic, Electric and Chemical Engineering degrees of La Plata University includes two modules of two months each. The second teaching module includes Modern Physic topics. In special, in the laboratory activities, students carry out an experiment to determine the characteristic emission lines of an He lamp using a didactic spectrometer. In the present work, we describe the approach used in the laboratory and the experimental methodology. We present the emission lines measured and we compare these measurements with the He emission lines reported in the literature. From the Bohr model, we estimate the emitted wave length for the case of the He+1 ion (The He atom without an electron) and we compare these wave lengths with the lines published. In this sense, we also calculate the emitted lines of the He atom in the frame of the Bohr model and we compare these calculations with the lines measured in the laboratory. Finally, we analyze the potential application of the Bohr model in the description of the He atom and of the He+1 ion.Facultad de IngenieríaCentro de Investigaciones ÓpticasInstituto de Física La Plat

    Baseline characteristics of the mild patients who were discharged and worsened during the first week

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    Quantitative variables are expressing as number (percentage) or median (interquartile range). Pa value for differences between patients who were or not discharged. Pb value for differences between patients who who did and did not get wore. SpO2, peripheral capillary oxygen saturation; CRP, C-reactive protein; LDH, Lactate dehydrogenase; NLR, neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio.Peer reviewe

    Receiver operating curve (ROC) analyses to evaluate the ability of clinical and laboratory data to predict worse prognosis during the first week

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    AUC, area under the curve; SE, sensitivity; S, specificity; PPV, positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value. SpO2, peripheral capillary oxygen saturation; CRP, C-reactive protein; LDH, Lactate dehydrogenase; NLR, neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio; TNF-α; tumor necrosis factor α; IL-6, interleukine-6; IL-8, interleukine-8; IL-1β, interleukine-1β; MIP-1β, macrophage inflammatory proteins 1β; sCD25, soluble receptor interleukine-2; IP-10, interferon γ-induced protein 10.Peer reviewe