16,890 research outputs found

    Optical pumping of charged excitons in unintentionally doped InAs quantum dots

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    As an alternative to commonly used electrical methods, we have investigated the optical pumping of charged exciton complexes addressing impurity related transitions with photons of the appropriate energy. Under these conditions, we demonstrate that the pumping fidelity can be very high while still maintaining a switching behavior between the different excitonic species. This mechanism has been investigated for single quantum dots of different size present in the same sample and compared with the direct injection of spectator electrons from nearby donors.Comment: 4 pages and 3 figures submitted to AP

    A connection between accretion state and Fe K absorption\textit{Fe K absorption} in an accreting neutron star: black hole-like soft state winds?

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    High resolution X-ray spectra of accreting stellar mass Black Holes reveal the presence of accretion disc winds, traced by high ionisation Fe K lines. These winds appear to have an equatorial geometry and to be observed only during disc dominated states in which the radio jet is absent. Accreting neutron star systems also show equatorial high ionisation absorbers. However, the presence of any correlation with the accretion state has not been previously tested. We have studied EXO 0748-676, a transient neutron star system, for which we can reliably determine the accretion state, in order to investigate the Fe K absorption/accretion state/jet connection. Not one of twenty X-ray spectra obtained in the hard state revealed any significant Fe K absorption line. However, intense Fe XXV{\scriptsize{\rm XXV}} and Fe XXVI{\scriptsize{\rm XXVI}} (as well as a rarely observed Fe XXIII{\scriptsize{\rm XXIII}} line plus S XVI{\scriptsize{\rm XVI}}; a blend of S XVI{\scriptsize{\rm XVI}} and Ar XVII{\scriptsize{\rm XVII}}; Ca XX{\scriptsize{\rm XX}} and Ca XIX{\scriptsize{\rm XIX}}, possibly produced by the same high ionisation material) absorption lines (EWFe XXIII−XXV=31±3EW_{\rm Fe~{XXIII-XXV}}=31\pm3 eV, EWFe XXVI=8±3EW_{\rm Fe~XXVI}=8\pm3 eV) are clearly detected during the only soft state observation. This suggests that the connection between Fe K absorption and states (and anticorrelation between the presence of Fe K absorption and jets) is also valid for EXO 0748-676 and therefore it is not a unique property of black hole systems but a more general characteristic of accreting sources.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Manufacturing time operators: covariance, selection criteria, and examples

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    We provide the most general forms of covariant and normalized time operators and their probability densities, with applications to quantum clocks, the time of arrival, and Lyapunov quantum operators. Examples are discussed of the profusion of possible operators and their physical meaning. Criteria to define unique, optimal operators for specific cases are given

    Vacuum-UV spectroscopy of interstellar ice analogs. II. Absorption cross-sections of nonpolar ice molecules

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    Dust grains in cold circumstellar regions and dark-cloud interiors at 10-20 K are covered by ice mantles. A nonthermal desorption mechanism is invoked to explain the presence of gas-phase molecules in these environments, such as the photodesorption induced by irradiation of ice due to secondary ultraviolet photons. To quantify the effects of ice photoprocessing, an estimate of the photon absorption in ice mantles is required. In a recent work, we reported the vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) absorption cross sections of nonpolar molecules in the solid phase. The aim was to estimate the VUV-absorption cross sections of nonpolar molecular ice components, including CH4, CO2, N2, and O2. The column densities of the ice samples deposited at 8 K were measured in situ by infrared spectroscopy in transmittance. VUV spectra of the ice samples were collected in the 120-160 nm (10.33-7.74 eV) range using a commercial microwave-discharged hydrogen flow lamp. We found that, as expected, solid N2 has the lowest VUV-absorption cross section, which about three orders of magnitude lower than that of other species such as O2, which is also homonuclear. Methane (CH4) ice presents a high absorption near Ly-alpha (121.6 nm) and does not absorb below 148 nm. Estimating the ice absorption cross sections is essential for models of ice photoprocessing and allows estimating the ice photodesorption rates as the number of photodesorbed molecules per absorbed photon in the ice.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 7 table

    Time-Delayed transfer functions simulations for LMXBs

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    Recent works (Steeghs & Casares 2002, Casares et al. 2003, Hynes et al. 2003) have demonstrated that Bowen flourescence is a very efficient tracer of the companion star in LMXBs. We present a numerical code to simulate time-delayed transfer functions in LMXBs, specific to the case of reprocessing in emission lines. The code is also able to obtain geometrical and binary parameters by fitting observed (X-ray + optical) light curves using simulated annealing methods. In this work we present the geometrical model for the companion star and the analytical model for the disc and show synthetic time-delay transfer functions for different orbital phases and system parameters.Comment: Contribution presented at the conference "Interacting Binaries: Accretion, Evolution and Outcomes", held in Cefalu, Sicily (Italy) in July 2004. To be published by AIP (American Institute of Physics), eds. L. A. Antonelli, L. Burderi, F. D'Antona, T. Di Salvo, G.L. Israel, L. Piersanti, O. Straniero, A. Tornambe. 4 pages, 4 figure
