23 research outputs found


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    Energi alaternatif yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan di Wilayah Kabupaten Tuban adalah yang bersumber dari adalah kotoran hewan (ternak sapi), diantaranya yang terdapat di PT. ANTARA yang bergerak dibidang peternakan SAPI PERAH dengan pola peternakan Kandang Komunal. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mempelajari pengaruh perbandingan kotoran sapi dan Air Proses serta jumlah mikroba yang ditambahkan. Reaktor yang digunakan adalah jenis Kubah Tetap (Fixed Dome) yang dilengkapi dengan dilengkapi gas holder, Unit Pemurnian Gas Multi Stage dan system jaringan distribusi gas dengan pola jaringan primer dan sekunder. Proses Produksi Biogas dijalankan pada berbagai perbandingan kotoran sapi dengan air proses dan jumlah mikroba yang ditambahkan. Proses Fermentasi dijalankan selama 16 hari per batch dengan memvariasi peubah yang dijalankan. Selanjutnya, selang 4 (empat) hari diamati, diukur dan dicatat Tekanan dalam Reaktor Digester, Produk gas serta dianalisi kadar gas yang terbentuk. Hasil yang relatif baik diperoleh pada perbandingan kotoran sapi dan air sebesar 1:1 dengan penambahan Mikroba sebanyak 50 ppm dengan waktu proses fermentasi selama 12 (dua belas) hari yang menghasilkan Produk Gas 5,1 m3/Batch dengan Kadar Gas Metan (CH4) berkisar 74 %, Gas Karbon Dioksid (CO2) 19 % , dan Gas Sisa 7 % melalui pola pemurnian Multi Stage . Produk Biogas tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan rumah dan untuk energi generator listrik untuk keperluan pedesaan


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    Coal pyrolysis is the thermal cracking process in inert gas condition, to produced gas, liquid and solid product. Quantity and quality product will effected by condition of operation. Pyrulysis process to make use of Kalimantan (KPC) in the atmospheric reactor in inert of nitrogen gas as inert with flow rate gas is 350 ml/minute, with measurement of particle is 6/10, 4/6 and 2/4 mesh, to be done at temperature condition 400 – 700 oC and weight of feed 2 kilogram, respectively. It can be concluded that condition of nitrogen inert and fed with step by step can the probabilities limited of internal secondary reaction and effective enough to resist external secondary reaction, it is showed in the increasing of tar production and decreas of gas product, specialy of particle 4/6 and 2/4 mesh with operation temperature higher 600 oC and effectiveness to resist of thermal secondary reaction for 6/10 mesh. The effect temperature to grow into gas product in the measure of particle 6/10 mesh. The yield of char, tar and gases depends on temperature and particle size. The maximum yield tar was obtained at temperature 500o C with particle size 4/6 mesh and the maximum yield gas was obtained at temperature 700o C with particle size 6/10 mesh are 12,4 % and 20.74 % respectively. The concentartion of gases will increase with increasing temperature, but will decrease with increasing particle size. The Atmosphere of nitrogen inert of influence for the higher the particle size at temperature above 500o C, the less gas product, but more tar, were obtained


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    The purpose of this study is to find the proportion of the number of microLs and fermentation of raw materials and the proper time in the manufacture of animal feed and chicken to get protein and carbohydrate levels optimal, in the production of chicken feed The materials used include: 1). Waste of fish, obtained from fish processing factories in Sidoarjo, 2). Leucaena leaves, obtained in the courtyard around the campus and houses, 3). Bran, obtained in traditional markets, 4). Rice com, obtained in traditional markets, 5). Waste Ruminant, obtained from the slaughterhouse cattle. Tool - is a screening tool used, Disc mill, Beaker glass, mixer, Incubator, Oven Electric. The treatments are carried out Proportion of Raw Materials and Microbes: (I :0,3, 1 :0,4, 1:0,5, I :0,6, 1:0,7), Fermentation time (day): (2 , 4,6,8,10). Conditions that remains is Operation Temperature: 300C, pH: 6.5 The results can be concluded that the acquisition of the best protein content on fermentation of animal feed is the protein content of 51.16%. Time to feed the fermentation process is best on day 6. Rumen of the best Weight is 700 gram


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    Kebutuhan sumber energi batubara untuk transportasi maupun industri mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat diberbagai kawasan dunia termasuk di Indonesia. Seiring dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan energi batubara yang sangat tinggi tersebut, ketersediaan cadangan batubara Indonesia yang berkalori tinggi terbatas semakin menyusut. Disamping itu, produksi residu dari proses pengilangan minyak bumi terus meningkat dan belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Oleh karena itu, perlu dicari teknologi yang tepat untuk memanfaatkan residu tersebut dalam meningkatkan kualitas batubara menjadi produk yang lebih bermanfaat. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan minyak residu dari Pertamina Cepu, Jawa Tengah, minyak tanah, dan batubara lignit dari tambang Batulicin, Kalimantan Selatan dengan ukuran 20 Mesh. Reaksi dilakukan dalam tangki berpengaduk dengan rasio batubara : minyak residu : minyak tanah = 1:1:1. penelitian dilakukan dengan variabel kondisi operasi seperti : temperatur reaksi dan waktu reaksi. Slurry yang dihasilkan disaring untuk memisahkan batubara dan minyak. Produk yang dihasilkan dikeringkan dalam oven kemudian dianalisa kadar air, kadar abu, volatile matter, fixed carbon dan nilai kalor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi operasi sangat berpengaruh pada perolehan distribusi produk batubara. Kondisi operasi yang relative baik diperoleh pada temperatur 200oC dan waktu reaksi 70 menit dengan perolehan : minyak: 25 ml, kadar air: 0,668%, kadar abu: 11,883%, volatile matter: 30,122%, fixed carbon: 57,377%, dan nilai kalor: 6692Kcal/kg

    Pengaruh Jumlah Industri dan Tenaga Kerja Terhadap Nilai Produksi Industri Formal Kecil

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    The purpose of this study to analyze the effect of the number of industries and labor on the value of production in small industries in Lamongan Regency using the Durbin-Watson test. The Durbin-Watson test is an autocorrelation test that assesses the presence of autocorrelation in residuals. Data taken from the Central Bureau of Statistics of Lamongan Regency. Furthermore, it was analyzed using SPSS assistance. Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that there is no autocorrelation between the number of industries and workers on the value of production in small industries in Lamongan Regency


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    Cassava-based bioethanol production process is done in a pilot-scale plan (capacity of 50 kg of cassava starch / process). This study aimed to study the effect of α-amylase enzyme doses were added at various temperature hydrolysis process and dosage Gluko Amylase enzymes are added at different time saccharification to glucose levels. Hydrolysis and saccharification reactor using a stirred tank reactor equipped with temperature control and extractor unit. The hydrolysis process is run with a ratio of 1: 4 (1 part of cassava starch + 4 parts water) and temperature maintained 90 ° C and processing time 1 hour. For Saccharification processes are studied temperature range 30-80 oC for 1-5 hours by adding a suitable enzyme dosage is executed. Furthermore, the solution was cooled to room temperature and carried out the extraction process for separation of solids (cake) and the solution. Glucose solution is fermented by adding yeast, Urea and NPK nutrients. The fermentation process carried out over 4 (four) days at a temperature of 30 oC. Fermentation products termed fermentation broth containing 6-9% alcohol. Purification process of fermentation broth using distillation apparatus equipped with reboiler, reflux column and a total condenser with fixed reboiler temperature 90 o C and maintained reflux temperature 75 o C. Results were analyzed ethanol content of alcohol. Relatively good results obtained on the addition of enzyme α-amylase enzyme of 200 ppm and 150 ppm Gluko amylase, saccharification at 60 o C for 3 hours which produce glucose level 160 g / L. Bioethanol is produced from a single stage distillation with reflux alcohol content ranges from 85% to 95% which can be used as Alternative Energy. Keywords: Bio-Ethanol, Alternative Energy, Cassava, hydrolysis


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    One of the terminology that emerged in the world of education is Benchmarking which was born from the business world and began to be applied in the world of education. Benchmarking is used as one of the methods in improving the quality of education by imitating, imitating, measuring or comparing by one organization or institution against other superior or even best organizations or institutions. How in the world of Islamic Education? efforts are needed to dig up information in the teachings of Islam, especially in the main sources of Islamic teachings, namely the Qur'an and Hadith relating to the aim of improving the quality or improvement of the quality of Islamic education. Through a study of the concepts of educational development of the Islamic Khazanah that is available through various literatures, such as Books, Books, journals, to related articles there are no special Terminologies found in common with Benchmarking. However, in the application and steps taken in the Benchmarking concept can be found several Islamic terminology that has a similar value in it. like the concept of Uswah, Muhasabah and Fastabiqul Khairat. Thus, in further research it will be interesting to study more deeply about the application of Uswah, Muhasabah and Fastabiqul Khairat terminology to be applied in improving the quality of Islamic education.Keywords: Benchmarking, Teladan, Islamic Educatio