35 research outputs found

    The Winding Road to Discovering the Link between Genetic Material and DNA

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    This is an account of the three-centuries long journey to the discovery of the link between DNA and the transformation principle of heredity beginning with the discovery of the cell in 1665 and leading up to the 1953 discovery of the genetic code and the structure of DNA.  This account also illustrates the way science works and how scientists do science as well as the fact that scientists are also subject to the same human foibles and short-comings as people in any field of endeavor.  Their use of the scientific method helps them find the path back from false starts and erroneous conclusions but does not assure a smooth progression toward the truth.  What emerges from this example is the scientists’ search for explanations based on empirical evidence, with the goal of trying to disapprove, rather than prove, a given theory and explanation.  As scientific knowledge increases, answers to scientific questions may become outdated, or they may generate a new set of questions that require new ways of thinking and conducting experiments.  Science educators have already recognized the value of historical materials and events in fostering an accurate understanding of science and in achieving desirable, positive and realistic attitudes toward science and in developing scientifically aware citizens. This is simple because the history of science can provide a vital background for students, detailing how science and scientists work and how scientific knowledge is created, validated, and influenced. However, desirable attitudes and behaviors toward science are not likely to be achieved unless history of science is learned and appreciated by all young citizens. Thus, there is a need for educators to involve, investigate, and explore the application of historical science and to show how this can contribute to accurately and explicitly show what science is, how it works, how scientists operate as a social group and how human societies direct and react to scientific endeavors both locally and globally (McComas, 2015, Cherif, 1988, Klopfer, 1969). And it is here where the history of science, the nature of science and how scientists do science is of enduring interest to us as well as to many educators in the scientific community. For those who might use this essay as classroom reading material, we provide a set of questions as an appendix that teachers and faculty may use to reinforce understanding of the essay.   Key Words: DNA, Genetic Code, Scientific inquiry, scientific discovery, Scientific method, Empirical evidence, Theory and explanation, How science works, Humanity and civic engagemen

    Microarray Analysis of Bacterial Gene Expression: Towards the Regulome

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    Microarray technology allows co-regulated genes to be identified. In order to identify genes that are controlled by specific regulators, gene expression can be compared in mutant and wild-type bacteria. However, there are a number of pitfalls with this approach; in particular, the regulator may not be active under the conditions in which the wild-type strain is cultured. Once co-regulated genes have been identified, proteinbinding motifs can be identified. By combining these data with a map of promoters, or operons (the operome), the regulatory networks in the cell (the regulome) can start to be built up

    Brain Talking: Classroom Activity to Engage Students in Deep and Meaningful Learning

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    One of the best ways to take care of ourselves is to take care of our own brain. To do so, we need to individually learn both how our brain functions and how to know it is healthy and functional, at an optimal level, throughout our life span. After all, using Mariettle DiChristina’s (the chief editor of the Scientific American) words, our gelatin-like brain contains all that makes us who we are, including our hopes and dreams (2016, p. 6).  We do know that brain aging starts early (Sandres, 2016).  In the hopes of increasing brain health and learning about the human brain, we designed role play learning activities and sets of related assignments for students to learn about brain structure, function, and how such learning can enhance our understanding of how to protect our brain from various mental disorders/health problems and to optimize its function and in turn the quality of our own lives. If we want to stay fit, feel better, look younger, and live a healthy, longer life with sharp memory and high mental function, then the pathway to achieve all these is through meaningful understanding of our brain through purposefully well designed learning tasks.  We have designed a scenario through which students are actively engaged in a purposeful redesign of the human brain through a role-play pedagogical learning approach. Students adapt or change different parts of the brain and compete for permission to alter the structure and the function of a given part for a purposeful reason. Throughout the processes, students conduct research, work individually and in collaboration with others in groups. Students form and present informative and research-based supportive arguments in open forums. Through this role-play, teachers and instructors provide initial resources for the students, and then continue to provide effective feedback to support student learning and extend it to higher levels.  Role-play has been shown to increase interaction and engagement by placing students in an active role in the classroom as they act out behaviors, concerns, and actions associated with a character. Students who act out assumed roles have also been shown to gain new perspectives and grow a deeper understanding of what it would be like to be that character in real life (Cherif and Somervill, 1995). The hope is that by learning about the brain in early school years, not only do we stay mentally sharp but also we are able to continue to have new learning experiences and live life to the fullest throughout our entire life span. Keywords: Brain, Role play, Active learning, Student’s engagement, Effective instruction, Brain disorders, Healthy life-span

    Which Sweetener Is Best for Yeast? An Inquiry-Based Learning For Conceptual Change

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    One way to help students understand the scientific inquiry process, and how it applies in investigative research, is to involve them in scientific investigation.  An example of this would be letting them come to their own understanding of how different variables (e.g., starting products) can affect outcomes (e.g., variable quality end products) (e.g., Cherif, Gialams & Siuda, 1998; Puche & Holt, 2012; Hazzard, 2012).  In this inquiry based learning activity, students work logically and systematically to design a scientific study geared to investigate the question of sweetener preference for yeast.  In doing this, they learn to use skills associated with inquiry such as problem solving and communication–--including the scientific practices of hypothesizing, investigating, observing, explaining, and evaluating (e.g., Cherif, 1988; NRC, 2011; Robinson, Nieh, & Goodale, 2012).  They enforce their understanding of learned concepts and skills by communicating what they have learned through the process of writing a scientific paper aimed at publication in a peer reviewed scientific journal.  In doing so, they learn how scientists practice science, learn cross-disciplinary science concepts and core ideas, and discover implications and applications for the results and findings of the investigative inquiry.  In this paper, we also provide the necessary background and information teachers and student-teachers need to help them to feel confident and competent in carrying out the learning activities with their students and be able to answer unanticipated questions. Keywords: Inquiry-based learning, student success, sweeteners, yeast, fermentation, scientific metho

    Instructional Strategies for Motivating and Engraining Generation Z Students in Their Own Learning Process

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    In the last few years, a number of significant research studies were conducted focusing on identifying and determining the root cause and also factors that critically contribute to students failure and success in higher education. These studies have enabled educators to evaluate the underlying causes by analyzing different perspectives presented by students, faculty and academic leaders. Various studies were conducted and published in the past that have addressed the same issue. For example, in three related studies conducted and presented at the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) conference in Chicago, Illinois, the surveyed participants (students, faculty, and academic leaders) provided concrete root-cause factors for student’s failure at college and university level. Student’s academic readiness, self-motivation, study habits, and students attitude towards education were the most mentioned root-causes by both, faculty and academic leaders (Appendix 1). During the studies, all participants agreed upon the fact that in order to succeed, students should have clear mindsets and should be aware of the reasons and requirements they will need to meet in order to enroll in a specific course. They should be thoroughly aware of their purpose for attending a school beyond just getting passing grades and a degree to get jobs.   However, all three surveyed groups strongly believe that it is not only the student’s responsibility, but also the responsibility of instructors and college administration to keep students motivated after admitting them to their colleges, programs, and courses (Cherif, Movahedzadeh, Adams, Martyn 2013; 2014; 2015).  In this paper, we explore the implementation of some proposed recommendations from various research studies for improving students learning and instructors teaching in a classroom setting. Keywords: Modern students, Motivations; Student academic performance and retention, Student success. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-3-0

    Where Have the Beans Been? Student-Driven Laboratory Learning Activities with Legumes for Conceptual Change

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    Accessible, familiar, relevant, effective and expansive teaching and learning resources is the dream of every teacher and educator throughout all types of educational systems. Furthermore, engaging students in meaningful scientific investigations using familiar objects inspire students to make the needed connection with the science concept being introduced.  Actively engaging in solving problems, and arriving at empirically based conclusions, leads to a lasting effect on students’ learning; what is more, a deep appreciation of science and the real understanding of the scientific process is fostered.  In this paper, we provide a set of laboratory-based activities using a variety of edible legumes (beans, peas, lentils, etc.) to introduce students to various STEM concepts in integrated, empirical investigations.  Legumes have been grown throughout the world, and have been cultivated since ancient times for more than 11,000 years.  The seeds of legumes come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and are known for their differing nutritional values based on their content. But most of all, they are accessible, familiar, real and relevant, and are limitless in terms of locales where they can be found.  It is precisely these reason that make them an effective teaching and learning resource in the laboratory classroom settings.  Throughout all these laboratory learning activities, students engage in hands-on experiments, conducting research, engage in productive discussion, write scientific papers, and present their findings within a scientific framework.  Through these set of inquiry activities, teachers and students will never look at beans in the same way again.  Perhaps in fact, teachers may even consider them as one of their best teaching and learning resources. Finally, the appendix section offers more ideas that support the teachers whom is introducing these scientific concepts with the use of legumes.  We include additional ideas, information, activities, and questions (complete with answers) that we feel students may ask during the learning process. In doing so, we aim to save time and energy for those teachers who wish to use and/or adapt the suggested laboratory learning activities as a means of introducing conceptual changes. Keywords: Legumes, Science Inquiry, Laboratory experiments, Learning science, Effective learning resources.

    The case for hypervirulence through gene deletion in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

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    Deletion of genes in a pathogen is commonly associated with a reduction in its ability to cause disease. However, some rare cases have been described in the literature whereby deletion of a gene results in an increase in virulence. Recently, there have been several reports of hypervirulence resulting from gene deletion in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Here, we explore this phenomenon in the context of the interaction between the pathogen and the host response

    Not All the Organelles of Living Cells Are Equal! Or Are They? Engaging Students in Deep Learning and Conceptual Change

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    The cell is the fundamental basis for understanding biology much like the atom is the fundamental basis for understanding physics. Understanding biology requires the understanding of the fundamental functions performed by components within each cell. These components, or organelles, responsible for both maintenance and functioning of the cell comprise to form a dynamically stable ecosystem.  The secret of achieving this noble and desirable efficiency rely on the structural and functional variations of the organelles within the cell; they each carry out specific jobs within the cell resulting in a smooth, running process that would be the envy of any industrial manager. In this role-playing learning activity, we aim to engage students in deep learning that leads to cognitive and conceptual change by forcing them to be and to actively act as those organelles within the cell.  It is centered on the idea that a number of organelles within the eukaryotic cells are strongly “protesting” the “privilege” that mitochondria and chloroplasts have within the living cells (both in single and multi-cellular organisms).  They are protesting the structural and functional privileges that other organelles lack, but the mitochondria and chloroplasts have. Students will have to understand an explore the reasons for the differences among all the organelles and how they differ in importance and function, especially in regards to interactions between organelles within each cell and how it contributes to the life of the cell as a whole..  After all, as it has been stated by NGS (2007) “a human cell reveals our inner architecture” (p. 40). Keywords: Living cells, organelles, role-playing, analogy, instructional approach, intentional learners, student success

    Has the Time Come to Start a Dialogue About the Role of Nutrition and Our Inner Microbiomes In Education? Teacher and Faculty Perspectives

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    The purpose of this study is to determine if educational professionals at the high school and college levels believe that their students should be required to complete a Health and Nutrition and/or a Microbiology course for graduation. The study used both a descriptive survey and a questionnaire as data collection instruments. The study population was comprised of 655 teachers and instructors from high schools, colleges and universities across the U.S.A.   Quantitative analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics. Qualitative analysis of open ended responses was organized into multiple themes. While all the participants strongly agreed that our nation (U.S.A.) is facing critical challenges in overcoming the new trends in obesity, diabetes, infectious diseases and other related epidemics, as well as on the role of education in solving the matters, they differ on what to do and how to prepare the current and future generations. At the college level, while over half of all the participants (61.22%) preferred to see Microbiology as a part of the graduation requirement from college, only 41.22% of the same participants felt comfortable in making Nutrition a part of the graduation requirement.  At the high school level, while 42.59% of all the participants saw no problem in including Nutrition as a part of the graduation requirement from high school, only 10.53% of the same participants felt comfortable including Microbiology as a graduation requirement from high school.  More detailed outcomes are presented in this paper. However, more participating college instructors compared to high school teachers did not think either of the topics should be mandated for graduation from high school or college; the only exception would be if these two fields of study were part of their selected academic program. Instead, this group of participants suggested making changes to existing course design and content (such as the required “health” or Biology classes), which would offer valuable additions to the existing curriculum and prepare students in health and nutrition. Finally, almost all of the participants provided various reasons and justifications for their perspectives on the matter.  The study also shows a significant role for administrators and academic leaders in this requirement process (decision making process for the curricula). Recommendations based on the findings are provided and discussed below. Keywords: General education, Nutrition, Microbiology, Human Microbiomes, Obesity, Diabetes, Illness prevention, Infectious diseases, Education, burden of disease, educational reform

    A two-step strategy for the complementation of M. tuberculosis mutants

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    The sequence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, completed in 1998, facilitated both the development of genomic tools, and the creation of a number of mycobacterial mutants. These mutants have a wide range of phenotypes, from attenuated to hypervirulent strains. These phenotypes must be confirmed, to rule out possible secondary mutations that may arise during the generation of mutant strains. This may occur during the amplification of target genes or during the generation of the mutation, thus constructing a complementation strain, which expresses the wild-type copy of the gene in the mutant strain, becomes necessary. In this study we have introduced a two-step strategy to construct complementation strains using the Ag85 promoter. We have constitutively expressed dosR and have shown dosR expression is restored to wild-type level