Not All the Organelles of Living Cells Are Equal! Or Are They? Engaging Students in Deep Learning and Conceptual Change


The cell is the fundamental basis for understanding biology much like the atom is the fundamental basis for understanding physics. Understanding biology requires the understanding of the fundamental functions performed by components within each cell. These components, or organelles, responsible for both maintenance and functioning of the cell comprise to form a dynamically stable ecosystem.  The secret of achieving this noble and desirable efficiency rely on the structural and functional variations of the organelles within the cell; they each carry out specific jobs within the cell resulting in a smooth, running process that would be the envy of any industrial manager. In this role-playing learning activity, we aim to engage students in deep learning that leads to cognitive and conceptual change by forcing them to be and to actively act as those organelles within the cell.  It is centered on the idea that a number of organelles within the eukaryotic cells are strongly “protesting” the “privilege” that mitochondria and chloroplasts have within the living cells (both in single and multi-cellular organisms).  They are protesting the structural and functional privileges that other organelles lack, but the mitochondria and chloroplasts have. Students will have to understand an explore the reasons for the differences among all the organelles and how they differ in importance and function, especially in regards to interactions between organelles within each cell and how it contributes to the life of the cell as a whole..  After all, as it has been stated by NGS (2007) “a human cell reveals our inner architecture” (p. 40). Keywords: Living cells, organelles, role-playing, analogy, instructional approach, intentional learners, student success

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