30 research outputs found

    Studio fitosociologico delle cenosi a Carex microcarpa Bertol. ex Moris della Sardegna meridionale

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    Phytosociological study on Carex microcarpa Bertol. ex Moris communities in southern Sardinia (Italy). Results of a phytosociological study on Carex microcarpa Bertol. ex Moris communities in southern Sardinia (Italy), are herein presented. For the vegetation analysis ten phytosociological relevés, five soil profiles and a bioclimatic analysis on thermopluviometric stations present in Sulcis-Iglesiente and Sarrabus-Gerrei regions, were carried out. All data were elaborated and subsequently submitted to multivariate statistical analysis. This permitted to recognize two principal groups that correspond with to two different subassociations which are vicarious in relation to the substrate and its physical chemistry features. All relevés are referable to the Hyperico hircini-Caricetum microcarpae ass. nova. In particular those of the former group belong to the typical subassociation oenanthetosum crocatae subass. nova. and those of the second one to adiantetosum capilli-veneris subass. nova. The typical subassociation develops on deep, very rich in humus, from subalkaline to neutral and with limited slope soils. The adiantetosum capilli-veneris subassociation develops on very wet substrate, it is characteristic of dripping rocks and spring areas. The communities are syntaxonomically related to the Sardo-Corsican endemic alliance Caricion microcarpae

    A Phytosociological study of the deciduous oak woods of Sardinia (Italy)

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    We present here the results from a phytosociological and synchorological study of the deciduous oak woods of Sardinia. This vegetation analysis has allowed the individuation of three new associations: Lonicero implexae-Quercetum virgilianae, Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Quercetum ichnusae and Glechomo sardoae-Quercetum congestae. The Lonicero implexae-Quercetum virgilianae association includes the woods on calcareous substrata spread throughout Northern Sardinia, which can occasionally be found in southern areas; the first of these are rich in mesophilous species and are attributed to the subassociation cyclaminetosum repandi, while the others are referred to quercetosum virgilianae. The Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Quercetum ichnusae association, more widely distributed in Central-Northern Sardinia, includes the climatophilous deciduous woods that are found on lithological substrata of a non-carbonatic nature, and in particular, on andesites, trachytes and metarenites. The typical aspect is referred to the subassociation cytisetosum villosi, while the subassociation ilicetosum aquifolii includes the more mesophilous woods on basaltic substrata. The Glechomo sardoae- Quercetum congestae association always includes the woods found on the non-carbonatic substrata in the higher altitude areas with an oceanic pluviseasonal temperate bioclimate. Of this, the subassociation quercetosum congestae, on the granite areas, and oenanthetosum pimpinelloidis, on those metamorphic and of basalt, are proposed. At the higher hierarchical levels, the association Lonicero implexae-Quercetum virgilianae is referred to the endemic Sardinian-Corsican suballiance Clematido cirrhosae-Quercenion ilicis, of the alliance Fraxino orni-Quercion ilicis, while for the other associations the new suballiance Paeonio morisii-Quercenion ichnusae, (holotypus: Glechoma sardoae-Quercetum congestae ass. nova) particular to the Sardinian biogeographic subprovince, is proposed, of the alliance Pino calabricae-Quercion congestae, the order Quercetalia pubescentipetraeae, and the class Querco roboris-Fagetea sylvatica

    La flora endemica del Sarrabus-Gerrei: un patrimonio da tutelare e gestire

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    Il presente contributo si inserisce nell’ambito degli studi di carattere geobotanico che gli autori conducono da circa tre anni nei territori del Sarrabus e del Gerrei localizzati nella Sardegna sud-orientale. Tale ricerca si sviluppa anche in relazione agli studi che hanno interessato l’ultimo decennio i territori del Sulcis e che attualmente riguardano anche il sottosettore dell’Iglesiente. Lo scopo di questa indagine è quello di analizzare la componente floristica endemica ad oggi conosciuta per il Sarrabus e il Gerrei e di confrontarla con quella della Sardegna

    L' esplorazione floristica nel Sulcis (Sardegna sud-occidentale)

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    Here is show the account of floristic exploration in the Sulcis area. This study is based on existing bibliography and has been done through herbarium researches in the main national and international centres. The investigations allowed to take a census of all the works carried out in the Sulcis area, to verify the authors and the explored environment as well as the exsiccata stored in the various herbarium. From the analysis emerges that the coastal and the lagoon areas have been deeply studied since the second half of the XVIth century, the hill and the foot of the mountain areas since after the second world war, while the mountain areas and the rivers are nowadays still less known and sometimes totally unexplored. Is finally put in evidence which areas have a greater need to be researched both from floristic and vegetational point of view

    La vegetazione degli habitats terrestri della riserva marina protetta di Capo Carbonara (Sardegna sud-orientale)

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    The coastal vegetation of SE Sardinia, near Villasimius, has been studied throught the phytosociological method ad described in relation to taken stations. The syntaxonomical schema of the found vegetational units is presented. Among the several phytosociological associations founded during the field survey a new one is pointed out: Phagnalo saxatili-Calicotometum villosae. In the wole area there are 6 Community Importance Sites (C.I.S.) according to EEC Directive 92/43, with high biodiversity degree

    La vegetazione psammofila costiera nella Sardegna meridionale

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    A phytosociological study of the deciduous oak woods of Sardinia (Italy)

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    We present here the results from a phytosociological and synchorological study of the deciduous oak woods of Sardinia. This vegetation analysis has allowed the individuation of three new associations: Lonicero implexae-Quercetum virgilianae, Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Quercetum ichnusae and Glechomo sardoae-Quercetum congestae. The Lonicero implexae-Quercetum virgilianae association includes the woods on calcareous substrata spread throughout Northern Sardinia, which can occasionally be found in southern areas; the first of these are rich in mesophilous species and are attributed to the subassociation cyclaminetosum repandi, while the others are referred to quercetosum virgilianae. The Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Quercetum ichnusae association, more widely distributed in Central-Northern Sardinia, includes the climatophilous deciduous woods that are found on lithological substrata of a non-carbonatic nature, and in particular, on andesites, trachytes and metarenites. The typical aspect is referred to the subassociation cytisetosum villosi, while the subassociation ilicetosum aquifolii includes the more mesophilous woods on basaltic substrata. The Glechomo sardoae- Quercetum congestae association always includes the woods found on the non-carbonatic substrata in the higher altitude areas with an oceanic pluviseasonal temperate bioclimate. Of this, the subassociation quercetosum congestae, on the granite areas, and oenanthetosum pimpinelloidis, on those metamorphic and of basalt, are proposed. At the higher hierarchical levels, the association Lonicero implexae-Quercetum virgilianae is referred to the endemic Sardinian-Corsican suballiance Clematido cirrhosae-Quercenion ilicis, of the alliance Fraxino orni-Quercion ilicis, while for the other associations the new suballiance Paeonio morisii-Quercenion ichnusae, (holotypus: Glechoma sardoae-Quercetum congestae ass. nova) particular to the Sardinian biogeographic subprovince, is proposed, of the alliance Pino calabricae-Quercion congestae, the order Quercetalia pubescentipetraeae, and the class Querco roboris-Fagetea sylvaticae

    Su alcune formazioni a Olea europaea L. var. sylvestris Brot. della Sardegna

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    On the Olea europaea L. var. sylvestris Brot. woodlands in Sardinia.The phytosociological analysis of Olea europaea. var. sylvestris woodlands occurring in Sardinia are here presented. The following sintaxa are described for the first time: Cyclamino repandi-Oleetum sylvestris and Myrto communis-Oleetum sylvestris are referred to the Quercion ilicis alliance while Asparago acutifolii-Oleetum sylvestris and Asparago albi-Oleetum sylvestris are referred to the Oleo-Ceratonion alliance

    Su alcune formazioni a <i>Olea europaea</i> L. var. <i>sylvestris</i> Brot. della Sardegna

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    On the Olea europaea L. var. sylvestris Brot. woodlands in Sardinia.The phytosociological analysis of Olea europaea. var. sylvestris woodlands occurring in Sardinia are here presented. The following sintaxa are described for the first time: Cyclamino repandi-Oleetum sylvestris and Myrto communis-Oleetum sylvestris are referred to the Quercion ilicis alliance while Asparago acutifolii-Oleetum sylvestris and Asparago albi-Oleetum sylvestris are referred to the Oleo-Ceratonion alliance

    Investigation on the Reflection Coefficient for Seawalls Protected by a Rubble Mound Structure

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    Sea wave reflection from coastal protection structures is one of the main issues in the coastal design process. Several empirical formulas have been proposed so far to predict reflection coefficient from rubble mound breakwaters and smooth slopes. The aim of this study is to investigate wave reflection from a rubble mound structure placed in front of a vertical concrete seawall. Several experimental tests were performed on a two-dimensional wave flume by reproducing on a rubble mound structure with a steep single primary layer armored with a novel artificial unit. A new approach for the prediction of the reflection coefficient based on dimensional analysis is also proposed, and a new empirical equation is derived. The performance of the proposed equation was compared with widespread existing formulas, and a good accuracy was found