345 research outputs found

    Policy environment and male circumcision for HIV prevention: Findings from a situation analysis study in Tanzania

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Male circumcision (MC) has been shown to be effective against heterosexual acquisition of HIV infection and is being scaled up as an additional strategy against HIV in several countries of Africa. However, the policy environment (whether to formulate new specific policy on MC or adapts the existing ones); and the role of various stakeholders in the MC scale up process in Tanzania was unclear. We conducted this study as part of a situation analysis to understand the attitudes of policy makers and other key community and health authority decision makers towards MC, policy and regulatory environment, and the readiness of a health system to accommodate scaling up of MC services.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted 36 key informants' interviews with a broad range of informants including civil servants, religious leaders, cultural and traditional gatekeepers and other potential informants. Study informants were selected at the national level, regional, district and community levels to represent both traditionally circumcising and non-circumcising communities.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Study informants had positive attitudes and strong beliefs towards MC. Key informants in traditionally non-circumcising districts were willing to take their sons for medically performed MC. Religious leaders and traditional gatekeepers supported MC as it has been enshrined in their holy scripts and traditional customs respectively. Civil servants highlighted the need for existence of enabling policy and regulatory environment in the form of laws, regulations and guidelines that will ensure voluntary accessibility, acceptability, quality and safety for those in need of MC services. Majority of informants urged the government to make improvements in the health system at all levels to ensure availability of adequate trained personnel, infrastructure, equipment, and supplies for MC scale up, and insisted on the involvement of different MC stakeholders as key components in effective roll out of medically performed MC programme in the country.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Findings from the situation analysis in Tanzania have shown that despite the absence of a specific policy on MC, basic elements of enabling policy environment at national, regional, district and community levels are in place for the implementation of MC scale up programme.</p

    Foot-and-mouth disease in Tanzania from 2001 to 2006.

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    Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is endemic in Tanzania, with outbreaks occurring almost each year in different parts of the country. There is now a strong political desire to control animal diseases as part of national poverty alleviation strategies. However, FMD control requires improving the current knowledge on the disease dynamics and factors related to FMD occurrence so control measures can be implemented more efficiently. The objectives of this study were to describe the FMD dynamics in Tanzania from 2001 to 2006 and investigate the spatiotemporal patterns of transmission. Extraction maps, the space-time K-function and space-time permutation models based on scan statistics were calculated for each year to evaluate the spatial distribution, the spatiotemporal interaction and the spatiotemporal clustering of FMD-affected villages. From 2001 to 2006, 878 FMD outbreaks were reported in 605 different villages of 5815 populated places included in the database. The spatial distribution of FMD outbreaks was concentrated along the Tanzania-Kenya, Tanzania-Zambia borders, and the Kagera basin bordering Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania. The spatiotemporal interaction among FMD-affected villages was statistically significant (P≤0.01) and 12 local spatiotemporal clusters were detected; however, the extent and intensity varied across the study period. Dividing the country in zones according to their epidemiological status will allow improving the control of FMD and delimiting potential FMD-free areas

    Risk factors for placental malaria and associated adverse pregnancy outcomes in Rufiji, Tanzania: a hospital based cross sectional study

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    Background: Prevention and treatment of malaria during pregnancy is crucial for reduction of malaria in pregnancy and its adverse outcomes. The spread of parasite resistance to Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine (SP) used for Intermittent Preventive Treatment for malaria in pregnancy (IPTp), particularly in East Africa has raised concerns about the usefulness and the reliability of the IPTp regimen. We aimed to  assess the effectiveness of two doses of SP in treating and preventing occurrence of adverse pregnancy outcomes.Methodology: The study was an analytical cross sectional study which enrolled 350 pregnant women from Kibiti Health Centre, South Eastern Tanzania. Structured questionnaires were used to obtain  previous obstetrics and medical history of participants and verified by reviewing antenatal clinic cards. Maternal placental blood samples for microscopic examination of malaria parasites were collected after delivery. Data was analyzed for associations between SP dosage, risk for PM and pregnancy outcome. Sample size was estimated based on precisionResults: Prevalence of placental maternal (PM) was 8% among pregnant women (95%CI, 4.4-13.1%). Factors associated with increased risk of PM were primigravidity (P&lt;0.001) and history of fever during pregnancy (P= 0.02). Use of at least 2 doses of SP for IPTp during pregnancy was insignificantly associated with reducing the risk PM (P=0.08), low birth weight (P=0.73) and maternal anemia (P=0.71) but associated significantly with reducing the risk of preterm birth (P&lt;0.001).Conclusion: Two doses of SP for IPTp regime are ineffective in preventing and treating PM and adverse pregnancy outcome. Hence a review to the current IPTp regimen should be considered with possibility of integrating it with other malaria control strategies.Keywords: Placental malaria, intermittent preventive treatment, Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine, Malaria in pregnanc

    Knowledge, attitude and practice in relation to Antimicrobial residues in beef among residents in Dodoma Region

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    The safety of food of animal origin is of concern in the developing countries. Some of the antimicrobial agents that are used for the treatment of animal diseases seem to occur in the animal products. The knowledge, attitude and practice in relation to oxytetracycline (OTC) residues in beef among residents in Dodoma Region, Tanzania were evaluated. A cross sectional study included interviewing 254 randomly chosen respondents was conducted. Fifty two percent of the respondents were not aware of drug residues, 57% never heard about drug residues in food of animal origin such as milk and meat, 35% know residues can be harmful to human and 61% did not know if animals are treated with antimicrobial drugs when they were sick. Only 27% of the respondents knew common antimicrobial agents that cause residues in animal meat and milk and were able to mention. Majority of respondents (74%) did not know any method for the prevention of antimicrobial residues. Fifty six percent of the age group of 20-35 years purchased meat from butcheries. Secondary school (68.4%) and College (52.9%) respondents purchased meat from butcheries&nbsp; compared to informal (23.8%) and primary (49.2%) respectively that purchased meat locally within the villages. Majority of informal (66.7%) and primary (47.6%) respondents purchased meat locally within the villages. The differences were strongly significant p&lt; 0.0001. Women (57.1%) used one hour to prepare meat. Age group 20-35 years (88.1%) prepared meat by cooking. Age group of 36-45 years prepared meat for 1 hour and 2 hours. College respondents (68.8%) barbequing meat compared to smoking and freezing. The results in this study indicate that respondents had low knowledge and awareness on antimicrobial use and drug residues. This might be due to low level of education of respondents as majority of them had informal and primary education. Many of the drug respondents were not aware of the drug residues and did not know antibiotic residues can have effects in human health. Community based health education and promotion on antimicrobial use and preventing drug residues is highly recommended to this population. Key words: knowledge, attitude, practice, residues in beef, residents, Dodoma Region, Tanzani

    The Sexual health of pupils in years 4 to 6 of primary schools in rural Tanzania

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    Background/objectives: There is an urgent need for effective interventions to improve the sexual and\ud reproductive health of adolescents. Reliable data on the sexual health of adolescents are needed to guide\ud the development of such interventions. The aim was to describe the sexual health of pupils in years 4 to 6 of\ud 121 rural primary schools in north western Tanzania, before the implementation of an innovative sexual\ud health intervention in 58 of the schools.\ud Methods: A cross sectional survey of primary school pupils in rural Tanzania was carried out. The study\ud population comprised pupils registered in years 4 to 6 of 121 primary schools in 20 rural communities in\ud 1998. Basic demographic information was collected from all pupils seen. Those born before 1 January\ud 1985 (aged approximately 14 years and over) were invited to participate in the survey, and asked about\ud their knowledge and attitudes towards sexual health issues, and their sexual experience. A urine specimen\ud was requested and tested for HIV, Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) and, for\ud females, pregnancy.\ud Results: 9283 pupils born before 1 January 1985 were enrolled and provided demographic information\ud and a urine sample. Male pupils were significantly older than females (mean age 15.5 years v 14.8 years,\ud p,0.001), but all other demographic characteristics were similar between the sexes. 14 (0.2%) of the\ud enrolled pupils (four male and 10 female) were HIV positive, 83 (0.9%) were positive for CT, and 12\ud (0.1%) for NG. 32 female pupils (0.8%) were positive by pregnancy test. Sexual experience was reported\ud by one fifth of primary school girls, and by almost half of boys. Only 45/114 (39%) girls with biological\ud markers of sexual activity reported having had sex.\ud Conclusions: HIV, CT, NG, and pregnancy were present though at relatively low levels among pupils in\ud years 4 to 6 of primary school. A high proportion of pupils with a biological marker of sexual activity\ud denied ever having had sex. Alternative ways of collecting sensitive data about the sexual behaviour of\ud school pupils should be explored

    Efficacy of a low-dose ferric-EDTA in reducing iron deficiency anaemia among underfive children living in malaria-holoendemic district of Mvomero, Tanzania

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    Iron deficiency anaemia is a public health problem in Tanzania especially among children under the age of five years. In malaria holoendemic areas, control of anaemia by supplementation with iron has been reported to increase serious adverse events. The World Health Organization recommends that, programs to control anaemia in such areas should go concurrently with malaria control programmes. The objectives of the study were to: (i) to determine if a supplement providing 2.5 mg of iron as ferric EDTA and 2.5 mg of iron as ferrous lactate (low dose) is as effective in correcting anaemia as a supplement providing the standard 10 mg of iron as ferrous lactate (high dose); and ii) determine if iron supplementation increased the risk of malaria. This study was carried out in Mvomero District of east-central Tanzania. Two groups (69 and 70 subjects per treatment) of moderately anaemic children (7.0–9.1 g of Hb/dl), received one of the two micronutrient supplements differing only in iron content for a period of 60 days. Results showed that, the average haemoglobin (Hb) concentration improved from 8.30±0.60 g/dl to 11.08±1.25 g/dl. The average weight-for-age for all children increased from 16.0 to 20.6% while their weight-for-height increased from 4.0 to 13.3%. The incidence of asymptomatic and symptomatic malaria ranged from 10.0 to 10.4% at all time points with no apparent increase in malaria severity due to iron supplementation. Overall, there was a significant reduction in anaemia during the 60 day supplementation period. This study demonstrated that, micronutrient supplements containing low-dose ferric-EDTA is just as effective as the high dose iron in reducing anaemia and can be safely utilized in malaria holoendemic areas to control iron deficiency anaemia. It is recommended that, a large study should be conducted to affirm the effectiveness of the low-dose ferric-EDTA in controlling iron deficiency anaemia among underfive children

    Evaluation of Enzymatic Activity during Growth of Pleurotus HK 37 on Saba comorensis Exocarp

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    Mushrooms degrade lignocellulosic biomass by releasing lignolytic and hydrolytic enzymes which convert lignocellulosic material into soluble and low molecular weight compounds which are then absorbed as nutrients. In the present study, enzymatic activities of Pleurotus HK 37 during growth on Saba comorensis exocarps were evaluated. It was observed that, Pleurotus HK 37 has ability to produce lignolytic enzyme (Laccase) and hydrolytic enzymes (Carboxymethyl cellulase, xylanase and filterpaperase). Maximum laccase activity of 3.33 ± 0 UmL-1 was observed during colonization period and the activity dropped during fruitification phase. Similar to hydrolytic enzymes, the activity was observed during colonization period and decreased during fruitification. However, higher filterpaperase activity of 0.93 ± 0.13 UmL–1 was observed compared to other hydrolytic enzymes (CMCase 0.78 ± 0.13 UmL–1, and Xylanase 0.56 ± 0.07 UmL–1). Pleurotus HK 37 showed ability to degrade Saba comorensis exocarps and to release enzymes which can be used in biotechnological industries. Keywords:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Mushroom, Lignolytic, Hydrolytic, Enzyme, Saba comorensi

    Analytical methods used in estimating the prevalence of HIV/AIDS from demographic and cross-sectional surveys with missing data: a systematic review.

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    BACKGROUND: Sero- prevalence studies often have a problem of missing data. Few studies report the proportion of missing data and even fewer describe the methods used to adjust the results for missing data. The objective of this review was to determine the analytical methods used for analysis in HIV surveys with missing data. METHODS: We searched for population, demographic and cross-sectional surveys of HIV published from January 2000 to April 2018 in Pub Med/Medline, Web of Science core collection, Latin American and Caribbean Sciences Literature, Africa-Wide Information and Scopus, and by reviewing references of included articles. All potential abstracts were imported into Covidence and abstracts screened by two independent reviewers using pre-specified criteria. Disagreements were resolved through discussion. A piloted data extraction tool was used to extract data and assess the risk of bias of the eligible studies. Data were analysed through a quantitative approach; variables were presented and summarised using figures and tables. RESULTS: A total of 3426 citations where identified, 194 duplicates removed, 3232 screened and 69 full articles were obtained. Twenty-four studies were included. The response rate for an HIV test of the included studies ranged from 32 to 96% with the major reason for the missing data being refusal to consent for an HIV test. Complete case analysis was the primary method of analysis used, multiple imputations 11(46%) was the most advanced method used, followed by the Heckman's selection model 9(38%). Single Imputation and Instrumental variables method were used in only two studies each, with 13(54%) other different methods used in several studies. Forty-two percent of the studies applied more than two methods in the analysis, with a maximum of 4 methods per study. Only 6(25%) studies conducted a sensitivity analysis, while 11(46%) studies had a significant change of estimates after adjusting for missing data. CONCLUSION: Missing data in survey studies is still a problem in disease estimation. Our review outlined a number of methods that can be used to adjust for missing data on HIV studies; however, more information and awareness are needed to allow informed choices on which method to be applied for the estimates to be more reliable and representative

    Food Insecurity and Intimate Partner Violence in Mwanza, Tanzania: A Longitudinal Analysis

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    Introduction: Food insecurity is a potential predictor of intimate partner violence. This study (1) describes the prevalence of food insecurity and various forms of intimate partner violence experience among women in Mwanza, Tanzania; and (2) assesses the effect of food insecurity and hunger on various forms of women's experience of intimate partner violence longitudinally. Methods: Women (aged 18–70 years) who reported being in a relationship in the past 12 months, who had participated in the control arms of two randomized controlled trials conducted as part of the MAISHA study were interviewed at four time points (N=1,004 at baseline in 2017). Analyses were conducted in 2022. Associations between food insecurity exposures and intimate partner violence outcomes were assessed, and univariate random effect logistic models were conducted to identify relevant sociodemographic variables (including age, education level, and SES) that were statistically significant. Multivariable random effects logistic models were conducted, including time as a fixed effect, to calculate odds ratios indicating associations between food insecurity exposures and intimate partner violence outcomes. Results: Prevalence of food insecurity was 47.7%, 55.6%, 47.2%, and 50.8% for each of the 4 waves, respectively, with significant difference in proportion of food insecurity between baseline and Wave 2. Multivariable random effects models indicated that food insecurity was associated with increased odds of exposure to all forms of intimate partner violence outcomes, and hunger was significantly associated with increased odds of experience of all intimate partner violence outcomes, apart from controlling behaviors. Conclusions: Results from this longitudinal analysis of food insecurity and women's reports of intimate partner violence experience in a low- and middle-income country setting indicate that food insecurity is significantly associated with all forms of intimate partner violence, apart from controlling behaviors, among women in this sample in Mwanza, Tanzania. Policy and programmatic implications include the need for integrated intimate partner violence prevention programming to take into account household food needs

    Prevalence,awareness and factors associated with hypertension in North West Tanzania.

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    BACKGROUND: Hypertension is a public health problem, and yet few people are aware of it and even fewer access effective treatment. With the ongoing demographic transition in many parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, people are changing from rural, manual work to urban lifestyles, hence the risk of hypertension increases. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed at determining the prevalence, awareness and risk factors associated with hypertension in North West Tanzania. DESIGN: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted among adults in Magu District in 2013. Information on socio-demographic, economic and lifestyle characteristics, medical conditions, and risk factors for hypertension were collected according to the WHO Steps survey tool. Measurements of blood pressure, blood sugar, pulse rate, and anthropometry were taken. Multivariate logistic regression was used to estimate the odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) for factors associated with hypertension (Blood pressure ≥140/90mm/Hg). Frequencies and percentages were used to determine the awareness, and treatment among hypertensive participants. RESULTS: Among 9678 participants, the prevalence of hypertension was 8.0% and pre-hypertension 36.2%. There was a higher prevalence of hypertension at older ages, among females (8.2%) compared to males (7.7%), and among urban dwellers (10.1%) compared to rural residents (6.8%). Overweight, obese, and diabetic individuals had a higher risk of hypertension while HIV positive participants had a lower risk of hypertension (OR = 0.56; 95% CI 0.39 - 0.79). Among participants with hypertension, awareness was less than 10%. CONCLUSION: By integrating blood pressure screening into our long-standing community HIV screening program, we were able to identify many previously undiagnosed cases of hypertension and pre-hypertension. Age, residence, overweight and obesity were the major associated factors for hypertension. Awareness and treatment rates are very low indicating the need for programs to improve awareness, and treatment of hypertension
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