508 research outputs found
Zur Wirksamkeit des Grundlagenmoduls des sächsischen Hochschuldidaktik-Zertifikates: eine qualitative Evaluationsstudie
Die vorliegende Evaluationsstudie wurde ergänzend zu bisherigen quantitativen Erhebungen des Hochschuldidaktischen Zentrum Sachsen (HDS) durchgeführt. Ziel war es, die subjektiven Lern- und Entwicklungsprozesse von Teilnehmenden zu rekonstruieren und mit den intendierten Zielen des Grundlagenmoduls des Sächsischen
Hochschuldidaktik-Zertifikates zu vergleichen, um so die Wirksamkeit des Programms abzuschätzen. Dazu wurden schriftliche Reflexionsberichte von Absolvent_innen des Grundlagenmoduls nach den Prinzipien der Grounded Theory im Hinblick auf Veränderungsauslöser und -bereiche thematisch analysiert. Es
ergaben sich fünf Kategorien, die Veränderungsauslöser und fünf Kategorien, die Lern- und Entwicklungsprozesse beschreiben. Am häufigsten berichten die Teilnehmenden von Veränderungen in ihrer Lehrgestaltung, am häufigsten ausgelöst durch Erfahrungen im Auftaktworkshop und in den Kollegialen Hospitationen in Modul 1. Der Vergleich von Programmtheorie und den Ergebnissen der Reflexionsanalysen zeigte hohe Übereinstimmungen zwischen intendierten Zielen und tatsächlich erzielten Wirkungen, was als Hinweis für die Wirksamkeit des Programms gewertet werden kann. Allerdings sind weiterführende Analysen nötig, um die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung zu bestätigen und weiter auszudifferenzieren
Wirksamkeit semesterbegleitender Schreibaufgaben in lektürebasierten Lehrveranstaltungen
Neben der Ausarbeitung von Referaten und Gruppendiskussionen bieten lektürebasierte Lehrveranstaltungen nur selten darüberhinausgehende angeleitete Lernanlässe. Statt einer kontinuierlichen Auseinandersetzung mit der Literatur zeigen Studierende zudem meist ein zeitlich stark verdichtetes Lern- und Arbeitsverhalten unmittelbar vor Prüfungen und Abgabefristen. Auf Grundlage des Writing-to-Learn-Ansatzes wurde eine Schreibintervention für lektürebasierte Lehrveranstaltungen im Hochschulstudium entwickelt und im Rahmen eines bildungswissenschaftlichen Moduls des Lehramtsstudiums erprobt. Die Intervention bestand aus 12 semesterbegleitenden Schreibaufgaben mit dem Ziel, ein kontinuierliches Textstudium anzuregen. Die Teilnahme war freiwillig. Um Dozierende nicht mit administrativen Aufgaben zu belasten, wurden Ausgabe und Einreichung der Schreibaufgaben über einen Chatbot realisiert. Die Wirksamkeit der Intervention wird anhand der Klausurergebnisse von 720 Lehramtsstudierenden bestimmt. Unter Einbezug von Kontrollvariablen mittels eines linearen Regressionsmodells zeigt die Teilnahme an der Schreibintervention einen moderat positiven Effekt auf das Klausurergebnis. Leistungsschwächere Studierende profitierten dabei etwas mehr von der Intervention als leistungsstärkere. (DIPF/Orig.
State of ions copper(II) and cobalt(II) in phase carboxyl cation resin according to the methods ESDR and EPR
The properties of the Tokheim-250 carboxylic cation exchange resin and its selectivity to Co2 + and Ni2+ ions are studied. The values of the sorption capacity for the Co2+ and Ni2+ ions, the effective ionization constant of the functional groups (pKa = 6,59), and the values of the ion distribution coefficients (~ 103) are calculated. Founded that the selectivity of the sorption of Co2+ increased to Ni2 +. In this regard, carboxylic cation exchanger Tokem-250 samples with nickel ion was used to create spherical catalysts. The developed spherical materials have catalytic activity in the reactions of deep and partial oxidation of n-heptane
New methods for quantification of amoxicillin and clindamycin in human plasma using HPLC with UV detection
OBJECTIVES: We aimed to develop simple and rapid HPLC methods for determination of amoxicillin and clindamycin in human plasma. METHODS: Plasma samples were pretreated by direct deproteinization with acetonitrile and the analytical separation took place on a reverse phase Poroshell 120 EC-C18 column (2.7 μm, 2.1 × 100 mm) with a gradient of acetonitrile. UV detection at 229 nm for amoxicillin and 204 nm for clindamycin was used for determination of the antibiotics in plasma. RESULTS: The calibration curves were linear over the concentration ranges of 1–100 mg/L for amoxicillin and 1–15 mg/L for clindamycin with a correlation coefficient of ≥0.98. Intra-assay precisions were all ≤15% and the accuracies were within ±15%. The limit of quantification (LOQ) was found to be 0.5 mg/L for amoxicillin and 1 mg/L for clindamycin with inter-assay imprecision coefficient of variances (CVs) of 18.7% and 15.6%, respectively. The present HPLC methods were successfully applied on spike-in samples and on plasma samples collected 4–6 and 3.5–5.5 h after oral antibiotic administration of 500 mg of amoxicillin and 600 mg of clindamycin, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: We have developed HPLC methods with UV detection for quantification of amoxicillin and clindamycin in human plasma. The methods are fast, simple and suitable for use in routine settings and clinical studies
Designing Digital Self-Assessment and Feedback Tools as Mentoring Interventions in Higher Education
Higher education in Germany traditionally follows a one-size-fits-all paradigm. The ignorance of diverse students’ needs jeopardizes high-quality and equal educational opportunities for all. Digital technologies can provide economical solutions to individualize teaching and learning, even in large university classes. However, their design has to incorporate pedagogical theories, specific contextual requirements, and users’ needs (Laurillard, 2008). In this project contribution, we want to demonstrate our approach to this challenge. We briefly describe how we connected the pedagogical concept of mentoring to theories of self-regulated learning and used this as a framework for developing formative assessment and automated feedback tools as digital mentoring interventions. The mentoring nterventions aim at facilitating self-regulated learning, especially self-monitoring and strategy-adaption. We present three different implementations in structured and illstructured domains and the key results of a qualitative evaluation survey. [Aus: Introduction
Quality assessment for register-based statistics - Results for the Austrian census 2011
In 2011, Statistics Austria carried out its first register-based census. Advantages of using administrative data for statistical purposes are, among others, a reduced burden for respondents and lower cost for the National Statistical Institutes (NSI). However, new challenges, like need for a new approach to the quality assessment of this kind of data arise. Therefore, Statistics Austria developed a comprehensive standardized framework to evaluate data quality for register-based statistics. In this paper, we present the basic concept of this quality framework and provide detailed results from the quality evaluation of the Austrian census of 2011. More specifically, we derive a quality measure for each census attribute from four complementary hyperdimensions. The first three of these hyperdimensions address the documentation of data, the usability of records and an external data validation. The fourth hyperdimension focuses on the quality of data imputations. The proposed framework combines these different quality-related information sources for each attribute to form an overall quality indicator. This procedure allows to track changes in quality during data processing and to compare the quality of different census generations
Brief ICF Core Sets for the acute hospital
OBJECTIVE: To identify candidate categories for brief International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Core Sets for the reporting and measurement of functioning in patients in the acute hospital. DESIGN: Prospective multi-centre cohort study. PATIENTS: Patients receiving rehabilitation interventions for musculoskeletal, neurological or cardiopulmonary injury or disease in acute hospitals. METHODS: Functioning and contextual factors were coded using the ICF. The criterion for selecting candidate categories for the brief ICF Core Sets was based on their ability to discriminate between patients with high or low functioning status. Discrimination was assessed using multivariable regression models, the independent variables being all of the ICF categories of the respective comprehensive ICF Core Set. Analogue ratings of overall functioning as reported by patients and health professionals were used as dependent variables. RESULTS: A total of 391 patients were included in the study (91 neurological, 109 cardiopulmonary, 191 musculoskeletal), mean age 63.4 years, 50.1 female. Selection yielded 33 cate-gories for neurological, 31 for cardiopulmonary, and 30 for musculoskeletal. CONCLUSION: The present selection of categories can be considered an initial proposal, serving to identify the ICF cate-gories most relevant for the practical assessment and monitoring of functioning in patients with acute neurological, cardiopulmonary, and musculoskeletal conditions
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