8,922 research outputs found

    The Effects of Water Quality and Quantity on the Fauna of a Non-Glacial Alaskan River

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    Completion reportThe work upon which this report is based was partially supported by funds provided by the U. S. Department of the Interior, Office of Water Resources Research, as authorized under the Water Resources Research Act of 1964. Project Number: A-010-ALAS Agreement Number: 14-01-0001-162

    A thresher shark from Long Island Sound

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    The Bingham Oceanographic Laboratory recently received a fine specimen of the common thresher shark, Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre) through the courtesy of Mr. S. Doane of Speed\u27s Bait Shop in Niantic, Connecticut…

    Volume 13. Article 2. Studies on the marine resources of southern New England. VIII. The biology of the longhorn sculpin, Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus Mitchill, with a discussion of the southern New England “trash” fishery.

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    Oil-induced mortalities in juvenile coho and sockeye salmon

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    Advanced parr of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and sockeye salmon (O. nerka) were exposed in laboratory tanks to oil poured on the surface of artificial seawater in amounts ranging from 500 to 3500 ppm equivalent, at water temperatures of 3°, 8°, and 13°C. Statistically significant increases in the mortality rates over control animals were observed at all oil concentrations and at all temperatures. The mortality rates appeared to be directly related to oil concentration and inversely to temperature...

    A redefinition of the subspecies of Fodiator acutus

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    Analysis of characteristics of 11 Atlantic and 54 Pacific specimens of Fodiator acutus showed that the two subspecies F. a. acutus and F. a. pacificus could not be distinguished on the basis of the original diagnosis, but that such distinction could be made on the basis of the eye and the snout expressed as a percentage of head length. It was also shown that F. a. pacificus Bruun and Hemiexocoetus caudimaculatus Fowler are synonyms of Fodiator acutus rostratus (GĂĽnther)


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    Using stated-preference data from a choice-based conjoint analysis instrument, we estimate willingness to pay for the presence of neighboring land that is dedicated to agricultural use (versus a developed land use) and for the preservation of surrounding farmland as permanent cropland. The data also elucidate how individuals balance the values associated with nearby agricultural land patterns with other key neighborhood characteristics such as neighborhood parks, housing density, commute times, school quality and neighborhood safety. The median respondent from a randomly chosen sample of Columbus, Ohio homeowners was willing to pay 843annuallytoavoidimmediateconversionof10percentofagriculturallandwithinonemileofthehousevaluedintheconjointexperimentwhilethesamerespondentwaswillingtopay843 annually to avoid immediate conversion of 10 percent of agricultural land within one mile of the house valued in the conjoint experiment while the same respondent was willing to pay 277 annually to preserve the same amount of farmland as permanent cropland. We find provision of neighborhood parks within housing developments to be a strong substitute for farmland preservation.Land Economics/Use,

    Conditional and constitutive expression of a Tbx1-GFP fusion protein in mice.

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    BACKGROUND: Velo-cardio-facial syndrome/DiGeorge syndrome (VCFS/DGS) is caused by a 1.5-3 Mb microdeletion of chromosome 22q11.2, frequently referred to as 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11DS). This region includes TBX1, a T-box transcription factor gene that contributes to the etiology of 22q11DS. The requirement for TBX1 in mammalian development is dosage-sensitive, such that loss-of-function (LOF) and gain-of-function (GOF) of TBX1 in both mice and humans results in disease relevant congenital malformations. RESULTS: To further gain insight into the role of Tbx1 in development, we have targeted the Rosa26 locus to generate a new GOF mouse model in which a Tbx1-GFP fusion protein is expressed conditionally using the Cre/LoxP system. Tbx1-GFP expression is driven by the endogenous Rosa26 promoter resulting in ectopic and persistent expression. Tbx1 is pivotal for proper ear and heart development; ectopic activation of Tbx1-GFP in the otic vesicle by Pax2-Cre and Foxg1-Cre represses neurogenesis and produces morphological defects of the inner ear. Overexpression of a single copy of Tbx1-GFP using Tbx1Cre/+ was viable, while overexpression of both copies resulted in neonatal lethality with cardiac outflow tract defects. We have partially rescued inner ear and heart anomalies in Tbx1Cre/- null embryos by expression of Tbx1-GFP. CONCLUSIONS: We have generated a new mouse model to conditionally overexpress a GFP-tagged Tbx1 protein in vivo. This provides a useful tool to investigate in vivo direct downstream targets and protein binding partners of Tbx1

    A Recount by Species of the Trees of Mount Pleasant, Iowa

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    During the winter of 1924-25, a count by species of the trees within the city limits of Mt. Pleasant was made by the students of the Biology Department of Iowa Wesleyan College. A recount of the trees in this area was made by the students during the winters of 1945-46-47. All trees over four inches in diameter at breast height were counted

    Gene-based genome-wide association studies and meta-analyses of conotruncal heart defects.

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    Conotruncal heart defects (CTDs) are among the most common and severe groups of congenital heart defects. Despite evidence of an inherited genetic contribution to CTDs, little is known about the specific genes that contribute to the development of CTDs. We performed gene-based genome-wide analyses using microarray-genotyped and imputed common and rare variants data from two large studies of CTDs in the United States. We performed two case-parent trio analyses (N = 640 and 317 trios), using an extension of the family-based multi-marker association test, and two case-control analyses (N = 482 and 406 patients and comparable numbers of controls), using a sequence kernel association test. We also undertook two meta-analyses to combine the results from the analyses that used the same approach (i.e. family-based or case-control). To our knowledge, these analyses are the first reported gene-based, genome-wide association studies of CTDs. Based on our findings, we propose eight CTD candidate genes (ARF5, EIF4E, KPNA1, MAP4K3, MBNL1, NCAPG, NDFUS1 and PSMG3). Four of these genes (ARF5, KPNA1, NDUFS1 and PSMG3) have not been previously associated with normal or abnormal heart development. In addition, our analyses provide additional evidence that genes involved in chromatin-modification and in ribonucleic acid splicing are associated with congenital heart defects

    Volume 16. Article 2. Studies in ichthyology and oceanography off coastal Peru.

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