7 research outputs found

    A comparison of 3 different unilateral strength training strategies to enhance jumping performance and decrease interlimb asymmetries in soccer players

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    Purpose: This study compared the effects of performing different unilateral strength training interventions on unilateral and bilateral jumping performance and their related asymmetries in young soccer players. Methods: Forty-five male young (U-17) soccer players were randomly assigned to three eccentric overload training programs: The first group executed the same volume with both legs starting with the weaker leg (SVW, n=15), the second group carried out the double volume with the weaker leg and also starting with the weaker leg (DVW, n=15), and the third group performed the same volume with both legs starting with the stronger leg (SVS, n=15). Jumping performance assessment included a single-leg horizontal jump test, a triple single-leg horizontal jump test, a bilateral countermovement (CMJ) jump test and unilateral countermovement jump test. Asymmetries were also analyzed in the unilateral jumping tests. Results: CMJ was improved (effect size [ES]: 0.27-0.48) and CMJ asymmetry was possibly reduced (ES: 0.08-0.24) in all groups. Substantial improvements were found in triple hop (ES: 0.52-0.71) in SVW and DVW, and triple hop asymmetry was substantially decreased (ES: 0.88) in DVW. Between-group analysis showed a substantial better performance in triple hop and horizontal hop with right leg in SVW and DVW compared to SVS. Conclusions: Unilateral strength training programs were shown to substantially improve bilateral jumping performance, while unilateral jumping was substantially enhanced in those groups that started the training session with the weaker leg. Finally, between-limbs asymmetries in the triple hop were mainly reduced through performing the double volume with the weaker leg

    Effects of three different combined training interventions on jump, change of direction, power performance, and inter-limb asymmetry in male youth soccer players

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    Background: This study compared the effects of performing different unilateral combined training interventions on diverse vertical and horizontal jumping performance parameters, change of direction, concentric and eccentric mean power, and their associated inter-limb asymmetries in young soccer players. Methods: Forty-seven young male soccer players (age: 15.5 ± 0.9 years) were distributed into three groups. Two groups performed the same training volume with both legs, beginning with the weaker leg (Stronger Volume Weaker leg group (SVW), n = 14) or with the stronger leg (Stronger Volume Stronger leg group, (SVS), n = 15). The third group executed double the volume with the weaker leg and also commenced with such leg (Double Volume Weaker leg group (DVW), n = 16) during a 10-week period. Pre- and post-intervention tests included a single-leg hop, single-leg lateral hop, triple hop, bilateral and unilateral countermovement jumps, a change of direction speed test, concentric and eccentric mean power during the lateral squat test, and their corresponding asymmetries. Results: Single-leg hop weaker leg, triple hop weaker leg, and bilateral countermovement jump improvements were achieved in the SVW (ES: 0.29 to 0.46) and DVW (ES: 0.55 to 0.73) groups. Between-groups analysis showed better results in single-leg hop in the SVW and DVW compared to group SVS. The DVW group achieved better improvements in countermovement jump in comparison to groups SVS and SVW. Conclusions: Groups that started with the weaker leg seemed to achieve a greater volume of significant changes than when starting with the stronger leg. Performing a double volume on the weaker limb does not guarantee further improved performance compared to other groups

    Comparison of three eccentric overload training strategies on power output and interlimb asymmetry in youth soccer players

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    Background: The present study compared the effects of performing the lateral squat exercise in three different formats from eccentric overload training on concentric/eccentric peak/mean power and inter-limb asymmetries in young soccer players. Methods: Forty-five young male (U-17) soccer players were distributed into three groups. Two groups performed the same training volume with both legs, beginning with the weaker leg (SVW, n = 15) or with the stronger leg (SVS, n = 15). The third group executed double volume with the weaker leg and also commenced with such leg (DVW, n = 15) in the lateral squat during a 10-week period. Pre- and post-intervention metrics included concentric and eccentric peak/mean power during the lateral squat test and their corresponding asymmetries. Results: All groups improved all power variables. Concentric mean and peak power asymmetry were substantially reduced in the SVW (ES: 0.89), DVW (ES: 0.43), and in SVW (ES: 1.60). Eccentric mean and peak power asymmetry were also substantially decreased in SVW (ES: 0.81) and in DVW (ES: 0.68). Between-group analyses showed substantially better performance in concentric and eccentric variables with stronger and weaker legs in SVW and DVW groups compared with SVS. Conclusions: Those groups which started with the weaker leg showed greater both power enhancements and reductions on inter-limb asymmetries

    Effects of three different combined training interventions on jump, change of direction, power performance, and inter-limb asymmetry in male youth soccer players

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    Background: This study compared the effects of performing different unilateral combined training interventions on diverse vertical and horizontal jumping performance parameters, change of direction, concentric and eccentric mean power, and their associated inter-limb asymmetries in young soccer players. Methods: Forty-seven young male soccer players (age: 15.5 ± 0.9 years) were distributed into three groups. Two groups performed the same training volume with both legs, beginning with the weaker leg (Stronger Volume Weaker leg group (SVW), n = 14) or with the stronger leg (Stronger Volume Stronger leg group, (SVS), n = 15). The third group executed double the volume with the weaker leg and also commenced with such leg (Double Volume Weaker leg group (DVW), n = 16) during a 10-week period. Pre-and post-intervention tests included a single-leg hop, single-leg lateral hop, triple hop, bilateral and unilateral countermovement jumps, a change of direction speed test, concentric and eccentric mean power during the lateral squat test, and their corresponding asymmetries. Results: Single-leg hop weaker leg, triple hop weaker leg, and bilateral countermovement jump improvements were achieved in the SVW (ES: 0.29 to 0.46) and DVW (ES: 0.55 to 0.73) groups. Between-groups analysis showed better results in single-leg hop in the SVW and DVW compared to group SVS. The DVW group achieved better improvements in countermovement jump in comparison to groups SVS and SVW. Conclusions: Groups that started with the weaker leg seemed to achieve a greater volume of significant changes than when starting with the stronger leg. Performing a double volume on the weaker limb does not guarantee further improved performance compared to other groups. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Relación entre motivos de práctica de actividad física y nivel de formación de usuarios de centros deportivos

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    Los centros deportivos necesitan adaptar sus servicios a los intereses de los usuarios. Para ello es imprescindible segmentar el mercado atendiendo a las tradicionales variables sociodemográficas y otras como las motivaciones y las actitudes. El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer los motivos de los usuarios para acudir a los centros deportivos estableciendo perfiles diferenciadores en función de sus diferentes niveles de formación académica. Los usuarios señalaron el Disfrute (3.93 ± .60) y el Fitness/Salud (3.84 ± .71) como los motivos más relevantes. Los usuarios sin formación se sentían motivados por el Fitness y Disfrute, mientras que los usuarios con formación profesional por Fitness y Apariencia. La vinculación de los motivos de práctica de actividad física del usuario con su nivel de formación mostró diferencias significativas en todos los factores. Estos resultados posibilitan ofertar servicios más eficientemente ya que permite un mejor ajuste a las demandas de los usuarios aumentando su fidelidad

    Valoración de la motivación sobre el colpbol de los alumnos de educación física de primaria en función del tamaño del balón.

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    El nivel motivacional del alumnado en la etapa de Educación Primaria resulta relevante en el proceso de aprendizaje. En este estudio se ha analizado el nivel motivacional del estudiantado al practicar colpbol según el tamaño del móvil (tamaño oficial vs balón de menor tamaño), analizando diferencias en función de la edad y el género. En el estudio participaron 76 alumnos (40 varones y 36 mujeres) entre los 9 y 14 años (M edad= 10’89; DT= ±1,12). Los resultados del estudio señalan que la motivación del alumnado aumentó al utilizar un móvil federado y disminuyó al usar un balón menor. Esta motivación también mostró diferencias en función del género y la edad, porque los varones y los discentes con menor edad mostraron mayor motivación que las mujeres y los estudiantes mayores. Por lo tanto se concluye que el uso de móviles de mayor tamaño motiva más al alumnado y lo que favorece la significatividad del proceso de aprendizaje. The motivational level of students in the Primary Education stage is relevant in the learning process. In this study we analysed the motivational level of students when playing colpball according to the size of the mobile (official size vs. smaller size ball), analysing differences according to age and gender. The study involved 76 students (40 boys and 36 girls) between 9 and 14 years of age (M age= 10.89; SD= ±1.12). The results of the study show that the motivation of the pupils increased when using a federated mobile phone and decreased when using a smaller ball. This motivation also showed differences according to gender and age, because males and younger students showed higher motivation than females and older students. Therefore, it is concluded that the use of larger mobiles motivates students more, which favours the meaningfulness of the learning process

    Efectos de un entrenamiento pliométrico sobre el rendimiento en la salida de natación en deportistas adolescentes

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    En la natación el rendimiento depende de diversos factores atendiendo a la distancia de la prueba. La fuerza explosiva puede resultar un elemento clave en pruebas de distancia corta por su relevancia en la fase de salida. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la efectividad que posee un entrenamiento pliométrico sobre la fuerza explosiva del tren inferior y su posible transferencia en el rendimiento de la fase de salida. 16 nadadores adolescentes fueron distribuidos aleatoriamente en dos grupos: control (GC) y experimental (GE). El GC realizó un entrenamiento de fuerza resistencia del tren inferior y el GE de pliometría. Tras 6 semanas se analizaron diferentes variables físicas (CMJ y ABK) y cinemáticas (ángulo de salida, ángulo de entrada al agua, distancia de salto, tiempo de vuelo y tiempo en 5 m). El análisis intragrupo no mostró cambios en el GC mientras que el GE experimentó un incremento en la altura de los saltos CMJ (p<0,005) y ABK (p<0,001), y en la variable técnica del ángulo de salida (p<0,03). En las comparaciones intergrupo el GE aumentó el ángulo de salida (p<0,05). El entrenamiento pliométrico mejora la altura de salto vertical pudiendo tener una transferencia positiva sobre el rendimiento de la salida de natación. Se hace necesaria la realización de nuevos estudios en donde se corroboren los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación