282 research outputs found

    International Management: Enforcing Protection Of Foreign Intellectual Property In China

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    Over the last few years, China has escalated as a marketplace for Australian business and for higher education, with 55,000 Chinese mainland students officially recorded in 2003 (DEST, 2005). On the 18/4/05, China and Australia signed a formal statement of interest for commencing negotiations on a free-trade agreement, one which could eventually have wide repercussions for both business and education sectors (Taylor and Sutherland, 2005; DFAT, 2006). Already, a fast-moving China is transforming Australia (Dusevic, 2005). Consequently, we need to better understand the intellectual property (IP) issues confronting us in China, whilst exploiting its exciting opportunities, including its culture of education (Dusevic, 2005).  This paper, therefore, considers a variety of issues impinging on evolution and enforcement of IP in China, taking note of key variables such as history, culture, politics and attitudes to law more broadly. It then examines current issues confronting IP protection. The paper concludes that understanding factors affecting enforcement are central to dealing with ongoing challenges to Australian business and education of China’s piracy and counterfeiting

    The Experiences of Counseling Victims of Trauma as Perceived by Master\u27s Level Post-Practicum Students

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the lived experiences of master\u27s level post-practicum students as they encountered trauma-related cases during their practicum experience. This qualitative, phenomenologically oriented study used Van Manen\u27s (1990) four lived existentials, Bronfenbrenner\u27s (1979) bio-ecological model of human development, and existing traumatology literature as its theoretical underpinnings. There is no existing literature that examines the experiences of beginning counselors as they encounter trauma-related cases in their academic training programs. The literature base surrounding traumatology is quickly expanding due to the increased awareness and prevalence of trauma in our culture. As the demand for services related to trauma increases, it is essential to understand the lived experiences of trainees in order to help them feel prepared to handle trauma-related cases. Without properly preparing students for the trauma-related issues they will face in the field, counselor educators risk having trainees implement unintentional interventions that could re-traumatize clients. For this study, eight master\u27s level post-practicum students were interviewed regarding their experiences of working with traumatized clients during their practicum. The results were summarized into five themes that focused on the atheoretical counselor, lack of supervisory support, trainees feeling generally overwhelmed, stigmatizing trauma victims, and a pedagogical issue related to the need for self-reflective tendencies in counselor education programs. The author suggests ways to implement pedagogical methods within counselor training programs to increase trainees\u27 self-reflective tendencies and to reduce the risk that unintentional interventions will re-traumatize treatment-seeking clients

    With not for: community design in Murphy Park

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    Understanding Information Systems Outsourcing: why multiple perspectives are essential

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    Over recent years, many forms of inter-organisational collaboration have gained in popularity. IT outsourcing is a particular form of collaboration and, while cost savings and other benefits forecast in the early days of the outsourcing boom have not always eventuated, the approach has retained much of its popularity. It is becoming increasingly apparent, however, that we still have some way to go in understanding how outsourcing arrangements actually work in practice. In particular the many failed ventures indicate that managing these partnerships is no trivial matter. Here, we report on an IT outsourcing venture, where interface management’s failure to take into account the needs of one of its most successful Divisions destroyed a major source of that Division’s competitive advantage – its information systems support function. We describe how that Division developed and attempted to employ a system dynamics model to protect its operations and functions. We then use a further model based on the same paradigm to illustrate how power/ political considerations meant that its efforts were always likely to fail

    Urine Sodium Concentrations are Predictive of Hypoadrenocorticism in Hyponatremic Dogs: A Retrospective Pilot Study

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    Abstract OBJECTIVES: To determine if a urine sodium concentration could be used to rule out hypoadrenocorticism in hyponatraemic dogs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Medical records were reviewed for hyponatraemic dogs (serum sodium/L) that had recorded urine sodium concentrations. Twenty hyponatraemic dogs were included: 11 diagnosed with classical hypoadrenocorticism and nine with non-adrenal causes of hyponatraemia. A Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used to compare results between groups. RESULTS: No dog with hypoadrenocorticism had a urine sodium concentration less than 30 mmol/L. Urine sodium concentration in dogs with hypoadrenocorticism was significantly higher (median 103 mmol/L, range: 41 to 225) than in dogs with non-adrenal illness (median 10 mmol/L, range: 2 to 86) (P CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: These results suggest that urine sodium concentrations can be used to prioritise a differential diagnosis of hypoadrenocorticism in hyponatraemic dogs. A urine sodium concentration less than 30 mmol/L in a hyponatraemic dog makes classical hypoadrenocorticism an unlikely cause of the hyponatraemia. Nevertheless, because of the small sample size our results should be interpreted with caution and a larger follow-up study would be valuable

    Student's perceptions of generic skills for effective collaborative learning relative to student achievement

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    Collaborative and cooperative learning in small groups are generally considered effective learning approaches. Successful group activities, however, assume competence in a range of skills. This empirical paper seeks to identify whether undergraduate students with different levels of academic achievement have different perceptions of the relative importance of Ehrman and Dornyei's (1998) generic sub-skills, i.e. do high performing students emphasise different skills? Students in a first year management subject were surveyed. No differences were found between high achieving and low achieving students in terms of the importance that they place on the various generic sub-skills. Productivity focussed skills were considered most important followed by relationship and communication skills. The implications for preparing students for group work are considered

    Gestión de compras y abastecimiento de bienes en un hospital de Lima Norte, 2020

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    En la presente investigación el objetivo fue determinar la relación entre la ggestión de compras y el abastecimiento de bienes en un Hospital de Lima Norte, 2020. En la parte metodológica, el tipo de investigación según su finalidad fue básica del nivel descriptivo correlacional, de diseño no experimental. La población censal estuvo conformada por 80 trabajadores. La técnica empleada para recolectar información fue encuesta y los instrumentos de recolección de datos fueron de cuestionarios que fueron debidamente validados a través de juicios de expertos y su confiabilidad a través del estadístico Alfa de Cronbach. En la parte descriptiva se arribó el 51,2% de los colaboradores del área administrativa en un Hospital de Lima Norte, 2020, manifiestan que la gestión de compra es regular y el 45% expresan que el abastecimiento de bienes es regular. Concluyó según la prueba de Rho de Spearman (r = 0.493) indica una correlación positiva moderada, asumiendo que existe relación entre la ggestión de compras y el abastecimiento de bienes en un Hospital de Lima Norte, 2020

    Asignación de bandas de espectro radioeléctrico en el Perú en un escenario de nuevas tecnologías

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    El espectro radioeléctrico constituye uno de los insumos necesarios para la prestación de servicios públicos de telecomunicaciones, en específico servicios inalámbricos, tanto móviles como fijos. De esta manera, los operadores de telecomunicaciones que deseen prestar estos servicios, con cualquier tecnología, requieren contar con una porción de espectro, el cual es asignado por el Estado. En ese sentido, el objetivo principal del presente trabajo de investigación es evaluar el mecanismo actual de licitación usado en la asignación de bandas de espectro radioeléctrico para la prestación de servicios inalámbricos y proponer un nuevo mecanismo de subastas de espectro, acorde a un escenario de despliegue de nuevas tecnologías

    Factores de calidad que valoran los clientes en la Empresa Reencauchadora Triton SA– Chiclayo

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    En la actualidad las empresas se encuentran en un mercado bastante competitivo en donde el servicio está enfocado en la buena calidad que brindan, es por ello que se requiere identificar cuáles son los atributos mejor posesionados en la mente de las personas que están ligadas al reencauche. Para la realización de este proyecto se analizó la problemática: ¿Qué factores de calidad valoran los clientes en la empresa Reencauchadora Tritón S.A.? Identificar los factores de calidad que valoran los clientes en la Empresa Reencauchadora Tritón S.A. Con este fin se desarrolló la propuesta de aplicar el instrumento de medición que permite cuantificar la calidad, el modelo SERVQUAL, en el cual se evalúan por separado las expectativas y percepciones de un cliente. Es por ello que se realizó un estudio de mercado mediante encuestas a todos los principales clientes, identificando que indicadores tienen mayor relevancia al momento de adquirir el servicio del reencauche, determinando así la realidad de la industria. Mediante la investigación realizada se pudo determinar cuáles son las debilidades de la empresa, cómo afrontarlas y superarlas mediante la aplicación de un plan estratégico. Continuar desarrollando la fiabilidad, credibilidad y seguridad del cliente a través de un servicio personalizado que garantice la fidelización de los mismos