1,525 research outputs found

    Strategic information acquisition and the mitigation of global warming

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    We consider the strategic role of uncertainty and information acquisition for the mitigation of global warming which is modeled using a standard framework for private provision of a public good. Prior to the voluntary contribution mechanism, we allow for investments in information about the country-specific benefit of reductions of the emissions of greenhouse gases. We show that information acquisition has a substantial strategic value in the following interaction. Countries may prefer not to learn their valuation of the public good even if information acquisition does not involve a direct cost. This strategic information choice may further decrease the efficiency of the public good provision. -- Diese Arbeit untersucht die strategische Bedeutung von Unsicherheit und Informationsakquise für den Kampf gegen den Klimawandel, der im Standardrahmen der privaten Bereitstellung eines öffentlichen Gutes abgebildet wird. Bevor die Beiträge zum öffentlichen Gut auf freiwilliger Basis gewählt werden, haben Länder die Möglichkeit, in Information über den länderspezifischen Nutzen einer Reduzierung der CO2-Emissionen zu investieren. Es wird gezeigt, dass der Informationsakquise ein substantieller strategischer Wert in der nachgelagerten Interaktion zukommt. Selbst wenn durch die Informationsakquise keine direkten Kosten anfallen, können Länder es vorziehen, ihre Bewertung des öffentlichen Gutes nicht zu erfahren. Diese strategische Informationsentscheidung kann die Effizienz der Bereitstellung des öffentlichen Gutes zusätzlich beeinträchtigen.Private provision of public goods,environmental public goods,information acquisition,uncertainty,global warming

    Volunteering and the strategic value of ignorance

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    Private provision of public goods often takes place as a war of attrition: individuals wait until someone else volunteers and provides the good. After a certain time period, however, one individual may be randomly selected. If the individuals are uncertain about their cost of provision, but can find out about this cost ahead of the volunteering game, a strategic value is attached to the information, and individuals may prefer not to learn their cost of provision. If the time horizon is sufficiently short, in equilibrium only one individual may acquire information about his cost. For a long time horizon, acquiring information is strictly dominant. The time limit is an important instrument in influencing the efficiency of the volunteering game. -- Die private Bereitstellung öffentlicher Güter ähnelt häufig einem Zermürbungskrieg: Die Beteiligten warten, bis sich jemand anderes freiwillig meldet und das öffentliche Gut bereitstellt. Nach einer gewissen Zeitperiode des Wartens kann jedoch ein Beteiligter zufällig dazu bestimmt werden, die Bereitstellung zu übernehmen. Wenn die Beteiligten ihre Bereitstellungskosten nicht genau kennen, sich aber vor dem Bereitstellungsspiel Information über ihre Kosten beschaffen können, dann kommt dieser Information ein strategischer Wert zu; die Beteiligten könnten es vorziehen, ihre Bereitstellungskosten nicht genau zu kennen. Wenn der Zeithorizont des Bereitstellungsspiels hinreichend kurz ist, entscheidet sich im Gleichgewicht lediglich ein Beteiligter, Information zu akquirieren. Bei einem längeren Zeithorizont ist es eine strikt dominante Strategie, sich Information zu beschaffen. Der Zeithorizont stellt ein wichtiges Instrument zur Beeinflussung der Effizienz des Bereitstellungsspiels dar.War of attrition,volunteering,discrete public goods,asymmetric information,information acquisition

    The Farm Bill: A Wicked Problem Seeking a Systematic Solution

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    Volunteering and the Strategic Value of Ignorance

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    Private provision of public goods often takes place as a war of attrition: individuals wait until someone else volunteers and provides the good. After a certain time period, however, one individual may be randomly selected. If the individuals are uncertain about their cost of provision, but can find out about this cost ahead of the volunteering game, a strategic value is attached to the information, and individuals may prefer not to learn their cost of provision. If the time horizon is sufficiently short, in equilibrium only one individual may acquire information about his cost. For a long time horizon, acquiring information is strictly dominant. The time limit is an important instrument in influencing the efficiency of the volunteering game.war of attrition, volunteering, discrete public goods, asymmetric information, information acquisition

    Evolutionarily stable in-group favoritism and out-group spite in intergroup conflict

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    We study conflict between two groups of individuals. Using Schaffer`s (1988) concept of evolutionary stability we provide an evolutionary underpinning for in-group altruism combined with spiteful behavior towards members of the rival out-group. We characterize the set of evolutionarily stable combinations of in-group favoritism and out-group spite and find that an increase in in-group altruism can be balanced by a decrease in spiteful behavior towards the out-group

    Aspirations of the middle class: Voting on redistribution and status concerns

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    This paper analyzes the role of narrowly selfish and other-regarding preferences for the median voter in a Meltzer-Richard (1981) framework. We use computerized and real human co-players to distinguish between these sets of motivations. Redistribution to real co-players has a negative effect on the median voter's tax rate choice. Further, perceived income mobility decreases the desired amount of redistribution. Our results suggest the importance of concerns about own mobility as well as status concerns of the median voter who tends to keep distance to the low-income group, whereas inequity aversion does not play a role in the political economy context. --Redistribution,other-regarding preferences,median voter,experiments

    Social mobility and redistributive taxation

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    We investigate redistributive taxation in a political economy experiment and determine how different patterns of social mobility affect the choices of redistributional taxes. In the absence of social mobility, voters choose tax rates that are very well in line with the prediction derived in the standard framework by Meltzer and Richard (1981). However, past or future changes in the income hierarchy affect the choice of the tax rate in the current period. The same is true for social mobility within the period to which the tax rate choice applies and for the case where the choice of the tax rate takes place behind the veil of ignorance. Due to our design of the experiment, these strong effects of own social mobility cannot be attributed to social or other-regarding preferences. -- Dieser Artikel untersucht Besteuerung mit dem Ziel der Einkommensumverteilung in einem polit-ökonomischen Experiment. Wir ananlysieren, wie unterschiedliche Muster sozialer Mobilität die Wahl von Steuern bestimmt, die zur Umverteilung dienen. Ohne die Möglichkeit eines sozialen Auf- oder Abstiegs entscheiden sich die Wähler für Steuersätze, die der theoretischen Vorhersage des Standardmodells von Meltzer und Richard (1981) entsprechen. Mobilität in der Einkommenshierarchie - sowohl in der Vergangenheit als auch in der Zukunft - hat jedoch einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Wahl des Steuersatzes in der gegenwärtigen Periode. Dies gilt auch, wenn die Möglichkeit sozialer Mobilität in derjenigen Periode besteht, in der der Steuersatz zur Anwendung kommt. Ebenso verändert sich die Wahl des Steuersatzes, wenn die Entscheidung hinter dem Schleier der Unwissenheit vorgenommen wird. Aufgrund des Aufbaus des Experiments können diese starken Effekte eigener sozialer Mobilität nicht durch soziale Präferenzen begründet sein.Median voter,redistribution,social mobility

    Endogenous group formation in experimental contests

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    We study endogenous group formation in tournaments employing experimental three-player contests. We find that players in endogenously formed alliances cope better with the moral hazard problem in groups than players who are forced into an alliance. Also, players who are committed to expending effort above average choose to stand alone. If these players are forced to play in an alliance, they invest even more, whereas their co-players choose lower effort. Anticipation of this exploitation may explain their preference to stand alone

    Development of a hydrogen-oxygen internal combustion engine space power system

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    Hydrogen-oxygen internal combustion engine space power syste

    Taxation and Market Power

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    We analyze the incidence and welfare e¤ects of unit sales taxes in experimental monopoly and Bertrand markets. We nd, in line with economic theory, that rms with no market power are able to shift a high share of a tax burden on to consumers, independent of whether buyers are automated or human players. In monopoly markets, a monopolist bears a large share of the burden of a tax increase. With human buyers, however, this share is smaller than with automated buyers as the presence of human buyers constrains the pricing behavior of a monopolist.tax incidence;monopoly;Bertrand competition;experiment