605 research outputs found

    Effects on Adherence and Comprehension with Video Demonstration Support versus Traditional Home Exercise Programs: Culminating Project

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    This culminating project examines the need for video-supported home exercise programs (HEP) in outpatient hand therapy clinics in South Jersey by developing a YouTube channel. This YouTube channel will consist of HEPs for common upper extremity diagnoses including proper demonstration of each exercise and clear concise written instructions within a playlist correlating to diagnosis. Advance clinical skill in hand therapy is the main goal for this capstone project. An analysis was completed evaluating adherence and comprehension when clients are prescribed traditional HEP to HEP supported by a video demonstration. The ultimate goal of this project was to establish an easily accessible secondary method to increase education and comprehension of HEPs provided to clients at this facility. The literature found that there is a gap in the literature on how smart devices impact functional outcomes of rehabilitation. However, the research included in this review hypothesizes that video-supported HEPs increase adherence and comprehension of exercises to be executed correctly while not in the rehab center. Thus, the creation of video-supported HEPs tailored to these facilities\u27 needs can increase adherence by amplifying education provided to the clients. Secondly, increasing the accessibility of OT services through technology. Especially, given the changes in rehabilitative services have undergone since the impact of COVID-19 precautions


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    This publication guide to eating, selecting, cooking, and storing bananas


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    This publication guide to eating, selecting, cooking, and storing grapefruit

    Green Beans

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    This guide to eating, selecting, cooking, and storing green beans


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    This guide to eating, selecting, cooking, and storing broccoli

    Building the Pathway Towards Inclusivity: A Policy Brief Advocating for Inclusive Postsecondary Education

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    People with intellectual disabilities (ID) lack a pathway and adequate support to pursue post-secondary education in Minnesota. Opening pathways to inclusive higher education will strengthen the state\u27s workforce and economy and will reduce dependence on costly formal supports. In Minnesota less than 3% of students with ID have access to in-state postsecondary education, and there are only four colleges and universities that specifically offer enrollment to students with ID. Barriers to education and funding have dramatically slowed progress toward expanding inclusive higher education options, and Minnesota is far behind other states in the nation. Inclusive higher education is a proven pathway to independence and financial stability that must be an available and accessible opportunity afforded to people with intellectual disabilities

    A mini tour of HARMONIE AROME physics

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    Presentación realizada en: 2nd ACCORD ASW celebrado del 4 al 8 de abril de 2022 en Ljubljana, Eslovenia

    La calidad profesional de los trabajadores del área contable en la gestión financiera de Metro Barranca

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    La investigación que tiene como título: "La Calidad profesional de los trabajadores del área contable en la gestión financiera de Metro Barranca", tuvo como objetivo principal, determinar la influencia de la calidad profesional de los trabajadores del área contable en la gestión financiera. Correspondió a investigación aplicada por el fin que persigue, de tipo descriptiva y diseño no experimental, transversal por su técnica de contrastación, que utilizó la técnica de la encuesta y como instrumento al cuestionario, el mismo que aplicado a una muestra calculada aleatoriamente mediante una formula estadística, de una población de 80 trabajadores de Metro, habiendo obtenido como resultado que el 100 % de los encuestados considera que la calidad profesional de los trabajadores en la empresa es para mejorar en el área de trabajo, promover el desarrollo profesional, mejorar programa de capacitación y tener mejoras económicas.Tesi

    Mejoramiento de los procesos de almacenamiento y despacho

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    Ingeniería IndustrialEn la empresa DISCURRAMBA S.A.S. distribuidor exclusivo de la Fábrica de Licores de Antioquia en el Departamento del Atlántico, las actividades de almacenamiento y despachos se desarrollan con un equipo de trabajo con experiencia en la operación propia de la compañía, sin embargo dicha experiencia ha hecho que no se incluyan practicas novedosas en la operación que faciliten que otras personas puedan ser parte de los procesos de una manera fácil y rápida. Los procesos son ejecutados basados en la experiencia que rodean a quienes los llevan a cabo los procesos pero al no estar bien diseñados no hay manera de evaluarlos tampoco de medirlos, esto significa que no se puede evaluar la eficacia y eficiencia de forma detallada de estos ni de las personas que ejecutan la actividad; y al omitir etapas críticas del proceso se pueden presentar fallas y errores, los cuales están representados en pérdidas económicas para la compañía. Actualmente no existen procedimientos documentados en las áreas de almacenamiento y despacho, no existen responsabilidades definidas a la hora de ejecutar una tarea, esto da lugar a pérdida de información importante, de documentación indispensable para soportar gastos, se dan lugar a reproceso y demoras en las actividades.The company DISCURRAMBA S.A.S. dealer exclusive of the Factory of Liquors of Antioch in the Department of the Atlantic Ocean, the activities of storage and dispatch is develop with an equipment of work with experience in the operation own of the company, nevertheless the above mentioned experience has done that practices newfangled are not included in the operation that they facilitate that other persons may be a part of the processes of an easy and rapid way. The processes run based with experience surrounding those who develop processes but not being definite and not is no way to evaluate them and to measure them, this means difficulty to assess their effectiveness and efficiency in detail of these or the people running the activity and by omitting critical process steps may occur faults and errors, which are represented in economic losses for the company. Currently no documented procedures in the areas of storage and dispatch, there are no defined responsibilities when running a task, this results in loss of important information, indispensable to support expenditures documentation, avoid reprocesses and delays in the develop activities

    Centro de artes escénicas Quito

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    The project it’s located in the " estación la Y del trolebús ", which is evicted due to its relocation to El Labrador. This site was chosen because it is next to a historic landmark of Quito that is no longer fulfilling its function: the Plaza de Toros, the site is also considered due to its proximity to a subway station which will make the area to be more active in a different way in the future. With these design parameters, it has been decided to set up a Performing Arts Center due to the absence of this program in the city and in order that, with the final purpose that along with the Plaza de Toros this will become a landmark...El proyecto se encuentra implantado en la "estación la Y del trolebús" la cual se encuentra desalojada debido a su reubicación en El Labrador. Se escoge este terreno debido a que se encuentra al lado de un hito histórico de Quito que ya no está cumpliendo su función: la Plaza de Toros, también se considera el sitio debido a su proximidad a una estación del metro la cual hará que la zona se active de una manera distinta en el futuro. Con estos parámetros de diseño se decide implantar un Centro de Artes Escénicas debido a la ausencia de este programa en la ciudad y con el fin de que, junto con la plaza, este se convierta en un hito..