245 research outputs found

    Ventricular Arrhythmias and Myocardial Revascularization

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    A Brief Overview of the GLObal RIver Chemistry Database, GLORICH

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    AbstractOver the last decade the number of regional to global scale studies of river chemical fluxes and their steering factors increased rapidly, entailing a growing demand for appropriate databases to calculate mass budgets, to calibrate models, or to test hypotheses. We present a short overview of the recently established GLObal RIver CHemistry database GLORICH, which combines an assemblage of hydrochemical data from varying sources with catchment characteristics of the sampling locations. The information provided include e.g. catchment size, lithology, soil, climate, land cover, net primary production, population density and average slope gradient. The data base comprises 1.27 million samples distributed over 17,000 sampling locations

    Enhanced Productivity and Fish Abundance at a Submarine Spring in a Coastal Lagoon on Tahiti, French Polynesia

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    Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD), the direct discharge of groundwater into the sea, is abundant around the globe. Fresh SGD can occur as focused flow in submarine springs. However, little is known on the impact of submarine springs on marine organisms. For a better understanding of the interaction between SGD and its surrounding organisms, the impact of SGD on the abundance of fish was investigated in a coastal lagoon of Tahiti, French Polynesia. The study is based on the assumption of an enhanced biological production due to increased amounts of nutrient input caused by terrestrial groundwater supply into the sea. Biofouling processes and zooplankton samples were used as indicators for elevated nutrient input due to submarine springs. The main objective was to investigate the effect on the abundance of fish assuming a higher fish abundance possibly caused by a bottom-up control. Presented data show a significantly higher abundance around a submarine spring as well as significantly larger growth of algal turfs exposed to groundwater discharge. Zooplankton evaluations suggest slightly higher abundances around the submarine spring. The results suggest elevated nutrient concentrations transmitted by submarine springs may cause a bottom-up control resulting in a higher abundance of fish around the investigated submarine spring

    Climate-driven changes in chemical weathering and associated phosphorus release since 1850: Implications for the land carbon balance

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    Chemical weathering and associated nutrient release act as a control on atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. To globally quantify the contribution of chemical weathering and associated phosphorus (P) release on the historical trend in terrestrial carbon uptake, we applied a weathering model under climate reconstructions from four Earth System Models. In these simulations, CO2 consumption and P release increased from 1850 to 2005 by 11 ± 3% and 12 ± 4%, respectively. Thereby the intensification of weathering due to climate change could have contributed to a small extent to the trend in terrestrial carbon uptake since the pre–Industrial Period. Using a back of the envelope calculation, we found a feedback strength of CO2 consumption and P release of −0.02 ± 0.01Wm−2K−1 and −0.02 ± 0.01Wm−2K−1, respectively. Although being one magnitude smaller than the carbon cycle feedback, the weathering feedbacks are comparable in strength to small second-order feedbacks such as methane, fire, or ozone

    Cytokines in Pericardial Effusion of Patients with Inflammatory Pericardial Disease

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    Background. The role of inflammatory and angiogenic cytokines in patients with inflammatory pericardial effusion still remains uncertain. Methods. We assessed pericardial and serum levels of VEGF, bFGF, IL-1β and TNF-α by ELISA in patients with inflammatory pericardial effusion (PE) of autoreactive (n = 22) and viral (n = 11) origin, and for control in pericardial fluid (PF) and serum (n = 26) of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Results. VEGF levels were significantly higher in patients with autoreactive and viral PE than in patients with CAD in both PE (P = 0, 006 for autoreactive and P < 0, 001 for viral PE) and serum (P < 0, 001 for autoreactive and P < 0, 001 for viral PE). Pericardial bFGF levels were higher compared to serum levels in patients with inflammatory PE and patients with CAD (P ≤ 0, 001 for CAD; P ≤ 0, 001 for autoreactive PE; P = 0, 005 for viral PE). Pericardial VEGF levels correlated positively with markers of pericardial inflammation, whereas pericardial bFGF levels showed a negative correlation. IL-1β and TNF-α were detectable only in few PE and serum samples. Conclusions. VEGF and bFGF levels in pericardial effusion are elevated in patients with inflammatory PE. It is thus possible that VEGF and bFGF participate in the pathogenesis of inflammatory pericardial disease

    Comparação de diferentes conceitos de consumidor/produtor, fotovoltaico, com armazenamento, usando um modelo de integração na rede

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    CIES2020 - XVII Congresso Ibérico e XIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Energia SolarRESUMO: Um modelo de integração na rede elétrica de diferentes consumidores/produtores fotovoltaicos (Prosumer), com e sem armazenamento, foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de comparar diferentes opções em termos de modelos de negócio. O modelo considera os conceitos Prosumer básicos identificados no âmbito do projeto europeu PV Prosumers for Grid. Dados anuais, hora a hora, de irradiância solar e de temperatura ambiente, bem como diferentes perfis de carga são fornecidos ao modelo, que consiste basicamente na integração na rede elétrica (trifásica) dos diferentes conceitos PV Prosumer. O armazenamento é considerado e os resultados são expressos, quer em termos de balanço de energia produzida, consumida e entregue à rede, quer em termos de benefícios económicos dos diferenteconceitos. O modelo foi desenvolvido na plataforma MatLab Simulink. Conclui-se que os conceitos de Prosumers agregados em sistemas coletivos, como os condomínios ou redes fechadas têm um melhor desempenho do que o conceito de consumidor/produtor individualizado e que a presença do armazenamento beneficia, pelo contrário este conceito. O presente artigo descreve o modelo desenvolvido e mostra os principais resultados que podem ser obtidos a partir desta ferramenta de simulação.ABSTRACT: A grid integration model of Photovoltaic (PV) Prosumer concepts with and without storage, was developed in order to compare different options in terms of business models. The model considers the basic Prosumer Concepts identified in the framework of the European project PV Prosumers for Grid. Annual hourly data from Solar Irradiance and Ambient Temperature as well as different load profiles are feed to the model consisting basically in a 3 phase AC integration of the different PV Prosumer concepts. Storage is considered and the results are expressed both in terms of the energy prosumed and delivered to the grid, as well as on the economic benefits of each PV Prosumer concept. The model was developed under MatLab Simulink. It can be concluded that the collective use of PV or district power models concepts behave better related to the single direct use (behind the meter) prosumer concept in terms of prosumed energy and that the presence of storage, on the other way, benefits the single prosumer concept. The present paper describes the developed model and shows the main results that can be obtained from this simulation tool.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio