7 research outputs found

    Electrochemical Plug-and-Power e-readers for Point-of-Care Applications

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    Point-of-Care diagnostic tests enable monitor health conditions and obtain fast results close to the patient, reducing medical costs, and allowing the control of infectious outbreaks. The interest in developing Point-of-Care devices is increasing due to they are suitable for a wide variety of applications. This doctoral thesis focuses on the development of Plug-and-Power electronic readers (e- readers) for electrochemical detections and the demonstration of their possibilities as Point-of-Care diagnostic testing. The solutions proposed in this study make it possible to improve Point-of-Care tests whose premises are laboratory decentralization, personalized medicine, rapid diagnosis, and improvement of patient care. Developed electronic readers can be powered from a conventional system, such as a USB port or a lithium battery, or can be defined as self-powered systems, capable of extracting energy from alternative energy sources, such as fuel cells, defining Plug-and-Power systems. The designed electrochemical detection devices in this thesis are based on low-power consumption electronic instrumentation circuits. These circuits are capable of controlling the sensing element, measuring its response, and representing the result quantitatively. The implemented devices can work with both electrochemical sensors and fuel cells. Furthermore, it is possible to adapt its measurement range, enabling its use in a wide variety of applications. Thanks to their reduced energy consumption, some of these developments can be defined as self-powered platforms able to operate only with the energy extracted from the biological sample, which in turn is monitored. These devices are easy-to-use and plug-and-play, enabling those unskilled individuals to carry out tests after prior training. Moreover, thanks to their user-friendly interface, results are clear and easy to understand. This doctoral dissertation is presented as an article compendium and composed of three publications detailed in chronological order of publication. The first contribution describes an innovative portable Point-of-Care device able to provide a quantitative result of the glucose concentration of a sample. The proposed system combines an e-reader and a disposable device based on two elements: a glucose paper-based power source, and a glucose fuel cell-based sensor. The battery-less e-reader extracts the energy from the disposable unit, acquires the signal, processes it, and shows the glucose concentration on a numerical display. Due to low-power consumption of the e-reader, the whole electronic system can operate only with the energy extracted from the disposable element. Furthermore, the proposed system minimizes the user interaction, which only must deposit the sample on the strip and wait a few seconds to see the test result. The second publication validates the e-reader in other scenarios following two approaches: using fuel cells as a power element, and as a dual powering and sensing element. The device was tested with glucose, urine, methanol, and ethanol fuel cells and electrochemical sensors in order to show the adaptability of this versatile concept to a wide variety of fields beyond clinical diagnostics, such as veterinary or environmental fields. The third study presents a low-cost, miniaturized, and customizable electronic reader for amperometric detections. The USB-powered portable device is composed of a full- custom electronic board for signal acquisition, and software, which controls the systems, represents and saves the results. In this study, the performance of the device was compared against three commercial potentiostats, showing comparable results to those obtained using three commercial systems, which were significantly more expensive. As proof of concept, the system was validated by detecting horseradish peroxidase samples. However, it could be easily extended its scope and measure other types of analytes or biological matrices since it can be easily adapted to detect currents a wide range of currents.Las pruebas de diagnostico Point-of-Care permiten monitorizar las condiciones de salud y obtener resultados rápidos cerca del paciente, reduciendo los costes médicos y permitiendo controlar brotes infecciosos. El interés por desarrollar dispositivos de Point- of-Care está aumentando debido a que son aplicables a una amplia variedad de aplicaciones. Esta tesis doctoral se centra en el desarrollo de lectores electrónicos (e-readers) Plug-and- Power para detecciones electroquímicas y la demostración de sus posibilidades como pruebas de diagnóstico de punto de atención (Point-of-Care). Las soluciones propuestas en este trabajo permiten mejorar las pruebas Point-of-Care, cuyas premisas son la descentralización de laboratorio, la medicina personalizada, el diagnóstico rápido y la mejora de la atención al paciente. Los lectores electrónicos desarrollados pueden ser alimentados desde un sistema convencional, como puede ser un puerto USB o una batería de litio, o definirse como sistemas autoalimentados, capaces de extraen energía de fuentes alternativas de energía, como celdas de combustible (fuel cells), definiendo así sistemas Plug-and-Power. Los dispositivos de detección electroquímica diseñados se basan en circuitos de instrumentación electrónica de bajo consumo. Estos circuitos son capaces controlar el elemento de sensado, medir su respuesta y representar el resultado de forma cuantitativa. Los dispositivos implementados pueden trabajar tanto con sensores electroquímicos como con fuel cells. Además, es posible adaptar su rango de medida, permitiendo su utilización en una amplia variedad de aplicaciones. Gracias a su reducido consumo de energía, algunos de estos desarrollos pueden definirse como plataformas autoalimentadas capaces de operar solo con la energía extraída de la muestra biológica, que a su vez es monitorizada. Estas plataformas electrónicas son fáciles de usar y Plug-and-Play, permitiendo que personas no cualificadas puedan utilizarlas después de un previo entrenamiento. Además, gracias a su interfaz fácil de usar, los resultados son claros y fáciles de interpretar

    Effects of Dopamine on the Immature Neurons of the Adult Rat Piriform Cortex

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    The layer II of the adult piriform cortex (PCX) contains a numerous population of immature neurons. Interestingly, in both mice and rats, most, if not all, these cells have an embryonic origin. Moreover, recent studies from our laboratory have shown that they progressively mature into typical excitatory neurons of the PCX layer II. Therefore, the adult PCX is considered a “non-canonical” neurogenic niche. These immature neurons express the polysialylated form of the neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM), a molecule critical for different neurodevelopmental processes. Dopamine (DA) is a relevant neurotransmitter in the adult CNS, which also plays important roles in neural development and adult plasticity, including the regulation of PSA-NCAM expression. In order to evaluate the hypothetical effects of pharmacological modulation of dopaminergic neurotransmission on the differentiation of immature neurons of the adult PCX, we studied dopamine D2 receptor (D2r) expression in this region and the relationship between dopaminergic fibers and immature neurons (defined by PSA-NCAM expression). In addition, we analyzed the density of immature neurons after chronic treatments with an antagonist and an agonist of D2r: haloperidol and PPHT, respectively. Many dopaminergic fibers were observed in close apposition to PSA-NCAM-expressing neurons, which also coexpressed D2r. Chronic treatment with haloperidol significantly increased the number of PSA-NCAM immunoreactive cells, while PPHT treatment decreased it. These results indicate a prominent role of dopamine, through D2r and PSA-NCAM, on the regulation of the final steps of development of immature neurons in the adult PCX

    Self-Powered Portable Electronic Reader for Point-of-Care Amperometric Measurements

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    In this work, we present a self-powered electronic reader (e-reader) for point-of-care diagnostics based on the use of a fuel cell (FC) which works as a power source and as a sensor. The self-powered e-reader extracts the energy from the FC to supply the electronic components concomitantly, while performing the detection of the fuel concentration. The designed electronics rely on straightforward standards for low power consumption, resulting in a robust and low power device without needing an external power source. Besides, the custom electronic instrumentation platform can process and display fuel concentration without requiring any type of laboratory equipment. In this study, we present the electronics system in detail and describe all modules that make up the system. Furthermore, we validate the device's operation with different emulated FCs and sensors presented in the literature. The e-reader can be adjusted to numerous current ranges up to 3 mA, with a 13 nA resolution and an uncertainty of 1.8%. Besides, it only consumes 900 µW in the low power mode of operation, and it can operate with a minimum voltage of 330 mV. This concept can be extended to a wide range of fields, from biomedical to environmental applications

    Competitive USB-Powered Hand-Held Potentiostat for POC Applications: An HRP Detection Case

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    Considerable efforts are made to develop Point-of-Care (POC) diagnostic tests. POC devices have the potential to match or surpass conventional systems regarding time, accuracy, and cost, and they are significantly easier to operate by or close to the patient. This strongly depends on the availability of miniaturized measurement equipment able to provide a fast and sensitive response. This paper presents a low-cost, portable, miniaturized USB-powered potentiostat for electrochemical analysis, which has been designed, fabricated, characterized, and tested against three forms of high-cost commercial equipment. The portable platform has a final size of 10.5 × 5.8 × 2.5 cm, a weight of 41 g, and an approximate manufacturing cost of $85 USD. It includes three main components: the power module which generates a stable voltage and a negative supply, the front-end module that comprises a dual-supply potentiostat, and the back-end module, composed of a microcontroller unit and a LabVIEW-based graphic user interface, granting plug-and-play and easy-to-use operation on any computer. The performance of this prototype was evaluated by detecting chronoamperometrically horseradish peroxidase (HRP), the enzymatic label most widely used in electrochemical biosensors. As will be shown, the miniaturized platform detected HRP at concentrations ranging from 0.01 ng·mL−1 to 1 µg·mL−1, with results comparable to those obtained with the three commercial electrochemical system

    Self-Powered Portable Electronic Reader for Point-of-Care Amperometric Measurements

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    In this work, we present a self-powered electronic reader (e-reader) for point-of-care diagnostics based on the use of a fuel cell (FC) which works as a power source and as a sensor. The self-powered e-reader extracts the energy from the FC to supply the electronic components concomitantly, while performing the detection of the fuel concentration. The designed electronics rely on straightforward standards for low power consumption, resulting in a robust and low power device without needing an external power source. Besides, the custom electronic instrumentation platform can process and display fuel concentration without requiring any type of laboratory equipment. In this study, we present the electronics system in detail and describe all modules that make up the system. Furthermore, we validate the device’s operation with different emulated FCs and sensors presented in the literature. The e-reader can be adjusted to numerous current ranges up to 3 mA, with a 13 nA resolution and an uncertainty of 1.8%. Besides, it only consumes 900 µW in the low power mode of operation, and it can operate with a minimum voltage of 330 mV. This concept can be extended to a wide range of fields, from biomedical to environmental applications

    Dossier de Pràctiques: Estudi i disseny d'un potenciostat per mesurar una cel·la electroquímica

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    Recull de tots els guions de les pràctiques per l'assignatura d'electrònica aplicada del Grau d'enginyera Biomèdica de la Universitat de Barcelona. El conjunt de les pràctiques es basen en la metodologia PBL guiada mitjançant el desenvolupament d'un instrument de mesura de sensors electroquímics anomenat potenciostat.GIDC IDEES-TIC (RIMDA

    Dossier de Pràctiques: Estudi i disseny d'un potenciostat per mesurar una cel·la electroquímica

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    Recull de tots els guions de les pràctiques per l'assignatura d'electrònica aplicada del Grau d'enginyera Biomèdica de la Universitat de Barcelona. El conjunt de les pràctiques es basen en la metodologia PBL guiada mitjançant el desenvolupament d'un instrument de mesura de sensors electroquímics anomenat potenciostat.GIDC IDEES-TIC (RIMDA