271 research outputs found

    Sucessão de microrganismos em diferentes estádios de secagem do café e sua influência na bebida/ Microorganism succession at different coffee drying stages and its influence on the beverage

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    O café passa por inúmeros processos até ser consumido como bebida e vários fatores contribuem para a qualidade final. Entre eles, a espécie e variedade, região do cultivo, condições climáticas, tratos culturais, maturação dos frutos, processamento pós-colheita, armazenagem e o preparo da bebida. Além disso, estudos têm demonstrado que a população microbiana e as condições que fizeram uma ou outra espécie prevalecer, podem influenciar nas características da bebida. No presente estudo foram analisadas 72 amostras provenientes de três tipos de preparos em diferentes dias de secagem ao sol no terreiro (0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 e 18 dias), a fim de identificar e quantificar a presença de fungos, leveduras e bactérias, avaliando seus efeitos na bebida do espresso. Os preparos foram: cereja descascado, onde foi retirada a casca e parte da mucilagem; cereja maduro, onde os frutos são colhidos dos pés de café na fase cereja e levados ao terreiro para secagem ao sol e; café natural, onde os frutos são colhidos dos pés de cafés nas fases passa ou seco e levados ao terreiro para secagem ao sol. Os gêneros de fungos mais encontrados foram Fusarium spp., fungos dematiaceos e Cladosporium spp. No início da secagem, nos 3 preparos houve alta contagem de leveduras, bactérias totais e bactérias láticas, diminuindo com o tempo e a redução da atividade de água. O cereja descascado, seco em 12 dias, apresentou maior diversidade fúngica e menor infecção conferindo atributos positivos a bebida. O café natural após 15 dias, apresentou maior infecção fúngica (22%), principalmente por Fusarium spp. Na bebida, as amostras foram heterogêneas, algumas apresentaram atributos positivos e outras negativos - fermentação leve. O cereja maduro apresentou menor infecção fúngica (2,5%) e atributos muito negativos na bebida (fermentação forte). Isso indica que o fruto maduro intacto na árvore tem baixa contaminação por fungos. Porém, no terreiro, o fruto com casca, polpa açucarada, muita água e exposto ao calor por um longo período (18 dias) favorece a ação muito prolongada e diversificada de bactérias e leveduras causadoras de possíveis fermentações lácteas, alcoólicas ou acéticas e metabolitos nocivos ao paladar, como o ácido acético (vinagre) e derivados como o éster etil

    Distinct mRNA and protein interactomes highlight functional differentiation of major eIF4F-like complexes from Trypanosoma brucei

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    Gene expression in pathogenic protozoans of the family Trypanosomatidae has several novel features, including multiple eIF4F-like complexes involved in protein synthesis. The eukaryotic eIF4F complex, formed mainly by eIF4E and eIF4G subunits, is responsible for the canonical selection of mRNAs required for the initiation of mRNA translation. The best-known complexes implicated in translation in trypanosomatids are based on two related pairs of eIF4E and eIF4G subunits (EIF4E3/EIF4G4 and EIF4E4/EIF4G3), whose functional distinctions remain to be fully described. Here, to define interactomes associated with both complexes in Trypanosoma brucei procyclic forms, we performed parallel immunoprecipitation experiments followed by identification of proteins co-precipitated with the four tagged eIF4E and eIF4G subunits. A number of different protein partners, including RNA binding proteins and helicases, specifically co-precipitate with each complex. Highlights with the EIF4E4/EIF4G3 pair include RBP23, PABP1, EIF4AI and the CRK1 kinase. Co-precipitated partners with the EIF4E3/EIF4G4 pair are more diverse and include DRBD2, PABP2 and different zinc-finger proteins and RNA helicases. EIF4E3/EIF4G4 are essential for viability and to better define their role, we further investigated their phenotypes after knockdown. Depletion of either EIF4E3/EIF4G4 mRNAs lead to aberrant morphology with a more direct impact on events associated with cytokinesis. We also sought to identify those mRNAs differentially associated with each complex through CLIP-seq with the two eIF4E subunits. Predominant among EIF4E4-bound transcripts are those encoding ribosomal proteins, absent from those found with EIF4E3, which are generally more diverse. RNAi mediated depletion of EIF4E4, which does not affect proliferation, does not lead to changes in mRNAs or proteins associated with EIF4E3, confirming a lack of redundancy and distinct roles for the two complexes

    A nontoxic polypeptide oligomer with a fungicide potency under agricultural conditions which is equal or greater than that of their chemical counterparts

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    Research ArticleThere are literally hundreds of polypeptides described in the literature which exhibit fungicide activity. Tens of them have had attempted protection by patent applications but none, as far as we are aware, have found application under real agricultural conditions. The reasons behind may be multiple where the sensitivity to the Sun UV radiation can come in first place. Here we describe a multifunctional glyco-oligomer with 210 kDa which is mainly composed by a 20 kDa polypeptide termed Blad that has been previously shown to be a stable intermediary product of β-conglutin catabolism. This oligomer accumulates exclusively in the cotyledons of Lupinus species, between days 4 and 12 after the onset of germination. Blad-oligomer reveals a plethora of biochemical properties, like lectin and catalytic activities, which are not unusual per si, but are remarkable when found to coexist in the same protein molecule. With this vast range of chemical characteristics, antifungal activity arises almost as a natural consequence. The biological significance and potential technological applications of Blad-oligomer as a plant fungicide to agriculture, its uniqueness stems from being of polypeptidic in nature, and with efficacies which are either equal or greater than the top fungicides currently in the market are addressedinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Functional capacity and assistance from the caregiver during daily activities in brazilian children with cerebral palsy

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    Background: Cerebral Palsy (CP) presents changes in posture and movement as a core characteristic, which requires multiprofessional clinical treatments during children’s habilitation or rehabilitation. Besides clinical treatment, it is fundamental that professionals use evaluation systems to quantify the difficulties presented to the individual and their families in their daily lives. We aimed to investigate the functional capacity of individuals with CP and the amount of assistance required by the caregiver in day-to-day activities. Methods: Twenty patients with CP, six-year-old on average, were evaluated. The Pediatric Evaluation Inventory of Incapacities was used (PEDI - Pediatric Evaluation Disability Inventory), a system adapted for Brazil that evaluates child's dysfunction in three 3 dimensions: self-care, mobility and social function. To compare the three areas, repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used. Results: We found the following results regarding the functional capacity of children: self-care, 27.4%, ±17.5; mobility, 25.8%, ±33.3 and social function, 36.3%, ±27.7. The results of the demand of aid from the caregiver according to each dimension were: self-care, 9.7%, ±19.9; mobility, 14.1%, ± 20.9 and social function, 19.8%, ±26.1. Conclusion: We indicated that there was no difference between the performance of the subjects in areas of self-care, mobility and social function considering the functional skills and assistance required by the caregiver.UNES

    Functional capacity and assistance from the caregiver during daily activities in Brazilian children with cerebral palsy

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    Abstract\ud \ud \ud \ud Background\ud \ud Cerebral Palsy (CP) presents changes in posture and movement as a core characteristic, which requires multiprofessional clinical treatments during children’s habilitation or rehabilitation. Besides clinical treatment, it is fundamental that professionals use evaluation systems to quantify the difficulties presented to the individual and their families in their daily lives. We aimed to investigate the functional capacity of individuals with CP and the amount of assistance required by the caregiver in day-to-day activities.\ud \ud \ud \ud Methods\ud \ud Twenty patients with CP, six-year-old on average, were evaluated. The Pediatric Evaluation Inventory of Incapacities was used (PEDI - Pediatric Evaluation Disability Inventory), a system adapted for Brazil that evaluates child's dysfunction in three 3 dimensions: self-care, mobility and social function. To compare the three areas, repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used.\ud \ud \ud \ud Results\ud \ud We found the following results regarding the functional capacity of children: self-care, 27.4%, ±17.5; mobility, 25.8%, ±33.3 and social function, 36.3%, ±27.7. The results of the demand of aid from the caregiver according to each dimension were: self-care, 9.7%, ±19.9; mobility, 14.1%, ± 20.9 and social function, 19.8%, ±26.1.\ud \ud \ud \ud Conclusion\ud \ud We indicated that there was no difference between the performance of the subjects in areas of self-care, mobility and social function considering the functional skills and assistance required by the caregiver.This manuscript received financial support from UNESP. The funding body provided financial support to make all procedures and in the decision to submit the manuscript for publication