21 research outputs found
Aportación al catálogo de las orquídeas silvestres de la provincia de Soria
Se adjuntan algunas novedades de la familia Orchidaceae correspondientes
a la provincia de Soria. De ellas 11 son especies no citadas antes (o citadas
erróneamente), entre las que destacan: Dactylorhiza incarnata, Epipactis distans, Limodorum
trabutianum, Orchis palustris, Orchis papilionacea y Platanthera algeriensis,
algunas de ellas muy escasas en la Península Ibérica y todas interesantes desde el
punto de vista biogeográfico
Adiciones al catálogo florístico de la provincia de Soria, III. Ampliaciones corológicas en el Sistema Ibérico y Valle del Ebro
Se presentan 39 taxones correspondientes a plantas vasculares raras no mencionadas previamente en el catálogo florístico de la provincia de Soria, como Apium inundatum, Camphorosma monspeliaca subsp. monspeliaca, Colchicum triphyllum, Crupina crupinastrum, Blakstonia imperfoliata, Isoetes setaceum, Helianthemum marifolium, Najas marina, etc. Seis de ellos constituyen una novedad para la flora de Castilla y León, tales como Centaurea boissieri subsp. pinae, Colchicum triphyllum, Erysimum ruscinonesis Gypsophila pilosa y Helianthemum mariifolium. Algunos son muy escasos en el territorio de Castilla y León o incluso en la Península Ibérica, y se encuentran amenazados o protegidos. Para todos ellos se aporta una ampliación de su área de distribución conocida o una mejora en su demarcación.Additions to the Floristic Catalogue of the Province of Soria (Spain), III: Chorologic extensions at the Iberian System and Ebro Valley. Here we present 39 taxa corresponding to rare vascular plants which had not previously been recorded for Soria province, such as Apium inundatum, Camphorosma monspeliaca subsp. monspeliaca, , Colchicum triphyllum, Crupina crupinastrum, Blackstonia imperfoliata, Isoetes setaceum, Helianthemum marifolium, Najas marina, etc. Six out of these aforementioned ones, mean a novelty for the flora of Castilla y León region, such as Centaurea boissieri subsp. pinae, Colchicum triphyllum, Erysimum ruscinonesis, Gypsophila pilosa, and Helianthemum mariifolium. Some of them are very scarce in Castilla y León region or even in the Iberian Peninsula, and are threatened or protected. For all of them enlarge previously known distribution areas are enlarged or their delimitations are improved
Novedades para la flora soriana, 2. Plantas arvenses, ruderales o neófitas
Continuing with the series of publications on the flora of the province of Soria (Spain) that precedes the review and reedition of the Floristic Catalogue of Soria (SEGURA & al., 2000), 25 taxa are incorporated, corresponding to vascular plants, which had not previously been recorded. A part of them are neophyte species from America or southern Africa that have recently appeared; others are weed, ruderal or road flora of paleotempered origin (Latecircunmediterranean Iranoturanian). All of them provide with an enlargement of their known distribution area, or with an improvement in the knowledge of their means and paths of expansion. The recent creation of big communication infrastructures such as highways or high-speed trains, or the development of a matted net of interregional and international markets of forest or agricultural products, together with climatic change, have facilitated the progress and genetic flux of neophyte or ruderal species between geographically distant areas. In the province of Soria, such arrival of new species that is facilitated by climatic change is more evident in zones of climatic transition of the iberoatlantic area, and between the mesomediterranean and supramediterranean levels
Novedades de flora soriana, 1
We initiate a series of publications on the flora of the province of Soria, Spain, which are previous to the review and reedition of the Floristic Catalogue of Soria (SEGURA & al., 2000), to incorporate 50 taxa corresponding to vascular plants which had not previously been recorded for the flora of province of Soria. Since the level of prospection in the Province is currently very high, these recent findings are all rare and scarce taxa in the province?s territorial context; some are peripheral or much localized, others are restricted to scarce environments and require them to be well preserved; in general, they show a presence extent very diffuse or fragmented in the Province. Another part are taxa recently described, commonly of a sub specific rank. All of them provide with an enlargement of their known distribution area, or with an improvement in their demarcation. Some floristic rarities and some regional novelties stand out, such as Beta maritima, Hippocrepis bourgaei or Lappula patula, besides other species that are very scarce, peripheral, relict or showing a fragmented area of distribution in the Province, such as Arbutus unedo, Hieracium prenanthoides, Gagea foliosa subsp. durieui or Hyacinthoides non-scripta
Novedades de flora soriana, IV
We continue with this series of publications on the flora of the province of Soria (NC Spain), before the review and reedition of the Floristic Catalogue of Soria. About a dozen species are incorporated as new, the known distribution is extended for many others and one is eliminated because it was based on misinterpreted dat