53 research outputs found


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    Cilj rada bio je utvrditi mogućnost dobivanja sadnoga materijala Rosa canina L. i Pelargonium zonale L. u kulturi tkiva te pogodnost alternativnih komponenti i njihovih mješavina kao supstrata za adaptaciju proizvedenih in vitro presadnica navedenih cvjetnih vrsta. U istraživanju analizirano je četiri alternativne komponente (ljuske od kakaovca (A), vrbina kora (B), supstrat nastao nakon proizvodnje šampinjona (C), piljevina (D)) te šest njihovih mješavina za uzgoj cvjetnih presadnica. Kao kontrolni supstrat analizirani su Klasman Potgrond P (za divlju ružu) (E) i Balkon – blumenerde (za pelargoniju) (F). Statističkom obradom podataka, utvrđene su značajne razlike između svih tretmana (supstrata) i njihovih analiziranih svojstava. Prosječan postotak adaptiranih presadnica u svim istraživanim supstratima iznosio je 54,68% za divlju ružu te 99,68% za pelargoniju. Najveće vrijednosti morfoloških pokazatelja divlje ruže utvrđene su na mješavini supstrata M2 (30% A + 20% B + 40% C + 10% D), gdje je zabilježen najveći broj izboja, broj listova, svježa nadzemna masa, ukupna svježa masa presadnice te odnos mase nadzemnoga dijela i korijena u svježem i suhome stanju. Kemijski sastav presadnica divlje ruže varirao je među tretmanima, no najviši sadržaj većine makro i mikroelemenata utvrđen je na presadnicama uzgajanim na supstratu od piljevine (D) te kontrolnome supstratu (E). Kod pelargonije, najveće vrijednosti gotovo svih morfoloških pokazatelja zabilježene su, također, na mješavinama supstrata M4 (18% A + 22% B + 40% C + 20% D) i M6 (18% A + 42% B + 20% C + 20% D). Nadalje, dok su najveće vrijednosti morfoloških pokazatelja utvrđene na presadnicama pelargonija uzgajanim na mješavinama, najviši sadržaj mikro i makroelemenata utvrđen je u presadnicama uzgajanim na alternativnim komponentama.The aim of this study was to establish the possibility of growing Rosa canina L. and Pelargonium zonale L. in tissue culture and suitability of alternative components and their mixtures as a substrate for adaptation of in vitro seedlings of these floral species. In this research, four alternative components (cocoa shell (A), willow bark (B), spent mushroom substrate (C), sawdust (D)) and six of their mixtures were analysed. Klasman Potgrond P (for wild rose) and Balkon – blumenerde (for pelargonium) were analysed as a control substrate. Statistical analysis has revealed significant differences between all the treatments (substrates) and their analysed properties. An average percentage of adapted seedlings in all of the substrates was 54.68% for wild rose, and 99.68% for pelargonium. The largest values of morphological properties for the wild rose were determined on an M2 (30% A + 20% B + 40% C + 10% D) substrate mixture, where the greatest number of shoots, leaf number, fresh overground mass, total fresh mass of seedling and the ratio of fresh and dry overground mass and root were recorded. Chemical composition of wild rose seedlings varied among the treatments, but the highest content of macro and micro elements was determined in the seedlings grown on sawdust (D) and control substrate (E). The largest values of almost all morphological properties of pelargonium were also recorded on substrate mixtures M4 (18% A + 22% B + 40% C + 20% D) and M6 (18% A + 42% B + 20% C + 20% D). Furthermore, while the largest morphological properties of pelargonium seedlings were recorded in the mixtures, the highest content of macro and micro elements determined in the seedlings was on those grown on alternative components, especially in the seedlings grown on a willow bark substrate

    Effect of biostimulant application on development of pansy (Viola tricolor var. Hortensis dc.) seedlings

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    Pansy (Viola tricolor var. hortensis DC.) is a biennial large-flowered hybrid plant cultivated as a popular ornamental plant in urban green areas. The plants prefers sun and well-drained soil, but also tolerate low temperatures. The optimal time for transplanting pansy seedlings in outdoors beds is in autumn, although early autumn frosts can affect the insufficient nutrient uptake, which can be a limiting factor for seedling survival. To avoid these effects, plants can be treated with different growth stimulants such as the biostimulant Radifarm®. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of biostimulant Radifarm® application on development of pansy seedlings. The experiments were carried out in the glasshouse of the Faculty of Agriculture in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, set up as a split-plot design with treated and untreated plants during 2014 and 2015. In the greenhouse, young plants were treated with biostimulant Radifarm® (Valagro SpA, Italy) in concentration of 0.30% while control plants were treated only with tap water. During the experiment, the following parameters were recorded: plant height (cm), plant diameter (cm), number of leaves, and number of flowers. At the end of the experiment root and above-ground fresh, and dry mass were recorded. Biostimulant treatment showed improved results by increasing the examined parameters. Biostimulant application can ensure production of high quality pansy seedlings by overcoming temperature stress and providing good nutrient uptake by the reduction of fertilizers and environmental contamination

    Morphological characteristics of roses cut flower after vase life

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    Investigation was conducted under controlled conditions in the laboratory for plant production at the Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek. The cut roses used in the study were "Red Naomi". Three different mediums of 300 ml volume were used in the study: ordinary tap water, Chrysal clear, Crystal soil gel. After symptoms of decay such as weariness of neck and yellowing and drying of petals were observed, each rose was taken out of medium and the volume of the residual liquid was measured. Leaves, neck and head of decayed roses were separately weighed, placed in paper bags and dried at 70 ºC for 24h and 48h respectfully. The smallest loss of medium volume (5.45 %) was recorded in cut roses that were stored in the Crystal soil gel, while the greatest loss of medium volume (47.71 %) was recorded in cut roses stored in Chrysal clear

    Morphological Characteristics of Roses Cut Flower after Vase Life

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    Investigation was conducted under controlled conditions in the laboratory for plant production at the Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek. The cut roses used in the study were „Red Naomi“. Three different mediums of 300 ml volume were used in the study: ordinary tap water, Chrysal clear, Crystal soil gel. After symptoms of decay such as weariness of neck and yellowing and drying of petals were observed, each rose was taken out of medium and the volume of the residual liquid was measured. Leaves, neck and head of decayed roses were separately weighed, placed in paper bags and dried at 70 ºC for 24h and 48h respectfully. The smallest loss of medium volume (5.45 %) was recorded in cut roses that were stored in the Crystal soil gel, while the greatest loss of medium volume (47.71 %) was recorded in cut roses stored in Chrysal clear

    Effect of different preparations for prolonged vase life of rose flower

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    Istraživanje trajanja rezanog cvijeta ruže u vazi provedeno je 2011. u laboratoriju Zavoda za bilinogojstvo na Poljoprivrednom fakultetu u Osijeku. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja korištene su ruže mirisne sorte Red Naomi nizozemskog proizvođača Schreurs uzgojene na OPG Maltar u Valpovu. Kao medij u pokusu korištena je obična voda iz slavine, Chrysal clear i gel Crystal soil. Srednja temperatura tijekom pokusa iznosila je 24,3ºC. Statističkom obradom podataka utvrđena je značajna razlika u trajanju rezanog cvijeta u vazi (vase life) u ovisnosti o mediju čuvanja rezanog cvijeta. Rezani cvijet ruže čuvan u Chrysal clear prosječno je trajao 11 dana, dok je rezani cvijet ruže čuvane u vodi trajao prosječno osam dana. Najmanje se dana očuvao rezani cvijet u gelu koji je propao nakon pet dana. Intenzitet transpiracije i gubitak tekućine u posudama u ovisnosti su jedan o drugome, kao i o mediju u kojem su biljke bile čuvane. Najveći intenzitet transpiracije utvrđen je kod rezane ruže čuvane u mediju Chrysal, a najmanji u gelu. Nakon petog dana pokusa na nekoliko stabljika ruža u gelu uočena je siva pahuljasta prevlaka te je izolacijom patogena utvrđeno da se radi o uzročniku sive plijesni Botrytis cinerea. Istraživanje ukazuje da primjena preparata Chrysal, koji sadrži glukozu, biocide i acidifere, utječe na trajnost cvijeta ruže i produžava život cvijeta u vazi (vase life), isto tako gel nepovoljno utječe na čuvanje rezanog cvijeta ruže.The research of cut rose flower vase life was conducted in the laboratory of the Department of Crop Production, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek. For the needs of this research there were used roses of fragrant cultivar Red Naomi of the Dutch producer Schreurs cultivated at the family farm Maltar in Valpovo, Croatia. As the medium in the experiment there was used regular tap water, Chrysal clear and Crystal soil gel. Mean temperature during the experiment was 24.35°C. Statistical data analysis determined a significant difference in cut flower vase life depending on the medium for keeping a cut flower. Cut rose flower kept in Chrysal clear was fresh for 11 days on average, whereas cut rose flower kept in water was fresh for 8 days on average. Cut rose flower kept in gel had the shortest vase life of 5 days. Transpiration intensity and loss of fluid in pots were interdependent and also depend on the medium for keeping flowers. The highest transpiration intensity was determined with cut rose flower kept in Chrysal medium, and the lowest in gel. After the 5th day of the experiment there was noticed a gray flaky coating on few rose stalks, so pathogen isolation determined that it was the causative agent of gray mold, Botrytis cinerea. The research indicates that the application of the preparation Chrysal, which contains glucose, biocides and acidifiers, affects the viability of rose flower and prolongs the vase life. Also, gel influences unfavorably the keeping of cut rose flower

    Germination of Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) at Different Level of Sodium Chloride and Temperatures

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    In this study the morphological characteristic of the industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) seedlings were observed at different salinity level (0, 50, 100 and 150 mM NaCl) and temperatures (10°C, 15°C and 20°C) in the controlled conditions. In this study, on the 3rd day the average germination energy was 41%. On the 8th day, the germination rate was on average 48%, with the highest germination rate of 55% (150 mM 10°C) and the lowest was 43% (50 mM 20°C). The total length of the C. sativa seedlings was the highest at 50 mM (10.4 cm) and decreased by 2.8% with 150 mM NaCl. From this study it is recommended to use higher seeds rates for sowing on saline soils

    Fitokemijski sastav mljevene začinske paprike iz istočne Dunavske regije

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    This study aimed to evaluate the phytochemical composition of sweet and hot ground paprika originating from different production sites in the Eastern Danube Region, i.e. in Croatia, Serbia and Hungary. Obtained results showed that composition and level of metabolites as well as antioxidant activity in paprika samples varied greatly among different locations. For the first time, clear differences in the chemical composition of sweet and hot paprika obtained from two Hungarian wax pepper cultivars produced in three different states of the Eastern Danube region were determined. Averagely, paprika samples from Croatia had the highest carotenoid content but the lowest levels of phenols and flavonoids. The hot paprika samples from Croatia had the highest content of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin. Thus, the results of this investigation indicate that bioactive compounds in paprika can vary greatly depending on their geographical origin. However, this variation can also occur due to different production technology and processing methods. Further investigations and methods need to be employed to determine the factors responsible for variation of content of bioactive compounds in paprika.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi fitokemijski sastav slatke i ljute začinske paprike podrijetlom iz različitih uzgojnih područja u Istočnoj dunavskoj regiji, tj. u Hrvatskoj, Srbiji i Mađarskoj. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su kako se sastav i razina metabolita, kao i antioksidacijska aktivnost, u uzorcima začinske paprike značajno razlikuju između različitih uzgojnih područja. Prvi su put istaknute jasne razlike u kemijskome sastavu slatkih i ljutih sorata mađarske paprike proizvedene u tri različite države Istočne dunavske regije. Općenito, uzorci paprike iz Hrvatske imali su najveći sadržaj karotenoida, ali najniže vrijednosti fenola i flavonoida. Uzorci ljute paprike iz Hrvatske imali su najveći sadržaj kapsaicina i dihidrokapsaicina, kao i najviše Scovilleovih jedinica ljutine. Stoga, ovo istraživanje ukazuje na prikladnost određenih uzgojnih područja za dobivanje paprike željenoga kemijskoga sastava. Podatci su vrlo zanimljivi i važni za prehrambeno prerađivačku i farmaceutsku industriju, kao i za usmjeravanje regionalnih proizvođača prema dobivanju kvalitetne mljevene paprike