5 research outputs found


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    This research is qualitative research which aims to create a clear picture of the problems of Indonesian Language Education lectures in the Primary School Teacher Education study program in a collaborative attitude. Data collection methods: in-depth interviews, observation, and recording of documents and then the data will be analyzed holistically (a holistic perspective) with a holistic inductive approach (the entire individual) through extraction (texts) of the results of interviews, observations, and recording of these documents . The results of research on students' collaborative attitudes in the aspect of responsibility for collaboration obtained a percentage of 75% in the collaborative category, effective group collaboration obtained a percentage of 78% in the collaborative category, adapting among group members obtained a percentage of 76% in the collaborative category, deliberation to make decisions obtained a percentage of 78% in the collaborative category, and communicating between groups effectively obtained a percentage of 77% in the collaborative category. The conclusion of this research is that the collaborative attitude of Ganesha Education University PGSD students using the PjBL learning model obtained the collaborative category

    Artificial Intelligence and Academic Ethics in The Era of Merdeka Belajar : How Are Students' Responses?

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    This study aims to analyze students' responses to using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and academic ethics in the era of independent learning. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. Participants in this study were selected by purposive sampling, namely Postgraduate Students in Basic Education, Ganesha University of Education, Singaraja Campus. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis technique was carried out descriptively by analyzing the average percentage of the questionnaire items. The results of this study showed that 56.67% of students said that AI was responsive, 89.44% of students said that AI was practical and efficient, 78.89% of students said it was interactive, 94.17% of students said it was useful in courses and design, and 94.67% said it was useful in individual learning processes. Academic ethics must also be continuously implemented when using AI in learning activities, making scientific writing assignments, making learning media with integrity, honesty, paraphrasing, and citing sources. To conclude, recommendations for higher education students should use this AI wisely

    Pelaksanaan Pengajaran Pengayaan untuk Siswa Yang Memiliki Prestasi Belajar dalam Pembelajaran Kurikulum 2013

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    Ada beberapa hal yang menjadi sari dalam penelitian ini. Pertama, pemahaman wali kelas terhadap pengajaran pengayaan sudah baik. Hal ini terlihat dari jawaban yang memberikan gambaran bahwa wali kelas tersebut sudah mampu memahami dengan baik tentang pengajaran pengayaan. Kedua, pelaksanaan pengajaran pengayaan khususnya siswa yang memiliki prestasi belajar di kelas III/A SD Lab. Undiksha Singaraja Tahun Pelajaran 2018 /2019 telah berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan prosedur pelaksanaan pengajaran pengayaan dalam Kurikulum 2013. Ketiga, masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh guru dalam melaksanakan pengajaran pengayaan pada Kurikulum 2013 di Kelas III/A SD Lab Undiksha Singaraja, yaitu (1) perbedaan karakteristik siswa, (2) perbedaan minat dan bakat, dan (3) masalah sulitnya guru dalam mengatur jam pembelajaran

    Paired Story Telling Cerita Bergambar Teknologi Pangan Kuliner Lokal Bali Meningkatkan Berbicara

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    Students lack the ability to properly express their opinions and use media, a class action research was conducted to improve students' speaking skills using the Paired Story Telling model supported by media images.The subjects of this review were 20 understudies from class III SDN 7 Sangsit Bali, and the data were investigated utilising subjective and quantitative distinct methods. The results of this study are pre-cycle students' speaking skills scores of 63.55 on average, 64 on the median, 62 on the mode, and 20% classical mastery; the students' speaking skills are not very good.The mean was 71.5, the median was 70, the mode was 63, and classical mastery was 65% in the first cycle.Speaking skills improved in cycle II, with mean 90, median 92, mode 92, and 90 percent classical completeness falling into the category of very good. As a result, the Paired Story Telling model supported by picture media improves elementary school students' speaking abilitie

    Infographic Media Increases Learning Interest, Learning Outcomes, and Character of Elementary School Students and Countermeasures Health Problems: Infographic Media Increases Learning Interest, Learning Outcomes, and Character of Elementary School Students and Countermeasures Health Problems

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    The teacher's ability to create learning media is needed to increase interest, learning outcomes, and student character. One of the media that can increase interest, learning outcomes, and student character is infographic media. In addition, infographic media has an effective role in providing education on health problems. Therefore this study examines the role of infographic media in the basic description of schools in increasing student interest, character, and learning outcomes as well as overcoming health problems. This research method is qualitative with the type of literature review research regarding the implementation of infographic media at the basic education level and overcoming health problems. The results obtained from previous research regarding the development of infographic media in increasing interest, learning outcomes, and student character, as well as infographics regarding managing nutritional health problems, organ reproduction, and preventing the Covid-19 Pandemic. The conclusion from this research is that infographics can increase interest in learning, learning outcomes, and the character of students at the basic education level. Infographics can be used as educational media for knowledge of nutrition, adolescent reproductive health, and prevention of pandemic outbreaks. For other research, it is hoped that it can implement infographic media with interesting material and be integrated with local wisdom, learning models, and can be disseminated for educational, economic, and health purposes