154 research outputs found

    Transcritical Carbon Dioxide Charge-Discharge Energy Storage with Integration of Solar Energy

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    New and improved energy storage technologies are required to overcome non-dispatchability, which is the main challenge for the successful integration of large shares of renewable energy within energy supply systems. Energy storage is proposed to tackle daily variations on the demand side, i.e., storing low-price energy during off-peak or valley periods for utilization during peak periods. Regarding electrical energy storage, several technologies are available with different potentials for scalability, density, and cost. A recent approach for grid-scale applications is based on transcritical carbon dioxide charge and discharge cycles in combination with thermal energy storage systems. This alternative to pumped-hydro and compressed air energy storage has been discussed in scientific literature, where different configurations have been proposed and their efficiency and costs calculated. The potential of the concept has been demonstrated to be an economical alternative, including hybrid concepts with solar thermal storage. Even at low temperatures, the addition of solar energy has proved to be cost effective. This paper explores the effect of introducing solar-based high temperature heat on the performance of different configurations of “Transcritical carbon dioxide ‒ thermal energy storage system” cycles. A base-cycle with 8-hour discharge time is compared with different layouts. Discussions include details on the models, parametric analyses -including solar technology alternatives-, and simulation results. Round trip efficiency of the base case, without solar support and at pressure ratio of 9.4, is 52%. When solar input is considered, the efficiency is above 60%, increasing the turbine inlet temperature to 950 K. Estimated levelized cost of electricity values are in the range of pumped hydro and compressed air energy storage, 90-140 USD/MWh in agreement with other works on this thermal storage technology. The global analysis shows clear advantages for advancing in the study and definition of this technology for exploitation of synergies at different power ranges, integrated with mid/high temperature solar power plants and with smaller-scale renewable installations.Unión Europea. Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional SOE1 / P3 / P0429E

    Research Development & Early-Career Faculty: Catalysts of Change for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in STEM

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    Problem Statement: Early-career science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) faculty members are often challenged when identifying authentic diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) goals, objectives, and tasks for their research grant proposals. Advancing DEI has not been one person’s job but rather the responsibility of a highly organized network within a system. Research development professionals have been and will continue to be critical resources for developing DEI plans and broadening participation. Their value is partly due to relationship-oriented processes that research professionals cultivate and shepherd as well as the inherently cross-disciplinary nature of the day-to-day work. Observation: In FY 19, 53% of the highest growth in R&D was in biological, biomedical, and health sciences followed closely by engineering. While many complexities are involved in advancing DEI within our universities, colleges, and workplaces, this article is focused on early-career STEM faculty and research development professionals’ roles to facilitate DEI linkages within research. Analyze: First, descriptions of the recent federal definitions of diversity, equity, and inclusion are provided in research development; This is intended to anchor the discussion and propel the ideation for early-career faculty in federal funding solicitations. Next, a few examples of how early-career STEM faculty engaged in authentic DEI activities with a research development professional are provided. Reflect and Recommend: Finally, five potential DEI partners for collaboration and resources for early-career STEM faculty are provided to support brainstorming as faculty begin to develop their own DEI engagement for research. Context drives design, and research development resources are mechanisms for authentic engagement in DEI for faculty

    Analytic Causative Constructions in Medieval Spanish: The Origins of a Construction

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    he goal of this study is to provide an inventory of the Analytic Causative constructions that were in use in Peninsular Spanish from the 12 th to the 16 th centuries from the constructional perspective of Cognitive Grammar. A detailed profile of each construction was made including its constructional schema along with relevant semantic, syntactic, lexical, pragmatic, and socio-cultural information. Fifteen different constructions involving the verbs mandar 'command', fazer 'make/do', and enviar 'send' were recorded and described. Moreover, several of the evolution paths constructions followed and the way constructions influenced and interacted with each other forming constructional networks were identified. The importance of semantic factors triggering change, as well as the role that prototypical exemplars, collocations, and analogy play in the emergence and conservation of constructions are discussed

    Estrategias de aprendizaje en la comprensión lectora en los estudiantes de segundo de secundaria de una institución educativa de Lima

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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia de las estrategias de aprendizaje en la comprensión lectora de los estudiantes de segundo de secundaria de una institución educativa de Lima. Estudio tipo básico, de enfoque cuantitativo en cuanto se empleó la estadística con el propósito de recolectar, organizar y presentar los datos; responde al diseño no experimental, es correlacional causal ya que existe una vinculación entre las variables y al mismo tiempo determina procesos de causalidad. Su población estuvo conformada por 120 estudiantes y la muestra por 92, recolectándose los datos mediante un cuestionario con escala tipo Likert para medir las estrategias de aprendizaje y una prueba objetiva para comprensión lectora mediante la técnica de encuesta, cuyos resultados a través del estadístico pseudo r cuadrado determina que las estrategias de aprendizajes influyen en un 25,2% en la comprensión lectora, así mismo influye en 17,5% en el nivel literal, 14,7% en el inferencial y 12,5% en el nivel criterial, concluyendo así, la influencia que tiene las estrategias de aprendizaje en los niveles de comprensión lectora de los estudiantes, resultados que son importantes para tomar en consideración y fortalecer aquello desde el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en dicha institución educativa

    Habilidades sociales en la convivencia escolar en estudiantes del VI ciclo de una institución educativa de Lima, 2023

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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la incidencia de las habilidades sociales en la convivencia escolar en los estudiantes del VI ciclo de una institución educativa de Lima. Estudio tipo básico, de enfoque cuantitativo, responde al diseño no experimental, es correlacional causal de nivel explicativo. Su población estuvo constituida por 134 estudiantes delimitándose la muestra en 100 participantes los cuales fueron seleccionados mediante muestreo no probabilístico intencionado, recolectándose los datos a través un cuestionario con escala de Likert para medir las habilidades sociales y la convivencia escolar, la cual fue validada mediante juicio de expertos; así mismo la confiabilidad del instrumento de habilidades sociales según alfa de Cronbach es 0,869 y la confiabilidad del instrumento de convivencia escolar es de 0,838 respectivamente. Los resultados según estadístico pseudo r cuadrado de Nagelkerke determinan que las habilidades sociales inciden en un 34.5% en la convivencia escolar, permitiendo así concluir que en la medida que se fortalecen las habilidades sociales en los alumnos, se fortalece el componente comunicativo además de su interacción tanto con su pares, como con los agentes con los que se interrelaciona, posibilitando mejorar su convivencia a nivel del aula y de Institución Educativa

    Differential multimerization of Moloney murine leukemia virus integrase purified under nondenaturing conditions

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    Retroviral integrases (IN) catalyze the integration of the reverse-transcribed viral DNA into the host genome, an essential process leading to virus replication. For Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) IN, the limited solubility of the recombinant protein has restricted the development of biophysical and structural analyses. Herein, recombinant M-MuLV IN proteins, either full length or two nonoverlapping domain constructs, were purified under non-denaturing conditions from solubilized bacterial extracts by Ni2+-NTA resins. Additionally, WT IN was further purified by heparin chromatography. All of the purified proteins were shown to be active and stable. WT M-MuLV IN chromatographed with a peak corresponding with a dimer by gel filtration chromatography. In contrast, the single point mutant C209A IN migrated predominantly as a tetramer. For both proteins, fractions in equilibrium between dimers and tetramers were competent to assemble concerted two-end integrations and yielded a unique strand-transfer profile in the presence of a 28-mer U5 oligonucleotide substrate, indicative of a distinct conformation within the synaptic complex. This specific target-site selection was not observed with a shorter 20-mer U5 substrate. These studies provide the foundation for biophysical and structural analysis on M-MuLV IN and the mechanism of retroviral integration

    Propuesta del sistema de economía circular en Lonya grande para mejorar el nivel de vida de los habitantes

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    Este artículo tuvo como propósito determinar el impacto de la economía circular en el nivel de vida de los habitantes de Lonya Grande. Donde tuvimos en cuenta como variable dependiente al nivel de vida, y como variable independiente a la economía circular, tratada a una muestra sin fecha de 370 encuestas a los habitantes del distrito de Lonya Grande. Sin embargo, lo importante es saber que hay detrás del nivel de vida de los habitantes de Lonya Grande y la economía circular, por ello es importante realizar el presente estudio. Los resultados del análisis empírico indican que el impacto de la economía circular en el nivel de vida fue de 0.05. Los resultados muestran la importancia tanto el nivel como la estabilidad de la economía circular para mantener un buen nivel de vida.TesisInfraestructura, Tecnología y Medio Ambient

    Sintomatología y terapias en pacientes COVID – 19 positivos que acuden a la Botica RC del distrito de la Victoria – Lima, mayo - junio 2021

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    El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la sintomatología y terapias en pacientes COVID-19 positivos que acudieron a la Botica RC del distrito de la Victoria en mayo-junio de 2021, a través de una investigación descriptiva y transversal. La muestra fue de 108 pacientes COVID-19 positivos con rango de edad de 20 a 65 años, empleándose un instrumento de recolección de datos basado en cuestionario con ítems relacionados a las variables que fueron validados por expertos. Los resultados demuestran que el 51,9% de la población fueron de género femenino con rango de edad de 31-40 años (37%) y de 51-65 (25%) años algunos de ellos con comorbilidades; donde los síntomas frecuentemente eran fiebre (75%), dolor muscular (74,1%), dolor de garganta (70,4%), tos (64,8%), fatiga y debilidad (50%). En cuanto a las terapias; los tratamientos farmacológicos utilizados fueron dexametasona (74,1%), ceftriaxona (56,5%), azitromicina (49,1%), ivermectina (43,5%); con respecto al tratamiento tradicional el 57,4% de la población utilizó como tratamiento complementario el jengibre (75%), eucalipto (71,9%), ajos (67,2%) y matico (54,7%). Los pacientes positivos más propensos a las nuevas variantes del virus fueron mayormente jóvenes presentando síntomas como fiebre, dolor muscular, dolor de garganta y tos; siendo tratados con dexametasona, ceftriaxona, azitromicina e ivermectina y donde la mitad de la población utilizó como tratamiento complementario el jengibre, eucalipto, ajos y matico

    Gestión del talento humano de los docentes en la Institución Educativa Alexander Von Humboldt, 2018

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    RESUMEN La presente investigación es sobre la Gestión del talento humano de los docentes en la institución educativa ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT, 2018. como objetivo es determinar el nivel del talento humano de los docentes en la institución educativa ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT, 2018. El método usado fue de tipo de investigación es Descriptiva, no experimental, Transversal; la población estuvo conformada por 30 trabajadores de todas las áreas de la institución educativa ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT. La técnica de recolección de información fue de encuesta mediante el instrumento tipo cuestionario. La recopilación de datos se realizó aplicando 30 encuestas como instrumento de la variable en estudio; el procesamiento de datos se realizó con el software SPSS (versión 25). Los resultados del presente estudio muestran que es indispensable diseñar programas de fomento que permitan que el reclutamiento en la selección de su personal sea que cumplan con el perfil de puesto, además las formas de contratación y diseño de puesto de trabajo deben cumplir características específicas, además de ello la compensación para los colaboradores se debe fortalecer los incentivos y beneficios de tal forma que la gestión del desempeño debe tener en cuenta que el personal necesita desarrollarse profesionalmente poniendo énfasis las capacitaciones que ayudara con la motivación personal. PALABRAS CLAVES: Gestión del talento humano.ABSTRACT The present investigation is about the human talent of the teachers in the educational institution ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT, 2018. The objective is to determine the level of human talent of the teachers in the educational institution ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT, 2018. The method used was of Research is Descriptive, not experimental, Transversal; the population consisted of 30 workers from all areas of the educational institution ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT. The information collection technique was a survey using the questionnaire type instrument. The data collection was carried out applying 30 surveys as an instrument of the variable under study; the data processing was performed with the SPSS software (version 25). The results of the present study show that it is essential to design promotion programs that allow recruitment in the selection of their personnel to comply with the job profile, in addition the forms of hiring and job design must meet specific characteristics, in addition from this the compensation for the collaborators should be strengthened the incentives and benefits in such a way that the management of the performance must take into account that the personnel needs to develop professionally emphasizing the trainings that will help with the personal motivation. KEYWORD: Human talent

    Cost-effectiveness of a family planning voucher program in rural Pakistan

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    Introduction: This study reports on the effectiveness and efficiency from the program funder\u27s perspective of the Suraj Social Franchise (SSF) voucher program in which private health-care providers in remote rural areas were identified, trained, upgraded, and certified to deliver family planning services to underserved women of reproductive age in 29 districts of Sindh and 3 districts of Punjab province, Pakistan between October 2013 and June 2016.Method: A decision tree compared the cost of implementing SSF to the program funder and its effects of providing additional couple years of protection (CYPs) to targeted women, compared to business-as-usual. Costs included vouchers given to women to receive a free contraceptive method of their choice from the SSF provider. The vouchers were then reimbursed to the SSF provider by the program.Results: A total of 168,206 married women of reproductive age (MWRA) received SSF vouchers between October 2013 and June 2016, costing 3,278,000(3,278,000 (19.50/recipient). The average effectiveness of the program per voucher recipient was an additional 1.66 CYPs, giving an incremental cost-effectiveness of the program of 4.28perCYPcomparedtonothavingtheprogram(954.28 per CYP compared to not having the program (95% CI: 3.62-5.31).Conclusion: The result compares favorably to other interventions with similar objectives and appears affordable for the Pakistan national health-care system. It is therefore recommended to help address the unmet need for contraception among MWRA in these areas of Pakistan and is worthy of trial implementation in the country more widely