14 research outputs found
Community pharmacy: Going beyond dispensing pharmaceuticals
The aim of this study is to understand if it is possible to predict health crisis based on
biochemical and physiological measurements made at the pharmacy, and, if needed, refer
patients to the doctor. This would avoid emergency services and increase pharmacies’ income.
Three pharmaceutical consultations were made, where these parameters were measured and the
therapeutics registered. The short duration of the study (three months) and the small sample (57
patients) did not allow to reach clear conclusions, as patients had little variation in their health.
It was also addressed the issue of how important these consultations are for patients and results
were positive: they considered consultations important and helpful and the majority of patients
were willing to pay €5 or less for them
O Concheiro de São Julião (Carvoeira, Mafra): as intervenções de 2007 e 2014, novos dados e novas leituras
Apresentação dos resultados das intervenções arqueológicas efetuadas em 2007 e 2014 no Concheiro de São Julião (Mafra). Propõe-se uma leitura integrada dos novos dados com os quatro núcleos do concheiro de São Julião: cronologia, estratigrafia, paleo-ambiente, morfologia da ocupação.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
The shell midden of Lisandro (Mafra, Lisbon, Portugal): new data of the aquatic resource exploitation in the Neolithic of the Lisbon Peninsula
O presente artigo efectua uma primeira apresentação do concheiro neolítico do Lisandro (Mafra, Lisboa, Portugal), numa abordagem interdisciplinar. Identificado em 2017 e objecto de uma escavação de emergência em 2018, Lisandro apresenta um depósito conquífero entre dunas, evidenciando uma ocupação exclusivamente relacionada com o consumo de fauna malacológica (bivalves e gastrópodes) datada do 3º quartel do 5º milénio a.n.e. Trata-se de um sítio temporário, sendo muito escassos os materiais recolhidos, destacando-se dois fragmentos de cerâmica decorada de tradição do Neolítico antigo. Numa leitura comparativa com outros contextos regionais do Mesolítico e Neolítico antigo, regista-se em geral uma grande continuidade nos padrões de mobilidade nos concheiros desta região, do Mesolítico antigo até ao Calcolítico. Os indicadores paleoambientais, em particular os dados malacológicos e antracológicos, parecem indicar mudanças ambientais, o impacto de actividade agro-pastoril e uma menor importância dos recursos aquáticos no 5º milénio.This article makes a first presentation of Lisandro’s neolithic shell midden (Mafra, Lisbon, Portugal), in an interdisciplinary approach. Identified in 2017 and excavated in 2018, Lisandro presents a conquiferous deposit between two generations of dunes, showing an occupation exclusively related to the consumption of malacological fauna (bivalves and gastropods) dating from the 3rd quarter of the 5th millennium BCE. It is a temporary site, with very few materials collected, including two sherds decorated in the Early Neolithic tradition. In a comparative analysis with other regional contexts of the Mesolithic and Early Neolithic, there is generally a great continuity in the pattern of mobility in the shell middens of this region, from the ancient Mesolithic to the Chalcolithic. The paleoenvironmental indicators, in particular the malacofauna and anthracological data, seem to point to environmental changes, to the impact of agro-pastoral activity and to a lesser importance of aquatic resources in the 5th millennium.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
3D-printed biosurfactant-chitosan antibacterial coating for the prevention of silicone-based associated infections
Funding Information: The authors would like to thank the Portuguese government, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), for the financial support through national funds PTDC/BTM-SAL/29335/2017, under iMed.ULisboa UIDB/04138/2020 and UIDP/04138/2020 and under IPL IPL/2022/3DWounDres_ESELx. FCT is also acknowledged for the research initiation Grant BII/2/FF/2022. The authors acknowledge the financial support from FCT and Portugal 2020 to the Portuguese Mass Spectrometry Network (Rede Nacional de Espectrometria de Massa – RNEM; LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-402-022125). The authors also acknowledge Andreia Bento da Silva (FFUL) for the assistance with the HPLC-MS equipment and Isabel Nogueira (IST Microlab) for the assistance with SEM imaging. Funding Information: The authors would like to thank the Portuguese government, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia ( FCT ), for the financial support through national funds PTDC/BTM-SAL/29335/2017 , under iMed.ULisboa UIDB/04138/2020 and UIDP/04138/2020 and under IPL IPL/2022/3DWounDres_ESELx. FCT is also acknowledged for the research initiation Grant BII/2/FF/2022 . The authors acknowledge the financial support from FCT and Portugal 2020 to the Portuguese Mass Spectrometry Network (Rede Nacional de Espectrometria de Massa – RNEM; LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-402-022125 ). The authors also acknowledge Andreia Bento da Silva (FFUL) for the assistance with the HPLC-MS equipment and Isabel Nogueira (IST Microlab) for the assistance with SEM imaging. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The AuthorsInfections associated with the surfaces of medical devices represent a critical problem due to biofilm formation and the growing resistance towards antibacterial drugs. This is particularly relevant in commonly used invasive devices such as silicone-based ones where a demand for alternative antibiofilm surfaces is increasing. In this work, an antimicrobial chitosan-biosurfactant hydrogel mesh was produced by 3D-printing. The 3D structure was designed to coat polydimethylsiloxane-based medical devices for infection prevention. Additionally, the porous 3D structure allows the incorporation of customized bioactive components. For this purpose, two biosurfactants (surfactin and sophorolipids) were biosynthesized and tested for their antimicrobial activity. In addition, the printing of surfactant-chitosan-based coatings was optimized, and the resulting 3D structures were characterized (i.e., wettability, FTIR-ATR, antimicrobial activity, and biocompatibility). Compared with surfactin, the results showed a better yield and higher antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria for sophorolipids (SLs). Thus, SLs were used to produce chitosan-based 3D-printed coatings. Overall, the SLs-impregnated coatings showed the best antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus planktonic bacteria (61 % of growth inhibition) and antibiofilm activity (2 log units reduction) when compared to control. Furthermore, concerning biocompatibility, the coatings were cytocompatible towards human dermal fibroblasts. Finally, the coating presented a mesh suitable to be filled with a model bioactive compound (i.e., hyaluronic acid), paving the way to be used for customized therapeutics.publishersversionpublishe
FMI 5000 : um projecto sobre mudanças ambientais Holocénicas.
Apresenta-se, de forma sumária, o Projecto FMI 5000 – Enviromental Changes: Fluvio-marine interactions over the last 5000 years (Projecto FCT no: PtDC/ Cte-GiX/104035/2008). Os ambientes estuarinos constituem uma das áreas mais sensíveis, no quadro das alterações climáticas e da subida do nível do mar, porque se situam na interface entre as influências fluviais e marinhas e são o suporte, não só de áreas húmidas de grande biodiversidade, mas também de actividades económicas de importância estratégica. Estes ambientes registam as mudanças do nível do mar e as modificações operadas nas bacias hidrográficas, quer naturais quer induzidas pela acção humana. Constitui objectivo deste projecto a avaliação do balanço entre as influências marinhas e fluviais, as respostas a eventos climáticos e o impacto das mudanças de uso do solo, numa janela temporal de 5000 anos. Os estuários escolhidos são o do rio Neiva, do rio Alcabrichel, na costa Ocidental de Portugal continental, e da ribeira de Bensafrim, no Barlavento algarvio.FMI 5000. A Project on the environmental changes during the holocene. This paper presents the aims, the proposed methodology and the cases to be studied within the FMI 5000 – environmental Changes: fluvio-marine interactions over the last 5000 years (Project FCT nº: PTDC/CTE-GIX/104035/2008). The estuarine environments are sensitive areas in the climate change and sea level rise framework, as they are in the interface between fluvial and marine dynamics. They are also strategic areas because of their great biodiversity and the various economic activities they support. These environments record the sea level changes as well as the changes in their drainage basin, whether they are natural or man induced. The goal of the project is to evaluate the balance between marine and fluvial influences, the answers to climatic events and the land use changes impacts, in a 5000 years’ time window. The estuaries of rio neiva, of rio alcabrichel and of ribeira de Bensafrim were chosen to develop this research; the first two are located on the western coast and the third one in the algarve southern coast.FMI 5000 : un Projet concernant les changements environnementaux de l’holocène. Le Projet FMI 5000 – Enviromental Changes: fluvio-marine interactions over the last 5000 years (Projecto FCT nº: PTDC/CTE-GIX/104035/2008) est presenté synthétiquement. Les environnements estuariens constituent l’une des zones les plus sensibles dans le cadre des altérations climatiques et de la montée du niveau de la mer, parce qu’ils se situent à l’interface entre les influences fluviales et marines, et sont le support, non seulement de zones humides de grande biodiversité, mais aussi d’activités économiques d’importance stratégique. Ces environnements enregistrent les changements de niveau de la mer et les modifications subies par les bassins hydrographiques, qu’elles soient naturelles ou induites par l’action humaine. Les objectifs de ce projet sont l’évaluation de l’équilibre entre les influences fluviales et marines, ainsi que l’impact des changements climatiques et d’occupation du sol, dans une fenêtre temporelle de 5000 ans. Les estuaires choisis sont celui du neiva, celui de l’alcabrichel, sur la côte occidentale du Portugal, et celui de la rivière de Bensafrim, dans l’est de l’algarve.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PTDC/CTE -GIX/104035/200
Medidas para poupança de água – abordagens concretas implementadas no ISEL através do projeto de sustentabilidade MySafeWater
O Projeto MySafeWater pretendeu fomentar o uso eficiente da água através de ações concretas para uma melhor gestão dos recursos hídricos numa escola do Ensino Superior, prevenindo a produção de resíduos, diminuído a pegada ecológica. Tendo por base os objetivos, este projeto assentou em três grandes eixos de
atuação que serão descritos em detalhe na comunicação a apresentar e resumidamente descritos de seguida.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
O projeto MySafeWater no ISEL
O projeto MySafeWater pretendeu promover os objetivos nacionais e europeus, em matéria de Ambiente, no que se refere essencialmente à promoção do “consumo da água da torneira como forma ambientalmente sustentável de consumo, prevenindo a produção de resíduos e diminuindo a pegada ecológica”, através da
informação e da conscientização do papel dos cidadãos na promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável em aspetos como a qualidade da água para consumo humano, abrangendo a participação ativa do público e pela sensibilização ambiental e a participação passiva do público.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
MySafeFiller adaptador para o enchimento de garrafas de água impresso em 3D
O MySafeFiller facilita o enchimento de todo o tipo garrafas de água reutilizáveis, com diferentes diâmetros de bocais e diferentes tamanhos, em qualquer torneira de abastecimento de água potável, bebedouro público ou dispensador de água, permite encher a garrafa inclinada sem esta encostar à torneira e sem verter água. Além disso, evita a contaminação do local de abastecimento pelo contacto com o bocal de uma garrafa, e do bocal da garrafa pelo contacto com o local de abastecimento, torneira de abastecimento de água potável, bebedouro público ou dispensador de água.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Tirosinase: uma enzima para múltiplas abordagens
Trabalho Final de Mestrado Integrado, Ciências Farmacêuticas, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2015A tirosinase (monofenol monooxigenase, EC é a enzima que catalisa a hidroxilação de monofenóis e de difenóis a o-quinonas. Estruturalmente, a enzima é constituída por dois átomos de cobre no sítio ativo, estando cada um deles ligado a três histidinas. O mecanismo de ação da tirosinase é descrito através de dois ciclos catalíticos interligados, conforme o envolvimento da enzima na hidroxilação de monofenóis a o-difenóis ou na oxidação de o-difenóis a o-quinonas reativas, sendo estes ciclos o ciclo da monofenolase e o ciclo da difenolase, respetivamente.
A tirosinase está envolvida em processos como a produção de melanina e o escurecimento das plantas após colheita. Uma vez envolvida na produção de melanina, a enzima encontra-se associada a várias condições tais como melanoma, vitiligo e albinismo, podendo a sua inibição e/ou ativação ser a solução para estas doenças. Devido ao seu envolvimento no escurecimento das plantas após colheita, a tirosinase apresenta-se como uma enzima de interesse para a indústria alimentar, uma vez que a sua inibição pode aumentar a vida-útil destes alimentos. Além destas duas aplicações, a enzima é ainda estudada pela indústria para ser utilizada na produção de antioxidantes e fármacos, na formação de biopolímeros, no tratamento de resíduos contendo fenóis tóxicos e poluentes e na produção de biossensores. Estes biosenssores baseiam-se na inibição da tirosinase na presença de um substrato mono ou difenólico para a determinação de compostos que podem ir de pesticidas a fenóis do chá.The tyrosinase (monophenol monooxigenase, EC ) is the enzyme that catalyzes the hydroxylation of monophenols and diphenols to the corresponding o-quinones. Structurally, the enzyme is constituted by two atoms of copper in the active site, and each one of them is bind to three molecules of histidine.
The mechanism of action of tyrosinase is described by means of two interconnected catalytic cycles, as the enzyme is involved in the hydroxylation of monophenols to o-diphenols or oxidation of diphenols to the reactive o-quinones, being these the monophenolase and diphenolase cycles, respectively.
Tyrosinase is involved in processes such as the production of melanin and the post-harvest browning of plants. Once involved in the production of melanin, tyrosinase is associated with various conditions such as melanoma, vitiligo and albinism, and its inhibition and/or activation may be the solution for these diseases.
Due to its involvement in post-harvest browning, tyrosinase presents itself as an enzyme of interest for the food industry, since its inhibition can increase the shelf life of these foods.
In addition, the enzyme is still studied by industry to be used in the production of antioxidants and drugs, in the production of biopolymers, in treatment of samples containing phenols and toxic pollutants and in the production of biosensors. These biosenssores are based on the inhibition of tyrosinase in the presence of a mono- or diphenolic substrate for determination of compounds that can go from pesticides to the phenols of tea
Continuity or discontinuity? Aquatic exploitation in the portuguese Estremadura during the Atlantic period: São Julião and Magoito shell middens as case studies
The shell middens of São Julião and Magoito, located on the Atlantic coast of the Lisbon peninsula, are the only sites of the Portuguese Estremadura that feature occupations from the Atlantic period. These sites present occupations of the Early Mesolithic and successive reoccupations in the Late Mesolithic (S. Julião), the Early and Middle Neolithic (S. Julião, Magoito), Late Neolithic (Magoito), Chalcolithic (S. Julião), and Bronze Age (Magoito). There is a great continuity in site structure throughout these periods, which is very specialized for the specific and episodic exploitation of aquatic resources. The reoccupations are found in distinct loci, showing a horizontal stratigraphy. Continuities and/or discontinuities of settlement during the Boreal/Atlantic transition period in Central and Southern Portugal are matter of debate. The gap recorded in Estremadura, during the Atlantic period, is analyzed by taking into account the taphonomy, the state of research, the environment and an economic and social model. This paper attempts a review of the known data, but also presents new results for São Julião.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio