69 research outputs found

    Dengue em Araraquara, SP: epidemiologia, clima e infestação por Aedes aegypti

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever a epidemiologia da dengue em cidade de médio porte do estado de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Foram obtidas informações sobre os casos notificados e confirmados de dengue em Araraquara, SP, entre 1991 e 2015, como sorotipos circulantes, casos graves e óbitos, faixa etária, sexo, entre outras. Também foram levantadas as informações climáticas e de infestação pelo vetor. Essas variáveis foram trabalhadas descritivamente, utilizando-se medidas estatísticas como frequências, médias, mínimo e máximo. Calcularam-se taxas de incidência de dengue segundo mês, ano, idade e sexo, e série histórica de casos de dengue, infestação e variáveis climáticas. RESULTADOS: Foram confirmados 16.431 casos de dengue entre 1991 e 2015. O maior número de notificações foi registrado em 2015 (7.811 casos). De forma geral, a faixa etária com o maior número de notificações encontra-se entre 20 e 59 anos. As maiores incidências, geralmente entre março e maio, ocorreram após o aumento da pluviosidade e infestação, em janeiro. CONCLUSÕES: Os altos níveis de infestação que aumentam com as chuvas refletem-se nas taxas de incidência da doença. É fundamental conhecer a epidemiologia da dengue em cidades de médio porte. Seus resultados podem ser estendidos para doenças como Zika e Chikungunya (transmitidas pelo mesmo vetor e notificadas na cidade). A intensificação dos esforços de vigilâncias em períodos que precedem as epidemias poderia ser uma estratégia a ser considerada para o controle da dispersão viral.OBJECTIVE: To describe the epidemiology of dengue in a medium-sized city in the state of São Paulo. METHODS: Data, such as circulating serotypes, severe cases and deaths, age group, sex, among others, were obtained on reported and confirmed dengue cases in Araraquara, state of São Paulo, between 1991 and 2015. Climatic and infestation data were also analyzed. These variables were evaluated descriptively, using statistical measures such as frequencies, averages, minimum and maximum. Dengue incidence rates were calculated according to month, year, age and sex, and time series of dengue cases, infestation, and climatic variables. RESULTS: Approximately 16,500 cases of dengue fever were reported between 1991 and 2015. The highest number of reports was recorded in 2015 (7,811 cases). In general, the age group with the highest number of reports is between 20 and 59 years old. The highest incidences, generally between March and May, occurred after the increase in rainfall and infestation in January. CONCLUSIONS: Increased levels of infestation due to rainfall are reflected in incidence rates of the disease. It is fundamental to know the epidemiology of dengue in medium-sized cities. Such information can be extended to diseases such as Zika and Chikungunya, which are transmitted by the same vector and were reported in the city. The intensification of surveillance efforts in periods before epidemics could be a strategy to be considered to control the viral spread

    Variáveis socioeconômicas e a transmissão de dengue

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship between risk of occurrence of dengue and socioeconomic level. METHODS: All confirmed autochthonous cases of dengue between September 1990 and August 2002 were geocoded and grouped according to the urban census tracts of the municipality of São José do Rio Preto, Southeastern Brazil. A socioeconomic factor generated by principal component analysis was used to group census tracts into four socioeconomic levels. Incidence rates were calculated for each year and four-year period for each of the census sectors, considering the period from September of one year to August of the next. Thematic maps of sectors, grouped into each of the four socioeconomic levels and their respective disease incidences, are presented. RESULTS: Principal component analysis generated a socioeconomic factor that accounted for 87% of total variation. This factor was associated with dengue incidence only for the 1994-95 period. CONCLUSIONS: The lack of an association between risk of occurrence of dengue and socioeconomic levels in almost all years studied indicates that this issue deserves further study, and may vary depending on the settings found in each municipality. It will be important to determine the spatial relationship between dengue transmission and other variables, such as degree of immunity in the population, effectiveness of control measures, degree of infestation by the vector; and population habits and behaviors, among others.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a relação entre o risco de ocorrência de dengue e os níveis socioeconômicos. MÉTODOS: Os casos autóctones de dengue confirmados entre setembro de 1990 a agosto de 2002 foram geocodificados e agrupados segundo setores censitários urbanos de São José do Rio Preto, estado de São Paulo. Um fator socioeconômico foi gerado por meio da técnica de análise de componentes principais, agrupando os setores censitários em quatro níveis socioeconômicos. Os coeficientes de incidência foram calculados, por ano e quadriênio, para cada um dos agrupamentos de setores censitários, considerando-se o período entre setembro de um ano a agosto do ano seguinte. São apresentados mapas temáticos dos setores agrupados nos quatro níveis socioeconômicos com os respectivos coeficientes de incidência da doença. RESULTADOS: A análise de componentes principais produziu um fator socioeconômico responsável por 87% da variação total. Esse fator esteve associado com as incidências de dengue apenas no ano de 1994-1995. CONCLUSÕES: A ausência de associação encontrada entre risco de ocorrência de dengue e níveis socioeconômicos na quase totalidade dos anos estudados mostra que esta é uma questão que precisa ser mais bem estudada e, talvez, dependa da realidade de cada município. É importante que sejam verificadas as relações espaciais entre a transmissão de dengue e outras variáveis, como o grau de imunidade da população; a efetividade das medidas de controle; o grau de infestação pelo vetor; os hábitos e atitudes da população, entre outros

    Population dynamics of DENV-1 genotype V in Brazil is characterized by co-circulation and strain/lineage replacement

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    Following successive outbreaks of dengue fever caused predominantly by dengue virus (DENV) 2 and 3, DENV-1 is now the primary serotype circulating in Brazil. We sequenced and analyzed Brazilian DENV-1 genomes and found that all isolates belong to genotype V and are subdivided into three lineages, which were introduced during four different events. The first introduction occurred in 1984-85, the second in 1997-99, and the third and fourth occurred from 2004 to 2007. These events were associated with an increase in genetic diversity but not with positive selection. Moreover, a potential new recombinant strain derived from two distinct lineages was detected. We demonstrate that the dynamics of DENV-1 in Brazil is characterized by introduction, movement, local evolution, and lineage replacement. This study strengthens the relevance of genotype surveillance in order to identify, trace, and control virus populations circulating in Brazil and Latin America.Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas (Brazil) Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnologicoFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerai

    Dengue Virus Type 3 Adaptive Changes during Epidemics in Sao Jose de Rio Preto, Brazil, 2006–2007

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    Global dengue virus spread in tropical and sub-tropical regions has become a major international public health concern. It is evident that DENV genetic diversity plays a significant role in the immunopathology of the disease and that the identification of polymorphisms associated with adaptive responses is important for vaccine development. The investigation of naturally occurring genomic variants may play an important role in the comprehension of different adaptive strategies used by these mutants to evade the human immune system. In order to elucidate this role we sequenced the complete polyprotein-coding region of thirty-three DENV-3 isolates to characterize variants circulating under high endemicity in the city of Sao Jose de Rio Preto, Brazil, during the onset of the 2006-07 epidemic. By inferring the evolutionary history on a local-scale and estimating rates of synonymous (dS) and nonsynonimous (dN) substitutions, we have documented at least two different introductions of DENV-3 into the city and detected 10 polymorphic codon sites under significant positive selection (dN/dS > 1) and 8 under significant purifying selection (dN/dS < 1). We found several polymorphic amino acid coding sites in the envelope (15), NS1 (17), NS2A (11), and NS5 (24) genes, which suggests that these genes may be experiencing relatively recent adaptive changes. Furthermore, some polymorphisms correlated with changes in the immunogenicity of several epitopes. Our study highlights the existence of significant and informative DENV variability at the spatio-temporal scale of an urban outbreak

    Análise espacial da transmissão de dengue em cidade de porte médio do interior paulista

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    OBJECTIVE: To perform spatial analysis on dengue transmission in a medium-sized city in the interior of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, covering the period from September 1990 to August 2002. METHODS: Autochthonous cases with confirmation by laboratory tests were utilized. Population data on the city of São José do Rio Preto were obtained from the Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics and the municipal authorities. The cases were georeferenced according to street addresses and clustered according to the 432 census tracts in the municipality, thus resulting in thematic maps. RESULTS: A rising trend in annual incidence was noted, with a peak in 2000/2001. From 1990 to 1994 the length of the transmission period reached a maximum of five months per year. This period increased in length over subsequent years. In the final year investigated, transmission occurred in all twelve months, without interruptions. Analysis of the period of highest incidence showed that the transmission did not occur uniformly. While 29% of the tracts registered incidences of less than 1,000 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, 5% of them had more than 5,000 cases. CONCLUSIONS: A process of increasing endemicity was observed, with transmission throughout the year, without the need for virus introducers. The endemic characteristic of the transmission and the differentiated occurrence according to areas need to be taken into account when developing strategies for dengue control.OBJETIVO: Analisar espacialmente a transmissão de dengue entre setembro de 1990 e agosto de 2002 em cidade de porte médio do interior paulista. MÉTODOS: Utilizaram-se casos autóctones confirmados laboratorialmente e dados populacionais de São José do Rio Preto, obtidos da Fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística e da Prefeitura Municipal. Os casos foram geocodificados a partir do eixo de logradouros e agrupados segundo os 432 setores censitários do município, resultando em mapas temáticos. RESULTADOS: Notou-se tendência ascendente das incidências anuais com pico em 2000/2001. Entre 1990 e 1994 a duração da transmissão atingiu, no máximo, cinco meses em cada período, com aumento nos anos seguintes. No último período, ocorreu nos 12 meses, sem interrupção. A análise do período de maior incidência mostrou que a transmissão não ocorreu uniformemente. Enquanto 29% dos setores registraram incidências inferiores a mil casos por 100 mil habitantes, 5% deles ultrapassaram os cinco mil casos. CONCLUSÕES: Observou-se o processo da endemização, com transmissão durante todo o ano, sem a necessidade de introdutores. A característica endêmica da transmissão e a ocorrência diferenciada segundo áreas devem ser levadas em conta na estruturação de estratégias para o controle de dengue

    Co-infeccao por virus dengue, sorotipos 1 e 4, em paciente de cidade de porte medio no Brasil

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    RESUMO A co-infecção por dengue vírus pode ocorrer em áreas com circulação endêmica, nas quais diferentes sorotipos vêm circulando durante muitos anos. Neste trabalho relatamos um caso de co-infecção por DENV-1/DENV-4 em soro humano, detectado por testes moleculares. Análises filogenéticas das sequências obtidas indicaram a presença do genótipo V e II de DENV-1 e DENV-4, respectivamente.SUMMARY The natural co-infection with dengue virus can occur in highly endemic areas where different serotypes have been observed for many years. We report one case of DENV-1/DENV-4 co-infection in human serum detected by molecular tests. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequences obtained indicated the presence of genotype V and II for DENV-1 and DENV-4, respectively

    Spatio-Temporal Tracking and Phylodynamics of an Urban Dengue 3 Outbreak in São Paulo, Brazil

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    The dengue virus has a single-stranded positive-sense RNA genome of ∼10.700 nucleotides with a single open reading frame that encodes three structural (C, prM, and E) and seven nonstructural (NS1, NS2A, NS2B, NS3, NS4A, NS4B, and NS5) proteins. It possesses four antigenically distinct serotypes (DENV 1–4). Many phylogenetic studies address particularities of the different serotypes using convenience samples that are not conducive to a spatio-temporal analysis in a single urban setting. We describe the pattern of spread of distinct lineages of DENV-3 circulating in São José do Rio Preto, Brazil, during 2006. Blood samples from patients presenting dengue-like symptoms were collected for DENV testing. We performed M-N-PCR using primers based on NS5 for virus detection and identification. The fragments were purified from PCR mixtures and sequenced. The positive dengue cases were geo-coded. To type the sequenced samples, 52 reference sequences were aligned. The dataset generated was used for iterative phylogenetic reconstruction with the maximum likelihood criterion. The best demographic model, the rate of growth, rate of evolutionary change, and Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor (TMRCA) were estimated. The basic reproductive rate during the epidemics was estimated. We obtained sequences from 82 patients among 174 blood samples. We were able to geo-code 46 sequences. The alignment generated a 399-nucleotide-long dataset with 134 taxa. The phylogenetic analysis indicated that all samples were of DENV-3 and related to strains circulating on the isle of Martinique in 2000–2001. Sixty DENV-3 from São José do Rio Preto formed a monophyletic group (lineage 1), closely related to the remaining 22 isolates (lineage 2). We assumed that these lineages appeared before 2006 in different occasions. By transforming the inferred exponential growth rates into the basic reproductive rate, we obtained values for lineage 1 of R0 = 1.53 and values for lineage 2 of R0 = 1.13. Under the exponential model, TMRCA of lineage 1 dated 1 year and lineage 2 dated 3.4 years before the last sampling. The possibility of inferring the spatio-temporal dynamics from genetic data has been generally little explored, and it may shed light on DENV circulation. The use of both geographic and temporally structured phylogenetic data provided a detailed view on the spread of at least two dengue viral strains in a populated urban area

    Circulation of Different Lineages of Dengue Virus 2, Genotype American/Asian in Brazil: Dynamics and Molecular and Phylogenetic Characterization

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    The American/Asian genotype of Dengue virus type 2 (DENV-2) was introduced into the Americas in the 80′s. Although there is no data showing when this genotype was first introduced into Brazil, it was first detected in Brazil in 1990. After which the virus spread throughout the country and major epidemics occurred in 1998, 2007/08 and 2010. In this study we sequenced 12 DENV-2 genomes obtained from serum samples of patients with dengue fever residing in São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo (SJRP/SP), Brazil, in 2008. The whole open reading frame or envelope sequences were used to perform phylogenetic, phylogeographic and evolutionary analyses. Isolates from SJRP/SP were grouped within one lineage (BR3) close to isolates from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Isolates from SJRP were probably introduced there at least in 2007, prior to its detection in the 2008 outbreak. DENV-2 circulation in Brazil is characterized by the introduction, displacement and circulation of three well-defined lineages in different times, most probably from the Caribbean. Thirty-seven unique amino acid substitutions were observed among the lineages, including seven amino acid differences in domains I to III of the envelope protein. Moreover, we dated here, for the first time, the introduction of American/Asian genotype into Brazil (lineage BR1) to 1988/89, followed by the introduction of lineages BR2 (1998–2000) and BR3 (2003–05). Our results show a delay between the introduction and detection of DENV-2 lineages in Brazil, reinforcing the importance and need for surveillance programs to detect and trace the evolution of these viruses. Additionally, Brazilian DENV-2 differed in genetic diversity, date of introduction and geographic origin and distribution in Brazil, and these are important factors for the evolution, dynamics and control of dengue.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq Grant )Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São PauloFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG grant