17 research outputs found

    Deep node clustering based on mutual information maximization

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    Variational Graph Autoencoders (VGAs) are generative models for unsupervised learning of node representations within graph data. While VGAs have been achieved state-of-the-art results for different predictive tasks on graph-structured data, they are susceptible to the over-pruning problem where only a small subset of the stochastic latent units are active. This can limit their modeling capacity and their ability to learn meaningful representations. In this paper, we present SOLI (Stacked auto-encoder for nOde cLusterIng), an information maximization approach for learning graph representations by leveraging maximal cliques. SOLI relies on aggregating useful representations by assigning clique-based weights to various edges in a neighborhood while maximizing mutual information. The learned representations are mindful of graph patches centered around each node, and can be used for a range of downstream tasks, and thus encouraging more active units. We demonstrate strong performance across three graph benchmark datasets.(Code is available at https://github.com/SoheilaMolaei/SOLI.

    GNNEvaluator: Evaluating GNN Performance On Unseen Graphs Without Labels

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    Evaluating the performance of graph neural networks (GNNs) is an essential task for practical GNN model deployment and serving, as deployed GNNs face significant performance uncertainty when inferring on unseen and unlabeled test graphs, due to mismatched training-test graph distributions. In this paper, we study a new problem, GNN model evaluation, that aims to assess the performance of a specific GNN model trained on labeled and observed graphs, by precisely estimating its performance (e.g., node classification accuracy) on unseen graphs without labels. Concretely, we propose a two-stage GNN model evaluation framework, including (1) DiscGraph set construction and (2) GNNEvaluator training and inference. The DiscGraph set captures wide-range and diverse graph data distribution discrepancies through a discrepancy measurement function, which exploits the outputs of GNNs related to latent node embeddings and node class predictions. Under the effective training supervision from the DiscGraph set, GNNEvaluator learns to precisely estimate node classification accuracy of the to-be-evaluated GNN model and makes an accurate inference for evaluating GNN model performance. Extensive experiments on real-world unseen and unlabeled test graphs demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method for GNN model evaluation.Comment: Accepted by NeurIPS 202

    A brief review of hypernetworks in deep learning

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    Hypernetworks, or hypernets for short, are neural networks that generate weights for another neural network, known as the target network. They have emerged as a powerful deep learning technique that allows for greater flexibility, adaptability, dynamism, faster training, information sharing, and model compression. Hypernets have shown promising results in a variety of deep learning problems, includ- ing continual learning, causal inference, transfer learning, weight pruning, uncertainty quantification, zero-shot learning, natural language processing, and reinforcement learning. Despite their success across different problem settings, there is currently no comprehensive review available to inform researchers about the latest developments and to assist in utilizing hypernets. To fill this gap, we review the progress in hypernets. We present an illustrative example of training deep neural networks using hypernets and propose categorizing hypernets based on five design criteria: inputs, outputs, variability of inputs and outputs, and the architecture of hypernets. We also review applications of hypernets across different deep learning problem settings, followed by a discussion of general scenarios where hypernets can be effectively employed. Finally, we discuss the challenges and future directions that remain underexplored in the field of hypernets. We believe that hypernetworks have the potential to revolutionize the field of deep learning. They offer a new way to design and train neural networks, and they have the potential to improve the performance of deep learning models on a variety of tasks. Through this review, we aim to inspire further advancements in deep learning through hypernetworks

    Dynamic inter-treatment information sharing for heterogeneous treatment effects estimation

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    Existing heterogeneous treatment effects learners, also known as conditional average treatment effects (CATE) learners, lack a general mechanism for end-to-end inter-treatment information sharing, and data have to be split among potential outcome functions to train CATE learners which can lead to biased estimates with limited observational datasets. To address this issue, we propose a novel deep learning-based framework to train CATE learners that facilitates dynamic end-to-end information sharing among treatment groups. The framework is based on \textit{soft weight sharing} of \textit{hypernetworks}, which offers advantages such as parameter efficiency, faster training, and improved results. The proposed framework complements existing CATE learners and introduces a new class of uncertainty-aware CATE learners that we refer to as \textit{HyperCATE}. We develop HyperCATE versions of commonly used CATE learners and evaluate them on IHDP, ACIC-2016, and Twins benchmarks. Our experimental results show that the proposed framework improves the CATE estimation error via counterfactual inference, with increasing effectiveness for smaller datasets

    A brief review of hypernetworks in deep learning

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    Hypernetworks, or hypernets in short, are neural networks that generate weights for another neural network, known as the target network. They have emerged as a powerful deep learning technique that allows for greater flexibility, adaptability, dynamism, faster training, information sharing, and model compression etc. Hypernets have shown promising results in a variety of deep learning problems, including continual learning, causal inference, transfer learning, weight pruning, uncertainty quantification, zero-shot learning, natural language processing, and reinforcement learning etc. Despite their success across different problem settings, currently, there is no review available to inform the researchers about the developments and to help in utilizing hypernets. To fill this gap, we review the progress in hypernets. We present an illustrative example to train deep neural networks using hypernets and propose categorizing hypernets based on five design criteria as inputs, outputs, variability of inputs and outputs, and architecture of hypernets. We also review applications of hypernets across different deep learning problem settings, followed by a discussion of general scenarios where hypernets can be effectively employed. Finally, we discuss the challenges and future directions that remain under-explored in the field of hypernets. We believe that hypernetworks have the potential to revolutionize the field of deep learning. They offer a new way to design and train neural networks, and they have the potential to improve the performance of deep learning models on a variety of tasks. Through this review, we aim to inspire further advancements in deep learning through hypernetworks

    Improving diagnostics with deep forest applied to electronic health records

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    An electronic health record (EHR) is a vital high-dimensional part of medical concepts. Discovering implicit correlations in the information of this data set and the research and informative aspects can improve the treatment and management process. The challenge of concern is the data sources’ limitations in finding a stable model to relate medical concepts and use these existing connections. This paper presents Patient Forest, a novel end-to-end approach for learning patient representations from tree-structured data for readmission and mortality prediction tasks. By leveraging statistical features, the proposed model is able to provide an accurate and reliable classifier for predicting readmission and mortality. Experiments on MIMIC-III and eICU datasets demonstrate Patient Forest outperforms existing machine learning models, especially when the training data are limited. Additionally, a qualitative evaluation of Patient Forest is conducted by visualising the learnt representations in 2D space using the t-SNE, which further confirms the effectiveness of the proposed model in learning EHR representations

    DyVGRNN: DYnamic mixture variational graph recurrent neural networks

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    Although graph representation learning has been studied extensively in static graph settings, dynamic graphs are less investigated in this context. This paper proposes a novel integrated variational framework called DYnamic mixture Variational Graph Recurrent Neural Networks (DyVGRNN), which consists of extra latent random variables in structural and temporal modelling. Our proposed framework comprises an integration of Variational Graph Auto-Encoder (VGAE) and Graph Recurrent Neural Network (GRNN) by exploiting a novel attention mechanism. The Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) and the VGAE framework are combined in DyVGRNN to model the multimodal nature of data, which enhances performance. To consider the significance of time steps, our proposed method incorporates an attention-based module. The experimental results demonstrate that our method greatly outperforms state-of-the-art dynamic graph representation learning methods in terms of link prediction and clustering

    Adversarial De-confounding in Individualised Treatment Effects Estimation

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    Observational studies have recently received significant attention from the machine learning community due to the increasingly available non-experimental observational data and the limitations of the experimental studies, such as considerable cost, impracticality, small and less representative sample sizes, etc. In observational studies, de-confounding is a fundamental problem of individualised treatment effects (ITE) estimation. This paper proposes disentangled representations with adversarial training to selectively balance the confounders in the binary treatment setting for the ITE estimation. The adversarial training of treatment policy selectively encourages treatment-agnostic balanced representations for the confounders and helps to estimate the ITE in the observational studies via counterfactual inference. Empirical results on synthetic and real-world datasets, with varying degrees of confounding, prove that our proposed approach improves the state-of-the-art methods in achieving lower error in the ITE estimation.Comment: accepted to AISTATS 202

    Improving Diagnostics with Deep Forest Applied to Electronic Health Records

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    An electronic health record (EHR) is a vital high-dimensional part of medical concepts. Discovering implicit correlations in the information of this data set and the research and informative aspects can improve the treatment and management process. The challenge of concern is the data sources’ limitations in finding a stable model to relate medical concepts and use these existing connections. This paper presents Patient Forest, a novel end-to-end approach for learning patient representations from tree-structured data for readmission and mortality prediction tasks. By leveraging statistical features, the proposed model is able to provide an accurate and reliable classifier for predicting readmission and mortality. Experiments on MIMIC-III and eICU datasets demonstrate Patient Forest outperforms existing machine learning models, especially when the training data are limited. Additionally, a qualitative evaluation of Patient Forest is conducted by visualising the learnt representations in 2D space using the t-SNE, which further confirms the effectiveness of the proposed model in learning EHR representations