13 research outputs found

    Influence of Calcination on Mineralogical and Strength Properties of Self Activated Green Material (SAGreM)

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    Concrete is an alkaline activated material consist of lime which contribute from limestone. This SAGreM has potential to be supplementary cementitious material because of the oxide content most similar with cement. SAGreM is a new sources generated from recycling of industrial waste which has similar affect to limestone. The purposed of this study is to investigate the mineralogical composition, particle size distribution and strength development of difference calcination temperature of SAGreM and the effect after activation with water. The mineralogical properties were investigated using by x-ray fluorescence and x-ray diffraction. The mineralogical test results showed that the SAGreM consists of calcite, free lime, and probably a crystal phase. SAGreM creates very well reactivity with water and gain the strength 4.85 MPa at 28 days in ambient condition exposure

    X-Ray Fluorescence, Strength Testing and 3D-Analysis of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Specimen

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    This study was focused on steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) specimens subjected to X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), flexural strength testing, Compressive Strength Test and Rebound Hammer Test method. The experimental result of compression strength was analyzed by 3D Analysis using Stat-Ease Design-Expert V13 to correlate the compressive strengths and compare it to the elemental composition of the concrete structure. The result showed that the amount of Calcium Oxide (CaO) in the sample was lower than the composition of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) used. Decreasing of calcium oxide for increase proportion of steel fibre samples show the reaction of cement behaviour into concrete properties mixed with other material properties. Thirty-six (36) beam samples 100mm x 100mm x 500mm and twelve (12) cube samples of 100mm x 100mm x 100m were prepared with a different portions of steel fibre and RC structure as control samples. The percentages of steel fiber used were 0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5% to determine the optimum dosage. All samples were cured for 7, 14 and 28 days. It can be concluded that the analysis shows a low significant effect at an early aged concrete but showing a slightly increased in compression and flexural strength at later age

    Influence of metakaolin as partially cement replacement minerals on the properties of cement and concrete / Muhd Norhasri Mohd Sidek ...[et al.]

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    Metakaolin is a manufactured pozzolan produced by thermal processing of purified kaolinitic clay using electrical furnace. This study has examined the effect of Metakaolin on the properties of cement and concrete at a replacement level of 0%, 5%, 10% and 15%. The parameters studied were divided into two groups which are chemical compositions, water requirement, setting time and soundness test were carried out for cementitous properties. Workability, compressive strength and bending strength were test for concrete properties. Hardened concrete was cured under different type of curing conditions and tested.. The result showed that the inclusions of Metakaolin as cement replacement minerals have change some of the cementitous and concrete properties. This research reveals, the optimum effect for cementitous and concrete properties for metakaolin was 10%

    Strength and durability properties of nanometakolined ultra high performance concrete (UHPC) using response surface model (RSM) approach

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    Utilisation of Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) is growing an interest in the world of construction today. Apart from that the inclusion of nano material in UHPC can enhance the performance and durability of UHPC. In this study, effect of nano metakaolin as additive in UHPC is reported. Inclusion of nano metakaolin from 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9% from weight of cement is compared to those plain UHPC and metakaolined UHPC. Effect of nano metakaolin in UHPC is done by four consecutive testing namely compressive strength, flexural strength, porosity and water absorption. All samples are prepared for testing’s from 3, 7, 28, 90, 180 and 365 days and subjected to water cure until age of testing. For analysis, Response Surface Model using historical data software is selected. A new equation is generated to relate on the effect of nano metakaolin in UHPC

    Ultra high-performance concrete as alternative repair method: A review

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    This review paper discussed on the behavior of Ultra High-Performance Concrete (UHPC) in the concrete industry. Since the emergence of unique design of concrete, the needs of UHPC can contribute to alternative solutions to the High-Performance Concrete (HPC) and also normal concrete. In this review, definition, materials and techniques of producing, chemical analysis, and prediction software on previous and current works of UHPC were presented. Moreover, in this paper, the benefits of UHPC as compared to the types of concrete were also discussed. As a conclusion, UHPC needs to be implemented more in the construction nowadays. Extra strong, durable, and slimmer design of concrete structures can be an alternative to a sustainable and economic design that can last longer with less supervision

    Simultaneous Monitoring on Corrosion-pH-Temperature using Multiplexed Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors Techniques in New RC Structure: A Review

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    Most recently, the use of Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors for monitoring and sensing the condition of structures in civil engineering applications has been developed significantly. FBG can be used for multi-point sensing through a single fiber optic and can be embedded inside the concrete. This paper is a review of current research and development of FBG sensor as a health monitoring system in concrete structure. FBG sensor offers the possibility of sensing due to different parameters like a strain, temperature, pH and displacement. In this paper, the advantages of FBG sensor in contrast to conventional electrical are reviewed. An introduction to fiber optic sensor technology and some of the applications which is still in its early infancy is presented. Two commonly used fiber optic sensors are briefly described namely corrosion sensor and pH sensor. Finally, shortcoming and deficiencies of existing corrosion monitoring technique are reviewed. Promising research efforts in multiplexed FBG sensor in-line one-fiber approach to realize simultaneous measurement of corrosion-pH-temperature monitoring for future research are discussed

    Effect of Limestone Powder as an Additive and as Replacement of Self-Consolidating Lightweight Foamed Concrete

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    Concrete is the absolute most broadly utilized material in the development which must needs to guarantee attractive compressive quality and sturdiness. Mechanical properties of concrete are highly influenced by its density. A denser concrete generally provides higher strength. Numerous studies have been conducted for development of self-consolidating lightweight concrete (SCLWC) by investigating especially on their materials component and mix proportion. Commonly, considerations made by the researchers to produce SCLWC is by replacement of aggregates with alternative lightweight materials such as pumice, expanded clay, rubber granules and more or by adding foam agent. Besides, Limestone powder (LP) is one of concrete admixture that widely used as cement replacement. LP is proven can reduce energy consumption and resources from cement process, as well as effects the concrete properties. However, there are very few studies using only LP as main admixture for SCLWC. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to investigate the effect of limestone powder as an additive and as cement replacement in SCLW foamed concrete (SCLWFC) to the flowability and compressive strength. The experiment involves 3 types of SCLWFC which are normal mix; mixes without LP, additive mix; mixes with LP as an additive and replacement mix; mixes with and LP as cement replacement. Based on this study, the results indicated that the utilization of LP has positive effects to the flowability. Maximum value for slump flow was obtained when the LP as cement replacement at 40% and maximum value for compressive strength was obtained when the LP as an additive at 10%

    Chloride Resistance Behavior on Nano-Metaclayed Ultra-High Performance Concrete

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    Nowadays, the application of nano materials is getting attention to enhance the conventional concrete properties. The ultrafine particles of nano material also will help reducing the formation of micro pores by acting as a filler agent, produce a very dense concrete and will reduce the growth of micro pores in the UHPC structures. The introduction of nano materials in concrete is to increase the strength and durability of concrete. One of the most important factor affecting concrete durability is chloride penetrability. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the chloride permeability and chloride penetration depth by using rapid chloride permeability test (RCPT) and colorimetric method, respectively. The study was conducted for normal performance concrete (NPC), high performance concrete (HPC), ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) and a series of UHPC (nano metaclayed-UHPC) incorporating different replacement levels of nano metaclay. All the tests were performed at ages of concretes from 3 up to 365 days. The results showed that the presence of silica fume in HPC and nano metaclay in UHPC reducing the Coulombs passed on the 56-days up to 365-days. The experimental results also revealed the depth of chloride ion penetration for nano metaclayed-UHPC concretes are much lesser than those concretes. As regards to the results, nano metaclay led to noticeable benefit in term of chloride resistance

    Chloride Resistance Behavior on Nano-Metaclayed Ultra-High Performance Concrete

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    Nowadays, the application of nano materials is getting attention to enhance the conventional concrete properties. The ultrafine particles of nano material also will help reducing the formation of micro pores by acting as a filler agent, produce a very dense concrete and will reduce the growth of micro pores in the UHPC structures. The introduction of nano materials in concrete is to increase the strength and durability of concrete. One of the most important factor affecting concrete durability is chloride penetrability. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the chloride permeability and chloride penetration depth by using rapid chloride permeability test (RCPT) and colorimetric method, respectively. The study was conducted for normal performance concrete (NPC), high performance concrete (HPC), ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) and a series of UHPC (nano metaclayed-UHPC) incorporating different replacement levels of nano metaclay. All the tests were performed at ages of concretes from 3 up to 365 days. The results showed that the presence of silica fume in HPC and nano metaclay in UHPC reducing the Coulombs passed on the 56-days up to 365-days. The experimental results also revealed the depth of chloride ion penetration for nano metaclayed-UHPC concretes are much lesser than those concretes. As regards to the results, nano metaclay led to noticeable benefit in term of chloride resistance

    The effect of Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) and steel fiber addition to the mechanical properties of Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC)

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    Over a period of time, Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) has been innovated more and more. Since it has high performance and durability, thus it is deemed to be expensive due to the material used in the recipe. High cement content due to low water cement ratio and high production cost are a few of UHPC disadvantages. Therefore, a new innovation and alternative to this solution is needed. Incorporating waste material such as Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) in UHPC could be the new innovation, since POFA is abundantly available. Other than that, POFA is proven to improve conventional concrete performance, hence it could also be used to enhance UHPC. Therefore, this paper emphasizes the effect of POFA and steel fiber inclusion to the mechanical properties of UHPC using modified cube method and four-point bending test. Non Destructive Testing (NDT) using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) method was also conducted. The POFA percentages used were 5, 10, and 15% whereas, steel fiber percentage was only 1% by weight of OPC cement. The Test specimen dimension used was 500 mm ╳ 100 mm ╳ 100 mm. The testing in this study was done at a concrete age of 28 days by following the standard of the American Society of Testing and Material (ASTM). Based on the result, the addition of 15% POFA gave the highest flexural strength, while 5% POFA plus 1% steel fiber gave the highest compressive strength. UPV highest value result was obtained from 15% POFA. It is recommended that the optimum addition level of POFA is 15% for good results of both flexural and compressive strength