12 research outputs found

    Kinship Social Capital and Entrepreneurship Development: A Comparative Study For Internal And International Migrant of Minangkabau Ethnic

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    Kinship social capital can function as an important source of social capital for welfare and economic development. Kinship social capital has potency to improve entrepreneurship activity. Khinship social capital may provide some benefit as reducing transaction cost, facilitating access toward information, providing informal insurance and helping to solve collective action dilemma. There is one in Indonesia, in which it is popular called as Minangkabau and has strong norms and values in building entrepreneurship. Minangkabau society have high number and potency in entrepreneurship. Minangkabau tribe is one of the ethnics in Indonesia that have matrilineal system and as travelling ethnics. The purposes of this article are identifying and comparing kinds of social capital and its phase of effects toward entrepreneurship building of Minangkabau ethnic in internal and international Migrant. The respondents in this study are Minangkabau ethnic entrepreneurs in Jakarta (internal Migrant) and Minangkabau ethnic traveler entrepreneurs in Malaysia (international Migrant). The method used in this study is Structural Equation Model (SEM). Based on the estimated result, it is found that the two Minangkabau ethnic travel areas have differences and similarities in their social capital. The mutual interrelationship and activities are social capital that underlie entrepreneurship building in both internal and international migrants. Social capital that the Minangkabauan has does not affect the entrepreneurship building for the migrants

    Development and performance of palm oil industry in Malaysia and Indonesia

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    Palm oil is a major vegetable oils traded in market place, whereas Malaysia and Indonesia are the main producer and exporter of world palm oil. Palm oil is a strategic crop for Malaysia and Indonesia economy due to export earning and employment opportunity. Historically, palm oil is originated from West Africa and commonly known today as a vegetable oil. It is currently available in more than 100 countries and is used in such food applications as margarine, shortening, potato chips, cake mixes and non-food applications like soap as well as biodiesel as new demand of palm oil. The versatile and benefit of palm oil boosted the consumption of palm oil in the market place. The objective of this paper is to analyze the development of palm oil industry in Malaysia and Indonesia in terms of production, area cultivation and yield as well as export. This paper also discussed collaboration between Malaysia and Indonesia to tackle palm oil issues in global market

    Nutritional status of school children receiving Supplementary Feeding Program in Peninsular Malaysia

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    A total of 2541 school children comprising of 1265 students who were given the School Supplementary Feeding Program (SFP) and 1276 who were not given SFP (non-SFP) aged between 7-12 years, from Central and Southern regions of Peninsular Malaysia were involved in the study. Anthropometric measurements (weight, height and triceps skinfold) and their 24-hour dietary record were assessed. Results showed that SFP subjects had a lower mean body weight (26.9 ± 7.7 kg), height (130.7 ± 10.0 em) and triceps skinfold (TSF) thickness (9.8 ± 3.8 mm) than non-SFP subjects with mean body weight29.3 ± 9.2 kg, height 132.9 ± 10.4 cm and TSF thickness 10.8 ± 4.6 mm. Chinese subjects had the highest mean body weight (28.7 ± 7.9 kg), height (132.9 ± 10.3 em) and TSF thickness (l0.3 ± 3.7 mm) amongst the SFP subjects, as well as amongst non-SFP subjects with mean body weight 31.1 ± 9.3 kg, height 135.4 ± 10.3 em and TSF thickness 11.5 ±4.9 mm. This study also showed the persistence of underweight, stunting and wasting amongst these primary school children. The prevalence of underweight amongst SFP and non-SFP subjects were 14.6% and 10.0% respectively. The prevalence of stunting was 12.6% for SFP and 7.4% for non-SFP, while wasting was found in 11.1% for SFP and 9.5% for non-SFP. The prevalence of overweight amongst SFP and non-SFP subjects were 1.3% and 4.5% respectively. Overall, only intake of protein, vitamin A and vitamin C met the RDI in all subjects for both SFP and non-SFP. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that there is a need for the Food Supplementation Program to be continuously implemented in primary schools to ensure that they will get enough food to sustain their energy

    Mengasuh bakal usahawan Malaysia: Penentu keberkesanan pembelajaran kewangan di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam

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    Artikel ini membincangkan pandangan pelajar tentang keberkesanan pendekatan pengajaran dan pembelajaran kurikulum analisa penyata kewangan dalam kursus pengurusan kewangan, keusahawanan dan pengurusan strategik di institusi pengajian tinggi awam (IPTA) di Malaysia. Lazimnya pendekatan pengajaran dan pembelajaran analisa penyata kewangan dilaksanakan oleh pensyarah dan pelajar secara tradisional yang berpandukan laporan kewangan yang dipetik daripada buku teks utama kursus. Namun keberkesanan teknik ini dianggap kurang memuaskan di mana pelajar tidak didedahkan dengan penyata kewangan sebenar syarikat dan masih menggunakan pendekatan “kira dan semak” yang tidak menarik. Sebaliknya, perkembangan teknologi maklumat memungkinkan analisa penyata kewangan dilaksanakan menggunakan perisian khas dan mengambil kira maklumat kewangan sebenar syarikat. Artikel ini melaporkan hasil tinjauan terhadap pandangan pelajar yang telah dan sedang mempelajari topik analisa penyata kewangan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan wujud kelemahan ketara dalam aspek perlaksanaan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran serta intrepretasi maklumat kewangan bersandarkan kaedah tradisional. Para responden sepakat bahawa perisian analisa berkomputer perlu digunakan bagi memudahkan pelajar menguasai kurikulum berkenaan dengan berkesan berdasarkan penggunaan maklumat penyata kewangan syarikat yang sebenar

    Barriers of innovation of food processing SMIs in Malaysia: an empirical study

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the important barriers that affecting innovation process of food processed based SMIs in Malaysia. From the analysis it was found that there are various factors that could prevent the food processed based SMIs to innovate. The result of this study shows that some barriers did have some significant impact on the firm innovation process among food processing SMIs in Malaysia. The findings this research will be useful for everybody particularly for the SME Corporation and Ministry of Entrepreneurship Development of Malaysia to get some ideas and develop suitable training programs to help and assist the SMIs owner in the future endeavor. The paper finalizes with some conclusions for policy makers, industry and other actors, and also future research

    Removal of Iron and Manganese in Groundwater using Natural Biosorbent

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    This study was conducted to measure and compare the concentration of iron, manganese and hardness of the river and groundwater and to determine the effectiveness of iron and manganese removal by using natural biosorbent which is banana peels. The samples of river and groundwater were collected at riverbank filtration site at Jenderam Hilir, Dengkil. Based on the water quality investigation, the concentration of iron and manganese in the samples of groundwater have exceeded the drinking water quality standard which are 0.3 mg/L for iron and 0.1 mg/L for manganese. The removal process of the iron and manganese in the groundwater was done by using 2, 4 and 8 grams of banana peels activated carbon. It is found that with higher amount of activated banana peels, the removal of iron and manganese is more effective. The ranges of percentage of iron and manganese removal are between 82.25% to 90.84% and 98.79% to 99.43% respectively. From the result, banana peels activated carbon can be concluded as a one of the most effective low-cost adsorbent for groundwater treatment

    An empirical study of factors affecting electronic commerce adoption among SMEs in Malaysia

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    This study empirically examines determinants of E-commerce adoption by Malaysian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Research model for this study was drawn on the literature on information and communication technology, Information system, and electronic data interchange. This study tested seven hypotheses on factors that influence e-commerce adoption with empirical data from a sample of 200 SMEs in Malaysia. The findings show that relative advantage, compatibility, organizational readiness, manager's characteristics, and security have significant impact on e-commerce adoption. The study provides a clear understanding of manager's perception about e-commerce adoption in their businesses. This study is important in a global context, as SMEs in Malaysia are going for exporting their product in the global marketplace. Article in English. Veiksnių, turinčių įtakos elektorinei prekybai, studija: Malaizijos pavyzdys Santrauka. Šiame straipsnyje pristatomas empirinis tyrimas, kuriame analizuojamas e.-komercijos principų taikymas Malaizijos smulkiojo ir vidutinio verslo įmonėse. Tyrimo modelis pristatytas šiame straipsnyje, buvo sudarytas remiantis mokslinės literatūros analize. Autoriai iškėlė 7 hipotezes, kurias vėliau bandė pagrįsti. Iškeltoms hipotezėms patvirtinti (arba paneigti) buvo atliekamas tyrimas. Tyrime dalyvavo 200 smulkiojo ir vidutinio verslo įmonių, taikančių savo veikloje e.-komercijos principus. Pristatyto tyrimo metu buvo nustatyta ir tai, kad sėkmingam e-komercijos principų taikymui didelę reikšmę turi ne tik technologiniai sprendimai, bet ir žmogiškasis veiksnys. Autoriai pažymi, kad šis tyrimas yra labai svarbus Malaizijoje įsikūrusioms smulkiojo ir vidutinio verslo įmonėms, nes jame buvo vertinamos tarptautinio verslo perspektyvos globalizacijos kontekste. Reikšminiai žodžiai: e.-komercija, smulkusis ir vidutinis verslas, santykinis pranašumas, Malaizija

    Entrepreneurs traits and e-commerce adoption: an empirical study

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    Entrepreneurs in Malaysia are playing an important role for the economic development of the country. Due to the potential benefits of e-commerce, entrepreneurs of Malaysia have the opportunity to expand their market in the world. The purpose of the study is to find out the extent of the effect of entrepreneurial personality traits towards the e-commerce adoption in the context of small and medium enterprise industries in Malaysia. In selecting the survey sample, the convenient sampling of non-probability sampling was adopted. Most of the major towns in Peninsular Malaysia have been chosen for the purpose of collecting the data. During the data collection, a total of 1480 questionnaire were distributed and 1416 returned usable questionnaire (96.67 percent response rate). The study revealed that the personality traits did have some significant impact on the e-commerce adoption among the entrepreneurs in Malaysia. The recommendation, limitation and conclusion are then discussed at the end of the paper

    The innovation drivers, strategies and performance of food processing SMEs in Malaysia

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    Malaysian SMEs play an important role in sustaining the nation’s economic move toward a developed country status by 2020. The main aims of this study were to examine how the innovation drivers and the initiatives affect the performance of food procesing SMEs in Malaysia by analysing primary data gathered from 247 executives of food processing SMEs in Malaysia with statistical and econometric techniques. Multiple logistic regression models were employed to estimate how new innovations affect the annual sales turnover of SMEs in Malaysia. The study revealed that while the Malaysian SMEs were exploring innovations to maintain their performance and annual growth, multiple logistic regression model outputs showed that there were significant positive impacts of innovation, especially in the category of new product, new operational process, new managerial process, new markets and new sources of supply on the annual sales turnover of food processing SMEs in Malaysia. As such it is recommended that the Malaysian SMEs be considered as key drivers in improving the development of new products, new market and new sources of supply for sustainable performance and growth in the coming future

    Nutritional status of school children receiving supplementary feeding program in peninsular Malaysia

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    A total of 2541 school children comprising of 1265 students who were given the School Supplementary Feeding Program (SFP) and 1276 who were not given SFP (non-SFP) aged between 7-12 years, from Central and Southern regions of Peninsular Malaysia were involved in the study. Anthropometric measurements (weight, height and triceps skinfold) and their 24-hour dietary record were assessed. Results showed that SFP subjects had a lower mean body weight (26.9 ± 7.7 kg), height (130.7 ± 10.0 em) and triceps skinfold (TSF) thickness (9.8 ± 3.8 mm) than non-SFP subjects with mean body weight29.3 ± 9.2 kg, height 132.9 ± 10.4 cm and TSF thickness 10.8 ± 4.6 mm. Chinese subjects had the highest mean body weight (28.7 ± 7.9 kg), height (132.9 ± 10.3 em) and TSF thickness (l0.3 ± 3.7 mm) amongst the SFP subjects, as well as amongst non-SFP subjects with mean body weight 31.1 ± 9.3 kg, height 135.4 ± 10.3 em and TSF thickness 11.5 ±4.9 mm. This study also showed the persistence of underweight, stunting and wasting amongst these primary school children. The prevalence of underweight amongst SFP and non-SFP subjects were 14.6% and 10.0% respectively. The prevalence of stunting was 12.6% for SFP and 7.4% for non-SFP, while wasting was found in 11.1% for SFP and 9.5% for non-SFP. The prevalence of overweight amongst SFP and non-SFP subjects were 1.3% and 4.5% respectively. Overall, only intake of protein, vitamin A and vitamin C met the RDI in all subjects for both SFP and non-SFP. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that there is a need for the Food Supplementation Program to be continuously implemented in primary schools to ensure that they will get enough food to sustain their energ