10 research outputs found


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    Thailand government noted that mathematics is one of the basic subjects needed in all sphere of endeavor. With this, it is necessary to investigate the relationship between students’ attitude towards mathematics and their achievements. This study fulfills that by experimenting 100 students from Songkla province in Thailand using correlation analysis. It was found that there is positive relationship between students’ attitude towards learning mathematics and their achievement. In addition to this, further analysis using t-test presents that there is no difference between gender attitude and their achievement in mathematics. The result of this study implies that both male and female students has almost the same achievement in statistics because there is no significant difference in their achievement grade.  Article visualizations


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    The study was conducted to examine the students’ mathematic achievement and retention when a cooperative learning method of Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) is used in a Thailand primary school. The research design selected for this study was quasi-experimental. A total of 72 students took part in the study and they were selected by fishbowl random sampling technique that divided them into two groups equally (control and treatment group). The 50-items are School-Based Test is formatted in the multiple-choice pattern to examine the equivalence of the academic ability of the participants of 6th grade students in 6 topics: area/perimeter, geometry, algebra, graphing, data management and probability. Overall, the participants of this study had undergone 3 tests: pretest, post-test 1 and post-test 2. ANOVA Repeated Measure was used in analysing the data. The result showed that the cooperative learning by STAD technique is most positive effective in the students’ mathematic achievement and retention. This study argues that the cooperative learning of STAD technique can facilitate students’ achievement and retention in Mathematics. Consequently, this cooperative learning technique is recommended in learning and teaching Mathematics.  Article visualizations


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    The study was conducted to examine the students’ mathematic achievement and retention when a cooperative learning method of Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) is used in a Thailand primary school. The research design selected for this study was quasi-experimental. A total of 72 students took part in the study and they were selected by fishbowl random sampling technique that divided them into two groups equally (control and treatment group). The 50-items are School-Based Test is formatted in the multiple-choice pattern to examine the equivalence of the academic ability of the participants of 6th grade students in 6 topics: area/perimeter, geometry, algebra, graphing, data management and probability. Overall, the participants of this study had undergone 3 tests: pretest, post-test 1 and post-test 2. ANOVA Repeated Measure was used in analysing the data. The result showed that the cooperative learning by STAD technique is most positive effective in the students’ mathematic achievement and retention. This study argues that the cooperative learning of STAD technique can facilitate students’ achievement and retention in Mathematics. Consequently, this cooperative learning technique is recommended in learning and teaching Mathematics.  Article visualizations

    The Practice of Noble Values among Primary School Students in Malaysia

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    Social problems among students have become very serious in recent years. Therefore, the issues that need to be addressed are the practices that exist among them. This study will share a research finding that identifies the level of practice of applying noble values among primary school children. This study used qualitative research designs through interviews and observations and quantitative survey studies where data were collected through questionnaires involving 321 primary school children from four primary schools in the North Zone of Peninsular Malaysia. Overall, the findings show that the practice of noble values is admirable. This study found that there was a significant difference in values of noble practices in terms of school types. In addition, the findings also found that values of respect are the most dominant values practiced by primary school students followed by other values

    Keperluan penggunaan modul etika kerja guru dalam meningkatkan penghayatan nilai pelajar

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    Untuk melahirkan masyarakat yang bertatasusila, bersatu padu, demokratik, adil dan progresif, setiap guru harus memainkan peranan sebagai role model kepada pelajar. Kepatuhan guru terhadap etika kerja Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM), kod etika guru dan Standard Guru Malaysia perlu dititikberatkan bagi melahirkan golongan pendidikan yang memiliki nilai etika yang baik dan berkualiti tinggi. Menyedari kepentingan ini, satu modul etika kerja guru telah dibina khusus bagi meningkatkan pengetahuan, kefahaman dan amalan tentang etika kerja bertujuan melahirkan guru yang berkualiti pada masa kini dan pada masa hadapan. Artikel ini memberi tumpuan kepada pembinaan modul tersebut yang telah dibuat berdasarkan Model Pembinaan Modul yang telah perkenalkan oleh Sidek Noah. Dalam membangunkan sesebuah modul, Model ini telah menetapkan dua peringkat, iaitu sembilan langkah di peringkat pertama dan dua langkah di peringkat kedua. Modul etika kerja ini telah melalui kesemua peringkat yang dicadangkan. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian yang dilakukan oleh pakar penilai modul mendapati bahawa aras pekali secara keseluruhan bagi kesahan modul adalah 0.79 dan kebolehpercayaan Alpha Cronbach untuk modul etika kerja KPM adalah tinggi iaitu 0.95. Dapatan kajian membuktikan bahawa modul etika kerja KPM ini mempunyai kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan yang tinggi. Kajian ini mendapati, semua aktiviti yang terkandung dalam modul ini adalah sesuai dan boleh digunakan sebagai alat, bahan, sumber dan panduan yang boleh memberi bimbingan, kesedaran, keinsafan, semangat dan motivasi kepada semua guru sekolah di seluruh Malaysia. Ia juga berupaya meningkatkan kesedaran dan kualiti tingkah laku para guru dan pelajar sekaligus meningkatkan penghayatan nilai murni dalam kalangan guru dan pelajar. Modul yang dihasilkan ini juga penting sebagai bahan rujukan untuk melahirkan para guru yang berkualiti pada masa akan datang

    Integration of holistic approaches in chronic disease management: A case study on improving the quality of life for diabetes mellitus patients through interdisciplinary approaches, patient empowerment, and utilization of cutting-edge health technologies

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    This comprehensive research investigates the integration of holistic approaches in managing chronic diseases, focusing on enhancing the quality of life for individuals diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus. Employing a robust case study methodology, the study meticulously examines the intricate interplay of interdisciplinary approaches, patient empowerment strategies, and incorporating state-of-the-art health technologies within diabetes care. The primary objective is to unravel the synergistic effects of these multifaceted interventions and assess their collective impact on patient outcomes. This research contributes to the growing body of knowledge on innovative healthcare models by offering insights into the efficacy of a patient-centric framework forchronic disease management. Through a nuanced exploration of the convergence of diverse interventions, this study seeks to provide actionable findings that resonate with healthcare professionals, policymakers, and researchers. The goal is to inform and guide future strategies for chronic disease management, particularly in Diabetes Mellitus, to elevate the quality of care and patients' overall well-being. This research promises to fill a critical gap in current literature and serve as a foundational resource for those dedicated to advancing healthcare practices through holistic and patient-focused approaches

    The Development of Educational Policy Acceptance Model

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    This study aims to develop an education policy acceptance model. Policy implementers need to implement education policies in the best possible way. However, due to the uncertainty of such situations, health, politics, and natural disasters, have an impact on the implementation of education policy and the quality of education. Thus, there is a need to determine what indicators can prevent this uncertainty and accept education policies to be implemented smoothly to guarantee the sustainability of the quality of education. This quantitative study was conducted to obtain research data. In this study, the researcher applied the concept of positivism. Finding shows there was a significant influence between the constructs of Attention Towards Use to Behavioral Intention through path analysis at significance level of 0.05 (β= 0.898, p<0.05) ; Perceived Useful to Attention Towards Use (β=0.152, p <0.05); Perceived Useful to Perceived of Ease (β= 0.789, p<0.05), and Perceived of Ease to Attention Towards Use(β=0.69 p <0.05). While the research model explained 75% of the total variance in Behavioral Intention. This suggests that the three sets of exogenous latent variables have collectively explained 80.6% of the variance in Behavioral Intention. This study wraps up various potential concerns and importance for policymakers. Implementers within an organization should assess user opinions towards the proposed modifications to shape the development of the policies. By knowing the acceptance indicators of education policy, even if there are challenges such as health, politics, and natural disasters, stakeholders can focus on indicators involved in adopting policies and preventing uncertainty in implementing educational policies.Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) of Malaysia FRGS/1/2022/SSI07/UUM/02/1


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    Pendidikan Islam merupakan faktor penting dalam kehidupan manusia yang berperan dalam mencapai kesuksesan dan keselamatan di dunia maupun akhirat. SMAIT Al-Arabiyah Boarding School merupakan sekolah yang masih baru berjalan selama 4 tahun dan telah menghasilkan satu angkatan alumni pada tahun 2022. Meskipun demikian, sekolah ini memiliki nilai tambah yang menarik perhatian masyarakat sebagai sekolah dengan program unggulan persiapan dini untuk melanjutkan studi di Timur Tengah, seperti bahasa Arab, Tahfiz al-Quran, pembinaan karakter, serta kursus bahasa Arab dan Inggris. SMAIT Al-Arabiyah Boarding School masih memiliki kekurangan dalam hal fasilitas, sarana prasarana, dan tenaga pendidik yang belum tersertifikasi. Oleh karena itu, rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah sejauh mana program unggulan yang diterapkan oleh SMAIT Al-Arabiyah Boarding School dan bagaimana implikasi program unggulan tersebut terhadap peningkatan mutu pendidikan di sekolah tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan kualitatif naturalistik. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan meliputi observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum, mutu pendidikan di SMAIT Al-Arabiyah Boarding School, jika dilihat dari output atau lulusannya, cukup berhasil. Namun, di sisi lain, masih diperlukan perbaikan terutama pada standar tenaga kependidikan dan sarana prasarana. Proses program unggulan yang dilakukan oleh sekolah ini terbukti cukup baik dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan, seperti yang terlihat dari hasil output lulusan yang mampu bersaing baik di dalam maupun luar negeri. Implikasi program unggulan tersebut antara lain kemampuan berbahasa Arab yang baik, kemampuan berinteraksi langsung dengan orang Arab, kemampuan membaca kitab-kitab gundul, kemampuan mengajarkan ilmu yang telah dipelajari, kemampuan menjadi imam dan khatib, kemampuan mengurus tajhiz janaiz, kemampuan menjadi seorang pemimpin, hafalan Al-Quran minimal 10 juz, dan implementasi akhlak Islami