284 research outputs found

    Indonesian Higher Education: The Chronicle, Recent Development and The New Legal Entity Universities

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    This paper reviews and presents the concise history of higher education Indonesia from pra-colonial period to the latest era when the Government of Republic Indonesia proposed the Educational Legal Entity Bill and the Law on National Education System.higher education; Indonesia; history, legal entity

    The Evaluation of the implementation of WebCT in the Principle of Macroeconomics Class

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    This paper describes the review of implementation of Blended Learning with WebCT in Principle of Macroeconomics class. The course is conducted at the University of Padjadjaran at second semester in 2005. A questioner and a quantitative data are used to support the importance of those kinds of learning method.Economics education, learning method

    The Effectiveness of Private Versus Public Schools in Indonesia: Comment

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    I reestimate Bedi and Garg estimation of differential earnings of public-private junior secondary school in Indonesia. I replicate Bedi and Garg method by using Bedi and Garg’s sample data and creating a new sample data base on the original updated IFLS1 data (Indonesia Family Life Survey 1 codename IFLS1-RR). I use the same methodology as Bedi and Garg with the latest Stata command to confirm Bedi and Garg’s major conclusion. Using selmlog and decompose Stata techniques, I find the evidence that contradictive with Bedi and Garg’s conclusion as the public schools graduated earn higher than other graduates from private schools.School effectiveness, earnings, Indonesia

    School Choice and Earnings: A Case of Indonesia

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    Public schools in Indonesia are widely perceived have better inputs and to be superior to private schools. Public schools also benefit advantages of high-scoring peer effect as entry to some junior secondary public schools in urban area is based on national score test in elementary school. In this paper, I attempt to confirm the perception of superiority of public school in Indonesia by comparing the yearly earnings of four types of schools group; Public, Private Secular, Private Islam, and Private Christian. I use a large-scale longitudinal observation of individual and household level on socioeconomic and health survey, Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) 2000 to estimate the effectiveness junior secondary education in Indonesia. To correct for sample selection bias, I use the two-step method proposed by Bourguignon et al. As a result of insignificant all selectivity bias coefficients, I use the OLS estimation to calculate the earnings decompositions. The insignificant selection bias coefficients suggest that the OLS estimation is unbiased. I use the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition with Reimers’ decomposition technique to estimate earning differential between public and three types of private school graduates. The results of earnings decomposition from OLS estimation, suggest that earning of people who graduate from public school are 25 per cent and 35.2 per cent higher than their counterparts from private nonreligious and private Islam. On the other hand, student who schooled at private Christian school enjoys 0.28 per cents higher earnings that public.Parent choice, Education, School effectiveness, earnings, Indonesia


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    Resin infusion technique is one of the common techniques in the industrial applications nowadays. This report discuss about characterisation of inter-laminar shear strength (ILSS) of a wind turbine polymer composite blade that have been fabricate using this technique. In this project, two different infusion strategies, which are the infusion flow form leading edge to trailing edge and from root to tip, were used in the fabrication of the polymer composite wind turbine blade and to determine if the different infusion strategies will affect the ILSS of this blade, the three point bending test must be done. This project comprise of four main processes. First is the blade fabrication followed by the preparation of the samples needed. Next is the three point bending test done on the samples and finally the analysis of the data gathered from the test done to analyze the distribution of the ILSS from distribution from roof to tip, from leading edge to trailing edge also both upper and lower side of the blades. After the analysis, the result shows that different infusion strategies do affect the ILSS of the blade where Strategy 2 gives better result than Strategy 1, however there is no conclusive evidence that show exactly Strategy 2 is better, means that there are a lot of studies need to be done in order to prove the fact. The mapping of ILSS distribution on a single blade also done for both upper side and lower side for each blade

    Pengelolaan Kesiapan Belajar Anak Masuk Sekolah Dasar

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    Readiness of children to enter school is something that is very important that every child must have because the readiness to attend school is the first capital to follow the process of learning activities in school. The greater the readiness of the child, the greater the child has the ability to follow the poses of learning activities at school. Conversely, the smaller the readiness of children's learning, the smaller the children have the ability to follow the poses of learning activities at school. The problem is that many children do not have readiness to learn well because parents have not manage the readiness to learn children enter school well. In the readiness of learning children enter primary school can not come suddenly in the child because everything must be well prepared, including that of elementary school age, cognitive, affective, and psychomotor ability of children and others needed by children. The role of parents and teachers in "pre-school" institutions / education at an early age is very important in managing preparing children for elementary school. Having the readiness to learn elementary school entrance well then the child can enjoy the process of learning activities and the opportunity / opportunity to deliver to achieve the best achievement in learning

    Teacher Certification in Indonesia: A Confusion of Means and Ends

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    In 2006, Indonesia started implementing a nation-wide program of teacher certification with the aim to certify as many as 2.3 million teachers in 2015 with the budgetary cost of as much as US$460 million. Despite the magnitude and the importance of this program, there has been no quantitative study to evaluate the impact of such program on student’s achievement. In this study, we conducted a teacher survey in the Greater Bandung Area and collected the information on average national exam scores of the students of certified and not-certified teachers. We use two different impact evaluation techniques namely Propensity Score Matching (PSM) and Difference-in-Difference (DD) to evaluate the impact of certification. Both methods suggest that teacher certification has no impact on student’s achievement. The certification program may have improved teacher’s living standard as remuneration increase is an elemental part of it, yet its formally-stated goal to improve the quality of education as should be indicated in better students’ performance may not have been achieved. This program, being the largest in the nation’s history, may have confused means and ends.teacher certification, propensity score matching, impact evaluation, Indonesia

    Simulation of Heat Exchanger under Fouled Conditions

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    This paper introduces brief ideas for "Simulation of heat exchanger under fouled conditions" research which includes its background study, objectives, literature review, research methodology, results, discussion, recommendation and conclusion. In the initial part of this paper, the fouling characteristic is discussed based on the literature review. Fouling in heat exchanger is one of the major challenge need to be encounter by all industrial practitioner in plant especially in oil refinery plant. This problem had caused plant to increased their capital and operational cost because of inaccurate prediction of accumulation of fouling in the heat exchanger. This paper also quotes and discussed some literature and research of a few scholars about the fouling model characteristic and performance. In the methodology, the steps taken throughout the project is discussed briefly. The modelling of crude preheat train and simulation done is explained. Next, result and discussion for this project is analyzed. In the last part, a few recommendations are proposed to enhance the project before the project is concluded


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    Abstrak          Pendidikan adalah alat utama dalam menunjang ilmu pengetahuan. Sebab di dalam Pendidikan banyak sekali hal-hal baru yang dapat di pelajari dan di pahami. Pendidikan sendiri  ada yang berbasis Pendidikan umum dan juga Pendidikan agama. Kebanyakan  Pendidikan yang ada di indonesia berbasis Pendidikan umum yang  hanya menunjang pengetahuan umumnya saja dan minim akan Pendidikan agama.Hal seperti ini akan menimbulkan ketidak seimbangan pada pengetahuan.         Tujuan yang hendak di capai dalam penelitian ini adalah Mengetahui Bagaimana Proses Integrasi Pendidikan Agama Islam di Sekolah Menengah Pertama An-nur dengan PondokiPesantreniAn-nuri2 Al MurtadloiBululawangiKab. Malang. UntukiMengetahuiiBagaimana Implementasi Integerasi PendidikaniAgamaiIslamidi SekolahiMenengahiPertamaiAn-nur dengan PondokiPesantreniAn-nuri2 AliMurtadlo BululawangiKab.iMalang.UntukiMengetahuiiBagaimana Evaluasi Integrasi Pendidi-kaniAgamaiIslam di SekolahiMenengahiPertama An-nur dengan Pondok Pesantren An-nur 2 Al Murtadlo Bululawang Kab. Malang.iiiiiiiPenelitianiiniimenggunakanipendekatanikualitatifidaniberbentukideskriftif.haliiniidiikarenakanipenelitiiberusahaimemaparkanirealitaiyangiadaitanpaimemerlukanidataiyangiberupaiangka-angkai dan berusahaimenggambarkanisuatuikeadaanidanimenggaliiinformasiisejelas-jelasnya.iDenganikatailainipenelitianiiniimenuturkanidanimenafsirkanidataiyangiada.iPelaksanaanimetode-metodeideskriftifitidakiterbatasihanyaisampaiipadaipengumpulanidataidan pe-nyusunani data.iAkanitetapiimeliputiianalisaidaniInterprestasiitentangidataitersebut.       Berdasarkan hasil temuan penelitian: 1. Proses Integrasi PendidikaniAgamaiIslam di Sekolah Menengah Pertama An-nur dengan Pondok Pesantren An-nur 2 Al Murtadlo Bululawang Kab. Malang Berawal dari harapan Pengasuh Pondok Pesantren serta dorongan dari para Alumni serta Wali santri yang mengharapkan adanya pendidikan formal sehingga nantinya dapat menunjang pengetahuan Santri akan Pendidikan Formal. 2. Implementasi Pendidikan Agama Islam di Smp An-nur adalah hasil integrasi dari Kurikulum Kitab-kitab yang di kaji di Pondok Pesantren dan untuk penerapannya di Smp An-nur di tekankan Pada Praktek. 3. Evaluasi Pendidikan Agama Islam di Smp An-nur berjalan dengan baik. Hasil tersebut di buktikan dari hasil rapat bulanan yang di bahas oleh pengurus Pondok Pesantren Serta guru. Kata kunci: Proses Integrasi,Implementasi Integrasi,Evaluasi Integrasi.


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    Resin infusion technique is one of the common techniques in the industrial applications nowadays. This report discuss about characterisation of inter-laminar shear strength (ILSS) of a wind turbine polymer composite blade that have been fabricate using this technique. In this project, two different infusion strategies, which are the infusion flow form leading edge to trailing edge and from root to tip, were used in the fabrication of the polymer composite wind turbine blade and to determine if the different infusion strategies will affect the ILSS of this blade, the three point bending test must be done. This project comprise of four main processes. First is the blade fabrication followed by the preparation of the samples needed. Next is the three point bending test done on the samples and finally the analysis of the data gathered from the test done to analyze the distribution of the ILSS from distribution from roof to tip, from leading edge to trailing edge also both upper and lower side of the blades. After the analysis, the result shows that different infusion strategies do affect the ILSS of the blade where Strategy 2 gives better result than Strategy 1, however there is no conclusive evidence that show exactly Strategy 2 is better, means that there are a lot of studies need to be done in order to prove the fact. The mapping of ILSS distribution on a single blade also done for both upper side and lower side for each blade