185 research outputs found

    Parametric Optimization for the Maximization of Hydrogen Production by Enterobacter Cloacae

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    The decrease of fossil fuel energy induces the development of sustaining renewable energy. One of the potential energy to be further developed is hydrogen energy. Most of the hydrogen resources currently come from fossil fuel energy. Besides, some biological processes also can produce hydrogen such as dark fermentation which is being focused on in this project. Enterobacter cloacae are used as the bacteria to be fermented in the nutrient broth. Since this process has yet to achieve economic sustainability, this project focuses on the maximization of the production of hydrogen gas by optimizing the parameters influencing the hydrogen production. The decision variables (process parameters) are the initial glucose concentration, Inoculum age and also the initial pH of the nutrient broth. By using data from the previous research, the parameters are optimized by using three numerical methods, simulated annealing, pattern search and Genetic algorithm. A comparison between these three algorithms used is done to compare the optimization results and discuss their advantages and disadvantages


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    The goal of this dissertation is to explain in detail the whole progress and overall process of the Vehicle Recognition System project in detail in term of completing the Final Year Project II. This report includes the background of study that describe about what the system is about, the problem statement with the current method, the objectives of developing the new system and the scope of study for the first chapter. In the Literature Review section, this report will explain the topic that is related about the system such as barcode methodology and symbologies. It also explains the programming language use as the database and the tools needed for implementing the project. In methodology section, it's described the method use for creating the system, the flow of that system and the tool used. The results and discussions section discuss in detail the requirement of the system before the system can implemented and lastly, the conclusion section will elaborate where the author concludes about the system that is to be developed briefly. It is important to develop this system as it will help the security to handle the UTP' s environment well

    Information Technology Investment And Manufacturing Firm Performance: The Moderating Effect Of Decentralized Decision Making

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    Tesis ini membentangkan kajian empirikal berkaitan dengan pengukuran prestasi pelbagai dimensi di dalam syarikat-syarikat pembuatan barangan elektrik dan elektronik di Malaysia. This research was carried out mainly to find out the results on the relationship between IT investment and multidimensional performance measurement in the electrical and electronic manufacturing setting in Malaysia

    System resource theory approach and its application in the study of information technology investment and firm performance a conceptual paper / Amri Mohamad and Tuan Mohd Rosli Tuan Hassan

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    This research was carried out mainly to find out the conceptual linkages on the relationship between IT investment and multidimensional performance measurement in electrical and electronic manufacturing setting in Malaysia. The focus on IT investment as the independent variable was made because of the huge amount allocated for it annually and the amount keeps on increasing over the years. Further to that, the issue of ‘productivity paradox’ which has been an ongoing debate for quite a number of years was another pulling factor of why this research was carried out. In addition to that, this research presented the study on the use of multiple measures of performance in the electrical and electronic (E&E) manufacturing firms in Malaysia. To be more specific, it examines how IT Investment which is categorized into four types according to its IT investment objective; namely infrastructure, transactional, strategic and informational, affects a firm’s multidimensional performance measurement system represented by the balanced scorecard approach which has four perspectives; namely financial, internal business process, innovation and growth, and customer perspective. The objectives for this research are to establish the conceptualizations of IT investment and multidimensional performance measurement and to gauge on the extent of conceptual relationship between IT investment and manufacturing firm performance. The aims and objectives of this research were accomplished when the conceptualizations of each of the dimensions namely IT investment and multidimensional performance measures in use are established and the linkages are clearly explained

    A descriptive study on the usage of performance measure according to balanced scorecard (BSC) perspectives within the Malaysian electrical & electronic sector / Amri Mohamad, Tuan Rosli Tuan Hassan dan Yusserie Zainuddin

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    This research presents the use of multiple measures of performance in the electrical and electronic (E&E) manufacturing firms in Malaysia. The objective of this study is to investigate the usage of multidimensional performance measure which includes financial and nonfinancial indicators within the Malaysian E&E manufacturing firms’ performance. Basically, the theoretical gaps concentrated on the issue of focusing solely on financial measurements to measure the firm’s performance. This is to investigate the usage of performance measure according to the Balanced Scorecards (BSC) perspectives within the E&E manufacturers in Malaysia

    Factors Influencing Early Retirement Intention of Teacher Leaders in Secondary Schools

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    The Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) is committed to ensuring that teachers serve until the end of their service. However, there is an increase in the intention for early retirement among teachers. Hence, this study aimed to identify the factors influencing early retirement intention among the teacher leaders of secondary schools. Seven teacher leaders were purposely selected: senior assistants, senior teachers, heads of departments, and heads of six core subjects for Malaysian Certificate Examination from secondary schools in Kelantan, Malaysia. The qualitative data obtained through interviews were analyzed thematically. The findings analysis found eight contributing factors: lack of information technology skills, health problems, role conflict, financially stable, career satisfaction, wanting family time, filling time meaningfully, and venturing into other fields. To reduce the desire for early retirement, this study suggested that relevant partiesrelevant partiesrelevant partiesrelevant partiesrelevant parties should give all factors as contributors attention should give all factors as contributors attention should give all factors as contributors attention should give all factors as contributors attention should give all factors as contributors attention

    Religiositi sebagai faktor mediasi tingkah laku kerja muslim

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    Sorotan literatur mendapati bahawa tiada perkaitan yang jelas dan empirikal antara religiositi, personaliti dan tingkah laku kerja Muslim. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji secara empirikal hubungan antara personaliti, religiositi dan tingkah laku kerja dalam kalangan pentadbir Muslim di universiti awam Malaysia. Tiga instrument digunakan dalam pengukuran pembolehubah kajian iaitu NEO Five Factor Inventory (NEO FFI), Muslim Religiosity Personality Inventory (MRPI) dan Inventori Tingkah Laku Kerja Muslim (ITKM). Responden terdiri daripada 228 orang pentadbir dari lima institusi pengajian tinggi awam tempatan. Analisis korelasi, regresi dan mediasi digunakan untuk mengenalpasti hubungan antara ketiga-tiga pembolehubah tersebut. Analisis korelasi antara ketiga-tiga pembolehubah mendapati bahawa hanya tret personaliti Neuroticism (r = -.21), Extraversion (r = .19) dan Conscientiousness (r = .22) mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan religiositi. Ketiga-tiga tret ini juga mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan Tingkah Laku Kerja Muslim. Tret Neuroticism (r = -.32), Extraversion (r = .29) dan Conscientiousness (r = .22) juga mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan tingkah laku kerja Muslim. Analisis regresi menunjukkan bahawa tret Neuroticism, Extraversion, dan religiositi adalah faktor peramal kepada tingkah laku kerja Muslim secara signifikan [F(3,224) = 22.31, p < .05]. Analisis mediasi menunjukkan religiositi menjadi separa-perantara secara signifikan antara tret Neuroticism dengan tingkah laku kerja Muslim (B = -0.29; CI = -0.65 hingga -0.85) dan antara tret Extraversion dengan tingkah laku kerja Muslim (B = 0.28; CI = 0.08 hingga 0.58). Kajian ini mengesahkan peranan religiositi sebagai perantara kepada personaliti dan tingkah laku kerja Muslim serta menunjukkan kepentingan religiositi dalam mencorakkan tingkah laku kerja dalam kalangan pentadbir Muslim di universiti-universiti awam

    Profitability Estimation of a Company in PT.ABCD Using Extended Kalman Filter

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    Profitability ratios are the ability or results achieved by a company in its sales of goods or services it produces in a certain period. Profitability ratios are required to record financial transactions usually assessed by investors and creditors (banks) to assess the amount of investment profits to be obtained by investors and the amount of corporate profits to assess the company's ability to pay debts to creditors based on the use level of assets and other resources so that the company efficiency can be seen. Profitability is an important factor in the company, so in this study estimation of company profitability is made. Profitability estimation in this paper used the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and Kalman Filter (KF)methods to obtain the accuracy of the estimation. Based on the analysis of the simulation results, the EKF and KF methods can be effectively implemented to estimate the profitability of a company so as to make the right policy in determining the amount of investment and company profits. Based on the results of the analysis on the simulation with 300, 400 and 500 iterations, it has an error of less than 2%

    Hard work paid off for UMPSA international graduates from 14 countries

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    GAMBANG, 21 October 2023 – 81 international graduates from 14 countries celebrated their success in completing their studies in the 18th Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) Convocation Ceremony held on 21st to 24th November 2023 in UMPSA Gambang Campus

    Analysis Of Tool Performance During Ball-End Milling Of Aluminium Alloy 6061-T6

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    This article presents the tool wear mechanism when machining Aluminium alloy 6061-T6 with PVD coated carbide under dry cutting condition. Cutting parameters selected were cutting speed, Vc = 115-145 m/min; feed rate fz = 0.15-0.2 mm/tooth and depth of cut, ap = 0.5-0.75 mm. The result showed the tool life of PVD TiAlN ranged from 11 to 97 min. Full factorial approach was employed to exhibit relationship between parameter input and output. From the analysis, cutting speed is the most significant factor to tool performance followed by feed rate and depth of cut. Another conclusion is that the most of failure modes occurred were notch wear and flaking near those found near depth of cut line