72 research outputs found

    Establishment, Growth Performance and Some Aspects of Ecophysical Characteristics of Two Rattan Species: Calamus Manan and Calamus Tumidus

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    Rattans are indigenous spiny climbing palms and are considered to be the most important non-wood forest produce in Malaysia. In recent years, a tremendous increase in demand for rattans has outs tripped natural supply consequently initiating large scale plantings. Al though rattan research in Malaysia commenced in 1975, knowledge on its silviculture is still rudimentary. In this study, basic aspects of establishment, growth performance and ecophysiology of Calamus manan and C. tumidus, two of the more important indigenous species, will be elucidated as a basis to silvicultural application

    Light Requirements of Shorea Materialis Seedlings

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    This paper deals with the growth responses of Shorea materialis seedlings to various light conditions under shade chambers of21 %, 33% a1}-d 55% Relative Light Intensities (RLI), compared to open conditions (100% RLI). The best growth was observed between 30 - 55% RLI in terms of optimum increases in height, stem diameter, leaf area and overall dry matter. The weight ratio of shoot to root in the open is lower than that in the shade conditions

    Simulation on IPv6

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    This report is to have an insight on the final year project of simulation on IPv6. The report explains the background on the current issues that the world is facing with IPv6. Besides that, it states the problem on why this topic has been chosen as a final year project by the student. In this report, the students will also include the results and discussion from the survey that have been conducted. For this project the student will need to construct a simulation ofiPv6 as well as a simple IPv6 test bed. The project will need to have some equipment in order to have the simulation and the test bed. Some literature reviews are presented in order to identify what have others have said or discovered about the topic on IPv6. The literature review will also help the student to have a better understanding on what is needed to be done for the project

    Mechanical and durability properties of sand cement brick containing recycled concrete aggregate and crumb rubber as partial sand replacement material

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    During the last decades, it has been recognized with growing concern that wastes from a construction and demolition (C&D) are large volume and that this is increasing year by year. The problem of waste accumulation exists worldwide. Most of waste materials are left as a landfill material or illegally dumped. Environmental impact can be reduced by making more sustainable use of this waste by recycling process. This study aims to establish the sustainable properties for sand cement bricks using Recycle Concrete Aggregate (RCA) and Crumb Rubber (CR) as partial sand aggregate replacement materials. The objectives of this study are to measure the optimum cement-sand ratio (1:5, 1:6 and 1:7) for sand cement brick through density, compressive strength and water absorption tests. The mechanical properties and durability of sand cement bricks through shrinkage and carbonation as well as the optimum percentages of RCA and CR as sand aggregate replacement in sand cement bricks was also investigated. The brick specimens were prepared using 15%, 30%, 45% and 60% of RCA and 1.5%, 3.0%, 4.5% and 6.0% of CR by volume of sand with a water-cement ratio of 0.6. The size of the RCA used was less than 5 mm. Moreover, the size of the sieved waste CR granules is between 0.1 to 5 mm which made it physically similar to the size of fine aggregates. The overall results revealed that the best cement-sand ratio was 1:6. The density test indicates that the average density of sand cement bricks is lower compared to that of control bricks. In addition, the percentage of water absorption for sand cement bricks was found to be satisfactory. In a nutshell the optimal replacement of RCA and CR was R15C1.5 with a cement-sand ratio of 1:6 as it achieved the lowest values during the drying shrinkage and carbonation tests

    Adenosine 5'-triphosphate sulphurylase from rice shoots: partial purification and properties

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    ATP-sulphurplase was found in the soluble fraction of cell extracts ofrice shoots. The enzyme was purified 44-fold by ammonium sulphate fractionation, DEAE-cellulose and sephadex G-200 chrmatography. The optimum temperature ofthe enzyme is around 40°C while its pH optimum is between 7.5-8.5. Mg++ is required for its activity but group VI anions (molybdate, sulphate, selenate, tungstate), EDTA, HgH, azide, cyanide, sulphide and fluoride are inhibitory. The Km values for APS and pyrophosphate are 4.5 pM and 9.0 pM respectively

    Nutraceutical based on the Quran and the Sunnah

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    The world is witnessing a return to what is natural, both environmentally and back to fitrah, our innate nature. This does not apply to food, and cosmetic sector only, but also the health and Nutraceutical sectors. One of the evidences is the fastest growing sectors in the Global personal care market and Nutraceutical market as dictated by consumer lifestyle and awareness. Second, the tendency is for a move towards what is ethical, fair traded and Green healthy lifestyle. Halal Nutraceutical consumer are now starting to question the authenticity and integrity of the Halal nutraceuticals that they consumed, especially that came from the non-Muslim manufacturers and distributors in Singapore. Islamic Arabic medicine, Arab-Islamic medicine or Greco-Arab refers to medicine developed in the Golden Age of the Islamic Civilization. It is extended from Spain in the west to Central Asia and India in the East. „Prophetic Medicine? although popular amongst the masses of Muslims because of its doctrinal and theological contents was considered by most Muslim historians and physicians as distinct from scientific and analytical Islamic Medicine. Medicine of the Prophet is a combination of religious and medical information, providing advice and guidance on the two aims of medicine. First the preservation of health and second the restoration of health based on the Qur?anic guidance and the Prophetic traditions

    Pemerangkapan Thiobacillus denitrificans di dalam gel agaros bagi penurunan nitrate

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    Thiobacillus denitrificans telah diperangkap hidup-hidup ke dalam gel agaros. Keupayaan sel-sel yang terperangkap untuk menurun nitrat telah dikesan melalui keaktifan enzim nitrat reduktase. Keaktifan enzim yang tinggi telah didapati dari sel-sel yang terperangkap dan pada amnya enzim tersebut telah bertindak serupa saperti di dalam sel-sel yang bebas. Sel-sel yang terperangkap telah berupaya untuk menurun nitrat kepada nitrit apabila larutan nitrat disalurkan ke dalam reaktor berbentuk tiub yang mengandungi sel-gel

    Cloud and rain: perspective of Quran and science

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    Science and Islam have been proven to be interrelated with each other in many aspects of life. Most of the phenomena that occur in this world has been described in the Quran. As Muslims, Allah has instructed us to study the phenomena that occur in our surroundings. Therefore, it is vital to relate all of our scientific findings with the Quran. This paper will discuss on the process of cloud formation and rain based on the Quran and science. The hydrological cycle which is the major process involved in the formation of cloud and rain will also be described in this paper. The scientific view proposes that the formation of cloud begins with the evaporation of sea water into the sky. After some time, when the cloud is unable to hold water inside it, thus, it results in falling rain. In the Quran, this phenomena is described in Surah Ar-Rum: 48 and Surah An-Nur: 43. Also, there are several verses in the Quran that mention the importance of rain to all living things as stated in Surah Al-A’raf:57 and Surah Qaf:9. In the aspect of science, rain has large effects to certain processes such as the leaching and fertilization of soil. As a conclusion, the scientific explanation on the formation of cloud and rain, has been stated in the Quran in which they are consistent with each other

    Intercropping of Rotan Manau (Calamus manan), with Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis)

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    Rotan manau (Calamus manan) seedlings were planted between rows of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) trees in a 1.4 ha plantation when the rubber was 13 years old. The relative light intensity (RLI) in the rubber plantation was 50 to 60% measured at midday. Survival of rotan manau at 3 years after planting was 80.6%. The growth rates were variable. The mean stem length was 45.17 ± 32.15 cm. The growth rate is encouraging compared to figures obtained from trials in forest areas

    Influence of Light on Seed Germination of Calamus manan

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    Freshly collected seeds of calamus manan were sown under three different light conditions : a)in the open b)under moderate shade of " attap" roofing and c)under intact forest canopy. At 2 , 4 and 6 month intervals, the sample that had been sown under shade (b) and (c)were moved into the open. Germination under all treatment occured percentage achieved 50% by about 6 weeks. Under forest the cumulative germination percentage did not reach 50%. The result indicate that although the seed appear insensitive to light regimes for germination some amount of light ( attap conditions ) optimize germination of Calamus manan