14 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Approach to Investigating the Social Dimension in European Higher Education Systems—EUROSTUDENT and the PL4SD Country Reviews

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    Additional file 4: Table S4. The Akaike information criterion (AIC) for different models compared to REML-PED. The log likelihoods for different models were used to calculate AIC following [35]. The AIC using “REML-PED” was scaled to zero for each trait and the AIC for the other models were expressed as the difference from AIC in “REML-PED”. GREML-MS” is the relative residual variance and DRP variance calculated using the GREML-MS method with partitioning of imputed sequence variants into MAF groups. “REML-GRM” is the relative residual variance and DRP variance calculated by fitting 50 k SNPs with the REML-GRM model implemented in GCTA. “REML-PED” is the relative residual variance and DRP variance calculated by fitting pedigree relationships with the REML-PED model implemented in DMU. “REML-PEDGRM” is the relative residual variance and DRP variance calculated by fitting both 50 k SNPs and pedigree relationships with the REML-PEDGRM model implemented in DMU. Results for the model that did not converge for the trait are not presented

    Additional file 1: of Dissecting closely linked association signals in combination with the mammalian phenotype database can identify candidate genes in dairy cattle

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    Figure S1. The locuszoom figure of previous report causative mutation of DGAT1 of the genome-wide association result in fat content of milk in Nordic Holstein cattle and Figure S2. The locuszoom figure of previous report causative mutation of DGAT1 of the genome-wide association result in fat content of milk in Nordic Holstein cattle. BOP1 was not include in USCS refFlat file. (DOCX 551 kb

    Additional file 6: Figure S6. of Genome-wide association analyses using a Bayesian approach for litter size and piglet mortality in Danish Landrace and Yorkshire pigs

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    QTL region profiles for mortality rate before day 5 (MORT) in Yorkshire in each chromosome. The horizontal red line represents the significance threshold at posterior probability of interval (PP int ) > 0.8. The purple, blue and orange line represent the PP int from a Bayesian model (BM) QTL region analysis based on 1.0 Mb, 2.5 Mb and 5.0 Mb sliding windows, respectively. (PNG 249 kb

    Additional file 2: Table S1. of Genome-wide association study for female fertility in Nordic Red cattle

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    SNPs significantly associated with Fertility index in the Nordic Red Cattle. A genome wide association scan was performed on the Nordic Red Cattle for the fertility index. SNPs were considered significant at Bonferroni corrected P-value < 0.05 (−log10(P) > 8.25). (TXT 1811 kb


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    原著和名: [記載なし]科名: = unknown採集地: タイ ドイ (タイ国 ドイ)採集日:採集者:整理番号: JH052123国立科学博物館整理番号: TNS-VS-94955

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Genome-wide association study for female fertility in Nordic Red cattle

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    Plot of the distribution of the accuracy for the Estimated Breeding Values for Fertility Index in Nordic Red Cattle. (PNG 3 kb

    Pemanfaatan Serutan Karet Ban Bekas Sebagai Substitusi Pasir Silika Pada Clc (Cellular Lightweight Concrete)

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    CLC adalah jenis beton ringan ramah lingkungan karena proses pembuatannya menggunakan energi yang lebih sedikit daripada bata merah. Namun sebagai salah satu turunan beton, CLC juga memiliki sifat getas. Mempertimbangkan cara untuk memperbaiki sifat-sifat CLC yang getas, maka diperlukan substitusi bahan yang dapat menggantikan material dasar beton. Salah satu substitusi material beton adalah dengan menggunakan limbah karet dari ban bekas yang diserut (panjang ± 2-3 cm, dia. ± 2-4 mm). Ban karet dapat memberikan sifat elastis dan mencegah retak karena memiliki modulus elastisitas 0,77-1,33 MPa, dan memiliki berat isi antara 1,08-1,27 t/m³.Dalam percobaan ini, dibuat 6 formulasi bahan baku beton ringan dan memperoleh 2 formula dengan potensi untuk dimodifikasi. Sampel P10 memiliki berat isi yang paling ringan sekitar 903 kg/m³ dengan perbandingan PS:PC:KP:Al:Air sebesar 63%:12%:2,7%:0.14%: 23% dan formula P12 yang memiliki kuat tekan tertinggi mencapai 6 N/mm² dengan perbandingan PS:PC:KP:Al:Air:PFA sebesar 63%:6%:2,7%:0.14%:23%:6%. Modifikasi dibuat dari P10 dan P12 mengganti komposisi pasir silika dengan serutan ban karet mulai dari 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, sampai dengan 50%. Pemakaian limbah karet ban bekas yang diserut dapat meningkatkan kuat tekan bata ringan tersebut hingga substitusi 50% limbah dengan densitas antara 1.160 – 1.330 kg/m

    Additional file 5: Figure S5. of The patterns of genomic variances and covariances across genome for milk production traits between Chinese and Nordic Holstein populations

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    Distribution of proportions of genomic variances, covariances and genomic correlations explained by chromosome regions of 100 SNP for milk yield on BTA 20in Chinese (CN) and Nordic (NO) Holstein populations. (TIFF 1122 kb

    Low isozyme variation in native and transplanted populations of the endemic Philippine silver perch, Leiopotherapon plumbeus (Kner, 1864) from three lakes in the Philippines

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    The silver perch, Leiopotherapon plumbeus (Kner, 1864), is an endemic and economically important fish in the Philippines. A native species of Laguna de Bay, the silver perch was transplanted from this lake to Sampaloc Lake in the late 1950s and Taal Lake in the early 1970s. Morphological variation has been observed among the native and transplanted populations of the silver perch. In this study, genetic variation within and between the native and transplanted populations was examined using isozyme electrophoresis. Four sites were sampled: two in Laguna de Bay (Binangonan and Tanay) and one each in Sampaloc Lake and Taal Lake. Twenty-two (22) loci were scored but only one locus (PGM*) was polymorphic by the 95% criterion and only two loci (ADH* and PGM*) were polymorphic by the 99% criterion. The average heterozygosities, genetic distances and FST values of specimens from the four sites were very low, suggesting that the native and transplanted populations had very low genetic variation and that they were genetically homogeneous despite the presence of morphological varia- tion. The low genetic variation could possibly be due to a population bottleneck in the native population in Laguna de Bay in the past and to the low genetic variation of the founders in the transplanted populations

    Additional file 6: Fig. S2. of Use of biological priors enhances understanding of genetic architecture and genomic prediction of complex traits within and between dairy cattle breeds

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    Comparisons of enrichment degrees of association signals in the remaining Gene Ontology (GO) super-families between milk production and mastitis in the Holstein (HOL) training population. Each point is a GO term. –log10 P is from post-GWAS analysis. The significant levels were determined with paired Student’s t-test. The significance levels of the comparisons are not shown, as P ≥ 0.1. (TIFF 149 kb