12 research outputs found

    Impact of intervention programs on nurses’ knowledge, attitudes, and willingness to take care of patients with human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: a descriptive review

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    Objective. This paper reviews the current literature on intervention programs designed to improve nurses’ knowledge and attitudes to human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and their willingness to take care of patients with human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. It also explores the impact of these intervention programs. Materials and methods. The MEDLINE and Pubmed, Science Direct, Cochrane Library, EbscoHost, ERIC databases were searched for relevant English-language citations between 1997 and 2007 using the following search terms: human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, nurse, intervention, teaching, education, knowledge, attitude, and willingness. Relevant articles were retrieved, reviewed, and assessed. A total of 16 articles were considered appropriate and selected for content analysis. Results. We identified articles that reported on intervention programs to improve nurses’ knowledge and attitudes and their willingness to take care of patients with human immunodeficiency virus/ acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Eight of the intervention studies included lectures among their methods of educational intervention. The nurse sample sizes (n) ranged from 12 to 552. Many of the studies involved one experimental/intervention group and one control group. The intervention programs varied in terms of their methodological rigor. Almost all reported one or more statistically significant effects. Conclusions. The review highlights the need for well-designed, methodologically sound research on outcomes of nursing education. Future studies should examine not only the short-term effectiveness of intervention programs in terms of changing attitudes and increasing willingness to care, but also their impact in the longer term

    Impact of demographic factors on health - related quality of life of patients with the acute coronary syndrome

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    Viena iš svarbiausių širdies ir kraujagyslių ligų yra ūminis koronarinis sindromas (ŪKS), kuris sukelia pavojų gyvybei, todėl aktualu atkreipti dėmesį į pacientų su sveikata susijusią gyvenimo kokybę. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti demografinių veiksnių įtaką pacientų, sergančių ūminiu koronariniu sindromu, su sveikata susijusiai gyvenimo kokybei.Tyrimo metodika. Atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas. Duomenų rinkimui naudotas SF- 36 klausimynas. Taikytas statistinis duomenų paketas „SPSS 17 for Windows“. Tyrimo imtį sudarė 110 pacientų, sergančių ŪKS. Tyrimas atliktas vadovaujantis tyrimų etikos principais. Išanalizavus pacientų, sergančių ŪKS su sveikata susijusią gyvenimo kokybę priklausomai nuo lyties nustatytas reikšmingas (p<0,05) veiklos apribojimas dėl fizinių, emocinių problemų – moterys kur kas ženkliau akcentavo fizines, emocines problemas nei vyrai. Nedirbantys bei turintys vidurinį/spec. vidurinį išsilavinimą žymiai prasčiau vertino bendrą sveikatą ir fizinį aktyvumą, savo emocinę būklę ir socialinę funkciją, veiklos apribojimą dėl emocinių problemų. Išvada. Tiriant pacientų, sergančių ūminiu koronariniu sindromu, su sveikata susijusią gyvenimo kokybę paaiškėjo, jog priklausomai nuo lyties moterys reikšmingai blogiau vertino fizines problemas, labiau akcentavo skausmą, prasčiau vertino bendrą sveikatą ir emocines problemas. Raktažodžiai: demografiniai veiksniai, gyvenimo kokybė, išeminė širdies liga, pacientai, ūminis koronarinis sindromas.One of the main cardiovascular life - threatening diseases is an acute coronary syndrome (ACS). It is the reason to pay more attention to health-related quality of life of ACS patients. The aim of the research is to analyze the impact of demographic factors on health – related quality of life of patients with the acute coronary syndrome. Research methodology: The quantitative research was made. The SF-36 questionnaire was used for data collection. The statistical method of data processing was used. The sample of the research made 110 ACS patients. The research was performed following the research ethics. Results of the research: The analysis of health - related life quality of ACS patients revealed, that depending on patients’ sex, a significant activity limitation depending on physical or emotional problems was determined. Women elicited physical and emotional problems more often than men. Unemployed and people with secondary or special education assessed their physical health and activeness, emotional state, social functions and activity limitation because of emotional problems much more poorly. Conclusion: The research revealed that more than a half of respondents, sick with ACS, assessed that women elicited pain and assessed general health worse emphasising emotional problems. Key words: acute coronary syndrome, demographic factors, health – related quality of life, patients, ischemic heart disease

    Nursing students knowledge, attitudes and willingness to take care for patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus and / or having acquired immune deficiency syndrome

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    Slaugytojai vis dažniau susiduria su ŽIV užsikrėtusiais ir/ar AIDS sergančiais pacientais, todėl svarbu analizuoti ir slaugos studijų studentų, kaip būsimųjų slaugytojų, nuomonę, kaip turima informacija ŽIV ir/ar AIDS klausimais sąlygoja jų baimes, elgseną, požiūrį bei pasiryžimą slaugyti. Tyrimo tikslas - išanalizuoti slaugos studijų studentų pasiryžimą slaugyti užsikrėtusius ŽIV ir/ar sergančius AIDS pacientus. Tyrimo metodika. Atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas, naudojant standartizuotą klausimyną. Tyrimo imtį sudarė 2014 lapkričio mėn. – 2015 m. sausio mėn. apklausti 113 pirmo - ketvirto kurso slaugos studijų studentai. Rezultatų analizei naudotas statistinis „SPSS 17 for Windows“ paketas. Tyrimas atliktas laikantis etikos principų. Tyrimo rezultatai. Išanalizavus respondentų pasiryžimą slaugyti užsikrėtusius ŽIV ir/ar sergančius AIDS pacientus nustatyta, kad daugiau nei pusė respondentų būtų pasiryžę padėti užsikrėtusiems ŽIV ir/ar sergantiems AIDS pacientams, padėtų pagimdyti moteriai infekuotai ŽIV ir/ar sergančiai AIDS. Tačiau tik 23 proc. respondentų būtų pasiryžę rūpintis šiais pacientais, jei ateityje būtų išsiaiškinta, jog ŽIV ir/ ar AIDS galima užsikrėsti ir tais būdais, kurie dabar įvardijami kaip saugūs. Išvada. Pasiryžimą slaugyti slopina neigiamas požiūris į šiuos pacientus socialiniais aspektais. Raktažodžiai: ŽIV/AIDS, slaugos studijų studentai, pasiryžimas slaugyti.Nursing staff more and more often face patients infected with HIV and/or having AIDS, therefore it is important to analyse the opinion of the future nursing staff –nursing students, on how the knowledge they have of HIV and/or AIDS conditions their fears, behaviour, attitude and the determination to take care. Objective of the research - to analyse nursing students determination to take care for patients infected with HIV and/or having AIDS. Research methodology. Quantitative research, using standartised questionnaire, has been carried out. Scope of the research - 113 first - fourthyear nursing students, questioned during the period of November 2014 – January 2015. Statistical package “SPSS 17 for Windows” has been used to analyse the results obtained. Research has been carried out following the principles of ethics. Results of the research. Analysis of the determination to take care for patients infected with HIV and/or having AIDS of the respondents has lead to a conclusion, that more than half of the respondents would be willing to take care for a patient infected with HIV and/or having AIDS, or help in the delivery for a woman who has been infected with HIV and/or having AIDS. However, only 23% of the respondents would be willing to take care for those patients, if in the future it would be discovered that the ways which are today identified as safe, in fact also hold the possibility to be infected with HIV and/or AIDS. Conclusion. Determination to care for those patients suffers from socially negative attitude towards patients infected with HIV and/or having AIDS. Key words: HIV/AIDS, nursing students, determination to take care

    The Impact of an education intervention on nurses knowledge of and attitudes towards HIV and willingness to take care of HIV-positive people in Lithuania

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    The overall goal of the study was to identify the areas which need to be improved in order to develop the quality of nurse education related to HIV infection and HIV-positive people. The hypothesis for the study was as follows: education intervention increases nurses' knowledge level, their positive attitudes, and their willingness to care for HIV-positive people or those with AIDS. The study was conducted in three phases during the period of 2006 to 2010. First, an international descriptive cross-sectional survey was conducted with a sample of registered nurses in Finland (n=322), Estonia (n=191), and Lithuania (n=168) (the total n=681). Second, a descriptive literature review related to nurses education interventions based on 16 articles was performed. Third, a randomized control trial (RCT) with two experimental groups and one control group was done in Lithuania. The baseline data consisted of 206, and the follow-up data of 185 participants. The international cross-sectional survey revealed that there were some differences in the knowledge, attitudes, and willingness to care for people living with HIV or AIDS (PLWHA) between Finland, Estonia and Lithuania, with Lithuanian nurses showing the lowest knowledge level and less positive attitudes compared to the others. The literature review did not allow draw the conclusions as to what type of education intervention would be best to have a beneficial impact on nurses HIV and AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes, and willingness to care of HIV-positive people. However, it is clear that different teaching methods in nurses supplementary education should be combined.Based on the randomized controlled trial (RCT), a two-day education intervention, combined with written materials, increased the nurses' knowledge level and positive attitudes, thus confirming a hypothesis. Contrary to expectations, it did not increase the nurses willingness to care for HIV-positive people or those with AIDS. The distribution of written materials alone did not improve the nurses knowledge level, their positive attitudes towards people with HIV, and their willingness to provide care for them. In order to improve nurses HIV and AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes, and willingness to care for HIV-positive patients in an effective way, several educational methods should be combined. The using of written materials alone in continuing education is undoubtedly cheaper, but it is insufficient to achieve a positive effect on nurses knowledge level in the present context. The study produced information on the areas which need to be improved in order to develop the quality of nurse education related to HIV and HIV-positive people. it demonstrated changes in nurses knowledge, attitudes, and willingness to take care of HIV-positive patients. The knowledge can be used to offer better preventive care services and health care for HIV-positive patients. The study offers implications for different fields including nursing practice, education, clinical research, and nursing scienc

    Analysis of stress experienced by soldiers of compulsory conscription and professional military services

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    Very often conscripted soldiers experience heavy physical loads and mental shocks and challenges. The goal of this thesis was to analyse and to compare the factors triggering the stress to soldiers of compulsory conscription and professional military service and the ways to cope with it. Methods applied in this thesis were as follows: investigation conducted in 2010-2011 applying quantitative data accumulation and data processing methods. 233 soldiers of compulsory conscription and professional military service that were in the service in the aircraft base of Military Air Force and were selected applying the targeted sampling method participated in the inquiry. The statistic program package „SPSS 17 for Windows” was applied for data analysis. Levels of significance of statistical hypotheses were applied: where p<0,05 was statistically significant, p<0,01 was statistically very significant and p<0,001 was extremely statistically significant. The participants were acquainted with investigation goal and the consent of a uniformed person was received. The results of the investigation revealed that such factors as everyday routine, military discipline, constant tiredness, impossibility to change the established day time schedule, negative emotions of other soldiers and strict particular requirements triggered stress significantly more often to the soldiers of compulsory conscription service than to the soldiers of professional service. The more strong reaction of soldiers of compulsory conscription service to stress provoked the feeling of loneliness and physical and emotional exhaustion at the end of the service day, meanwhile the soldiers of professional service had some difficulties with sleep at night and emotional exhaustion. While trying to combat the stress the soldiers of professional service significantly more often than the soldiers of compulsory conscription service used the conversation with a good friend and long walks, meanwhile the soldiers of compulsory conscription service trying to suppress the stress used to smoke significantly more often than the soldiers of professional service. Smoking as the method to conquer the stress was preferred more often by the soldiers from smaller townships

    Aggresion as a specific form of a child's behavior: theoretical aspect

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    In a present-day society there are quite many children of specific behaviour, whose psychical and social development contravenes the accepted standards. Some children of problematic behaviour are attributed to the group of the aggressive (they quickly show temper, are out of self-control, gruff, angry, prone to fight and harm others). Research data of scientists and social pedagogues show social obstinacy of aggressive behaviour problem. Aim: to study the concepts of the aggressiveness that are formulated in different ways by scientists, the variety of the classification of aggressive behaviour, its reasons and factors. While applying theoretical analysis of scientific sources it turned out that: 1) both, Lithuanian and foreign authors, retain the conception essence of the formulized definitions of aggression, however, the representatives of separate sciences (ethics, pedagogy, psychology) emphasize characteristic aspects for one or another study; 2) Aggression manifestations are grouped not on the same basis, i.e. according to the subject, causality, behaviour of the individual in conflict situations, order of action display; 3) in non-fiction the most commonly described 4 sources of aggressive behaviour are as following: heredity, biological factors, somatic illnesses, influence of a social environment (family, contemporary, means of mass media)

    Relationships between the psychoemotional state of middle - aged people and their physical activity levels

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    Ankstesnis pavadinimas : Ugdymas. Kūno kultūra. Sportas. ISSN 1392-5644Background. Constantly accelerating pace of life, heavy workloads, and new technologies coming into our lives lead to mental health problems – stress, anxiety, and depression, which causes uncontrollable physical health problems. The relationship between individual PA domains and physical activity intensity in middle-aged individuals as well as their psycho-emotional status havenot been sufficiently explored. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between psycho-emotional state and physical activity levels in middle-aged people. Methods. The epidemiological method was chosen for the study. The chosen method of data collection was an anonymous questionnaire survey. Results. Assessing the psycho-emotional state of the subjects, we found that 17.8% of women and men studied were experiencing stress. More women (45%) than men (27.5%) experienced nervous tension, and more men (25.5%) than women (13.7%) experienced stress. High levels of physical activity were found in more than 2/3 of the subjects (73.5%). The distributions of women and men did not differ much according to the level of physical activity (74.3, 72.0%). Conclusion. A higher level of physical activity was associated with a better assessment of nervous tension and stress – more physically active individuals experience less nervous tension and stress. People who spent more time sitting on weekdays and at weekends experienced more nervous tension and stressLietuvos sporto universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij