6 research outputs found

    ‘The Great Oblivion’—An Autoethnographic Depiction of Social and Personal Recovery After Electro-convulsive Therapy (ECT)

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    This article aims to shed light on cognitive disabilities after electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) from an expert-by-experience perspective. It illuminates the living conditions that may follow, with a particular focus on epistemic injustice, societal attitudes, narration and recovery. Since personal narratives about ECT are scant, an autoethnographic method was used through which I weave together my own experiences of ECT and the need for support from, for example, social services, with research in various nearby areas. These experiences were then placed in a wider psycho-social context. Three themes emerged when analysing own experiences of ECT, revealing both risks and important aspects of managing side effects such as cognitive disabilities: (i) At the social services office; (ii) Alienation in society; and (iii) Excerpt from a friendly conversation. Subjective experiences may broaden the understanding of a certain phenomenon which calls for greater (societal) knowledge regarding cognitive disabilities after ECT. It also emphasises the importance of different professionals, including social workers and psychiatric staff, working to promote recovery, legitimise users’ narratives and not seeing disabilities as given obstacles in everyday life

    "Det var inte mitt val" - en narrativ studie om upplevelser av elektrokonvulsiv terapi (ECT)

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    This study aims to highlight patientsÂŽ experiences about and thoughts of side effects fromelectroconvulsive therapy (ECT), a therapeutic method commonly used when having severedepressions. The framing of questions were how the respondents of this study describe theirlife before, during and after ECT-treatment, how the treatment has affected their daily life andhow these experiences may contribute to the awareness of power in professional relations.The study is based on three semi-structured narrative interviews and the main result showedthat, according to my interpretation, ECT as a treatment obliterated memories, quality of lifeand daily structure for all participants. Unfortunately they have all become subjects ofpsychiatric power and have faced considerable difficulty in getting professional recognitionaccording to their severe memory issues. The respondents have lost the ability to relate totheir past which clearly makes them struggle in their present context. A point in commonamong them is that neither of them wanted ECT but, because of the lack of communicationbetween them as patients and the health care in general, they all ended up getting it

    Transport efficiency in secluded transport systems considering seasonality

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    Denna kandidatuppsats behandlar förslag pĂ„ hur transporteffektivitet kan ökas med hĂ€nsyn tillsĂ€songsvariation i ett avskilt system. ÄmnesomrĂ„det för uppsatsen Ă€r distribution och logistik.Uppsatsen har utförts i samarbete med Orust Kretsloppsakademi, Orust kommun och företag iOrust kommun.I syfte att ge förslag pĂ„ hur transporteffektiviteten kan ökas i Orust kommun har olika sĂ€tt attutforma ett transportsystem studerats och utvĂ€rderats i termer av de fyraeffektivitetsvariablerna tid, kostnad, flexibilitet och miljö.Det avskilda system tillika avgrĂ€nsning för uppsatsen som har studerats Ă€r vĂ€gtransporterinom Orust kommun. Det innebĂ€r att transporter till och frĂ„n Orust kommun Ă€r exkluderadefrĂ„n studien. Uppsatsen inleddes med att studera teori kring de fyra effektivitetsvariablerna,transporteffektivisering och transportplanering. DĂ€refter utformades en enkĂ€t som anvĂ€ndessom grund och diskussionsunderlag till datainsamlingen. I enkĂ€ten stĂ€lldes frĂ„gor kringmarknadsvariation, flexibilitet, ledtider, samlastning samt möjligheter och begrĂ€nsningar vidsamlastning. EnkĂ€ten besvarades av totalt 19 lokala företag. Komplettering av enkĂ€ten ochytterligare diskussion samlades in i form av mailintervjuer. Resultatet visade att det fannsutmaningar och hinder i arbetet att ge förslag till att öka transporteffektiviteten i Orustkommun. Det framkom ur svaren att tid var den effektivitetsvariabel som var av störst vikt nĂ€rdet togs beslut om transporter inom Orust kommun. Av de olika sĂ€tt att utforma etttransportsystem pĂ„ som presenterades var direkttransporter det alternativ som var mesttidseffektivt. De huvudsakliga nackdelarna med direkttransporter var att kostnaden blev högreoch miljöpĂ„verkan större. Av denna anledning valde gruppen att kombinera tvĂ„ olikatransportupplĂ€gg för att hitta en sĂ„ optimal lösning som möjligt utifrĂ„n avgrĂ€nsningarna.Kombinationen som föreslogs var direkttransporter och mjölkrunda. Fördelarna medmjölkrunda Ă€r detsamma som nackdelarna hos direkttransporter. Kombinationen ger dĂ€rmeden möjlighet för avsĂ€ndare och mottagare att övervĂ€ga vilken av de fyraeffektivitetsvariablerna som Ă€r viktigast utifrĂ„n enskild situation och typ av vara eller godsoch blir pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt situations- och företagsanpassat. Under sommartid dĂ„ befolkningen ökar tillföljd av turism sĂ„ tillĂ„ts företagen genom att kombinera de tvĂ„ transportsĂ€tten att anpassatransporterna till situationen pĂ„ vĂ€garna. Kombinationen tappar sitt syfte om direkttransporteranvĂ€nds betydligt mer Ă€n mjölkrunda.Projektgruppen stötte under arbetets gĂ„ng pĂ„ utmaningar med validitet och reliabilitet vilkethar diskuterats under avsnittet diskussion.This bachelor thesis examines present suggestions for increase of transport efficiencyconsidering seasonality in a secluded system and subject area of the thesis is distribution andlogistics. The thesis was conducted in cooperation with Orust Kretsloppsakademi, OrustCounty and local companies on Orust.Different ways to design a transport system in consideration to the four efficiency variablestime, cost, flexibility and environment was evaluated with the purpose to increase thetransport efficiency. The studied system was road transport within Orust County, this was alsoone of the delimitations. It means that transports going outside of Orust County or arriving toOrust were excluded from the thesis. It all started with studying the theory of the efficiencyvariables, transport efficiency and transport planning, then a survey was designed to use asbase and discussion for the data collection. The purpose of the survey was to investigate thecurrent market variation, flexibility, lead times consolidation and identify possibilities as wellas challenges. The survey was answered by 17 local companies. Further data collection wascollected in terms of interviews. The result from the survey showed that there were somechallenges in designing an efficient transport system. The responses also showed that timewere the most critical variable when it came to local transport. Among the presented transportsystems, direct transports were the most time effective choice. However it increased thenegative impact on costs and the environment significantly. For this reason a combination oftwo different transport planning options was presented. The presented resolution was directtransports in combination with milk runs. The advantages with milk runs are equal to thedisadvantages with direct transport. Therefore the combination give the possibility for theshipper and consignee to make a tradeoff between time and flexibility and environment andcost based on the current shipping needs for specific goods at a specific time. During summerwhen the loads and passability on the roads increases due to tourism the combination of directtransports and milk runs can be used to adjusted to the situation on the roads. Thecombination loses its purpose if the direct transport is used more frequently than the milk run.The project group encountered some issues with validity and reliability which is discussed inthe discussion chapter of the thesis

    Staff’s experiences of implementing patient-initiated brief admission for adolescents from the perspective of epistemic (in)justice

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    Background: The implementation of Patient-Initiated Brief Admission (PIBA) in child and adolescent psychiatry (CAP) in Sweden is ongoing. This intervention enables adolescents between the ages of 13–17 and with complex mental health problems to initiate a short care period for relief and support rather than the care apparatus being controlling in this process. Offering it is likely to promote epistemic agency, an exchange of knowledge and recovery from mental health problems. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore staff’s perspectives of PIBA for adolescents with complex mental health problems, and what facilitates or hinders its implementation. Methods: Twenty seven employees, 21 women and six men, with various professions in CAP were interviewed and the material was analyzed thematically. Results: Two overall themes emerged: “Staff’s Experiences of PIBA” and “Managing Clinical PIBA Work.” The results were discussed in relation to the theoretical frameworks of epistemic injustice and Normalization Process Theory (NPT). The main findings indicate that PIBA was generally viewed in a positive way, but that obstacles arose when it was actually put into practice. Findings also point at an overall lack of agency among staff when implementing this new way of working, at the same time as the need to adapt PIBA from an adult psychiatric intervention to one for adolescents in CAP is addressed. Conclusion: This article offers insights into the views of psychiatric staff regarding the implementation of PIBA. If staff wish to support epistemic agency and recovery among adolescents, their agency may be an important aspect in the continued implementation. Furthermore, in order for PIBA to become normalized in a sustainable way, we suggest that the continued implementation should be characterized by a youth-friendly framework

    Review : Young people’s recovery processes from mental health problems – a scoping review

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    Background: Recovery from mental illness and mental health problems is relatively well-researched among adults, but evidence that focuses on the recovery experiences of young people and what characterizes it is scarce. With this in mind, this article aims to map out the existing research in order to identify prevailing knowledge about the recovery of young people between the ages of 12 and 25. Method: Drawing on scoping review methodology, this article is based on an analysis of 33 articles conducted in the USA, Australia, and Eur-ope. Results: Our findings reveal that young people express both similar and divergent lines of reasoning about recovery compared with adults. Our findings also indicate that young people often fluctuate in the way they view recovery, and that they thus tend to be ambivalent about what recovery means. Parents usually high-light the importance of professionals facilitating recovery, while care staff problematize the organizational frameworks available as aggravating circumstances for implementing personal recovery. Young people, parents, and care staff consistently describe recovery as a way to, despite lingering problems, enable a satisfying life. Conclusions: Through this review, we outline the need for a more distinct focus on agency and participation in young people’s recovery processes, at the same time as family involvement needs to be further investigated and operationalized