2,372 research outputs found

    Understanding Adolescent Intentions to Smoke: An Examination of Relationships Among Social Influence, Prior Trial Behavior, and Antitobacco Campaign Advertising

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    Telephone interviews were conducted with more than 900 adolescents aged 12 to 18 as part of a multimillion dollar, statewide, antitobacco advertising campaign. The interviews addressed two primary questions: (1) Do counter-advertising campaign attitudes directly affect antismoking beliefs and intent in a manner similar to those of conventional advertisements? and (2) Can advertising campaign attitudes have a stronger effect on beliefs and intent for adolescents with prior smoking behavior and for adolescents exposed to social influence (i.e., friends, siblings, or adult smoker in the home)? The authors\u27 findings show that advertising campaign attitudes, prior trial behavior, and social influence all directly affect antismoking beliefs and that advertising campaign attitudes interact with prior trial behavior to strengthen antismoking beliefs. The results indicate that attitudes related to the campaign, prior trial behavior, and social influence directly influence intent, and advertising campaign attitudes interact with social influence and prior trial behavior to attenuate adolescent intent to smoke. In addition, the effect of advertising campaign attitudes in attenuating social influence and prior trial behavior effects on adolescent intent to smoke persists even when the authors account for strongly held beliefs about smoking. The authors discuss implications for countermarketing communications and the design and understanding of future antismoking campaigns

    Drag of Several Gunner's Enclosures at High Speeds, Special Report

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    The drag of several types of gunner's turrets, windshields, blisters, and other protuberances, including projecting guns, was investigated at speeds from 75 to 440 miles per hour in the NACA 8-foot high-speed wind tunnel. The various gunner's enclosures were represented by 1/10 and 1/7 full-size models on a midwing-fuselage combination representative of bomber types. Most of the usual types of retractable turrets are very poor aerodynamically; they caused wind drag increments, dependent upon the size of the turret relative to the fuselage and upon the speed, up to twice the drag of the fuselage alone. A large streamline blister sufficient to enclose completely one type of rotating cylindrical turret caused a drag increment of approximately one-half that of the turret and at the same time provided space adequate for two gunners rather than for one gunner. A large portion of the drag increments for some types of turret appeared to be due to adverse effects on the fuselage flow caused by the turret rather than by the direct drag of the turret

    A precise determination of chlorinity of sea water using the Ag-AgCl indicator electrode

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    A knowledge of the relative currents of the oceans depends to a large extent upon a knowledge of the distribution of mass. Measurements of temperature and cblorinity are made to furnish the necessary data for the computations of the density

    Laite- ja signaalivaatimukset bioimpedanssimittauksissa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tässä kandidaatintyössä tutkitaan bioimpedanssimittausten signaali- ja laitevaatimuksia. Näkökulmana on bioimpedanssilaitteissa käytettävien instrumenttien ja signaalien ominaisuudet. Työssä käsitellään aluksi impedanssin, sekä bioimpedanssin ja kehonkoostumuksen perusasioita, jonka jälkeen käydään läpi elektrodien määrä, materiaalit ja niiden rooli bioimpedanssimittauksissa. Sen jälkeen käsitellään erilaisia sovellutuksia bioimpedanssimittausten suorittamiselle elektrodien määrän suhteen, ja puettava elektroniikka bioimpedanssimittauksissa. Lopuksi työssä perehdytään käytettävän mittaussignaalin olennaisiin ominaisuuksiin, jotka ovat virta, jännite sekä taajuus.Device and signal requirements in bioimpedance measurements. Abstract. This bachelor’s thesis does research about device and signal requirements in bioimpedance measurements. Research is done from used instruments’ and signals’ aspect. Research concentrates first on impedance and bioimpedance basic principles and then continues to electrodes’ count, materials, and role in bioimpedance measurements. After that research goes through different applications related to electrode count and wearable devices. Thesis also gives view on measurement signals’ relevant features which are current, voltage and frequency

    Evaluating content dimensions in entrepreneurship education

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    Interest in entrepreneurship education is growing over the world, especially in innovation based economies, such as Denmark (GEM, 2010). However, we know rather little about the outcomes of entrepreneurship education, in particular with respect to which type of course content produces the best results (i.e. most high performing entrepreneurs) and how this affects different types of students. There is a great variety of different views in the field of research concerning the content and structure of entrepreneurship courses, but no comprehensive study has as yet been done in which these competing views are clearly articulated as rivals and tested against each other. There is also a lack of programme evaluations that use control groups and have a longitudinal design (Gorman, Hanlon & King, 1997; Matlay, 2008). Those that have this setup often experience methodological problems due to their conceptual framework (Krueger, 2009), or they have a view of entrepreneurship that does not take into account the advancements within research that have been made during the last decade (Sarasvathy, 2008). Thus, we clearly need to dig deeper into this field in order to create methods and models that allow us to evaluate the outcomes of different types of entrepreneurship courses. With the beginning of 2011, the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship – Young Enterprise1 initiated a research project with the aim to further our understanding of the type of impact entrepreneurship education and different educational designs have on different types of students. Two longitudinal quasi-experimental surveys, one with a focus on elementary- and secondary-level education and one with focus on tertiary-level education, will be performed and databases with students from all parts and levels of the Danish educational system will be created. The surveys will use entrepreneurial self-efficacy (Mauer, Neergaard & Kirketerp, 2009) as a performance indicator, but in order to generate robust results the development of new measurement tools is needed. In this paper the initial phases of this project and the research design of these two surveys will be presented

    Ariel - Volume 8 Number 3

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    Executive Editor James W. Lockard, Jr. Business Manager Neeraj K. Kanwal University News Richard J . Perry World News Doug Hiller Opinions Elizabeth A. McGuire Features Patrick P. Sokas Sports Desk Shahab S. Minassian Managing Editor Edward H. Jasper Managing Associate Brenda Peterson Photography Editor Robert D. Lehman. Jr. Graphics Christine M. Kuhnl

    Effects of Water Contamination on the Supercooled Dynamics of a Hydrogen-Bonded Model Glass Former

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    Broad-band dielectric spectroscopy is a commonly used tool in the study of glass-forming liquids. The high sensitivity of the technique together with the wide range of probed time scales makes it a powerful method for investigating the relaxation spectra of liquids. One particularly important class of glass-forming liquids that is often studied using this technique consists of liquids dominated by hydrogen (H) bond interactions. When investigating such liquids, particular caution has to be taken during sample preparation due to their often highly hygroscopic nature. Water can easily be absorbed from the atmosphere, and dielectric spectroscopy is a very sensitive probe of such contamination due to the large dipole moment of water. Our knowledge concerning the effects of small quantities of water on the dielectric properties of these commonly investigated liquids is limited. We here demonstrate the effects due to the presence of small amounts of water on the dielectric response of a typical H-bonded model glass former, tripropylene glycol. We show how the relaxation processes present in the pure liquid are affected by addition of water, and we find that a characteristic water induced relaxation response is observed for water contents as low as 0.15 wt %. We stress the importance of careful purification of hygroscopic liquids before experiments and quantify what the effects are if such procedures are not undertaken

    Theology, News and Notes - Vol. 29, No. 03

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    Theology News & Notes was a theological journal published by Fuller Theological Seminary from 1954 through 2014.https://digitalcommons.fuller.edu/tnn/1078/thumbnail.jp