18 research outputs found

    An automatic alerting system for the need for spraying in agriculture

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    V kmetijstvu vedno strožje zakonodajne omejitve po vsebnosti škropiv v pridelkih in želje po varovanju okolja predstavljajo izziv, kako optimizirati škropljenje, da bo čim bolj učinkovito ob čim manjši uporabi zaščitnih sredstev. Magistrsko delo obravnava zasnovo prototipa integriranega sistema za avtomatsko opozarjanje na potrebo po škropljenju. Z namenom napovedovanja ugodnih trenutkov za škropljenje modeliramo in napovedujemo razvoj opazovanega škodljivca na določenem območju. Za razliko od tipičnih pristopov pri modeliranju razvoja škodljivcev naša rešitev avtomatsko v realnem času iz obstoječega sistema za spremljanje škodljivcev pridobi ustrezne podatke, izračuna napoved razvoja škodljivcev in predlaga najugodnejše termine za škropljenje. Napovedovanje se izvaja znotraj zasnovanega prototipa sistema za podporo odločanju, ki nudi uporabniku prijazen pregled in napoved potencialnih ugodnih trenutkov za škropljenje. Prednost naše rešitve je tudi integracija s sistemom za proženje opozoril, ki omogoča takojšnje opozarjanje na podlagi napovedi škropljenj in pregled opozoril na terenu z uporabo zasnovane mobilne aplikacije.In agriculture, increasingly strict regulatory restrictions on the pesticide residues in crops and the desire to protect the environment present a challenge of optimizing spraying to become as efficient as possible while minimizing the use of protective measures. The thesis deals with designing a prototype of an integrated system for automatic alerting for the need for spraying. In order to predict favorable dates for spraying, we model and predict the development of the observed pest in a particular area. Unlike typical pest development modeling approaches, our solution automatically obtains relevant data from an existing pest monitoring system in real time, calculates a pest development forecast and suggests the most favorable dates for spraying. The forecast is performed within a designed prototype of a decision support system that provides a user-friendly overview and forecast of potential favorable dates for spraying. The advantage of our solution is also the integration with an automatic alerting system, which offers immediate alerting based on spraying forecasts and the review of alerts on the field using a designed mobile application

    Responsive Composite Component Development in JSF

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    Due to the increase in the number of mobile devices, building responsive applications is currently one of the biggest challenges in web application development. In the sphere of software development principles there is an emphasis on development of modular components that are reusable. The thesis describes the development of composite components in JavaServer Faces (JSF) technology in detail, which we develop independent components in, that are fully reusable and can be included in any JSF web application. In addition, the components are responsive and thereby relieve developers from this unpleasant work. At the beginning, the thesis describes operation of JSF technology and development of composite components in detail, followed by a description of the technologies used to achieve responsiveness. Next chapter displays the development of four useful composite components in detail: a date component, a spinner component, a registration component, and an autocomplete component

    Micro porosity of coated paper affected by modified pigment particles

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    Expensive synthetic coating materials can be replaced with natural coatings and surface treatment with natural components and additives which are friendlier to the environment and have normally better special surface properties. However, special properties can be obtained with surface functionalization by chemical or surface geometry modification. Beside optical properties, the trends of lightweight materials, i.e. reducing grammage by using nano materials and products (i.e. NMP - N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone), lower specific energy requirement and costs, forces increasing of pigments usage. Results of survey showed that surface properties of papers coated with modified ground calcium carbonate (GCC), required for inkjet printing with water-based inks had improved significantly, whereas the increment of printed object has minimum differentiation from the ideal, computer-based character

    Shock in the Yarn during Unwinding from Packages

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    Tension in the yarn and its oscillations during the over-end unwinding of the yarn from stationary packages depend on the unwinding speed, the shape and the winding type of the package, the air drag coefficient, and also the coefficient of friction between the yarn and the package. The yarn does not leave the surface package immediately at the unwinding point. Instead, it first slides on the surface and then lifts off to form the balloon. The problem of simulating the unwinding process can be split into two smaller subproblems: the first task is to describe the motion of the yarn in the balloon; the second one is to solve the sliding motion. In spite of the seemingly complex form of the equations, they can be partially analytically solved as we show in the paper

    Vpliv naravnih protimikrobnih snovi na bakterijsko hidrofobnost, adhezijo in zeta potencial

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    Interactions between bacterial cells and contact materials play an important role in food safety and technology. As bacterial strains become ever more resistant to antibiotics, the aim of this study was to analyse adhesion of selected foodborne bacterial strains on polystyrene surface and to evaluate the effects of natural antimicrobials on bacterial cell hydrophobicity, adhesion, and zeta potential as strategies of adhesion prevention. The results showed strain-specific adhesion rate on polystyrene. The lowest and the highest adhesion were found for two B. cereus lines. Natural antimicrobials ferulic and rosmarinic acid substantially decreased adhesion, whereas the effect of epigallocatechin gallate was neglectful. Similar results were found for the zeta potential, indicating that natural antimicrobials reduce bacterial adhesion. Targeting bacterial adhesion using natural extracts we can eliminate potential infection at an early stage. Future experimental studies should focus on situations that are as close to industrial conditions as possible.Interakcije med bakterijskimi celicami in površinami delovnih materialov imajo pomembno vlogo v živilski tehnologiji pri zagotavljanju varnih živil. Poznano je, da različni bakterijski sevi postajajo bolj in bolj odporni proti antibiotikom in drugim biocidom. Zato je bil namen naših raziskav analizirati adhezijo izbranih patogenih bakterij, ki se prenašajo z živili. Proučevali smo njihov oprijem na polistirensko površino in ovrednotili vpliv naravnih protimikrobnih snovi na bakterijsko hidrofobnost, adhezijo in zeta potencial, v smislu možnih strategij za preprečevanje adhezije. Rezultati so pokazali, da je adhezija sevno specifična lastnost, saj je bila najmanjša in največja stopnja adhezije določena za različna seva bakterij vrste Bacillus cereus. Naravni protimikrobni snovi, ferulična in rožmarinska kislina, sta zmanjšali stopnjo adhezije na polistiren, medtem ko je bil vpliv epigalokatehin galata zanemarljiv. Podobne rezultate smo dobili pri zeta potencialu, kar nakazuje na možnosti delovanja naravnih snovi kot protiadhezivnih komponent. Uporaba naravnih protimikrobnih snovi lahko prepreči oziroma zmanjša stopnjo adhezije bakterijskih celic in s tem eliminira možnosti kontaminacij ali okužb v začetni fazi. Nadaljnje eksperimentalno delo bo potrebno za ovrednotenje razmer, ki so čim bolj podobne industrijskemu okolju

    Responsive Composite Component Development in JSF

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    Odzivnost spletnih aplikacij je v današnjem času zaradi porasta števila mobilnih naprav ena izmed glavnih tematik na področju spletnega razvoja. Na področju principov razvoja programske opreme pa se poudarja modularen razvoj po komponentah, ki so ponovno uporabljive. V diplomskem delu je podrobno opisan razvoj odzivnih kompozitnih komponent v tehnologiji JavaServer Faces (JSF), pri katerem razvijemo samostojne komponente, ki so ponovno uporabljive in jih lahko vključimo v vsako spletno aplikacijo JSF. Poleg tega pa so komponente odzivne, s čimer je spletnim razvijalcem prikrajšano to, velikokrat neprijetno, delo. Na začetku sta podrobno opisana delovanje tehnologije JSF in razvoj kompozitnih komponent, ki mu sledi opis uporabljenih tehnologij za dosego odzivnosti. Sledi izčrpen prikaz razvoja štirih uporabnih kompozitnih komponent: komponente za vnos datuma, komponente spinner, komponente za registracijo, in komponente za samodokončanje vnosa.Due to the increase in the number of mobile devices, building responsive applications is currently one of the biggest challenges in web application development. In the sphere of software development principles there is an emphasis on development of modular components that are reusable. The thesis describes the development of composite components in JavaServer Faces (JSF) technology in detail, which we develop independent components in, that are fully reusable and can be included in any JSF web application. In addition, the components are responsive and thereby relieve developers from this unpleasant work. At the beginning, the thesis describes operation of JSF technology and development of composite components in detail, followed by a description of the technologies used to achieve responsiveness. Next chapter displays the development of four useful composite components in detail: a date component, a spinner component, a registration component, and an autocomplete component

    Responsive Composite Component Development in JSF

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    Odzivnost spletnih aplikacij je v današnjem času zaradi porasta števila mobilnih naprav ena izmed glavnih tematik na področju spletnega razvoja. Na področju principov razvoja programske opreme pa se poudarja modularen razvoj po komponentah, ki so ponovno uporabljive. V diplomskem delu je podrobno opisan razvoj odzivnih kompozitnih komponent v tehnologiji JavaServer Faces (JSF), pri katerem razvijemo samostojne komponente, ki so ponovno uporabljive in jih lahko vključimo v vsako spletno aplikacijo JSF. Poleg tega pa so komponente odzivne, s čimer je spletnim razvijalcem prikrajšano to, velikokrat neprijetno, delo. Na začetku sta podrobno opisana delovanje tehnologije JSF in razvoj kompozitnih komponent, ki mu sledi opis uporabljenih tehnologij za dosego odzivnosti. Sledi izčrpen prikaz razvoja štirih uporabnih kompozitnih komponent: komponente za vnos datuma, komponente spinner, komponente za registracijo, in komponente za samodokončanje vnosa.Due to the increase in the number of mobile devices, building responsive applications is currently one of the biggest challenges in web application development. In the sphere of software development principles there is an emphasis on development of modular components that are reusable. The thesis describes the development of composite components in JavaServer Faces (JSF) technology in detail, which we develop independent components in, that are fully reusable and can be included in any JSF web application. In addition, the components are responsive and thereby relieve developers from this unpleasant work. At the beginning, the thesis describes operation of JSF technology and development of composite components in detail, followed by a description of the technologies used to achieve responsiveness. Next chapter displays the development of four useful composite components in detail: a date component, a spinner component, a registration component, and an autocomplete component

    Viscoelastic properties of graphic papers

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    Viskoelastičnost je lastnost materiala, ki se na deformacijo odzove viskozno in elastično. Viskozni material, kot je med, se je sposoben upirati napetostim in strižnim silam ter se na zunanjo deformacijo linearno odzvati, medtem ko se popolnoma elastični material po prenehanju delovanja zunanje obremenitve nemudoma povrne v izhodiščni položaj. Viskoelastični materiali imajo elemente obeh navedenih oblik odziva, viskozno in elastično, tj. časovno odvisen odziv na napetost. Elastičnost je običajno posledica sposobnosti raztezanja medmolekulskih vezi vzdolž kristalinične strukture polimera, medtem ko je viskoznost posledica razpršenosti atomov ali molekul znotraj amorfnega materiala. Namen raziskave viskoelastičnih lastnosti grafičnih papirjev pri izvedbi doktorskega dela je bil preučiti: a) vpliv surovinske sestave, b) tehnološke parametre izdelave, c) strukturne lastnosti, d) fizikalno-mehanske lastnosti in e) soodvisnost »konvencionalnih« in »novejših« analiznih metod preiskovanja na viskoelastične lastnosti papirja. V raziskavo so bile zajete klasične in novejše metode preiskovanja papirjev, ki so bile razdeljene v pet sklopov, tj. osnovno fizikalne, fizikalno-mehanske, površinske in strukturno kemijske ter enakomernost papirja, deformacija pod pritiskom, lastnosti sestavin in viskoelastične lastnosti. Izbrani preiskovani vzorci papirjev – teh je bilo 12 – se razlikujejo po surovinski sestavi (primarna ali sekundarna celulozna vlakna), tehnološki izdelavi (trije papirni stroji) in tehnološki dodelavi (premazovanje, kalandriranje), pri čemer je vsem 12 vzorcem papirjev skupna končna dodelava, tj. rotacijski tisk iz zvitka na zvitek/polo. Uporaba sekundarnih celuloznih vlaken je za časopisne papirje V1V3 in grafične papirje V4V6 že dolgo uveljavljena praksa, medtem ko v proizvodnji papirjev za fleksibilno embalažo papirjev V7V9 ali etiketnih papirjev V10V12 proizvajalci tovrstnih specialnih papirjev še vedno uporabljajo izključno primarna celulozna vlakna. Rezultati raziskave viskoelastičnih lastnosti grafičnih papirjev so pokazali, da so si preiskovani papirji iz sekundarnih (V1V6) in primarnih (V7V12) celuloznih vlaken precej podobni, kar nakazuje na možnost zniževanja deleža uporabe zgolj primarnih celuloznih vlaken in nadomeščanje teh z ustrezno predpripravljenimi, tj. razsivenimi, sekundarnimi celuloznimi vlakni, ki so navkljub fizikalno-mehansko oslabljenim lastnostim še vedno dovolj »močna«, da kljubujejo napetostim, ki se pojavljajo med mokrim in sušilnim delom papirnega stroja, premazovanjem, kalandriranjem, navijanjem, previjanjem in rotacijskim tiskanjem.Viscoelasticity is the property of a material, which responds to deformation as a viscous and as an elastic material. A viscous material, e.g. honey, is capable of resisting tension and shear forces and responds linearly to the external deformation, while an elastic material, after removal of the external load, immediately returns to its starting position. Viscoelastic materials have elements of both listed types of responses, the viscous and elastic. It is a time-dependent response to tension. Elasticity is usually a consequence of the ability of intermolecular bonds to expand along the crystalline structure of the polymer, while the viscosity is the result of scattered atoms or molecules within the amorphous stage of the polymer. The purpose of the Ph.D. thesis ”Viscoelastic properties of graphic papers” was based on an examination of the following: a) the impact of the fiber composition, b) technological parameters of manufacturing, c) structural characteristics, d) physical-mechanical properties and e) the interdependence of "conventional" and "new" analytical methods in investigation of the viscoelastic properties of the paper. The survey included classical and new methods of investigation of paper, which was divided into five sections, i.e. basic physical, physical-mechanical, surface and structural-chemical composition, uniformity of the paper, and the deformation under load composition and viscoelastic properties. The 12 test samples (V1V12), were distinguished according to material composition (primary or secondary cellulose fibers), technological production (produced on three paper machines) and finishing (coating, calendering), whereas for all of the 12 samples the printing technique was common, i.e. web printing of roll on roll/sheet. Application of secondary cellulose fibers for newspapers, V1V3, and graphic papers, V4V6, is a long-established practice, while manufacturers still solely use virgin cellulose fibers in production of specialty papers such as papers for flexible packaging, V7V9, or label papers, V10V12. The results of the survey have shown that papers produced from secondary, V1V6, and primary, V7V12, cellulose fibers are substantially similar, which overall suggests the possibility of reducing the proportion of the primary cellulose fibers and replacing them in part with appropriate deinked pulp, i.e. secondary cellulose fibers. In spite of the weakened physical-mechanical properties, they are still sufficiently "strong" to withstand the stresses which occur during the wet and drying part of the paper machine, coating, calendering, winding, rewinding, and a web printing process