25,966 research outputs found

    Analytical Approximations to Galaxy Clustering

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    We discuss some recent progress in constructing analytic approximations to the galaxy clustering. We show that successful models can be constructed for the clustering of both dark matter and dark matter haloes. Our understanding of galaxy clustering and galaxy biasing can be greatly enhanced by these models.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, crckapb.sty, figure included, to appear in the proceedings of Ringberg Workshop on Large-Scale Structure (ed. D. Hamilton; Kluwer Academic Publishers

    Low Redshift QSO Lyman alpha Absorption Line Systems Associated with Galaxies

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    In this paper we present Monte-Carlo simulations of Lyman alpha absorption systems which originate in galactic haloes, galaxy discs and dark matter (DM) satellites around big central haloes. It is found that for strong Lyman alpha absorption lines galactic haloes and satellites can explain ~20% and 40% of the line number density of QSO absorption line key project respectively. If big galaxies indeed possess such large numbers of DM satellites and they possess gas, these satellites may play an important role for strong Lyman alpha lines. However the predicted number density of Lyman-limit systems by satellites is \~0.1 (per unit redshift), which is four times smaller than that by halo clouds. Including galactic haloes, satellites and HI discs of spirals, the predicted number density of strong lines can be as much as 60% of the HST result. The models can also predict all of the observed Lyman-limit systems. The average covering factor within 250 kpc/h is estimated to be ~0.36. And the effective absorption radius of a galaxy is estimated to be ~150 kpc/h. The models predict W_r propto rho^{-0.5} L_B^{0.15} (1+z)^{-0.5}. We study the selection effects of selection criteria similar to the imaging and spectroscopic surveys. We simulate mock observations through known QSO lines-of-sight and find that selection effects can statistically tighten the dependence of line width on projected distance. (abridged)Comment: 23 pages, 9 postscript figures; references updated, minor change in section

    An Analytical Approach to Inhomogeneous Structure Formation

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    We develop an analytical formalism that is suitable for studying inhomogeneous structure formation, by studying the joint statistics of dark matter halos forming at two points. Extending the Bond et al. (1991) derivation of the mass function of virialized halos, based on excursion sets, we derive an approximate analytical expression for the ``bivariate'' mass function of halos forming at two redshifts and separated by a fixed comoving Lagrangian distance. Our approach also leads to a self-consistent expression for the nonlinear biasing and correlation function of halos, generalizing a number of previous results including those by Kaiser (1984) and Mo & White (1996). We compare our approximate solutions to exact numerical results within the excursion-set framework and find them to be consistent to within 2% over a wide range of parameters. Our formalism can be used to study various feedback effects during galaxy formation analytically, as well as to simply construct observable quantities dependent on the spatial distribution of objects. A code that implements our method is publicly available at http://www.arcetri.astro.it/~evan/GeminiComment: 41 Pages, 11 figures, published in ApJ, 571, 585. Reference added, Figure 2 axis relabele

    Low thrust viscous nozzle flow fields prediction

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    A Navier-Stokes code was developed for low thrust viscous nozzle flow field prediction. An implicit finite volume in an arbitrary curvilinear coordinate system lower-upper (LU) scheme is used to solve the governing Navier-Stokes equations and species transportation equations. Sample calculations of carbon dioxide nozzle flow are presented to verify the validity and efficiency of this code. The computer results are in reasonable agreement with the experimental data

    Accurate determination of the Lagrangian bias for the dark matter halos

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    We use a new method, the cross power spectrum between the linear density field and the halo number density field, to measure the Lagrangian bias for dark matter halos. The method has several important advantages over the conventional correlation function analysis. By applying this method to a set of high-resolution simulations of 256^3 particles, we have accurately determined the Lagrangian bias, over 4 magnitudes in halo mass, for four scale-free models with the index n=-0.5, -1.0, -1.5 and -2.0 and three typical CDM models. Our result for massive halos with M≄M∗M \ge M_* (M∗M_* is a characteristic non-linear mass) is in very good agreement with the analytical formula of Mo & White for the Lagrangian bias, but the analytical formula significantly underestimates the Lagrangian clustering for the less massive halos $M < M_*. Our simulation result however can be satisfactorily described, with an accuracy better than 15%, by the fitting formula of Jing for Eulerian bias under the assumption that the Lagrangian clustering and the Eulerian clustering are related with a linear mapping. It implies that it is the failure of the Press-Schechter theories for describing the formation of small halos that leads to the inaccuracy of the Mo & White formula for the Eulerian bias. The non-linear mapping between the Lagrangian clustering and the Eulerian clustering, which was speculated as another possible cause for the inaccuracy of the Mo & White formula, must at most have a second-order effect. Our result indicates that the halo formation model adopted by the Press-Schechter theories must be improved.Comment: Minor changes; accepted for publication in ApJ (Letters) ; 11 pages with 2 figures include

    Formation time distribution of dark matter haloes: theories versus N-body simulations

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    This paper uses numerical simulations to test the formation time distribution of dark matter haloes predicted by the analytic excursion set approaches. The formation time distribution is closely linked to the conditional mass function and this test is therefore an indirect probe of this distribution. The excursion set models tested are the extended Press-Schechter (EPS) model, the ellipsoidal collapse (EC) model, and the non-spherical collapse boundary (NCB) model. Three sets of simulations (6 realizations) have been used to investigate the halo formation time distribution for halo masses ranging from dwarf-galaxy like haloes (M=10−3M∗M=10^{-3} M_*, where M∗M_* is the characteristic non-linear mass scale) to massive haloes of M=8.7M∗M=8.7 M_*. None of the models can match the simulation results at both high and low redshift. In particular, dark matter haloes formed generally earlier in our simulations than predicted by the EPS model. This discrepancy might help explain why semi-analytic models of galaxy formation, based on EPS merger trees, under-predict the number of high redshift galaxies compared with recent observations.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    On the Distribution of Haloes, Galaxies and Mass

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    The stochasticity in the distribution of dark haloes in the cosmic density field is reflected in the distribution function PV(Nh∣Ύm)P_V(N_h|\delta_m) which gives the probability of finding NhN_h haloes in a volume VV with mass density contrast ÎŽm\delta_m. We study the properties of this function using high-resolution NN-body simulations, and find that PV(Nn∣Ύm)P_V(N_n|\delta_m) is significantly non-Poisson. The ratio between the variance and the mean goes from ∌1\sim 1 (Poisson) at 1+ÎŽmâ‰Ș11+\delta_m\ll 1 to <1<1 (sub-Poisson) at 1+ÎŽm∌11+\delta_m\sim 1 to >1>1 (super-Poisson) at 1+ÎŽm≫11+\delta_m\gg 1. The mean bias relation is found to be well described by halo bias models based on the Press-Schechter formalism. The sub-Poisson variance can be explained as a result of halo-exclusion while the super-Poisson variance at high ÎŽm\delta_m may be explained as a result of halo clustering. A simple phenomenological model is proposed to describe the behavior of the variance as a function of ÎŽm\delta_m. Galaxy distribution in the cosmic density field predicted by semi-analytic models of galaxy formation shows similar stochastic behavior. We discuss the implications of the stochasticity in halo bias to the modelling of higher-order moments of dark haloes and of galaxies.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, Latex using MN2e style. Minor changes. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Deriving the Nonlinear Cosmological Power Spectrum and Bispectrum from Analytic Dark Matter Halo Profiles and Mass Functions

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    We present an analytic model for the fully nonlinear power spectrum P and bispectrum Q of the cosmological mass density field. The model is based on physical properties of dark matter halos, with the three main model inputs being analytic halo density profiles, halo mass functions, and halo-halo spatial correlations, each of which has been well studied in the literature. We demonstrate that this new model can reproduce the power spectrum and bispectrum computed from cosmological simulations of both an n=-2 scale-free model and a low-density cold dark matter model. To enhance the dynamic range of these large simulations, we use the synthetic halo replacement technique of Ma & Fry (2000a), where the original halos with numerically softened cores are replaced by synthetic halos of realistic density profiles. At high wavenumbers, our model predicts a slope for the nonlinear power spectrum different from the often-used fitting formulas in the literature based on the stable clustering assumption. Our model also predicts a three-point amplitude Q that is scale dependent, in contrast to the popular hierarchical clustering assumption. This model provides a rapid way to compute the mass power spectrum and bispectrum over all length scales where the input halo properties are valid. It also provides a physical interpretation of the clustering properties of matter in the universe.Comment: Final version to appear in the Astrophysical Journal 544 (2000). Minor revisions; 1 additional figure. 25 pages with 6 inserted figure
