627 research outputs found

    An Intriguing Approach to The Fractional Mellin Transform Method

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    We propose an adapted Mellin transform method that gives the solution of a fractional di €erential equation with variable coefficients in ordinary domain. After we mention a transformation of cosmic time to individual time (CTIT), we explain how it can reduce the problem from fractional form to ordinary form when it is used with Mellin transformation, via an example for 0 < alpha < 1; where alpha is the order of fractional derivative. Then, we give an application of the results

    Explicit travelling wave solutions of two nonlinear evolution equations

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    In this paper, we applied the sine-cosine method and the rational functions in exp(ksi) method for the modified Kawachara equation and the Damped Sixth-order Boussinesq Equation, respectively. New solitons solutions and periodic solutions are explicitly obtained with the aid of symbolic computation

    Solving the Oscillation Equation With Fractional Order Damping Term Using a New Fourier Transform Method

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    We propose an adapted Fourier transform method that gives the solution of an oscillation equation with a fractional damping term in ordinary domain. After we mention a transformation of cosmic time to individual time (CTIT), we explain how it can reduce the problem from fractional form to ordinary form when it is used with Fourier transformation, via an example for 1 < alpha < 2; where alpha is the order of fractional derivative. Then, we give an application of the results

    Application of (G/G') -expansion method to the compound Kdv-burgers type equations

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    In this Letter, the (G'/G)-expansion method is proposed to seek exact solutions of nonlinear evolution equations. For illustrative examples, we choose the compound KdV-Burgers equation, the compound KdV equation, the KdV-Burgers equation, the mKdV equation. The power of the employed method is confirmed

    A Power-Centered Approach to the Capitalization of Climate Change in Property Sector and Strategic Limitation

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    The capitalization of ‘certified’ sustainable building sector will be investigated over the power theory of value approach of Jonathan Nitzan and Shimshon Bichler. The study will be initiated by questioning why the environment problems are one of the first items on the agenda and by sharing the ideas of scholars who approaches the subject skeptically, because the predominant literature underlying the necessity and prominence of the topic is already well-known and adapted by the majority. Over the theory developed by Nitzan and Bichler, the concepts of capitalization, strategic sabotage, power, legitimacy, and obedience will be discussed. The hypothesis of “the absentee owners of the construction sector, holding the whip hand and capitalizing the ecology, control the growth and the creativity of green building production and make it carbon-dependent, in order to increase their profit margin” will be questioned. To strengthen the arguments in the hypothesis, the factors, the institutional arrangements, value measurement methods, which affect directly the net present value, will be investigated both in corporation and in building scale in detail, because net present value/ capitalization is asserted as the most important criteria by Nitzan and Bichler to make the investment decisions in the capitalist economic system. To trace the implications of power and the strategic sabotage that power caused, as the empirical dimension of this dissertation, an interface exploring the correlational ties between the climate responsive architecture and the ever changing political, economical, and social contexts and building economics praxis by decades will be developed and the expert interviews will be conducted with the design teams and the appraisers.Die Kapitalisierung des "zertifizierten" nachhaltigen GebĂ€udesektors wird im Rahmen des Ansatzes der Machttheorie des Wertes von Jonathan Nitzan und Shimshon Bichler untersucht. Die Studie wird mit der Frage beginnen, warum die Umweltprobleme zu den ersten Punkten auf der Tagesordnung gehören und mit der Teilung von Ideen von Gelehrten, die sich dem Thema skeptisch nĂ€hern. Denn die vorherrschende Literatur, die der Notwendigkeit und Bedeutung des Themas zugrunde liegt, ist bereits von der Mehrheit bekannt und angewandt. Über die von Nitzan und Bichler entwickelte Theorie werden die Begriffe Kapitalisierung, strategische Sabotage, Macht, LegitimitĂ€t und Gehorsam diskutiert. Die Hypothese "Die abwesenden EigentĂŒmer des Bausektors, die die Peitsche halten und die Ökologie kapitalisieren, kontrollieren das Wachstum und die KreativitĂ€t der grĂŒnen GebĂ€udeproduktion und machen sie CO2-abhĂ€ngig, um ihre Gewinnspanne zu erhöhen" wird in Frage gestellt. Um die Argumente in der Hypothese zu stĂ€rken, werden die Faktoren, institutionellen Arrangements und Wertmessmethoden, die sich direkt auf den Kapitalwert auswirken, sowohl im Unternehmens- als auch im GebĂ€udebereich detailliert untersucht. Denn der Barwert/die Kapitalisierung wird von Nitzan und Bichler als wichtigstes Kriterium fĂŒr die Investitionsentscheidungen im kapitalistischen Wirtschaftssystem herangezogen. Nach der Vorbereitung einer Schnittstelle, die die historische Entwicklung der nachhaltigen Architektur in Verbindung mit dem sich stĂ€ndig verĂ€ndernden politisch-ökonomischen System und mit den sich stĂ€ndig Ă€ndernden PrioritĂ€ten der Bauökonomie, Architektur-, Umwelt- und Sozialwissenschaften darstellt, wurden die halbstrukturierten Tiefeninterviews mit Experten - Architekten, Immobiliengutachtern, einem Mitarbeiter einer Investmentbank und einem CEO, aus aller Welt, durchgefĂŒhrt um die wahrscheinlichen restriktiven und begrenzenden Auswirkungen der institutionellen Macht, ihres Netzes von MachtverhĂ€ltnissen, ihrer Kontrollmechanismen, die im Streben nach unterschiedlichem Gewinnwachstum eingesetzt werden, und ihrer GrĂŒnde hinter dieser institutionellen Kontrolle auf dem zertifizierten Markt fĂŒr umweltfreundliches Bauen und den damit verbundenen Materialien und EnergiemĂ€rkte zu erforschen. Die Interviews sind in vier Titel unterteilt: die Vorteile (warum), die Kontrollmechanismen (wie), die MachtverhĂ€ltnisse (wer) und die strategische Sabotage (was). Dies dient dazu, um einen Beitrag zur Lesbarkeit von Macht im zertifizierten fĂŒr umweltfreundliches Bauen zu leisten

    Forgetting emotional material in working memory

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    Proactive interference (PI) is the tendency for information learned earlier to interfere with more recently learned information. In the present study, we induced PI by presenting items from the same category over several trials. This results in a build-up of PI and reduces the discriminability of the items in each subsequent trial. We introduced emotional (e.g. disgust) and neutral (e.g. furniture) categories and examined how increasing levels of PI affected performance for both stimulus types. Participants were scanned using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) performing a 5-item probe recognition task. We modeled responses and corresponding response times with a hierarchical diffusion model. Results showed that PI effects on latent processes (i.e. reduced drift rate) were similar for both stimulus types, but the effect of PI on drift rate was less pronounced PI for emotional compared to neutral stimuli. The decline in the drift rate was accompanied by an increase in neural activation in parahippocampal regions and this relationship was more strongly observed for neutral stimuli compared to emotional stimuli

    Where We Grow up does Really Matter: Best Practices for Child-Friendly Cities Applied in Tarlabasi(Istanbul)

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    The article innovative aim is to introduce a research made to suggest some simple ways to improve the planning and design strategies for ensuring the highest sustainability level in child-friendly cities. The environments surrounding us strongly affect our perception of belonging to a place, and our social, mental, physical health. Therefore, designing and planning friendly environments for people of all ages should be perceived as one of the most important responsibilities for planners and politicians. At this point, in order to make cities friendlier for its inhabitants, it is considered useful to focus on the most vulnerable classes of people living in urban environments, such as children, because a city that is friendly for its kids will be welcoming also for anyone else. As a matter of facts, a child-friendly city is usually a urban environment that is suitable for most of its inhabitants and this is even more important in the most critical situations, such as the poorest slums of a developing city, like Istanbul, and its most fragile neighborhoods, like Tarlabasi. The research results highlighted thatTarlabasi has unique spatial child-friendly characteristics, despite its physical, social, and economic disadvantages, and these conditions can be dramatically improved with some very simple and affordable projects

    Verbal working memory encodes phonological and semantic information differently

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    Working memory (WM) is often tested through immediate serial recall of word lists. Performance in such tasks is negatively influenced by phonological similarity: People more often get the order of words wrong when they are phonologically similar to each other (e.g., cat, fat, mat). This phonological-similarity effect shows that phonology plays an important role for the representation of serial order in these tasks. By contrast, semantic similarity usually does not impact performance negatively. To resolve and understand this discrepancy, we tested the effects of phonological and semantic similarity for the retention of positional information in WM. Across six experiments (all Ns = 60 young adults), we manipulated between-item semantic and phonological similarity in tasks requiring participants to form and maintain new item-context bindings in WM. Participants were asked to retrieve items from their context, or the contexts from their item. For both retrieval directions, phonological similarity impaired WM for item-context bindings across all experiments. Semantic similarity did not. These results demonstrate that WM encodes phonological and semantic information differently. We propose a WM model accounting for semantic-similarity effects in WM, in which semantic knowledge supports WM through activated long-term memory
