35 research outputs found
This study is to investigate whether self-assessment contains construct-irrelevant variances of gender and age, and whether selfassessment correlates with test scores. The data were collected from seventy-eight newly arrived international students at the English Language Center, Michigan State University, USA. Prior to class commencement, they were asked to self-assess their listening, speaking, andinteractive skill. Then, a test of listening was administered; finally, they were assigned to perform task-based conversational activities.The statistical findings imply that, firstly, gender and age do not provide construct irrelevant variances to the validity of self-assessment and, secondly, self-assessment produces reliable scores
Maximing Learning Strategies To Pomote Learner Autonomy
Learning a new language is ultimately to be able to commu nicate with it. Encouraging a sense of responsibility on the part of the learners is crucial for training them to be proficient communicators. As such, understanding the strategies that they employ in acquiring the language skill is important to come to ideas of how to promote learner autonomy. Research recently conducted with three different groups of learners of English at the tertiary education level in Malang indicated that they used metacognitive and social strategies at a high frequency, while memory, cognitive, compensation, and affective strategies were exercised at a medium frequency. This finding implies that the learners have acquired some degrees of autonomy because metacognitive strategies requires them to independently make plans for their learning activities as well as evaluate the progress, and social strategies requires them to independently enhance communicative interactions with other people. Further actions are then to be taken to increase their learning autonomy, that is by intensifying the practice of use of the other four strategy categories, which are not yet applied intensively
This paper was a subset report of a research project on skill-based English learning strategies by Indonesian EFL learners. It focusses on the attempts to reveal: (1) the differences in the use of strategies of learning speaking skill by male and female learners, and (2) the contribution of strategies of learning speaking skill on the learners' speaking proficiency. The data from 595 second year senior high school students from eleven schools in East Java, Indonesia were collected using a 70 item questionnaire of Oral Communication Learning Strategy (OCLS) and a 10 item self-assessment of speaking proficiency. The statistical analysis revealed that gender provided significant effects on the intensity of use of six types of strategies of learning speaking skill – interactional-maintenance, self-evaluation, fluency-oriented, time gaining, compensation, and interpersonal strategies – with female learners reporting higher intensity of use. A further analysis found that four strategy types – interactional-maintenance, self-improvement, compensation, and memory strategies – greatly contribute to the speaking proficiency. These findings imply that strategies-based instruction, covering the four most influential strategies, needs to be integrated explicitly in the speaking class to help learners, particularly male learners, cope with problems in learning speaking skill
Abstract: The aims of this research is to find out whether there is any significant difference or not in the use of reading strategies between male and female EFL students in MA AN NUR language major because many of the students did not know what kind of the strategies that should be used for reading process. This study applied quantitative approach with ex-post facto method, the instrument was used MARSI questionnaire and analyzed by using independent sample t-test. The result of this study showed that female more use the strategies consisted of global, support, problem solving reading strategies than male students, The results of the independent samples t-test data showed that global reading strategies females and males had t-value -6.911 and significant level of 0.000, support reading strategies females and males had the t-value -7.885 and significant level of 0.000 and problem-solving reading strategies females and males had the t-value -7.769 and significant level of 0.000 < 0.01. It can be concluded that males and females have significantly difference of metacognitive awareness of reading strategies in EFL students..Key Words: reading strategies, MARSI questionnaire, male and female
In Indonesia, the spread of positive cases of Covid-19 has not shown a decreasing graph. Due to the constraints on interaction, the Indonesian Ministry of Education issued a policy, which included closing schools and replacing the Teaching and Learning Activities process with an online system. Online learning is not limited to ordinary students but is also carried out on children with special needs or students with mild mental retardation, which in this case indicates that a person experiences a special disorder that has different characteristics so that special attention and services are needed. In an inclusive school, services for children with special needs are not differentiated from normal students in their class, only learning material is differentiated. The objective of this study is to describe how teaching-learning activities for children with minor mental retardation are implemented. during the covid-19 pandemic and to identify teachers’ perception on teaching English to students with mild mental retardation during the covid-19 pandemic of SMPN 6 Tuban. This study used qualitative research as its method. The English teachers from VIII C and IX B, as well as a special partner teacher from SMPN 6 Tuban, were the subjects of this study. The instruments of this research were observation, interview, and documentation.       The result of this research can be described that this is a new challenge for them because learning activity is done online. During the Covid-19 pandemic, teachers must still be able to provide curriculum and support pupils throughout the learning process. They use the media, method and also apply special principles for students with mild mental retardation. For special companion teachers, the limited face-to-face opportunity twice a week is an opportunity that must be utilized as well as possible because during online learning for students with mild mental retardation is too difficult to understand the material due to the absence of assistance and lack of attention from their parents. The teacher hopes that the students find happiness in learning through online learning classes they enjoy and can understand the material, especially for students with mild mental retardation. Based on the result of this research, the researcher found that in learning English, the activities that are more often used are the drilling method and copying simple words or vocabulary, so the materials and teaching methods used with students with mild mental retardation are different. The outcomes of teachers' perceptions of teaching English to students with mild mental retardation during the Covid-19 pandemic vary greatly, the section on teachers' perceptions reveals that teachers believe that learning English for students with mild mental retardation is difficult to do online because students with mild mental retardation face technological difficulties and obstacles. Because learning is done online, teachers find it more difficult to control the condition and development of students with mild mental retardation.Keywords: mental retardation students, perceptio
This community service applies Total Physical Response (TPR) and mind mapping to learning English. This community service activity aims to improve elementary school teachers' skills in the Kedungkandang sub-district by providing training and mentoring in TPR and mind-mapping strategies. Teachers who participate in community service activities receive innovative teaching techniques so that they can apply them in the classroom. So that the classroom atmosphere will be more enjoyable, not only by teaching traditionally by giving notes to students but also by making students participate actively in learning. For example, students do not just sit and take notes; they use gestures. Students will think and act faster in education because the material taught by the teacher will be made by mapping, known as the "mind mapping technique. The method used in this community service activity is to provide training and assistance to elementary school teachers in the Kedungkandang District. The training provided by the service team is in the form of material and practice, which will accompany the service team. Elementary school teachers can use the results of the implementation of community service as a reference for the teaching and learning process in the classroom so that learning English for young children is more varied and fun. ---Pengabdian pada masyarakat ini menerapkan Total Physical Response (TPR) dan Mind Mapping dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Â Adapun tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan guru-guru sekolah dasar di kecamatan Kedungkandang, dengan memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan penggunaan strategi TPR dan Mind mapping. Para guru yang menjadi peserta dalam kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini mendapatkan teknik pengajaran yang inovatif sehingga para guru mampu menerapkannya di dalam kelas. Sehingga suasana kelasa akan semakin menyenangkan, bukan hanya pengajaran secara tradisional dengan memberikan catatan pada siswa namun juga membuat para siswa turut aktif dalam pembelajaran. Contohnya adalah para siswa bukan hanya duduk dan mencatat namun mereka menggunakan gerak tubuh. Para siswa akan berfikir dan bertindak lebih cepat dalam pembelajaran karena materi yang diajarkan oleh guru akan dibuat dengan pemetaan yang dikenal dengan teknik Mind Mapping. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada para guru-guru Sekolah Dasar di Kecamatan Kedungkandang. Pelatihan yang diberikan oleh tim pengabdi berupa pemberian materi dan juga praktik yang akan didampingi oleh tim pengabdi. Adapun hasil dari pelaksanaan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini bisa digunakan oleh guru-guru Sekolah Dasar sebagai referensi untuk proses belajar mengajar di dalam kelas sehingga pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk anak usia dini lebih bervariatif dan menyenangkan
The Differences in English Proficiency of Students with Different Learning Style
This research investigated the significant differences in English proficiency of students with different learning styles among the 5th-semester students at the University of Islam Malang. The research was in the form of Ex-Post facto design. The researcher took the sample which consists of 48 students. This research used cluster sampling classified as the process of taking the sample. The data were gained by using a learning style questionnaire and TOEFL test. The data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA on IBM SPSS Statistic 25. The researcher also provides a nonparametric test, the Kruskal-Wallis test. The results showed that 1) The calculation from the One-Way ANOVA listening test described that there was no significant difference in listening mastery among students whose learning styles are visual, auditory and kinesthetic (F= 0.868, p<0.427); 2) The calculation from One-Way ANOVA structure test described that there was no significant difference in structure mastery among students whose learning styles are visual, auditory and kinesthetic (F= 0.245, p < 0.777); and 3) The calculation from Kruskal-Wallis test the significant value of reading comprehension test is p < 0.416. It is clearly stated that the result is not significant. It was concluded that there were no significant differences in students’ English proficiency among students whose learning styles are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. The researcher hoped that the future researcher can use another learning style that is more specific and more detailed
The Applied Linguistics Aspects of Using Digital Media: Analysis of Women's Instagram Account Captions Based on Language Style.
This study discusses the Applied Linguistics Aspects of Using Digital Media: Analysis of Women's Instagram Account Captions Based on Language Style. The researcher used Chaika's theory in 1982 about five styles of language in the form of formality; formal style, informal style, colloquial style, casual style and intimate style. Along with the development of the social media phenomenon which provides unlimited aspects for young people, especially women. In this study, it aims to provide an overview of the style of language used by women when making a caption on Instagram. As of Mei 2023, there are several women accounts that have the highest number of followers, one of which was chosen by the researcher to be used as material for analysis to create texts with different language styles. The researcher chose five women accounts, namely Selena Gomez, Kylie Jenner, Ariana Grande, Kim Kardashian, and Taylor Swift. In this case, the researcher only took one post along with the caption from each account. This study uses descriptive qualitative research because it processes words by analyzing and describing issues related to social aspects of phenomena in social media. The result is five posts from Instagram captions were obtained according to the type and characteristics of the language style. Language experts classify language styles into several types, one of which is formal style, informal style, colloquial style, casual style, and intimate style.
Keywords--Instagram caption; women’s account, language styl
The Intercorrelation among EFL Learners' Metacognitive Reading Strategies, Motivation, and Reading Comprehension ability
Abstract: This study aims to predict the relationship among the use of metacognitive reading strategies, motivation, and reading comprehension ability. Thirty-five university students of second semester especially from English Language Department at University of Islam Malang were shared the questionnaires of Reading strategies and motivation followed by answering a reading test. A quantitative method was used with correlational design. The findings implied the students use different strategies when reading text. PROB (Problem-Solving Strategies) was most frequently used in students’ reading activity. They also had high motivation when reading academic text since they are curious about the contents. In reading comprehension aspect, most of students got low predicate or perform below the average. Pearson product moment and spearman rank correlation in SPSS 25 were used to predict the relationship among the variables. The result showed that metacognitive reading strategies cannot be made to predict the increase of reading comprehension ability. Nevertheless, there is a significant correlation between metacognitive reading strategies and motivation. The findings contradict with the findings of most previous studies. Therefore, more investigations need conducting since there are other factors affecting reading comprehension performance such as students’ linguistic knowledge, and also the appropriateness of strategy used. Keywords: reading, metacognitive reading strategies, reading motivation, reading comprehensio
This study examines the impact of gamification on English language teaching, focusing on student engagement, motivation, and overall learning experiences. To address a research gap in understanding the specific effects of gamified learning environments in this context, this qualitative research adopts a case study design, employing semi-structured interviews with ten students attending Islamic Senior High Schools. Thematic analysis reveals three main themes: Positive Impact on Engagement and Attitude, Motivation Through Competition, and Effective and Enjoyable Learning Activities. Participants have observed increased class attendance, a boost in their enthusiasm, and positive attitudes toward learning English, attributing these changes to gamification. The findings indicate that gamification not only positively has a beneficial impact on both student engagement and motivation but also enhances the overall learning environment. Implications for educators and policymakers involve the potential integration of gamified strategies to create dynamic, attractive language learning environments. The study provides new insights into the existing body of knowledge on the use of gamification in education, emphasizing the need for future investigation into its long-term effects on language competency and cultural contexts