76 research outputs found


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    The present work states the analysis as well as opinion of dynamics of Gross Domestic Product real and nominal for Poland. The special equations of movement to analysis of dynamics were applied. The empirical data being acknowledged as reliable originate from statistical year-books of the Polish central statistical office GUS form the years 1995 - 2002, the websites of Eurostat and own calculations as well. The values of the Gross Domestic Product of the countries under research are expressed in US dollars so that the analysis of them is easier and they can be compared regarding time and space.Rad iznosi analizu ali i mišljenje o dinamici realnog i nominalnog bruto nacionalnog proizvoda za Poljsku. Primijenjene su posebne jednadžbe kretanja i analize dinamike. Empirijski podaci ocjenjeni kao pouzdani preuzeti su iz statističkih godišnjaka Poljskog središnjeg ureda GUS za godine 1995 - 2002, web stranica Eurostata i također iz vlastitih kalkulacija. Vrijednosti Bruto nacionalnog proizvoda za promatrane zemlje izražene su u američkim dolarima kako bi se olakšala njihova analiza i uspoređivanje uzimajući u obzir vrijeme i prostor

    Zróżnicowanie wydajności pracy w Polsce na poziomie powiatów

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    The aim of the paper is to analyze the determinants of labor productivity of the Polish counties between 2002 and 2009. The analysis was based on the transformation of the Cobb-Douglas production function. Thanks to this the labor productivity was determined by the technical progress and capital per employer ratio. The parameters of the model were estimated with the use of the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) techniques. Additionally, the authors described the regional diversification of labor productivity and capital per employer ratio in the Polish counties

    Value of recreation utility of the Polish Baltic coast – willingness to pay or willingness to declare?

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    The idea of improving the quality of the Baltic Sea enjoys common understanding and acceptance. An implementation of this idea requires a cost benefit analysis in order to define the correct scope of intervention. Monetary valuation of the benefits arising from the quality improvement was conducted for the Baltic Sea with the use of contingent valuation method, choice experiments, and travel cost method. Crucial sources for such valuation were the stated preferences of the respondents. Availability of ex-post data describing the occupancy rate of the swimming sites on the Polish stretch of the Baltic coast, collected for four consecutive years, makes it possible to compare two concepts i.e. the ex-ante declarations concerning willingness to use high quality environment and the actual consumers’ choices. The results reveal serious discrepancies between the ex-ante and ex-post methods

    Archeoakustyka. Pomiędzy słuchaniem przeszłości a przepisywaniem historii

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    The main problem presented in the article is archeoacoustics understood as a modern subdiscipline of archeology. The aim of the research was to outline the theoretical map of ideological references used by this young, still developing field. In order to understand the complex interdisciplinary nature of the archeoacoustic approach, ideological concepts were indicated and described, which, starting from various research assumptions, reflected on the role and methods of the impact of the sound in culture.The main problem presented in the article is archeoacoustics understood as a modern subdiscipline of archeology. The aim of the research was to outline the theoretical map of ideological references used by this young, still developing field. In order to understand the complex interdisciplinary nature of the archeoacoustic approach, ideological concepts were indicated and described, which, starting from various research assumptions, reflected on the role and methods of the impact of the sound in culture

    Doświadczanie nowoczesności

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    Nowoczesność jako doświadczenie. Analizy kulturoznawcze, red. Anna Zeidler-Janiszewska, Ryszard Nycz, Barbara Giza, Wydawnictwo  SWPS „Academica”, Warszawa 2008, 188 ss

    Wzrost PKB a zmiany zatrudnienia i bezrobocia w krajach Unii Europejskiej

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    This paper shows the results of statistical analysis of influence the growth rates GDP on the growth of the number of employees (employment rate) and the unemployment rate. It takes into consideration also the influence of the common currency (Euro)on the above-mentioned variable macroeconomic. The verification of conclusions consequential from theoretical models was made basing on the panel data for the 27 European Union countries in years 1990–2008

    Demographic forecasts and volatility of investment rates vs. labor productivity trajectories

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    In the article the authors attempted to develop the neoclassical model of economic growth, repealing two assumptions regarding the Solow growth model. First of all, the authors assume that the growth path of the number of employees is increasing asymptotically to a fixed value, not to infinity as in the Solow model. The growth paths of the number of employees were determined based on demographic forecasts and the economic activity coefficient, which in the paper is understood as the ratio of the number of employees to the number of people. Secondly, the authors repeal the assumption of a fixed investment rate by taking into account the trend of changes in investment rates (a growing or declining trend). The theoretical model obtained was subjected to calibration and then numerical simulations were carried out. It was assumed that investment rates in the Polish economy decrease (from 25 to 15%) or grow (from 15 to 25%). Numerical simulations were based on demographic forecasts for the Polish economy up to 2050. Moreover, two scenarios for shaping the economic activity coefficient were considered: realistic one when in the period 2000-2050 it increased from 0.38 to 0.5. In the second scenario, it was optimistic that the increase would be 50% higher than in the first option and in 2050 it would reach 0.56. Important conclusions from the study can be presented as follows: (i) the population decline can be offset by the growing economic activity rate and therefore does not have a negative impact on economic growth, (ii) the negative impact of demographic changes on economic growth can also be offset by growing investment rates

    Ekologiczne strategie marketingowe przedsiębiorstw jako wyraz społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu

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    Osiągnięcie sukcesu w biznesie wymaga uporządkowanej i aktualnej wiedzy na temat strategii oraz sposobów funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstwa na rynku krajowym i międzynarodowym. Poruszane w podręczniku zagadnienia dotyczą ważnych współcześnie aspektów tej działalności. Omówiono i bogato zilustrowano praktycznymi przykładami transakcje międzynarodowe, e-biznes, planowanie strategiczne, a także narzędzia budowania zaufania otoczenia do firmy, tj. eko-oznaczenia, systemy zarzadzania środowiskowego i zasady savoir-vivre’u dla menedżerów. Podręcznik jest przeznaczony dla studentów kierunków ekonomicznych i zarządzania, a także osób zainteresowanych działalnością biznesową, np. przedsiębiorców, doradców, konsultantów i przedstawicieli administracji publicznej. Teksty zamieszczone w książce są oparte na wybranych rozdziałach z podręczników: „Practical Aspects in Doing International Business”, red. T. Dorożyński, J. Świerkocki; „Business and the Environment”, red. T. Dorożyński, A. Kuna-Marszałek, wydanych nakładem Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego w 2016 r.Publikacja została przygotowana w ramach projektu „Utworzenie nowych interdyscyplinarnych programów kształcenia w zakresie ekonomii ochrony środowiska (w języku polskim i angielskim) w Uniwersytecie Łódzkim” współfinansowanego ze środków funduszy norweskich i krajowych. (Nr umowy FSS/2014/HEI/W/0124/U/0014)

    Wywodzący się z nowego urbanizmu tradycyjny model urbanizacyjny jako jedna z zasad odnowy poprzemysłowych centrów miast. Studium porównawcze Lyonu i Łodzi

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    The purpose of this article is to evaluate the role of a Traditional Neighborhood Design (TND), one of New Urbanist principles, in the regeneration of post-industrial city centers. Its structure is the following. First, the contemporary elements of the TND are identified. Then, their actual versus declared use in strategies aimed at the renewal of major post-industrial sites is analyzed. Finally, the elements’ ability to improve the spatial quality of an urban area is assessed. The above purpose is achieved by analyzing the application of the New Urbanist planning tools by two urban regeneration projects at different levels of completion. The sites of the projects are the central areas of the French metropolis of Lyon and of the Polish city of Lodz.Celem autorów artykułu jest ocena roli tradycyjnego modelu urbanizacyjnego (eng. Traditional Neighborhood Design TND), jednej z zasad Nowego Urbanizmu, w regeneracji postindustrialnych centrów miast. Struktura artykułu jest następująca: w pierwszej części przedstawiono współczesne elementy wywodzące się z TND. Następnie przeanalizowano ich faktyczne i zadeklarowane wykorzystanie w strategiach odnowy obszarów poprzemysłowych. Na końcu oceniono ich efektywność – wpływ na poprawę jakości użytkowania przestrzeni. Powyższy cel został osiągnięty poprzez analizę zastosowania narzędzi planowania tradycyjnego modelu urbanizacyjnego (TND) w dwóch projektach rewitalizacji miast na różnych poziomach zaawansowania. Omawianymi przypadkami są obszary centralne metropolii Lyonu we Francji oraz Łodzi w Polsce