18 research outputs found

    An Aerial view on Garbhajanya Vishamayata w.s.r. to Pregnancy Induced Hypertension

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    The journey of pregnancy is most exciting and filled with joyous in a women’s life. It’s a gift to a women’s life of creation and nurturing power. Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy is one of the common complication observed during pregnancy, plays a significant role in maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. . Garbhajanya Vishamayata (Pregnancy induced hypertension) is the development of new hypertension in a pregnant woman after 20 weeks of gestation they are preventable by early detection and with appropriate treatment and possibly by prevention of disease itself. With an Ayurvedic approach, on looking to the symptoms and understanding etiopathogenesis, Vata Dusti is main causative factor in the manifestation of the disease. During progressive stage of disease involvement of other Dosha is seen.  Dushya are Hridaya, Dash Dhamanya, Sira, Ras Raktvaha Strotasa, Manovaha Strotasa, Ras Dhatu, Rakt Dhatu and Manna, treatment should always be Vaatashaman, Pittashamana, Hridya, Shothahara, Garbhasthapaka, Medhya, Brahman Raktashaman, Balya, Anulomana. As a preventive care, Pathyapathya during Antenatal period is described under the heading of Masanumasika Paricharya & what should be avoided is mentioned under the heading of Garbhopaghatakara Bhava’s. All these regimens were sincerely followed during pregnancy. This paper reviews about understanding gestational hypertension in terms of Ayurveda in order to prevent and treat Garbha Vishamayata (PIH) & ultimately help reduce maternal mortality & improve fetal outcome, Ayurveda can definitely contribute in this regard and ensure safe motherhood and healthy child

    Data Analytics for Dynamic Urban Operations: A Test-Based Study on Data Analytics Efficiency

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    This paper explores the field of data analytics for dynamic urban operations and provides a systematic analysis of the importance and possible implications of this field. Our investigation indicates significant data volumes in an urban setting that is data-rich: 500 GB are generated by traffic sensors, 300 GB by environmental monitors, 150 GB by mobile apps, and 75 GB by emergency calls. A variety of analytics techniques, each with a different processing time, are built upon these data sources. These techniques include descriptive, predictive, prescriptive, and diagnostic analytics. The outcomes, which include 90% accuracy, an average processing time of 40 minutes, 80% resource utilization, and 4.2 user satisfaction ratings, highlight the benefits of data analytics. According to the comparison study, diagnostic analytics has a score of 7.8, indicating room for development, while prescriptive analytics leads with an efficiency score of 8.4. As urban stakeholders and academics work to improve urban systems and solve urban issues, the results give a thorough understanding of the effectiveness and application of data analytics in the context of dynamic urban operations

    Robot Celebrates its 100th Birthday!

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    38-41One hundred years have elapsed since the word ROBOT became a part of the vocabulary of all world languages. The term robot is not only limited to science fiction but has now become familiar to everyone. This year is the centenary of the robot

    A Review: Shed Light on Ayurvedic Description of Menopause

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    Menarche and Menopause are the two important landmarks of reproductive life cycle of woman's life. Menopause is the most significant event that brings physical and mental transformation in the body. It is a natural phenomenon occurs at the age 45-55 years. This phase is associated with manifestation of aging process along with other symptoms such as irregular menstruation, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, urinary problems, changes in appearance, GIT related problems, mood swings, sleep disturbances, palpitations, changes in sexual desire, osteoporosis, heart disease. The group of signs and symptoms associated with the menopausal phase are termed as menopausal syndrome. In Ayurvedic classics, Menopause is the termed as ‘Rajonivrutti’ and menopausal syndrome as ‘Rajonivrutti anubandhaja vyadhies’. Acharyas described as it is normal physiological state. In Ayurveda, Menopausal symptoms are regarded as imbalance of the Tridosha, Dhatukshaya and disturbance in Agni which occurs naturally as consequence of aging process. Modern medicine treat this condition with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) which results in various complications, but it is effective therapy for a short term use. Considering the limitations of treatment with modern medicine, Ayurveda provides excellent solution & effective medicament for transition period i.e. menopause. Ayurvedic treatment for menopause involves correcting hormonal imbalance with proper diet, lifestyle modification, Shamana, Shodhan chikitsa, Rasayan therapy

    Equilibria. 2016 August

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    A novel immunodeficient NOD.SCID-rd1 mouse model of retinitis pigmentosa to investigate potential therapeutics and pathogenesis of retinal degeneration

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    Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a common retinal degeneration disease caused by mutation in any gene of the photo transduction cascade and results in photoreceptor dystrophy. Over decades, several animal models have been used to address the need for the elucidation of effective therapeutics and factors regulating retinal degeneration to prohibit or renew the damaged retina. However, controversies over the immune privilege of retina during cell transplantation and the role of immune modulation during RP still remain largely uninvestigated because of the lack of suitable animal models. Here, we have developed an immunocompromised mouse model, NOD.SCID-rd1, for retinitis pigmentosa (RP) by crossing CBA/J and NOD SCID mice and selecting homozygous double mutant animals for further breeding. Characterization of the newly developed RP model indicates a similar retinal degeneration pattern as CBA/J, with a decreased apoptosis rate and rhodopsin loss. It also exhibits loss of T cells, B cells and NK cells. The NOD.SCID-rd1 model is extremely useful for allogenic and xenogenic cell-based therapeutics, as indicated by the higher cell integration capacity post transplantation. We dissect the underlying role of the immune system in the progression of RP and the effect of immune deficiency on immune privilege of the eye using comparative qPCR studies of this model and the immune-competent RP model