3,707 research outputs found

    Developing social action capabilities in a humanoid robot using an interaction history architecture

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    “This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder." “Copyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.” DOI: 10.1109/ICHR.2008.4756013We present experimental results for the humanoid robot Kaspar2 engaging in a simple “peekaboo” interaction game with a human partner. The robot develops the capability to engage in the game by using its history of interactions coupled with audio and visual feedback from the interaction partner to continually generate increasingly appropriate behaviour. The robot also uses facial expressions to feedback its level of reward to the partner. The results support the hypothesis that reinforcement of time-extended experiences through interaction allows a robot to act appropriately in an interaction

    The public health implications of multilateral trade agreements

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    SINONASAL VERRUCOUS CARCINOMA Case series and review of literature

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    Verrucous carcinoma is a low grade malignancy and is a variant of squamous cell carcinoma. It is a rare tumour of the Sino nasal tract. The neoplasm occurs in older people usually in the seventh or eighth decade of life. Our cases were sinonasal in origin and patients affected were young.

    Charged Particle Dynamics in the Field of a Slowly Rotating Compact Star

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    We study the dynamics of a charged particle in the field of a slowly rotating compact star in the gravitoelectromagnetic approximation to the geodesic equation . The star is assumed to be surrounded by an ideal, highly conducting plasma (taken as a magnetohydrodynamic fluid) with a stationary, axially symmetric electromagnetic field. The general relativistic Maxwell equations are solved to obtain the effects of the background spacetime on the electromagnetic field in the linearized Kerr spacetime. The equations of motion are then set up and solved numerically to incorporate the gravitational as well as the electromagnetic effects. The analysis shows that in the slow rotation approximation the frame dragging effects on the electromagnetic field are absent. However the particle is directly effected by the rotating gravitational source such that close to the star the gravitational and electromagnetic field produce contrary effects on the particle's trajectory.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures in B & W PostScript Forma

    Thermodynamic Geometry of Fractional Statistics

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    We extend our earlier study about the fractional exclusion statistics to higher dimensions in full physical range and in the non-relativistic and ultra-relativistic limits. Also, two other fractional statistics, namely Gentile and Polychronakos fractional statistics, will be considered and similarities and differences between these statistics will be explored. Thermodynamic geometry suggests that a two dimensional Haldane fractional exclusion gas is more stable than higher dimensional gases. Also, a complete picture of attractive and repulsive statistical interaction of fractional statistics is given. For a special kind of fractional statistics, by considering the singular points of thermodynamic curvature, we find a condensation for a non-pure bosonic system which is similar to the Bose-Einstein condensation and the phase transition temperature will be worked out.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figure

    Лучевая диагностика артериомезентериальной компрессии двенадцатиперстной кишки

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    In the following study, we presented and conducted a structural analysis of the clinical manifestations of aortomesenteric conflict (or superior mesenteric artery syndrome, SMA syndrome) in 71 patients aged 14 days through 65 years. We aimed to assess the evolution of the symptoms in time and its connection to other abdominal pathology. The selection criteria for this study included MSCT signs of aortomesenteric conflict and following a deep analysis of the patient’s case history. Patients presented with exocrine pancreatic insuffciency and gastric outlet obstruction were excluded unless MSCT showed signs of aortomesenteric conflict, because, in most cases, these symptoms were reflexive. All patients were fasting and imaging studies were conducted using the standard multiphase protocol for contrast-enhanced CT using iodine-based non-ionic contrast media.Артериомезентериальная компрессия является одной из причин хронической дуоденальной непроходимости нижне-горизонтальной части двенадцатиперстной кишки, возникающей в результате сдавления двенадцатиперстной кишки между верхней брыжеечной артерией и аортой. Впервые в 1861 году барон Von Rokitansky заметил, что верхние брыжеечные сосуды могут сдавливать и перекрывать двенадцатиперстную кишку над поясничным отделом позвоночника. Впоследствии, в 1927 году, Wilkie опубликовал первым исследования из 75 пациентов. Таким образом, SMAS также известен как синдром Wilkie, артериомезентериальная дуоденальная компрессия, хроническая двенадцатиперстная кишка

    Policies And International Integration: Influences On Trade And Foreign Direct Investment

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    This paper assesses the importance of border and non-border policies for global economic integration. The focus is on four widely-advocated policies: removing explicit restrictions to trade and FDI; promoting domestic competition; improving the adaptability of labour markets; and ensuring adequate levels of infrastructure capital. The analysis covers FDI and trade in both goods and services, thus aiming to account for the most important channels of globalisation and dealing with most modes of cross-border services supply. It first describes trends in trade, FDI and the four sets of policies using a large set of structural policy indicators recently constructed by the OECD, including the new summary indicators for FDI-specific regulations described in Golub (2003). It then estimates the impact of policies on bilateral trade and bilateral and multilateral FDI. The results highlight that, despite extensive liberalisation over the past two decades, there is scope for further reducing policy barriers to integration of OECD markets. Remaining barriers have a significant impact on trade and FDI, with anticompetitive domestic regulations and restrictive labour market arrangements estimated to curb integration as much as explicit trade and FDI restrictions. Simulating the removal of such barriers suggests that the quantitative effects of further liberalisation of trade, FDI and domestic product and labour markets on global integration could be substantial

    Gravitomagnetic Resonance Shift due to a Slowly Rotating Compact Star

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    The effect of a slowly rotating mass on a forced harmonic oscillator with two degrees of freedom is studied in the weak field approximation. It is found that according to the general theory of relativity there is a shift in the resonat frequency of the oscillator which depends on the density and rotational frequency of the gravitational source. The proposed shift is quite small under normal physical situations however it is estimated that for compact x-ray sources such as white dwarfs, pulsars, and neutron stars the shift is quite appreciable.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for Publication in Inter. Journal of Modern Physics