63 research outputs found

    Coordinating morphology with behavior during development: an integrative approach from a fly perspective

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    Animals in the wild live in highly variable and unpredictable environments. This variation in their habitat induces animals, at all stages of their development, to make decisions about what to eat, where to live, and with whom to associate. Additionally, animals like insects show dramatic restructuring of their morphology across life stages, which is accompanied by alterations in their behavior to match stage-specific functions. Finally, in a process called developmental plasticity, environmental conditions feed back onto developmental mechanisms producing animals with stage-specific variation in both morphological and behavioral traits. In this review, we use examples from insects to explore the idea that animals are integrated units where stage-specific morphological and neurological traits develop together to increase individual fitness within their natural environments. We hypothesize that the same mechanisms act to alter both morphological and behavioral traits in response to the environment in which an organism develops. For example, in insects the steroid hormone ecdysone orchestrates the restructuring of the body from larva to adult form during metamorphosis at the same time as it rebuilds the central nervous system. The remodeling of both body form and nervous system structure results in behavioral alterations that match the morphological functions of the emerging adult. We review relevant findings from the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, combining insights from different fields like developmental biology, neurobiology and developmental plasticity. Finally, we highlight how insights drawn from D. melanogaster can be used as a model in future efforts to understand how developmental processes modify behavioral responses to environmental change in a stage-specific manner in other animals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mechanisms regulating nutrition-dependent developmental plasticity through organ-specific effects in insects

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    Nutrition, via the insulin/insulin-like growth factor (IIS)/Target of Rapamycin (TOR) signaling pathway, can provide a strong molding force for determining animal size and shape. For instance, nutrition induces a disproportionate increase in the size of male horns in dung and rhinoceros beetles, or mandibles in staghorn or horned flour beetles, relative to body size. In these species, well-fed male larvae produce adults with greatly enlarged horns or mandibles, whereas males that are starved or poorly fed as larvae bear much more modest appendages. Changes in IIS/TOR signaling plays a key role in appendage development by regulating growth in the horn and mandible primordia. In contrast, changes in the IIS/TOR pathway produce minimal effects on the size of other adult structures, such as the male genitalia in fruit flies and dung beetles. The horn, mandible and genitalia illustrate that although all tissues are exposed to the same hormonal environment within the larval body, the extent to which insulin can induce growth is organ specific. In addition, the IIS/TOR pathway affects body size and shape by controlling production of metamorphic hormones important for regulating developmental timing, like the steroid molting hormone ecdysone and sesquiterpenoid hormone juvenile hormone. In this review, we discuss recent results from Drosophila and other insects that highlight mechanisms allowing tissues to differ in their sensitivity to IIS/TOR and the potential consequences of these differences on body size and shape.FCT fellowships, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

    The proximate sources of genetic variation in body size plasticity: The relative contributions of feeding behaviour and development in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Body size is a key life-history trait that influences many aspects of an animal’s biology and is shaped by a variety of factors, both genetic and environmental. While we know that locally-adapted populations differ in the extent to which body size responds plastically to environmental conditions like diet, we have a limited understanding of what causes these differences. We hypothesized that populations could differ in the way body size responds to nutrition either by modulating growth rate, development time, feeding rate, or a combination of the above. Using three locally-adapted populations of Drosophila melanogaster from along the east coast of Australia, we investigated body size plasticity across five different diets. We then assessed how these populations differed in feeding behaviour and developmental timing on each of the diets. We observed population-specific plastic responses to nutrition for body size and feeding rate, but not development time. However, differences in feeding rate did not fully explain the differences in the way body size responded to diet. Thus, we conclude that body size variation in locally-adapted populations is shaped by a combination of growth rate and feeding behaviour. This paves the way for further studies that explore how differences in the regulation of the genetic pathways that control feeding behaviour and growth rate contribute to population-specific responses of body size to diet

    Coordinating Development: How Do Animals Integrate Plastic and Robust Developmental Processes?

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    Our developmental environment significantly affects myriad aspects of our biology, including key life history traits, morphology, physiology, and our susceptibility to disease. This environmentally-induced variation in phenotype is known as plasticity. In many cases, plasticity results from alterations in the rate of synthesis of important developmental hormones. However, while developmental processes like organ growth are sensitive to environmental conditions, others like patterning – the process that generates distinct cell identities – remain robust to perturbation. This is particularly surprising given that the same hormones that regulate organ growth also regulate organ patterning. In this review, we revisit the current approaches that address how organs coordinate their growth and pattern, and outline our hypotheses for understanding how organs achieve correct pattern across a range of sizes

    The sex-specific effects of diet quality versus quantity on morphology in Drosophila melanogaster

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    This deposit is composed by the main article plus the supplementary materials of the publication.Variation in the quality and quantity of nutrition is a major contributor to phenotypic variation in animal populations. Although we know much of how dietary restriction impacts phenotype, and of the molecular-genetic and physiological mechanisms that underlie this response, we know much less of the effects of dietary imbalance. Specifically, although dietary imbalance and restriction both reduce overall body size, it is unclear whether both have the same effect on the size of individual traits. Here, we use the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster to explore the effect of dietary food versus protein-to-carbohydrate ratio on body proportion and trait size. Our results indicate that body proportion and trait size respond differently to changes in diet quantity (food concentration) versus diet quality (protein-to-carbohydrate ratio), and that these effects are sex specific. While these differences suggest that Drosophila use at least partially distinct developmental mechanisms to respond to diet quality versus quantity, further analysis indicates that the responses can be largely explained by the independent and contrasting effects of protein and carbohydrate concentration on trait size. Our data highlight the importance of considering macronutrient composition when elucidating the effect of nutrition on trait size, at the levels of both morphology and developmental physiology.National Science Foundation grants: (IOS-1557638, IOS-0919855); Lake Forest College.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ecdysone promotes growth of imaginal discs through the regulation of Thor in D. melanogaster

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    Animals have a determined species-specific body size that results from the combined action of hormones and signaling pathways regulating growth rate and duration. In Drosophila, the steroid hormone ecdysone controls developmental transitions, thereby regulating the duration of the growth period. Here we show that ecdysone promotes the growth of imaginal discs in mid-third instar larvae, since imaginal discs from larvae with reduced or no ecdysone synthesis are smaller than wild type due to smaller and fewer cells. We show that insulin-like peptides are produced and secreted normally in larvae with reduced ecdysone synthesis, and upstream components of insulin/insulin-like signaling are activated in their discs. Instead, ecdysone appears to regulate the growth of imaginal discs via Thor/4E-BP, a negative growth regulator downstream of the insulin/insulin-like growth factor/Tor pathways. Discs from larvae with reduced ecdysone synthesis have elevated levels of Thor, while mutations in Thor partially rescue their growth. The regulation of organ growth by ecdysone is evolutionarily conserved in hemimetabolous insects, as shown by our results obtained using Blattella germanica. In summary, our data provide new insights into the relationship between components of the insulin/insulin-like/Tor and ecdysone pathways in the control of organ growth.Spanish Ministry of Science and Consolider program grants: (BFU-2008-01884, BFU2011-25986, CSD2007-008-25120, BFU2009-10571 and BES-2009-016077); Departments of Education and Industry of the Basque Government grant: (PI2012/42); Bizkaia County; Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência/Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian; Fundação Para a Ciência e a Tecnologia fellowship: (SFRH/BD/51181/2010)

    Ecdysone quantification from whole body samples of drosophila melanogaster larvae

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    Steroid hormones strictly control the timing of sexual maturation and final body size both in vertebrates and invertebrates. In insects, the steroid hormone ecdysone controls the timing of the molts between larval instars as well as the transition to metamorphosis. Growth during the final instar accounts for over 80% of the increase in final mass in insects, and the duration of this growth period is driven by a sequence of small ecdysone pulses that ultimately induce metamorphosis. Historically the biologically active form of ecdysone, 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E), was quantified using radio-immunoassays, bioassays, or chromatography assays. However, these assays are methodologically complicated and often time consuming. Furthermore, collecting samples for precise measurements of ecdysone concentrations using these assays is limited in small insects like Drosophila melanogaster. Here, we describe an accurate and sensitive method to collect carefully-staged third instar larvae suitable for preparing samples for ecdysone quantification using a commercially-available 20E enzyme immunoassay (EIA). Because we resynchronize larval development at the molt to the final instar, collect large samples, and weigh each sample, we are able to detect a small ecdysone peak early in the final instar known as the critical weight ecdysone peak. This method detects peaks as low as 6 pg 20E/mg larval sample, allowing us to quantify other small ecdysone peaks in flies – the necessary prerequisite for eventually determining their regulation and function

    The development of body and organ shape

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    Background: Organisms show an incredibly diverse array of body and organ shapes that are both unique to their taxon and important for adapting to their environment. Achieving these specific shapes involves coordinating the many processes that transform single cells into complex organs, and regulating their growth so that they can function within a fully-formed body. Main text: Conceptually, body and organ shape can be separated in two categories, although in practice these categories need not be mutually exclusive. Body shape results from the extent to which organs, or parts of organs, grow relative to each other. The patterns of relative organ size are characterized using allometry. Organ shape, on the other hand, is defined as the geometric features of an organ’s component parts excluding its size. Characterization of organ shape is frequently described by the relative position of homologous features, known as landmarks, distributed throughout the organ. These descriptions fall into the domain of geometric morphometrics. Conclusion: In this review, we discuss the methods of characterizing body and organ shape, the developmental programs thought to underlie each, highlight when and how the mechanisms regulating body and organ shape might overlap, and provide our perspective on future avenues of research.</p

    Nutrition regulates <i>gbp1</i> and <i>gbp2</i> expression via TOR signaling in the fat body.

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    <p><b>(A, B)</b> Amino acid intake is sufficient to induce <i>gbp1</i> (A) and <i>gbp2</i> (B) mRNA expression in the fat body of w1118 larvae. Larvae were staged at the onset of the L3, and fed on normal food for 12 h. Then they were starved for 12 h on 1% non-nutritive agar followed by an additional 12 h on one of five nutritionally different media. Columns sharing the same letter indicate the groups that are statistically indistinguishable from one another (ANOVA and pairwise <i>t</i> tests, <i>p</i> < 0.05). <b>(C, D)</b> Reducing TOR signaling activity in the fat body decreases <i>gbp1</i> (C) and <i>gbp2</i> (D) mRNA expression in the fat body. Larvae were staged at the onset of the L3, and fed on normal food for 24 h. Numbers indicate p-values (ANOVA and pairwise <i>t</i> tests). We normalized the values using an internal control, <i>RpL3</i>. Then, we standardized the expression level of each gene by fixing the values from non-nutritive agar treated animals to 1 in A and B, and from <i>C7</i>>2xGFP to 1 in C and D. We used the fat bodies from five larvae for each sample and five biologically independent samples for each condition. Each bar indicates the relative mean expression ± SEM. The supplementary file in which the data used to generate each plot can be found is <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.1002392#pbio.1002392.s001" target="_blank">S1 Data</a>.</p

    GBP1 and GBP2 regulate ILP2 and ILP5 secretion.

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    <p><b>(A, B)</b> Knocking down GBP1 and GBP2 increases ILP2 (A) and ILP5 (B) accumulation in the insulin-producing cells. The scale bars are 20 μm. <b>(C, D)</b> Knocking down GBP1 and GBP2 increases the densities of ILP2 (C) and ILP5 (D) signals in the insulin-producing cells. We standardized the densities of ILPs by fixing the values from <i>C7</i>>2xGFP to 1. <i>n</i> = 16–27 for both ILP2 and ILP5. <b>(E, F)</b> The <i>gbp1</i>, <i>gbp2 ex67</i> mutant shows increased ILP2 (E) and ILP5 (F) accumulation in the insulin-producing cells. The scale bars are 20 μm. <b>(G, H)</b> The <i>gbp1</i>, <i>gbp2 ex67</i> mutant shows increased densities of ILP2 (G) and ILP5 (H) signals in the insulin-producing cells. We standardized the densities of ILPs by fixing the values from w1118 larvae to 1. <i>n</i> = 34–41 for both ILP2 and ILP5. Treatments sharing the same letter indicate the groups that are statistically indistinguishable from one another (ANOVA and pairwise <i>t</i> tests, <i>p</i> < 0.05). The supplementary file in which the data used to generate each plot can be found is <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.1002392#pbio.1002392.s001" target="_blank">S1 Data</a>.</p
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