18 research outputs found
The relationship of public investments in science and scientometric indicators from the perspective of Croatian universities
Aim: This study addresses the hypothesis that the investments in science are positively correlated with the indicators of productivity and performance of the universities.
Methods: A cross-sectional design was used with the data from 27 EU countries. The percentage of GDP invested in science in higher education in 2019 and investments expressed as €/inhabitant were used. The criterion variables were total number of publications in Web of Science for 2020; number of publications categorized as article, review or note (ARN); change in the number of publications compared to 2016 in total and for Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) research areas; productivity per inhabitant; productivity per researcher; productivity per researcher in higher education system; and number of Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) TOP1000 universities per inhabitant. Descriptive data and Pearson and Spearman correlations were calculated. Additionally, partial Spearman correlations for detailed examinations were used.
Results: Most of the productivity indicators were positively correlated to the investment in science. The absolute investment in science in €/inhabitant is more important than investment expressed as the percentage of GDP. Unexpectedly, the correlations between investments and the growth rate in productivity were negative indicating that the less developed countries have achieved a larger growth in productivity in the examined 5-year period.
Conclusion: The results indicate that the investments in science as the percentage of GDP is important, but the absolute amount of money also has an important role in the prediction of scientific productivity. However, since the absolute amount of investments is limited in the less developed countries, they should be more focused on building the strategies that capitalize on specific strengths and potentials. This further accentuates the need for science policy change in Croatia with the strategic focus on aligning the resources to the expected results
U ovom radu cilj je pokazati promjene u izloženosti adolescenata u jednogodišnjoj prevalenciji doživljenog roditeljskog nasilja u 2011. i 2017. godini. Rezultati za 2011. godinu prikupljeni su u okviru projekta »BECAN (Epidemiološka studija zlostavljanja i zanemarivanja djece)«, dok su rezultati za 2017. godinu prikupljeni u okviru 2. vala istraživanja projekta »FEHAP« (»Ekonomske teškoće obitelji, psihosocijalni problemi i obrazovni ishodi adolescenata u vrijeme ekonomske krize«). U oba istraživanja korišteni su probabilistički uzorci učenika drugog razreda srednjih škola, od čega je u istraživanju 2011. godine sudjelovalo 1 233 učenika, a 2017. godine 1 057 učenika. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da je u 2017. godini jednogodišnja prevalencija psihičke agresije bila 71,8%, psihičkog zlostavljanja 24,3%, tjelesnog kažnjavanja 23,8% te tjelesnog zlostavljanja 13,1%. U odnosu na istraživanje iz 2011. godine došlo je do povećanja stope psihičkog nasilja, dok je stopa tjelesnog nasilja ostala nepromijenjena. U kontekstu spolnih razlika, djevojke su u 2017. godini bile pod povećanim rizikom za psihičku agresiju, jednako kao i 2011. godine, dok je za psihičko zlostavljanje došlo do ujednačavanja rizika. Za tjelesno nasilje rizik je ostao ujednačen za djevojke i mladiće. U navedenom razdoblju došlo je do povećanja ukupne stope jednogodišnje prevalencije roditeljskog nasilja, što se većinom pripisuje porastu izloženosti psihičkoj agresiji. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na visoku raširenost roditeljskog nasilja nad djecom i potrebu za sustavnim provođenjem prevalencijskih istraživanja.In this paper, the main aim is to present the changes in the self reported one-year prevalence of parental violence experienced by adolescents in 2011 and 2017 in Croatia. The data for 2011 were obtained from the »BECAN (Balkan Epidemiological Study on Child Abuse and Neglect)« FP7 project and the data for 2017 were obtained from the second wave of the project »FEHAP« (»Family Economic Hardship, Psychosocial Problems and Educational Outcomes of Adolescents in the Time of Economic Crisis«), funded by the Croatian Science Foundation. At both time-points, the multi-stage probabilistic stratified cluster sample of pupils in the 2nd grade of high school was used. In 2011 the sample consisted of 1233 children, and in 2017 there were 1057 pupils. The results show that in 2017 the one-year prevalence for psychological aggression was 71.8%, for psychological abuse 24.3%, for corporal punishment 23.8%, and for physical abuse 13.1%. Compared to 2011, there was an increase in the prevalence of physical violence, while the prevalence of psychological violence remained unchanged. In the context of gender differences, in 2017 girls were at the higher risk for psychological aggression, equally as in 2011,
while the risk for psychological abuse became equal for boys and girls. For physical violence the risk remained equal for boys and girls. In the same period there was an increase of a general rate of one-year prevalence of parental violence, which is mostly attributed to the increase of the prevalence of psychological aggression. The results of this study indicate that the parental violence is widespread and there is a need for systematic prevalence studies
Differences in the Relationship between Personal Values and the Dark Triad in Men and Women
Unatoč brojnoj literaturi usmjerenoj na istraživanje
osobnih vrijednosti i mračne trijade zasebno, istraživanja
njihovih međuodnosa relativno su rijetka. Cilj je ovog
rada bio provjeriti muško-ženske razlike u vrednovanju
osobnih vrijednosti te izraženosti osobina mračne trijade i
provjeriti je li njihov odnos različit kod muškaraca i žena.
U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 510 studenata koji su
ispunjavali upitnik Prikaz osobnih vrijednosti te Kratki upitnik
mračne trijade. Rezultati upućuju na veće vrednovanje
hedonizma, postignuća, sigurnosti i dobrohotnosti kod žena
te na izraženiji makijavelizam i psihopatiju, ali ne i narcizam,
kod muškaraca. Spol kao moderator odnosa osobnih
vrijednosti i osobina mračne trijade također se pokazao
značajnim, pri čemu se kod muškaraca pokazalo da je višim
vrednovanjem sigurnosti moguće predvidjeti izraženiji
makijavelizam, a višim vrednovanjem moći izraženiji
narcizam, dok kod žena navedeni odnosi nisu bili značajni.
Žene koje više vrednuju sigurnost i dobrohotnost uglavnom
postižu niže rezultate na ljestvici psihopatije, što nije
zabilježeno kod muškaraca. Općenito gledano, više
varijance mračne trijade predviđeno je na muškom uzorku,
pri čemu je osobnim vrijednostima bolje predviđan narcizam
kod muškaraca nego kod žena.Despite the extensive literature on the research of personal
values and the Dark Triad independently, studies on their
relationship are relatively scarce. The aim of this paper was
to examine the differences between men and women in
personal values and the traits of the Dark Triad; and to
examine if their relationship is different for men and women.
A sample of 510 students filled out the Portrait Values
Questionnaire and the Short Dark Triad questionnaire. The
results indicate higher values of hedonism, achievement,
safety and benevolence among women and higher
Machiavellianism and psychopathy, but not narcissism,
among men. The moderation of the relationship of personal
values and the Dark Triad regarding sex was also significant,
where among men it is possible to predict higher
Machiavellianism with higher values of safety and to predict
higher narcissism with higher values of power, while among
women these relations were not significant. Women who have higher values of safety and benevolence mostly achieve lower results on psychopathy and this relationship was not
obtained among men. Generally, a higher amount of the
variance of the Dark Triad was explained among the male
sample, where narcissism is better predicted by personal
values than it is among women
Tjelesno kažnjavanje djece u odgojne svrhe u Hrvatskoj je zabranjeno od 1999. godine. Ipak, rezultati epidemioloških istraživanja nasilja nad djecom govore da se nasilne odgojne metode i dalje često koriste. Stav prema tjelesnom kažnjavanju smatra se jednim od najznačajnijih prediktora tjelesnog kažnjavanja te je cilj istraživanja bio ispitati psihometrijske karakteristike Skale stava prema tjelesnom kažnjavanju te utvrditi socio-demografske odrednice stava prema tjelesnom kažnjavanju. Istraživanje je provedeno u okviru projekta »Osnažimo pravo djece da budu sigurna« na uzorku od 2 215 roditelja iz pet županija u Hrvatskoj. Rezultati provedenih analiza pokazali su da je stav prema tjelesnom kažnjavanju djece pozitivno asimetričan, odnosno da roditelji u manjoj mjeri imaju pozitivne stavove prema tjelesnom kažnjavanju, premda značajan broj roditelja u određenoj mjeri podržava tjelesno kažnjavanje djece. Dobiveni su statistički značajni efekti spola roditelja, stupnja obrazovanja, broja muške djece u obitelji i ukupnog broja djece u obitelji. Dob roditelja, samoprocjena materijalnih mogućnosti i broj ženske djece u obitelji nisu se pokazali prediktivnima za stav prema tjelesnom kažnjavanju djece. Rezultati istraživanja daju osnovu za reviziju teorijskih pristupa iz područja prevencije nasilja nad djecom, ali i pružaju snažnu podršku za kreiranje preventivnih kampanja za promjenu stava prema tjelesnom kažnjavanju djece koje će biti usmjerene prema široj javnosti. S obzirom na provedene analize, stručnjacima koji neposredno rade s korisnicima može se preporučiti korištenje ove skale kao jednog od alata za procjenu rizika.Corporal punishment of children as a pedagogical measure has been prohibited in Croatia since 1999. However, the results of epidemiological research of violence against children show that violent educational practices are still often used. The attitude of individuals towards corporal punishment of children is considered one of the most important predictors of corporal punishment. The aim of this research was to examine the psychometric characteristics of the Attitude towards
Corporal Punishment scale and identify the socio-demographic determinants of the attitude towards corporal punishment. The research was conducted as part of the project »Strengthen the Child’s Right to Protection« on a sample of 2,215 parents from five Croatian counties. The results of the analyses indicate that the attitude towards corporal punishment shows a positively skewed distribution, i.e. that fewer parents have positive attitudes towards corporal punishment, although a substantial number of them support corporal punishment to a certain extent. Parents’ sex, level of education, number of male children in the
family and total number of children in the family were found to be statistically significant. Parents’ age, self-assessment of family finances and number of female children in the family were not found to be predictors of the attitude towards corporal punishment of children. The results indicate the need for the revision of theoretical approaches in the area of prevention of violence against children. They also provide strong support for the creation of prevention campaigns aimed at changing the
attitude towards corporal punishment of children in the general public. Based on the analyses, use of this scale as one of the for risk assessment tools is recommended to professionals who work directly with users
Family Relations and Parenthood in Families With Different Income: How Is Life in High Risk of Poverty Connected to Family Functioning of Families With Adolescents?
U radu se prikazuje doprinos objektivnih i subjektivnih pokazatelja socioekonomskog statusa, izloženosti stresnim događajima i dostupnosti socijalne podrške kvaliteti obiteljskih odnosa i riziku za zlostavljanje djece kod majki adolescenata u obiteljima izloženim visokom i niskom riziku od siromaštva. U istraživanju su sudjelovale 392 majke čija su djeca učenici prvih razreda srednjih škola. Kriterij za klasifikaciju obitelji u one s visokim (VRS) i niskim rizikom od siromaštva (NRS) usklađen je s cenzusom za primanja većeg doplatka za djecu (N=163, VRS, prosječni prihod po članu domaćinstva 719,14 kuna) u odnosu na obitelji koje nemaju pravo na dječji doplatak (N= 229, NRS, prosječni prihod po članu domaćinstva 3 357,53 kuna). Rezultati su pokazali da, u skladu s Congerovim modelom obiteljskog stresa, u obiteljima koje su u visokom riziku od siromaštva konflikti u obitelji (mjereno Skalom obiteljskog funkcioniranja; Noller, 1988.) i rizik majki za zlostavljanje djece (mjereno Inventarom rizičnost za zlostavljanje djece; Milner, 1986.) statistički su značajno češći u odnosu na obitelji koje su u niskom riziku. Kod majki VRS značajni prediktori rizičnosti za zlostavljanje djece su posramljenost zbog financijske situacije i izloženost većem broju stresnih događaja. Kod majki VRS, socijalna podrška, iako značajno smanjuje rizik od zlostavljanja djece, ima vidljivo manju snagu kao čimbenik zaštite nego kod majki obitelji s NRS-om. Nalaz da je 8,7% majki iz obitelji u niskom riziku od siromaštva i 20,2% majki u visokom riziku od siromaštva visoko rizično za zlostavljanje djece analizira se pod vidom većeg broja socioekonomskih prediktora i mogućnosti djelotvornog integriranog pristupa obiteljima s djecom u visokom riziku od siromaštva.The paper assesses the contribution of objective and subjective indicators of socioeconomic status, exposure to stressful events and the availability of social support in prediction of quality of family relationships and the risk of child abuse in mothers of adolescents in families exposed to high and low risk of poverty. The sample included 392 mothers of adolescents attending 1st grade of high school. The criterion for family classification in high and low poverty risk group corresponded with the census for receiving a child benefit (N = 163, high risk of poverty, average income per household member 719.14 HRK) compared to families who are not entitled to child benefit (N = 229, low risk of poverty, average income per household member 3,357.53 kunas). The results showed that, according to Conger’s Family Stress Model, in families at high risk of poverty, family conflict (measured by the Family Functioning Scale, Noller, 1988) and the risk of child abuse in mothers (measured by the Child Abuse Potential Inventory; Milner 1986) were significantly higher in comparison to low-risk families. For mothers living at high risk of poverty significant predictors for the risk of child abuse are higher level of shame due to the financial situation and exposure to more stressful events. Social support significantly reduces the risk of child abuse for mothers living at high risk of poverty, although it has considerably lower power as a protection factor than it has for the mothers living at low risk of poverty. The finding that 8.7% of mothers at low risk of poverty and 20.2% of mothers at high risk of poverty are highly in risk of child abuse is analysed in the context of different socioeconomic predictors and the possibility of an effective integrated approach to families with children at high risk of poverty
Differences in Social Capital Across the Croatian Population Based on the Level of Settlement Urbanisation
U ovom radu analizirane su razlike u društvenom kapitalu između sredina različitog stupnja urbaniziranosti u Hrvatskoj. Iako je analiza tih razlika u međunarodnim okvirima istraživački plodna tema, u Hrvatskoj dosad ciljano nije provedena. Slijedeći Putnamov pristup, društveni kapital je konceptualiziran i operacionaliziran kroz tri dimenzije: povjerenje u institucije, neformalnu i formalnu društvenu umreženost te društvenu, tj. političku i građansku, participaciju. Podaci su prikupljeni 2015. godine anketnim istraživanjem. Korišten je etapno stratificiran reprezentativan uzorak punoljetnog stanovništva Hrvatske (N = 1 000). Veće povjerenje u političke i društvene institucije ustanovljeno je među ruralnim nego urbanim stanovništvom. Stanovništvo velikih gradova iskazalo je manje razine neformalne društvene umreženosti (kontakti s rođacima i susjedima) od stanovništva sela i gradova srednje i manje veličine, dok u pogledu formalne društvene umreženosti (članstvo u udrugama) razlike nisu pronađene. Stanovništvo gradova srednje i manje veličine u volonterskom je radu (građanska participacija) bilo aktivnije nego ruralno. Na posljednjim parlamentarnim izborima (politička participacija) glasalo je više stanovnika velikih nego srednjih i manjih gradova, dok je na posljednjim predsjedničkim izborima glasalo više stanovnika velikih gradova nego sela. Nalazi osvjetljuju teme koje tek treba istražiti, poput odrednica društvenog kapitala unutar sredina sličnog stupnja urbaniziranosti te regionalnih razlika u društvenom kapitalu među sredinama visoke, srednje i niske urbaniziranosti.This paper examines differences in social capital among the Croatian population across areas with different urbanisation levels. Although the analysis of such differences has been a productive research topic internationally, no studies in Croatia have aimed for it so far. Following Putnam’s approach, social capital was conceptualised and operationalised by three dimensions: trust in institutions, informal as well as formal social networks, and social (political and civic) participation. The data were gathered in a 2015 survey. A representative multi-stage stratified sample of adults from Croatia was used (N = 1 000). Trust in political and civic institutions was higher in rural than in urban areas. Compared to rural areas and small-to-medium-sized urban settlements, the population of large urban settlements engaged less in informal social networks (contacts with relatives and neighbours). No differences among settlements were found regarding membership in civic associations (formal social networks). The population of small-to-medium-sized cities reported more volunteering activities (political participation) than the residents of rural areas. In terms of political participation, the residents of large cities reported a higher voter turnout than the residents of small-to-medium-sized cities in the last parliamentary elections, as well as a higher voter turnout than the residents of rural areas in the last presidential elections. The findings shed light on topics that need to be examined in Croatia in future research, such as determinants of social capital within areas with a similar level of urbanisation and regional differences in social capital across areas with a high, medium and low level of urbanisation
Using Family Stress Model in Predicting the Risk for Abuse of Adolescents
Cilj rada bio je provjeriti doprinos ekonomskih poteškoća obitelji,
ekonomskoga pritiska, doživljaja stresa i obiteljskoga funkcioniranja
u predviđanju rizika za zlostavljanje kod majki hrvatskih
adolescenata u okviru Modela obiteljskoga stresa. Analizirani
uzorak sastoji se od 722 majke učenika prvih razreda srednjih
škola iz središnje Hrvatske. Rezultati analiza pokazali su da niži
obrazovni status i nezaposlenost roditelja, viša razina stresa te
manja razina bliskosti u obitelji, a viša razina konflikata, značajno
i visoko predviđaju veći rizik za zlostavljanje adolescenata
kod majki. Pri tome bliskost u obitelji i konflikti imaju djelomičan
medijacijski učinak na odnos između ekonomskih poteškoća,
ekonomskoga pritiska i doživljaja stresa s rizikom za zlostavljanje.
Nalazi rada upućuju na važnost kreiranja programa za
roditelje adolescenata koji su rizični za zlostavljanje te na
važnost kreiranja intervencija u svrhu smanjenja ekonomskih
poteškoća za sve obitelji koje se s tim suočavaju.The aim of this study was to examine the contribution of
family economic hardship, economic pressure, stress
experience and family functioning in predicting the risk for
abuse among mothers of Croatian adolescents under the
Family Stress Model. The sample included 722 mothers of
first-grade high school students from central Croatia. The
results showed that lower education and parents\u27
unemployment, higher levels of stress and family conflict and
lower levels of family intimacy predicted higher risk for child
abuse. Family intimacy and conflicts showed partial
mediation effect on the relationship between economic
hardship, economic pressure, and experience of stress with
risk for abuse. The development of effective programs for the
parents who are at risk for child abuse, together with
interventions for reducing economic hardship is an important
direction for lowering risk for child abuse
U radu su prikazani rezultati epidemiološkog istraživanja rasprostranjenosti nasilja nad djecom u Republici Hrvatskoj. Korišteni su dvoetapni probabilistički uzorci djece od 11, 13 i 16 godina, redovnih polaznika hrvatskih osnovnih i srednjih škola (N=3,644). Podaci su prikupljeni u sklopu međunarodnog istraživačkog FP7 projekta »BECAN – Balkan Epidemiological Study on Child Abuse and Neglect«. U istraživanju je korištena revidirana verzija ISPCAN Child Abuse Screening Tool - Children’s Version (ICAST-C). Analiza prevalencija pokazala je da su djeca u obitelji najviše izložena psihičkoj agresiji (5. razred 59,0%; 7. razred 77,1%; 2. razred srednje škole 82,5%). Slijedi tjelesno kažnjavanje (5. razred 56,1%; 7. razred 68,4%; 2. razred srednje škole 72,3%), tjelesno zlostavljanje (5. razred 26,2%; 7. razred 34,0%; 2. razred srednje škole 40,7%) i, kao najmanje prisutno, psihičko zlostavljanje (5. razred 22,8%; 7. razred 26,8%; 2. razred srednje škole 34,8%). Postoji povezanost među svim kategorijama nasilja nad djecom, a najveća korelacija je između tjelesnog kažnjavanja i tjelesnog zlostavljanja (od 0,599 do 0,674).
Očevi i majke su najčešći počinitelji psihičke agresije, psihičkog zlostavljanja i tjelesnog kažnjavanja. Kod djece u 5. razredu najčešći počinitelj tjelesnog zlostavljanja je brat. Oni su podjednako često navedeni kao počinitelji nasilja u obitelji prema djevojčicama i dječacima. Sestre se češće pojavljuju kao počiniteljice psihičke agresije, tjelesnog kažnjavanja i tjelesnog zlostavljanja prema djevojčicama nego prema dječacima.
Većini djece nije bilo teško odgovarati na pitanja (95,2%) i biti iskren o nasilnim iskustvima u obitelji (90,8%). Ipak, kod djece koja su iskazala da im je bilo teško odgovarati i biti iskren statistički značajno je više onih koja su doživjela nasilje u obitelji.The paper presents the results of epidemiological research on the extent of family violence on children in the Republic of Croatia. The research used a two-phase design with a probability sample of children aged 11, 13 and 16 regularly enrolled into Croatian primary and secondary schools (N=3.644). Data was obtained within the international research FP7 project “BECAN – Balkan Epidemiological Study on Child Abuse and Neglect“. The research used the revised version of ISPCAN Child Abuse Screening Tool - Children’s Version (ICAST-C). The prevalence analysis has shown that the most prevalent form of family violence on children is psychological aggression (5th grade 59.0%; 7th grade 77.1%; 10th grade 82.5%), followed by corporal punishment (5th grade 56.1%; 7th grade 68.4%; 10th grade 72.3%), physical abuse (5th grade 26.2%; 7th grade 34.0%; 10th grade 40.7%). The psychological abuse (5th grade 22.8%; 7th grade 26.8%; 10th grade 34.8%) reveals to be the least frequent. A correlation is observed among all categories of violence on children and the highest one being between corporate punishment and physical abuse (from 0.599 to 0.674).
The most common perpetrators of psychological aggression, psychological abuse and corporal punishment are fathers and mothers. Among the 5th graders, the most common perpetrators of physical abuse are brothers. They are approximately equally common perpetrators of family violence towards girls and boys. Sisters more commonly occur as perpetrators of psychological aggression, corporal punishment and physical abuse on girls than on boys.
Most children did not find answering questions (95.2%) and being honest about violent experiences within family (90.8%) difficult. However, among those children who revealed that they had found it difficult to answer and be honest, there is statistically significant higher number of those with experience of violence within the family.
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Ispitivanje jačine izraženosti iluzije linearnosti kod učenika srednjih škola
This investigation discusses the strength of the illusion of linearity on high school pupils. Illusion of linearity (or proportionality) is an error in solving mathematical problems when people (wrongly) believe that when a certain length is enlarged by factor k, area and volume should also be enlarged by factor k. Correct solution would be that when a certain length is enlarged by factor k, other lengths are also enlarged by factor k, areas by factor k2, and volumes by factor k3. For the purpose of this investigation three lists of mathematical problems with multiple choice answers were constructed. In Form A there were five problems that were likely to induce the illusion of linearity (also called non-linear problems) and every problem had five answers offered. Among these five answers, one answer represents solution with an illusion of linearity (also called linear solution), one answer represents the correct solution (also called non-linear solution) and other three answers are distracters designed to lower the probability of guessing. Form B had mathematical problems that were identical to problems in Form A, but the linear solution was excluded from the offered answers. Form C had mathematical problems which required the linear solution (also called linear problems). Participants in this investigation were pupils of general-program high school, first grade (aged 14-15) and fourth grade (aged 17-18). The results showed that almost all pupils solved linear problems correctly. They were worse in solving non-linear problems than in solving linear ones. Pupils who didn't have linear solution offered to a non-linear problem were better in solving non-linear problems than pupils who had linear solution among offered answers. When a linear solution was excluded from the list of answers to non-linear problems, boys were better in solving non-linear problems than girls. Difference between the age groups was also found; older pupils were significantly better in solving non-linear problems.Predmet ovog rada je ispitivanje snage iluzije linearnosti kod učenika srednjih škola. Iluzija linearnosti (ili proporcionalnosti) odnosi se na pogrešku koja se javlja kod rješavanja zadataka kada na osnovu povećanja neke dužine za faktor k, ljudi (pogrešno) smatraju da se površine i volumeni također povećavaju za faktor k. Ispravno rješavanje bilo bi takvo da na osnovu povećanja neke mjere dužine za faktor k dolazi do povećanja ostalih mjera dužine za faktor k, površina za faktor k2, a volumena za faktor k3. Za potrebe ovog rada konstruirane su tri liste sa zadacima višestrukog izbora. Forma A sadržavala je pet zadataka koji su podložni iluziji linearnosti (tzv. ne-linearni zadaci) i za svaki je zadatak bilo ponuđeno pet rješenja. Među tih pet rješenja jedno se može dobiti ako je ispitanik podložan iluziji linearnosti (tzv. linerano rješenje), jedno je točno rješenje (tzv. ne-linearno rješenje), dok su preostala rješenja služila kako bi se smanjila vjerojatnost pogađanja. Forma B je po zadacima identična formi A. Razlika je u ponuđenim rješenjima i to tako da u formi B nije ponuđeno ono rješenje koje bi se dobilo ako je ispitanik podložan iluziji linearnosti. U formi C bili su zadaci kod kojih je linearno rješenje ispravno (tzv. linearni zadaci). U istraživanju su sudjelovali učenici opće gimnazije i to prvog razreda (starosti 14-15 godina) i četvrtog razreda (starosti 17-18 godina). Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da su gotovo svi učenici ispravno riješili linearne zadatke. Pokazalo se kako ne-linearne zadatke rješavaju slabije od linearnih. Oni učenici koji kod ne-linearnih zadataka nisu imali ponuđeno linearno rješenje rješavali su ne-linearne zadatke značajno bolje od učenika koji su kod tih zadataka imali ponuđeno linearno rješenje. Također, kada nemaju ponuđeno ne-linearno rješenje, mladići su značajno bolje rješavali ne-linearne zadatke od djevojaka. Pronađena je i razlika prema dobi, pri čemu stariji ispitanici značajno bolje rješavaju ne-linearne zadatke od mlađih ispitanika