477 research outputs found

    Biofacies de foraminíferos planctónicos

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    Problems related to the interpretation of planktonic foraminiferal biofacies are pointed for recent and ancient sediments. The relations between living fauna and cnvironment are reflected in the sedimentation in a different way for each case. Examples of biofacies from the Southern Caribbean are given and discussed

    Sedimentos relictos de la plataforma continental

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    The existence of relict sediments in the outer platforms of the world is explained in both, its origin and its unburiing. Examples are given from the NE Venezuela and NE South- America. The outer platform with relict sediments may be considered as the non depositional barrier that separates the two sedimentary basins : the miogeosyncline and the eugeo- syncline

    Morfología submarina y sedimentos marinos recientes del margen continental del nororiente de Venezuela (resumen)

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    A regional distribution of the recent marine sedimentary facies from the continental shelf and slope off NE Venezuela is given in this paper. Each facies is defined according to the properties of the sediments and the geological setting. The factors of the geological setting that control the characteris- tics and distribution of each facies are defined. One of the principal factors of control in this area is the complexity of the submarine morphology

    Distribución del carbonato cálcico en los sedimentos marinos del Oriente venezolano

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    A partir de las observaciones realizadas en las sucesivas expediciones realizadas por la Estación de Investigaciones varillas de la Fundación La Salle, se ha establecido la distribución de carbonato cálcico actual, la cual puede resultar de interés para confirmar las condiciones hidrográficas que se han venido estudiando durante los últinios años, debido al paralelismoexistente entre la distribución de carbonato cálcico y la de corrientes superficiales, señalada por Arrhenius en "Reports of the Swedish deep-sea expedition"

    Las Rosas y la ciudad de Reus

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    Sedimentos relictos de la plataforma continental

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    Josep Estalella i Josep Comas: de Girona a Tità

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    During the first two decades of the XX century, in the field of the astronomy and of the popularization of the science, they highlight, among other, two excellent contributions carried out by the astronomer and journalist Josep Comas (1868-1937) and for the scientist and educator Josep Estalella (1879-1938). They are the announcement of the discovery of the atmosphere of Titan (1908), a satellite of Saturn, and the publication of the book Ciencia recreativa (1919), respectively. The centennial of this discovery and the recent arrival of the probe Huygens to this moon, as well as a reading and recent revision of the text of Estalella are good reasons to analyze some aspects of these contributions of both scientists and popularizers of the science whose task has never been sufficiently grateful