8 research outputs found


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    Cilj: Istražiti navike spavanja dojenčadi i poznavanje rizičnih čimbenika za SIDS od strane roditelja i pedijatara primarne zdravstvene zaÅ”tite u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji. Ispitanici i metode: Presječnim istraživanjem obuhvaćeni su pedijatri PZZ i roditelji dojenčadi u SDŽ u razdoblju od veljače do travnja 2018. godine. Pedijatrima je osobno dostavljen upitnik s 18 pitanja koja pokrivaju stavove i savjete o spavanju i dojenju koje daju roditeljima svojih pacijenata te znanje o SIDS-u. Medicinska sestra izabranog pedijatra je roditeljima podijelila upitnik s 46 pitanja o dojenju i navikama spavanja dojenčadi te poznavanju rizičnih čimbenika za SIDS. Upitnici su ispitanicima dostavljeni u frankiranoj i adresiranoj omotnici i nisu snosili troÅ”kove slanja ispunjenih anketa. Prikupljeni podatci su uneseni u Excel tablicu i statistički analizirani. Rezultati: Stopa odgovora pedijatara je 51,7% (15/29), a 14 ih je uključeno u statističku analizu. Stopa odgovora roditelja je 49,4% (168/340), a statistički analizirano njih 146. Gotovo 86% pedijatara tvrdi da rutinski razgovara s roditeljima svojih pacijenata o sigurnom spavanju i dojenju. Samo 71% njih savjetuje spavanje dojenčeta na leđima. Svi pedijatri roditelje odgovaraju od zajedničkog spavanja u krevetu s dojenčetom. Samo ih 30,7% (4/13) zna da zajedničko spavanje pospjeÅ”uje dojenje. Nijedan pedijatar nije ispravno izabrao sve rizične čimbenike za SIDS. Pola ispitanih roditelja su puÅ”ači, (73/146), od čega ih 52 ima zavrÅ”enu samo srednju Å”kolu, a visokoobrazovanih je 21 (p-vrijednost <0,001); 53,8% ih stavlja dojenče spavati na trbuh ili bok; 18.5% ih stavlja dojenče spavati na jastuk, a 25,7% s pliÅ”anom igračkom; 12,3% majki nije uopće dojilo dijete. Samo jedan ispitani roditelj zna da je hranjenje formulom rizični čimbenik za SIDS, a 14/168 ih pogreÅ”no smatra da je rizik spavanje dojenčeta na leđima. Zaključak: Iako je većina ispitanih pedijatara izjavilo da u posljednjih pet godina se dodatno educirala o dojenju i sigurnom spavanju dojenčeta, istraživanje je pokazalo da postoji znatan prostor za napredak u njihovom poznavanju rizičnih čimbenika za SIDS. Također, Å”tetne navike koje roditelji dojenčadi prakticiraju, uz pogreÅ”na uvjerenja i savjete koje pedijatri daju, upućuju na to da je potrebna stalna doedukacija pedijatara i informiranje roditelja o sigurnom spavanju dojenčadi, kao i sustavno promicanje dojenja kao optimalnog načina prehrane djece i zaÅ”titnog čimbenika u prevenciji SIDS-a.Objective: To explore infant sleeping practices plus parents' and primary-care pediatricians' (PCPs) knowledge of SIDS' risk factors in the Split-Dalmatia County. Subjects and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted between February and April, 2018, among PCPs and infants' parents in the County of Dalmatia, Croatia. A two-page, 18-question survey was personally delivered to all PCPs (N=29), along with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Topics covered included: whether physicians routinely discuss infant sleeping practices with their patientsā€™ carers, advice given on infant sleeping practices, knowledge of risk factors for SIDS and perception of infant sleep practices in relation to breastfeeding. A 46-question survey for infants' parents was also delivered to PCPs, and their nurses distributed those to the parents in the waiting room. Topics covered included: infant sleeping practices, infant feeding practices and risk factors for SIDS. Collected data were entered in an Excel spreadsheet and analyzed statistically. Results: Fifteen pediatric surveys were returned (response 52%) of which one was incomplete and hence, excluded. Almost all pediatricians stated that they routinely discuss infant sleeping practices with their patientsā€™ carers, which was confirmed by parents. Similarly, almost all respondents stated that they had attended training on breastfeeding or infant sleeping in the last five years. Despite this, almost a third of pediatricians recommend infants be placed on their side during sleep and all pediatricians in our sample advise parents against bed-sharing. Less than a third know that bed-sharing promotes breastfeeding and only 50% know that the greatest risk of SIDS occurs between 2 and 4 months. Of 340 parental questionnaires, 168 were returned (49%), of which 146 were analysed. Almost 80% of parent respondents have bed-shared at least once with their infant and all sleep with their infants in their room. The most common reason for bed-sharing was Ėeasier feedingĖ, whereas the main parental concern was Ėrisk of suffocationĖ. Fifty percent of participating parents are smokers, of which 52 completed high school, and 21 had a higher level of education (p< 0.001); 53.8% place their infant to sleep prone or on its side,18.5% with a pillow and 25.7%with plush toys; 12.3% of mothers did not breastfeed their baby at all. Only one parent (and 5/14 pediatricians) knows that giving formula is a risk factor for SIDS, whereas 14/168 incorrectly consider the back position to be a risk factor. No pediatrician nor parent correctly recognized all risk factors for SIDS. Conclusion: Despite the majority of pediatricians claiming to have attended training on safe sleeping practices in the previous five years, many were not aware of known risk factors for SIDS, such as sleeping on a couch with an infant or formula feeding, emphasizing the importance of regular, evidence-based in-service training on this important topic. The harmful habits that infants' parents practice suggest that there is a need for systematic and constant parental education on safe sleeping practices and for the importance of breastfeeding as a protective factor in the prevention SIDS

    Awareness and use of evidence-based medicine information among patients in Croatia: a nation-wide crosssectional study

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    Aim To determine the use of evidence-based medicine (EBM) information and the level of awareness and knowledge of EBM among patients in Croatia. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted among 987 patients in 10 family medicine practices in Croatia. Patients from both urban (n = 496) and rural (n = 482) areas were surveyed. A 27-item questionnaire was used to collect data about sources that patients searched for medical information, patient awareness and use of Cochrane systematic reviews and other EBM resources, and their demographic characteristics. Results Half of the patients searched for medical information from sources other than physician. Internet was the most common place they searched for information. Very few patients indicated using EBM sources for medical information; one fifth of patients heard of EBM and 4% of the patients heard of the Cochrane Collaboration. Patients considered physicianā€™s opinion as the most reliable source of medical information. A logistic regression model showed that educational level and urban vs rural residence were the predictors of awareness about EBM and systematic reviews (P < 0.001 for both). Conclusion Our finding that patients consider a physicianā€™s opinion to be the most reliable source of healthrelated information could be used for promotion of highquality health information among patients. More effort should be devoted to the education of patients in rural areas and those with less formal education. New avenues for knowledge translation and dissemination of high-quality health information among patients are necessary


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    Cilj: Istražiti navike spavanja dojenčadi i poznavanje rizičnih čimbenika za SIDS od strane roditelja i pedijatara primarne zdravstvene zaÅ”tite u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji. Ispitanici i metode: Presječnim istraživanjem obuhvaćeni su pedijatri PZZ i roditelji dojenčadi u SDŽ u razdoblju od veljače do travnja 2018. godine. Pedijatrima je osobno dostavljen upitnik s 18 pitanja koja pokrivaju stavove i savjete o spavanju i dojenju koje daju roditeljima svojih pacijenata te znanje o SIDS-u. Medicinska sestra izabranog pedijatra je roditeljima podijelila upitnik s 46 pitanja o dojenju i navikama spavanja dojenčadi te poznavanju rizičnih čimbenika za SIDS. Upitnici su ispitanicima dostavljeni u frankiranoj i adresiranoj omotnici i nisu snosili troÅ”kove slanja ispunjenih anketa. Prikupljeni podatci su uneseni u Excel tablicu i statistički analizirani. Rezultati: Stopa odgovora pedijatara je 51,7% (15/29), a 14 ih je uključeno u statističku analizu. Stopa odgovora roditelja je 49,4% (168/340), a statistički analizirano njih 146. Gotovo 86% pedijatara tvrdi da rutinski razgovara s roditeljima svojih pacijenata o sigurnom spavanju i dojenju. Samo 71% njih savjetuje spavanje dojenčeta na leđima. Svi pedijatri roditelje odgovaraju od zajedničkog spavanja u krevetu s dojenčetom. Samo ih 30,7% (4/13) zna da zajedničko spavanje pospjeÅ”uje dojenje. Nijedan pedijatar nije ispravno izabrao sve rizične čimbenike za SIDS. Pola ispitanih roditelja su puÅ”ači, (73/146), od čega ih 52 ima zavrÅ”enu samo srednju Å”kolu, a visokoobrazovanih je 21 (p-vrijednost <0,001); 53,8% ih stavlja dojenče spavati na trbuh ili bok; 18.5% ih stavlja dojenče spavati na jastuk, a 25,7% s pliÅ”anom igračkom; 12,3% majki nije uopće dojilo dijete. Samo jedan ispitani roditelj zna da je hranjenje formulom rizični čimbenik za SIDS, a 14/168 ih pogreÅ”no smatra da je rizik spavanje dojenčeta na leđima. Zaključak: Iako je većina ispitanih pedijatara izjavilo da u posljednjih pet godina se dodatno educirala o dojenju i sigurnom spavanju dojenčeta, istraživanje je pokazalo da postoji znatan prostor za napredak u njihovom poznavanju rizičnih čimbenika za SIDS. Također, Å”tetne navike koje roditelji dojenčadi prakticiraju, uz pogreÅ”na uvjerenja i savjete koje pedijatri daju, upućuju na to da je potrebna stalna doedukacija pedijatara i informiranje roditelja o sigurnom spavanju dojenčadi, kao i sustavno promicanje dojenja kao optimalnog načina prehrane djece i zaÅ”titnog čimbenika u prevenciji SIDS-a.Objective: To explore infant sleeping practices plus parents' and primary-care pediatricians' (PCPs) knowledge of SIDS' risk factors in the Split-Dalmatia County. Subjects and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted between February and April, 2018, among PCPs and infants' parents in the County of Dalmatia, Croatia. A two-page, 18-question survey was personally delivered to all PCPs (N=29), along with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Topics covered included: whether physicians routinely discuss infant sleeping practices with their patientsā€™ carers, advice given on infant sleeping practices, knowledge of risk factors for SIDS and perception of infant sleep practices in relation to breastfeeding. A 46-question survey for infants' parents was also delivered to PCPs, and their nurses distributed those to the parents in the waiting room. Topics covered included: infant sleeping practices, infant feeding practices and risk factors for SIDS. Collected data were entered in an Excel spreadsheet and analyzed statistically. Results: Fifteen pediatric surveys were returned (response 52%) of which one was incomplete and hence, excluded. Almost all pediatricians stated that they routinely discuss infant sleeping practices with their patientsā€™ carers, which was confirmed by parents. Similarly, almost all respondents stated that they had attended training on breastfeeding or infant sleeping in the last five years. Despite this, almost a third of pediatricians recommend infants be placed on their side during sleep and all pediatricians in our sample advise parents against bed-sharing. Less than a third know that bed-sharing promotes breastfeeding and only 50% know that the greatest risk of SIDS occurs between 2 and 4 months. Of 340 parental questionnaires, 168 were returned (49%), of which 146 were analysed. Almost 80% of parent respondents have bed-shared at least once with their infant and all sleep with their infants in their room. The most common reason for bed-sharing was Ėeasier feedingĖ, whereas the main parental concern was Ėrisk of suffocationĖ. Fifty percent of participating parents are smokers, of which 52 completed high school, and 21 had a higher level of education (p< 0.001); 53.8% place their infant to sleep prone or on its side,18.5% with a pillow and 25.7%with plush toys; 12.3% of mothers did not breastfeed their baby at all. Only one parent (and 5/14 pediatricians) knows that giving formula is a risk factor for SIDS, whereas 14/168 incorrectly consider the back position to be a risk factor. No pediatrician nor parent correctly recognized all risk factors for SIDS. Conclusion: Despite the majority of pediatricians claiming to have attended training on safe sleeping practices in the previous five years, many were not aware of known risk factors for SIDS, such as sleeping on a couch with an infant or formula feeding, emphasizing the importance of regular, evidence-based in-service training on this important topic. The harmful habits that infants' parents practice suggest that there is a need for systematic and constant parental education on safe sleeping practices and for the importance of breastfeeding as a protective factor in the prevention SIDS

    Differences in the Pattern of Non-Recreational Sharing of Prescription Analgesics among Patients in Rural and Urban Areas

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    Introduction: This study aimed to analyze differences in sharing of prescription analgesics between rural and urban populations. Methods: We surveyed 1000 participants in outpatient family medicine settings in Croatia. We used a 35-item questionnaire to analyze patients' characteristics, pain intensity, prescription analgesic sharing behavior, and perception of risks regarding sharing prescription medications. Results: Prescription analgesic sharing was significantly more frequent in the rural (64%) than in the urban population 55% (p = 0.01). Participants from rural areas more commonly asked for verbal or written information than those from urban areas when taking others' prescription analgesics (p < 0.001) or giving such analgesics (p < 0.001). Participants from rural areas more commonly informed their physician about such behavior compared to those from urban areas (p < 0.01), and they were significantly more often asked about such behavior by their physician (p < 0.01). Perceptions about risks associated with sharing prescription medication were similar between rural and urban populations. Conclusions: There are systematic differences in the frequency of prescription analgesics and associated behaviors between patients in family medicine who live in rural and urban areas. Patients from rural areas were more prone to share prescription analgesics. Future studies should examine reasons for differences in sharing prescription analgesics between rural and urban areas

    Differences in the Pattern of Non-Recreational Sharing of Prescription Analgesics among Patients in Rural and Urban Areas

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    Introduction: This study aimed to analyze differences in sharing of prescription analgesics between rural and urban populations. Methods: We surveyed 1000 participants in outpatient family medicine settings in Croatia. We used a 35-item questionnaire to analyze patients' characteristics, pain intensity, prescription analgesic sharing behavior, and perception of risks regarding sharing prescription medications. Results: Prescription analgesic sharing was significantly more frequent in the rural (64%) than in the urban population 55% (p = 0.01). Participants from rural areas more commonly asked for verbal or written information than those from urban areas when taking others' prescription analgesics (p < 0.001) or giving such analgesics (p < 0.001). Participants from rural areas more commonly informed their physician about such behavior compared to those from urban areas (p < 0.01), and they were significantly more often asked about such behavior by their physician (p < 0.01). Perceptions about risks associated with sharing prescription medication were similar between rural and urban populations. Conclusions: There are systematic differences in the frequency of prescription analgesics and associated behaviors between patients in family medicine who live in rural and urban areas. Patients from rural areas were more prone to share prescription analgesics. Future studies should examine reasons for differences in sharing prescription analgesics between rural and urban areas

    Awareness and use of evidence-based medicine information among patients in Croatia: a nation-wide cross-sectional study.

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    Aim was to determine the use of evidence-based medicine (EBM) information and the level of awareness and knowledge of EBM among patients in Croatia. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 987 patients in 10 family medicine practices in Croatia. Patients from both urban (n=496) and rural (n=482) areas were surveyed. A 27-item questionnaire was used to collect data about sources that patients searched for medical information, patient awareness and use of Cochrane systematic reviews and other EBM resources, and their demographic characteristics. Half of the patients searched for medical information from sources other than physician. Internet was the most common place they searched for information. Very few patients indicated using EBM sources for medical information ; one fifth of patients heard of EBM and 4% of the patients heard of the Cochrane Collaboration. Patients considered physician's opinion as the most reliable source of medical information. A logistic regression model showed that educational level and urban vs rural residence were the predictors of awareness about EBM and systematic reviews (P<0.001 for both). Our finding that patients consider a physician's opinion to be the most reliable source of health-related information could be used for promotion of high-quality health information among patients. More effort should be devoted to the education of patients in rural areas and those with less formal education. New avenues for knowledge translation and dissemination of high-quality health information among patients are necessary

    Awareness and use of evidence-based medicine information among patients in Croatia: a nation-wide cross-sectional study.

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    Aim was to determine the use of evidence-based medicine (EBM) information and the level of awareness and knowledge of EBM among patients in Croatia. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 987 patients in 10 family medicine practices in Croatia. Patients from both urban (n=496) and rural (n=482) areas were surveyed. A 27-item questionnaire was used to collect data about sources that patients searched for medical information, patient awareness and use of Cochrane systematic reviews and other EBM resources, and their demographic characteristics. Half of the patients searched for medical information from sources other than physician. Internet was the most common place they searched for information. Very few patients indicated using EBM sources for medical information ; one fifth of patients heard of EBM and 4% of the patients heard of the Cochrane Collaboration. Patients considered physician's opinion as the most reliable source of medical information. A logistic regression model showed that educational level and urban vs rural residence were the predictors of awareness about EBM and systematic reviews (P<0.001 for both). Our finding that patients consider a physician's opinion to be the most reliable source of health-related information could be used for promotion of high-quality health information among patients. More effort should be devoted to the education of patients in rural areas and those with less formal education. New avenues for knowledge translation and dissemination of high-quality health information among patients are necessary

    Awareness and use of evidence-based medicine information among patients in Croatia: a nation-wide cross-sectional study

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    Aim was to determine the use of evidence-based medicine (EBM) information and the level of awareness and knowledge of EBM among patients in Croatia. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 987 patients in 10 family medicine practices in Croatia. Patients from both urban (n=496) and rural (n=482) areas were surveyed. A 27-item questionnaire was used to collect data about sources that patients searched for medical information, patient awareness and use of Cochrane systematic reviews and other EBM resources, and their demographic characteristics. Half of the patients searched for medical information from sources other than physician. Internet was the most common place they searched for information. Very few patients indicated using EBM sources for medical information ; one fifth of patients heard of EBM and 4% of the patients heard of the Cochrane Collaboration. Patients considered physician's opinion as the most reliable source of medical information. A logistic regression model showed that educational level and urban vs rural residence were the predictors of awareness about EBM and systematic reviews (P<0.001 for both). Our finding that patients consider a physician's opinion to be the most reliable source of health-related information could be used for promotion of high-quality health information among patients. More effort should be devoted to the education of patients in rural areas and those with less formal education. New avenues for knowledge translation and dissemination of high-quality health information among patients are necessary