44 research outputs found

    Using Sustainble Architectural Wind-Driven Tubes Roof-Pond to Save Energy on Roof Cooling Loads in Tropical Climate: CFD Modeling and Experimental Investigations

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    The global increase in energy-related crises has led to the development of innovation to save energy resources for passive cooling or heating to cope with convective roof-pond as conventional one which uses open-close layers. Therefore, this research was conducted to save cooling energy by enhancing the conventional roof-pond through the implementation of a new application in the form of a wind-driven tube roof-pond. Several considerations. OneFirst: this roof pond is classified as an open roof pond equipped with a V-shaped shading device to block solar radiation from the sun in the morning and afternoon utilizes gusts of wind to cool the water temperature in the roof pond. Second, eliminating the traditional roof pond which operates mechanically open�close the layer water pond during the day, if the roof pond is closed during the day when solar radiation is hot, the water temperature will increase because there is no cross ventilation or wind blowing to cool the water roof pond in tropical hot and humid climates. Third: energy saving of cooling loads from building will include building skin loads, windows cooling loads and roof cooling loads. The roof pond will reduce heat flux most of all cooling loads from the roofs. So the roof pond research with the implementation of iron tubes accelerates cooling due to a lot of wind gusts so that it can save cooling load energy from the heat loads of the roof. The process methodology involved simulating the transportation of forced wind through a series of iron tubes using CFD. The convective cooling of ponds was also enhanced to examine the V shading devices at right angles. Moreover, the experimental models were used to determine the water pond and room ambient temperatures using Onset Hobo data loggers type U12 equipment and the final result showed that cooler of water pond occurred at 0.2 to 1℃ which is crucial among of temperatures in tropical climate zone and obtaining room ambient temperature of 0.2 to 0.7℃ in a wind-driven tubes system. It was concluded that the wind-driven roof-pond has a cooling load saving of 100 � 250 Watts per square meter day and night with wind-driven tubes


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    Atap beton datar banyak dipergunakan pada pertokoan, shopping mal gedung perkantoran, perhotelan bahkan seperti ruko dan rukan serta rumahrumah dimana lahan atap beton yang datar merupakan ruang luar yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk utilitas bangunan, landscape dan tambahan ruangan bila diperlukan (fleksibilitas tinggi). Tetapi radiasi solar matahari dekat ekuator(Surabaya sekitar 7o S) dan tropis sangat tinggi hingga rata-rata solar radiasi horisontal di musim penghujan sebesar 363 Wh.mĀ² dan 396 Wh.mĀ² di musim kemarau. Konsentrasi solar radiasi tersebut dapat memanaskan atap-atap beton datar tersebut sehingga akan menambah beban pengdinginan ruangan maupun mengurangi thermal comfort. Roofpond dan modifikasi atap beton datar berair + Water Condenser adalah untuk mengurangi beban solar radiasi matahari melalui atap. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kinerja termal atap beton datar Roofpond dan atap Water Condenser pada sistim ā€œPassive Coolingā€ untuk mengurangi beban panas atap kedalam ruangan. Besaran termal yang diukur adalah temperatur ruang pada model Stevenson Screen 1 m x 1 m yang penutup atas terbuat dari cor beton bertulang setebal 6 cm. Pengukuran temperatur dilakukan dengan menggunakan HOBO data logger U-12. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa prilaku termal ruangan dengan sistim Roofpond cukup baik mereduksi solar radiasi atap sepanjang tahun, terlebih pada bulan September ā€“ Desember dimana suhu udara merupakan terpanas di Surabaya. Sistim Roofpond tanpa diberi pembayangan dibandingkan dengan atap beton datar konvensional, temperatur rata-rata ruang dapat lebih rendah sebesar 1.4oC; 1.1oC; 2.2oC dan 1.1oC pada bulan Maret, Juni, September dan Desember tahun 2010


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    The use of split-type air conditioner in Surabaya results in the almost universal typical apartment layouts which feature a recessed balcony upon the buildingā€™s exterior faƧade which then utilized as air-conditioner condenser unit storage. FaƧade geometry with recessed balcony itself carries its own characteristic of surface air movement which affects the general Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and heat dissipation of a building. Nevertheless, faƧade as architectural elements greatly influence buildingā€™s energy performance. Inefficiencies in heat dissipation from a condenser unit is detrimental on its performance and precipitate energy wastage. Based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis incorporated with energy performance evaluation, the effectiveness of faƧade geometry with recessed balcony is explored in this paper. It was found that recessed balconies are not an ideal place for condenser unit placement on a faƧade where many factors contributed to promoting heat re-entry from condenser units into the buildingā€™s interior

    Effect of Tilt Angle of Building-Integrated Wind Turbine and Photovoltaic FaƧade on Wind Pressure and Solar Radiation

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    This study investigated the potential impacts of wind pressure and incident solar radiation on a building tilted faƧade installed with micro wind turbine and photovoltaic panels as a second skin faƧade for generating electricity. The wind pressure will affect wind turbine rotation, and solar radiation will affect the energy produced by the photovoltaic. The study used simulation modeling software to analyze the wind pressure and solar radiation received on the tilted faƧade. The research found that the force received by the tilted faƧade is more significant than that received by the 90Ā° tilted faƧade. The smaller the tilted-angle of the faƧade, the more radiation received by the PV panel. Conversely, the larger tilted-angle of the building faƧade, the less radiation received by the photovoltaic, despite the wind pressure received by the wind turbine being higher than that received by the 90Ā° tilt faƧade. However, the more radiation received by the faƧade, the more heat received by the building

    Remarkable 3-in-1 Pakis-Stem Green Roofs for Saving Thermal Flat Rooftop

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    The green councils in the world are often promoting green buildings in terms of energy savings by mitigating the thermal load on buildings,especially thermal rooftop, into the room. Green roofs can be the most effective to lower roof thermal in tropical regions, but complicated and costly to build a perfect green roof even for a simple extensive green rooftop. This research looks for a remarkable growing medium for constructing green roof. Pakis-stem blocks can perform a 3-in-1 function: as a light-weight growing medium for green rooftops, an easy-to-form urban farming in private buildings or residences, and an eco-friendly external roof insulation. After a deep measurement on the rooftop surface and room thermal behaviour, the pakis-stem green rooftop can reduce 16.4oC of surface dry-bulk temperature and approximately 7oC ambient room dry-bulk temperature lower compared to conventional rooftops at noon. Furthermore, the surface temperature and ambient room air temperature difference between Pakis vegetative green rooftops and miana scrub green rooftop is approximately 7oC and 3oC respectively

    Architectural Design for Renewable Energy

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    Energi terbarukan atau energi berkelanjutan atau Eco-energi dapat didefinisikan sebagai pemakaian energi untuk pengoperasian atau konsumsi energi suatu bangunan tanpa mengkonsumsi cadangan energi fosil di bumi seperti lazimnya yaitu batu-bara, minyak bumi dan gas alam tetapi memanfaatkan sumber energi alam setempat yang berpotensial lebih ramah lingkungan dan berkelanjutan karena energi sumber alam tersebut akan tersedia dalam waktu yang relatif sangat lama tidak akan kehabisan dan terjangkau. Konsep penggunaan energi terbarukan di sekitar tahun 1970 yang bertujuan antitesis terhadap pemakaian energi berbahan fosil yang bertahun tahun seperti batu bara, minyak bumi dan gas alam. Di Indonesia menggerakkan 8 sumber energi terbarukan yaitu: biofuel (bahan bakar hayati yang berasal dari tanaman sorgum dan tebu), biomassa (dari bahan organik yang belum lama mati seperti dahan/ranting dan daun kering pohon), panas bumi atau geothermal (panas yang tersimpan di bumi dalam jangka ribuan tahun), air, angin, matahari, gelombang laut atau ombak (energi yang didapat dari tekanan air laut yang naik turun), dan pasang surut(energi yang didapat dari pasang surutnya air laut dan perbedaan tinggi air laut saat pasang surut)


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    There are many ways to solve thermal on buildings, such as the installation of horizontal and vertical sun-shading devices on four-direction facades. However, rooftops are often ignored. In low-rise to high-rise buildingsā€™ rooftop, there are leftover places exposed to solar heat radiation all day. Some rooftop places are equipped with polymer thermal roof insulation, and some are even without outer thermal insulation. The research aims to find a solution to diminish the horizontal thermal radiation by using eco-friendly material, pumice, as an outer thermal insulation. Exploiting method was used on one roof model as a conventional rooftop (without outer insulation), and another as a modified rooftop model covered with pumice. Couple HOBO data logger U12-012 temperature sensors were used to measure rooftop surface temperatures and room model temperatures. Results show that the thermal radiation were blocked efficiently: 26oC on pumice covered rooftop. It saved 8.4oC room temperature


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    This research aimed to find the influence of vegetation outside the window to indoor light and thermal in Design studio, Architecture department of Petra Christian University, Surabaya. The vegetation was Shibataea kumasasa, cultivated in planter boxes, 90-100 centimeter high. The data was collected from the West and North window, for condition with and without vegetation outside the window. The measurement was taken on March until May 2019, using Hobo U12-012 data logger for measuring air temperature (�C), relative humidity (%) and illuminance (lux). Beside those physical measurement, the perception of 89 students as building user was also taken. The measurement result from windows facing West and North with the vegetation, the lowest indoor air temperature was 27�C with an average relative humidity of 70%. Meant its at the upper edge of the comfort zoneof Bioclimatic Chart from Olgyay and Canada�s National Occupational Health & Safety Resource (CCOHS), so the indoor space was still uncomfortable and cooling was required to get into the comfort zone at warm humid climate. Result from lighting measurements obtained for west-oriented windows with vegetation outside the window, the highest illuminance was 350 lux at 02:45 pm, as well as for windows facing North at 07.30 am - 04.45 pm in range of 105 - 155 lux (highest). So, if there are vegetation outside windows, it will require electric lighting addition, because the illuminance are below the SNI 03-6197-2011which recommends 750 lux for design studio. Whilst the user respond from the questionnaire taken, stated that aesthetic vegetation was expected for natural element, blocked the penetration of solar radiation into indoor, and reduce glare to increase visual comfort without reducing luminous sufficiency for the visual activities in the design studio

    The Value of Corridor in Flat as Place Attachment In the Life of the Dwellers

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    Abstract. Place attachment has been researched extensively in the behavioral and architecture studies over the past two decades. In the production of housing, designers mainly focus on the quality of the physical components. Place attachment is just the form of connection between a person and the environmental setting. However, it is challenging for this study to grasp the aspects of meanings and attachment, both in the level of personal, community and natural environment contexts, which are not adequately considered in the design process. In this study, three dimensional model of personal and community attachments to their corridor in flat, was conceptually and empirically examined. The aim is to testing an integrated approach to measurement of place attachment at corridor in flat in understanding the values of places in the life of the dwellers. Sample cases include examining attachment to corridor in three flats of Surabaya, Indonesia. It was evident that the value of corridor as a places was affected with their daily experience of the places, social bonding, neighborhood interaction and landscape values


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    Invensi ini berhubungan dengan modular segi enam kincir angin mikro dan pipa pemantul cahaya matahari pada fasade ganda. Secara khusus invensi fasade ganda ini terdiri dari banyak kincir angin mikro dan deretan pemantul cahaya matahari. Kincir angin mikro ini ditempatkan di setiap modular segi enam fasade ganda dan menghasilkan listrik sebagai energi terbarukan dengan mekanisme pembangkit listrik magnetik yang berputar pada poros secara vertikal; dari perputaran gesekan magnetik diperoleh tenaga listrik magnetic arus searah