159 research outputs found

    Na poti k nacionalnemu temeljnemu učnemu načrtu za področje urbanizma: primer Srbije

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    Over the past three decades, Serbiaā€™s development context has been marked by social and economic transition, war conflicts, and accession to the European Union (EU). These three factors have altered the dominant ideology and value system, including concepts, models of engagement, types of solutions, skills and knowledge across all fields of human endeavor, urbanism included. The complexity of these changes, and the growing tendency to exclude urbanists from local and national development policies and projects, require a re-assessment of their current role and position in urban governance, as well as of the adequacy of their competences and models of education. This paper presents a proposal for introducing a National Core Curriculum in Urbanism (NCCU) as a strategically significant instrument with a number of key roles: (a) to build capacity of the professional community for facing developmental challenges and so ensure ongoing sustainability; (b) to evaluate the quality and guide the development of (new) study programmes; and (c) to allow Serbian professionals to become competitive in the European/global market. The paper comprises three main parts. The first section discusses the relative merits of an NCCU, together with an overview of international initiatives, experiences, and practices in this area. The second part presents key documents relevant for developing the NCCU, grouped into three categories: (i) ā€˜agendasā€™, or development concepts and EUā€™s directives; (ii) charters of associations of planning schools, and (iii) the local contextā€™s legal framework and public policies. The conclusion section introduces a possible methodological procedure for institutionalising the NCC and discusses potential advantages/benefits and disadvantages/drawbacks of this instrument.V zadnjih treh desetletjih so razvojni kontekst Srbije zaznamovali družbena in gospodarska tranzicija, vojni konflikti in vstop v Evropsko unijo (EU). Ti trije dejavniki so spremenili prevladujočo ideologijo in vrednostni sistem, vključno s koncepti, modeli vključevanja, vrstami reÅ”itev, spretnostmi in znanjem na vseh področjih človekovih prizadevanj, vključno z urbanizmom. Zaradi kompleksnosti teh sprememb in vse večjih teženj, da bi urbaniste izključili iz lokalnih in nacionalnih razvojnih politik in projektov, bo treba ponovno oceniti njihovo trenutno vlogo in položaj v urbanističnem upravljanju kot tudi ustreznost njihove usposobljenosti, pristojnosti in modelov izobraževanja. Prispevek predstavlja predlog za uvedbo nacionalnega temeljnega učnega načrta za področje urbanizma kot strateÅ”ko pomembnega instrumenta z večjim Å”tevilom ključnih vlog: (a) povečati zmogljivost strokovne skupnosti za soočanje z razvojnimi cilji in tako zagotavljati vzdržnost, (b) oceniti kakovost in usmerjati razvoj (novih) Å”tudijskih programov in (c) strokovnjakom v Srbiji omogočiti, da postanejo konkurenčni na evropskem/svetovnem trgu. Prispevek je razdeljen na tri dele. Prvi del obravnava prednosti temeljnega učnega načrta za področje urbanizma, s pregledom mednarodnih pobud, izkuÅ”enj in praks na tem področju. Drugi del predstavlja ključne dokumente, pomembne za razvoj temeljnega učnega načrta, ki so razvrŔčeni v tri kategorije: (i) agende ali razvojni koncepti in direktive EU, (ii) listine združenj Å”ol za prostorsko načrtovanje ter (iii) pravni okvir na lokalni ravni in javne politike. V sklepu predlagamo metodoloÅ”ki postopek za institucionalizacijo temeljnega učnega načrta ter obravnavamo potencialne prednosti/koristi in slabosti/pomanjkljivosti tega instrumenta

    Basis of bone strength vs. bone fragility: A review of determinants of age-related hip fracture risk

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    The burden of hip fractures in elderly population has been growing worldwide. A particular focus has been directed towards identifying persons at high risk of fracture. However, bone mineral density (BMD), which is currently used in clinical settings as an indicator of risk of age-related fracture, cannot explain all fracture cases in the elderly. In fact, the risk of hip fractures in the elderly is associated with numerous bone features that degrade bone strength. This review focuses on complexity of bone features that could account for increased bone fragility in advanced age. Besides a decrease in BMD, various macroscopic and microscopic structural parameters, as well as the material of which the bone is composed, are subject to age-related changes. Therefore, in order to have a more thorough assessment of the fracture risk, it is essential to provide integrative approaches that combine BMD measure with other relevant bone features. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 45005

    Digital Archive of the Banat Vernaculars and Culture: Fieldwork and Perspectives

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    In this paper we will outline the key characteristics of the Digital Archive of the Balkan Institute of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, abb. DABI. The DABI is created on the basis of data being collected in the fieldwork over the course of more than a decade. The emphasis of our paper is placed upon the recordings made during the fieldwork in the Serbian Banat among different ethnic, linguistic and confessional communities. We will point at possibilities and perspectives regarding the DABI development and its utilisation for scientific, educational and museum purposes.Zbornik radova s Međunarodnog naučnog skupa, održanog u VrÅ”cu (Srbija), 17ā€“19. novembar 2011

    Integrated rural development projects for sustainable territory development of the city of Smederevo

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    One of the basic characteristics of Serbian territorial development is the concentrated development of several major urban centres driven by a rapid decline of the quality of life in villages, their depopulation and impoverishment. The basic thesis of this paper is, in accordance with the current global, European and national development agendas, that the sustainable territorial development can be achieved exclusively through balanced rural-urban development. This paper introduces integrated rural development projects (IRDP) as instruments for reaching sustainable territorial development for the city of Smederevo. They are developed within the Master Program in Integrated Urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade supported by the DANURB project and the city government. The main aim of the paper is to present the pedagogical model and IRDP development methodology, as well as results produced within the teaching process ā€“ five master theses. These projects differ in main themes, the size of the territory, types and formats of the solutions, but have the same objectives - to improve the quality of life of individuals, families and rural communities, and, thus, increase their visibility and attractiveness. Their aim is not only to prevent out-migration of young people from the villages, but also to encourage in-migration of new population. When viewed from that perspective, besides straightening rural areas, these IRDPs can contribute to the reduction of pressure on urban areas, whose spatial, infrastructural, institutional and ecological capacities are increasingly burdened and hold back sustainable development

    A combining genetic learning algorithm and risk matrix model using in optimal production program

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    Jedan od veoma važnih ciljeva u svakom preduzeću je naći optimalno reÅ”enje kod inverznih viÅ”ekriterijumskih funkcija. Funkcija kojom se opisuju troÅ”kovi i funkcija kojom se opisuje profi t po jedinici proizvoda su dve inverzne funkcije sa mnogo konfliktnih informacija o proizvodnim parametrima. Pored toga, za donosioca odluke veoma važno je ukazati na rizik koje optimalno reÅ”enje nosi sa sobom, Iz tog razloga u radu je razvijen model koji predstavlja kombinaciju primene genetskih algoritama (GA) i matrica rizika, radi poboljÅ”anja kvaliteta odluke koja se bazira na kvantitativnim indikatorima, a ne samo na kvalitativnim. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da model integracije GA i RM ima veoma veliki značaj u olakÅ”anju procesa odlučivanja o optimalnom proizvodnom programu uz istovremeno i povećanje kvaliteta donesenih odluka.One of the important issues for any enterprises is the compromise optimal solution between inverse of multi objective functions. The prediction of the production cost and/or profit per unit of a product and deal with two obverse functions at same time can be extremely difficult, especially if there is a lot of conflict information about production parameters. But the most important is how much risk of this compromise solution. For this reason, the research introduce and developed a strong and cabable model of genatic algorithim combining with risk management matrix to increase the quality of decisions as it is based on quantitive indicators, not on qualititive evaluation. Research results show that integration of genetic algorithm and risk management matrix model has strong significant in the decision making where it power and time to make the right decision and improve the quality of the decision making as well

    Influence of two weeks balance practice with feedback on the gait in hemiplegic patients

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    We hypothesized that practicing balance with feedback will improve the gait in hemiplegic patients. The practice consisted of two weeks 30-minute long Wii-Fit balance board gaming. The gait analysis was based on ground reaction pressures (GRP) recorded with the custom designed insoles. The data were collected at 100 samples per second from two insoles, each comprising five pressure (force) sensors. The sensors communicated with the host computer by a WiFi link. Custom software was developed in Matlab for automatic segmentation of the GRP data into segments belonging to swing and stance phases of each step. The examiner could correct the automatic segmentation if necessary. The outputs from the program were: pressure vs. time from all sensors and standard gait data (cadence, symmetry index, etc.). The results show that the exercise of the function with feedback has positive effects on the gait performance. The exercise period was only two weeks, and the group was small and heterogeneous; hence, a more extensive study is required for proving the significance

    Innervation of bones: Why it should not be neglected?

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    Bones encompass a diverse network of sensory, sympathetic and even parasympathetic nerve fibers. While there is still insufficient understanding of the exact roles of these fibers in the skeleton, there is increasing evidence that they serve both afferent and efferent functions. Apart from pain transmission, some of their functions are regulation of bone remodeling, skeletal growth and fracture healing. That indicates that further research on bone innervation may shed more light on the main topics of bone biology, such as bone fragility in aged and osteoporotic individuals, alterations in fracture healing in various conditions, bone cancer pain, etc. This review article will present main morphological and functional characteristics of bone innervation

    Ispitivanje stabilnosti vakcine kućne praÅ”ine za sublingvalnu imunoterapiju

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    Allergen-specific immunotherapy with house dust mite (HDM) allergen extracts can effectively alleviate the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and asthma. The efficacy of the immunotherapeutic treatment is highly dependent on the quality of house dust mite vaccines. This study was performed to assess the stability of house dust mite allergen vaccines prepared for sublingual immunotherapy. Lyophilized Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Dpt) mite bodies were the starting material for the production of sublingual vaccines in four therapeutic concentrations. The stability of the extract for vaccine production, which was stored below 4 Ā°C for one month, showed consistence in the protein profile in SDS PAGE. ELISA-inhibition showed that the potencies of Dpt vaccines during a 12 month period were to 65-80 % preserved at all analyzed therapeutic concentrations. This study showed that glycerinated Dpt vaccines stored at 4Ā°C preserved their IgE-binding potential during a 12 month period, implying their suitability for sublingual immunotherapeutic treatment of HDM allergy.Alergen-specifična imunoterapija predstavlja postupak koji može da promeni tok bolesti kod alergijskog rinitisa i astme. Kvalitet vakcine pripremljene od kućnih grinja značajno utiče na efikasnost imunoterapeutskog tretmana. Ispitivanje je imalo za cilj procenu stabilnosti vakcine kućnih grinja namenjene za sublingvalnu imunoterapiju. Telo liofilozovanih Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus grinja (Dpt-grinja) upotrebljeno je kao polazni materijal za proizvodnju sublingvalne vakcine u 4 različita terapeutska razblaženja. Potentnost Dpt vakcina praćena ELISA-inhibicijom u 4 terapeutska razblaženja, nakon 12 meseci zadržan je u svim razblaženjima u opsegu 65-80%. Ispitivanje je pokazalo da glicerolom stabilizovane Dpt vakcine za subligvalnu imunoterapiju, uz čuvanje na 4Ā°C zadržavaju alergeni potencijal ( gt 65%) nakon 12 meseci od njihove pripreme, i kao takve mogu se koristiti za tretman alergije na kućne grinje

    Ššolaborativni pristup za utvrđivanje i odbranu javnog interesa u neoliberalnom, politizovanom i polarizovanom urbanom pejzažu

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    Porast zagađenja, neotpornost na posledice klimatskih promena, nedovoljna zaÅ”tita i degradacija prirodnih vrednosti, kulturnog nasleđa i javne svojine utiču na opadanje kvaliteta života u naÅ”im gradovima i selima, i izazivaju sve izraženije otpore građana reÅ”enjima koja su definisana planovima i ostalim dokumentima javnih politika. Po miÅ”ljenju autora, navedeni problemi ukazuju na neadekvatne kapacitete sistema institucija, koje su na različitim nivoima nadležne za planiranje i upravljanje razvojem, da utvrde javni interes u novom razvojnom kontekstu, nađu način da ga odbrane i uspostave balans u odnosu na privatni i partikularni. Jedan od ključnih razloga ā€žnedoraslostiā€ institucija za suočavanje s navedenim složenim razvojnim problemima leži u načinu njihove transformacije u periodu tranzicije koja se odigrava(la) u kontekstu dveju značajnih okolnosti

    Antitumorski efekti smeŔe n-propil polisulfida in vitro

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    Copper serves as a limiting factor for multiple steps of tumour progression, including angiogenesis, growth and metastasis. High levels of copper have been found in a wide spectrum of human cancers. Antitumour activities of copper-chelating drugs have been reported in animal models. Organosulfur compounds (diallyl sulfide, DAS; diallyl disulfide, DADS; S-ethylcysteine, SEC; N-acetylcysteine, NAC) derived from garlic exhibit marked copper-chelating activity. We analysed a mixture of fifteen n-propyl polysulfides (DPPS) for potential antitumour activity against several murine tumour cell lines, including colon carcinoma (CT26), mammary carcinoma (4T1) and melanoma cell lines (B16F10), and compared the effects with the antiproliferative effect in highly proliferative murine mesenchymal stem cells (mMSCs). The effects of the mixture of n-propyl polysulfides (100%) on cell viability were determined using MTT assays. Cell apoptosis was analysed using Annexin V-FITC/PI assays.The results of the MTT assays indicate that this standardized mixture of n-propyl polysulfides has a strong, dose-dependent cytotoxic effect against all three of the tested tumour cell lines (CT26, 4T1, B16F10). The cytotoxic effect of the n-propyl polysulfide mixture against the CT26 and B16F10 cell lines was much stronger than that of cisplatin and was significantly weaker in mMSCs, which are non-cancerous and highly proliferative cells, than in cancer cells. Flow cytometric analysis of CT26 and 4T1 cells revealed that apoptosis was not the dominant mechanism of cell death induced by the n-propyl polysulfide mixture. The n-propyl polysulfide mixture exerted highly cytotoxic activity against murine colon carcinoma and melanoma cell lines, but its antiproliferative activity against mMSCs was significantly lower than that of cisplatin.Bakar učestvuje u različitim fazama progresije tumora, u angiogenezi, rastu i metastaziranju. Povećane vrednosti bakra u serumu i u tkivu tumora, karakteristika su različitih vrsta tumora kod ljudi. U animalnim eksperimentalnim modelima, supstance (lekovi) koje heliraju bakar ispoljavaju anti-tumorski efekat. Helatori bakra su i organosumporna jedinjenja, izolovana iz belog luka. U ovoj studiji analizirali smo potencijalnu anti-tumorsku aktivnost smeÅ”e petnaest različitih n-propil polisulfi da na nekoliko miÅ”jih ćelijskih linija tumora: karcinom kolona (CT26), karcinom dojke (4T1) i melanom (B16F10). Aktivnost ove smeÅ”e na tumorskim linijama, uporedili smo sa antiproliferativnim efektom na mezenhimalne matične ćelije miÅ”a (engl. murine mesenchymal stem cells, mMSC). Efekat smeÅ”e n-propil polisulfi da (100%) na vijabilnost ćelija ispitali smo MTT testom. Apoptozu ćelija smo analizirali koristeći Annexin V-FITC/PI test. Rezultati MTT testa ukazuju da standardizovana smeÅ”a n-propil polisulfi da ima jak citotoksični, dozno-zavisni, efekat na sve tri testirane ćelijske linije tumora (CT26, 4T1, B16F10). SmeÅ”a n-propil polisulfi da ispoljava izraženiji citotoksični efekat na CT26 i B16F10 linije u odnosu na cisplatinu. Citotoksični efekat ove smeÅ”e na mMSC je značajno slabiji poredeći sa efektom cisplatine, Å”to ukazuje na selektivnije dejstvo. Analiza CT26 i 4T1 ćelija protočnom citometrijom pokazala je da apoptoza nije glavni oblik smrti ćelija, koju uzrokuje smeÅ”a n-propil polisulfi - da. SmeÅ”a n-propil polisulfi da ispoljava jaču citotoksičnu aktivnost na ćelijskim linijama miÅ”jeg karcinoma kolona i melanoma i slabiju aktivnost na mMSC u poređenju sa efektom cisplatine
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