2,606 research outputs found

    How epigenetic evolution can guide genetic evolution (abstract)

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    The expression level of a gene in future generations can be modified both by genetic mutations and by the attachment of methyl groups to the DNA. Since the DNA methylation pattern along a genome is inherited, methylation patterns constitute a significant epigenetic inheritance mechanism that is subject to evolution by natural selection. The variation rate of methylation patterns is generally higher than that of DNA which suggests that evolution of methylation patterns might be more rapid than that of genetic evolution. But, common consequences of methylation, such as reduced expression of methylated genes, could also be produced by genetic changes and these would have higher heritability. The question we address in this work is how the evolution of epigenetic methylation-dependent phenotypes might interact with the evolution of genetic DNA-determined phenotypes. There is no biological mechanism known to directly transfer methyl groups into equivalent DNA changes. However, in principle an indirect mechanism could cause evolved methylation patterns to enable the subsequent evolution of equivalent genetic patterns in a manner analogous to the Baldwin effect (Baldwin, Am. Nat., 30:441-451, 1896; Jablonka et al, TREE, 13:206-210, 1998). The Baldwin effect describes how non-heritable acquired characteristics can influence the evolution of equivalent genetic characteristics without any direct Lamarckian inheritance of acquired characters. This occurs because the ability to acquire or learn a new behaviour changes the selective pressures acting on genetic changes. Specifically, genetic changes that support this behaviour, e.g. by reducing learning time by making a small part of the behaviour genetically innate, may be selected for when the learning mechanism is present even though these same genetic changes may not be selected for when the learning mechanism is absent. Over generations, the modified selection pressures so produced can cause genetic assimilation of a phenotype that was previously acquired, even to the extent of making the acquisition mechanism subsequently redundant. Thus a learned behaviour can guide the evolution of an equivalent innate behaviour (Hinton & Nowlan, Complex Systems, 1: 495-502, 1987). In the Baldwin effect a rapid mechanism of lifetime adaptation guides the relatively slow genetic evolution of the same behaviour. By analogy, Jablonka et al have suggested that “genetic adaptations may be guided by heritable induced or learnt phenotypic adaptations”. Here we hypothesise that “inherited epigenetic variations may be able to ‘hold’ an adapted state for long enough to allow similar genetic variations to catch up”, as they put it, even if the epigenetic variations are not induced or learnt but simply evolved by natural selection on methylation patterns. We assume that an individual may only express one phenotype in its lifetime, but that a given genome will persist relatively unchanged on a timescale that allows its methylome to adapt by natural selection. Thus, in contrast to the Baldwin effect, in this case two mechanisms of evolution by natural selection are coupled — one acting at a different variation rate from the other. We present a simple model to illustrate how a rapidly evolving methylome can guide a slowly evolving but highly-heritable genome. This is used to show that methylome evolution can enable genetic evolution to cross fitness valleys that would otherwise require multiple genetic changes that were each selected against. This finding suggests that the relatively rapid evolution of methylation patterns can produce novel phenotypes that are subsequently genetically assimilated in DNA evolution without direct transfer or appeal to induced phenotypes. This can enable the genetic evolution of new phenotypes that would not be found by genetic evolution alone, even if methylation is not significant in the ultimate phenotype

    Optimisation in ‘Self-modelling’ Complex Adaptive Systems

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    When a dynamical system with multiple point attractors is released from an arbitrary initial condition it will relax into a configuration that locally resolves the constraints or opposing forces between interdependent state variables. However, when there are many conflicting interdependencies between variables, finding a configuration that globally optimises these constraints by this method is unlikely, or may take many attempts. Here we show that a simple distributed mechanism can incrementally alter a dynamical system such that it finds lower energy configurations, more reliably and more quickly. Specifically, when Hebbian learning is applied to the connections of a simple dynamical system undergoing repeated relaxation, the system will develop an associative memory that amplifies a subset of its own attractor states. This modifies the dynamics of the system such that its ability to find configurations that minimise total system energy, and globally resolve conflicts between interdependent variables, is enhanced. Moreover, we show that the system is not merely ‘recalling’ low energy states that have been previously visited but ‘predicting’ their location by generalising over local attractor states that have already been visited. This ‘self-modelling’ framework, i.e. a system that augments its behaviour with an associative memory of its own attractors, helps us better-understand the conditions under which a simple locally-mediated mechanism of self-organisation can promote significantly enhanced global resolution of conflicts between the components of a complex adaptive system. We illustrate this process in random and modular network constraint problems equivalent to graph colouring and distributed task allocation problems

    The impact of college student immersion service learning trips on coping with stress and vocational identity

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    This study examined the impact of service learning immersion trips on vocational identity and coping with stress among college students. Fifty-one students (15 males, 36 females) who participated in immersion trips and 76 students (25 males, 51 females) in a non-immersion control group completed a series of questionnaires directly before and immediately after both fall and spring break immersion trips, and during a four-month follow up. Results suggest that, after returning from an immersion trip, students report a greater ability to cope with stress and a somewhat stronger sense of vocational identity relative to students who do not participate in immersion trips

    The evolution of phenotypic correlations and “developmental memory”

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    Development introduces structured correlations among traits that may constrain or bias the distribution of phenotypes produced. Moreover, when suitable heritable variation exists, natural selection may alter such constraints and correlations, affecting the phenotypic variation available to subsequent selection. However, exactly how the distribution of phenotypes produced by complex developmental systems can be shaped by past selective environments is poorly understood. Here we investigate the evolution of a network of recurrent nonlinear ontogenetic interactions, such as a gene regulation network, in various selective scenarios. We find that evolved networks of this type can exhibit several phenomena that are familiar in cognitive learning systems. These include formation of a distributed associative memory that can “store” and “recall” multiple phenotypes that have been selected in the past, recreate complete adult phenotypic patterns accurately from partial or corrupted embryonic phenotypes, and “generalize” (by exploiting evolved developmental modules) to produce new combinations of phenotypic features. We show that these surprising behaviors follow from an equivalence between the action of natural selection on phenotypic correlations and associative learning, well-understood in the context of neural networks. This helps to explain how development facilitates the evolution of high-fitness phenotypes and how this ability changes over evolutionary time

    Divergent confidence intervals among pre-specified analyses in the HiSTORIC stepped wedge trial:an exploratory post-hoc investigation

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    BACKGROUND: The high-sensitivity cardiac troponin on presentation to rule out myocardial infarction (HiSTORIC) study was a stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial with long before-and-after periods, involving seven hospitals across Scotland. Results were divergent for the binary safety endpoint (type 1 or type 4b myocardial infarction or cardiac death) across certain pre-specified analyses, which warranted further investigation. In particular, the calendar-matched analysis produced an odds ratio in the opposite direction to the primary logistic mixed-effects model analysis. METHODS: Several post-hoc statistical models were fitted to each of the co-primary outcomes of length of hospital stay and safety events, which included adjusting for exposure time, incorporating splines, and fitting a random time effect. We improved control of patient characteristics over time by adjusting for multiple additional covariates using different methods: direct inclusion, regression adjustment for propensity score, and weighting. A data augmentation approach was also conducted aiming to reduce the effect of sparse data bias. Finally, the raw data was examined. RESULTS: The new statistical models confirmed the results of the pre-specified trial analysis. In particular, the observed divergence between the calendar-matched and other analyses remained, even after performing the covariate adjustment methods, and after using data augmentation. Divergence was particularly acute for the safety endpoint, which had an event rate of 0.36% overall. Examining the raw data was particularly helpful to assess the sensitivity of the results to small changes in event rates and identify patterns in the data. CONCLUSIONS: Our experience reveals the importance of conducting multiple pre-specified sensitivity analyses and examining the raw data, particularly for stepped wedge trials with low event rates or with a small number of sites. Before-and-after analytical approaches that adjust for differences in patient populations but avoid direct modelling of the time trend should be considered in future stepped wedge trials with similar designs

    Stable isotopes demonstrate intraspecific variation in habitat use and trophic level of non‐breeding albatrosses

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    The non‐breeding period is critical for restoration of body condition and self‐maintenance in albatrosses, yet detailed information on diet and distribution during this stage of the annual cycle is lacking for many species. Here, we use stable isotope values of body feathers (δ13C, δ15N) to infer habitat use and trophic level of non‐breeding adult Grey‐headed Albatrosses Thalassarche chrysostoma (n = 194) from South Georgia. Specifically, we: (1) investigate intrinsic drivers (sex, age, previous breeding outcome) of variation in habitat use and trophic level; (2) quantify variation among feathers of the same birds; and (3) examine potential carry‐over effects of habitat use and trophic level during the non‐breeding period on subsequent breeding outcome. In agreement with previous tracking studies, δ13C values of individual feathers indicate that non‐breeding Grey‐headed Albatrosses from South Georgia foraged across a range of oceanic habitats, but mostly in subantarctic waters, between the Antarctic Polar Front and Subtropical Front. Sex differences were subtle but statistically significant, and overlap in the core isotopic niche areas was high (62%); however, males exhibited slightly lower δ13C and higher δ15N values than females, indicating that males forage at higher latitudes and at a higher trophic level. Neither age nor previous breeding outcome influenced stable isotope values, and we found no evidence of carry‐over effects of non‐breeding habitat use or trophic level on subsequent breeding outcome. Repeatability among feathers of the same individual was moderate in δ13C and low in δ15N. This cross‐sectional study demonstrates high variability in the foraging and migration strategies of this albatross population

    Convicts and coolies : rethinking indentured labour in the nineteenth century

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    This article seeks to shift the frame of analysis within which discussions of Indian indentured migration take place. It argues that colonial discourses and practices of indenture are best understood not with regard to the common historiographical framework of whether it was 'a new system of slavery', but in the context of colonial innovations in incarceration and confinement. The article shows how Indian experiences of and knowledge about transportation overseas to penal settlements informed in important ways both their own understandings and representations of migration and the colonial practices associated with the recruitment of indentured labour. In detailing the connections between two supposedly different labour regimes, it thus brings a further layer of complexity to debates around their supposed distinctions

    Mechanisms by which sialylated milk oligosaccharides impact bone biology in a gnotobiotic mouse model of infant undernutrition

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    Undernutrition in children is a pressing global health problem, manifested in part by impaired linear growth (stunting). Current nutritional interventions have been largely ineffective in overcoming stunting, emphasizing the need to obtain better understanding of its underlying causes. Treating Bangladeshi children with severe acute malnutrition with therapeutic foods reduced plasma levels of a biomarker of osteoclastic activity without affecting biomarkers of osteoblastic activity or improving their severe stunting. To characterize interactions among the gut microbiota, human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs), and osteoclast and osteoblast biology, young germ-free mice were colonized with cultured bacterial strains from a 6-mo-old stunted infant and fed a diet mimicking that consumed by the donor population. Adding purified bovine sialylated milk oligosaccharides (S-BMO) with structures similar to those in human milk to this diet increased femoral trabecular bone volume and cortical thickness, reduced osteoclasts and their bone marrow progenitors, and altered regulators of osteoclastogenesis and mediators of Th2 responses. Comparisons of germ-free and colonized mice revealed S-BMO-dependent and microbiota-dependent increases in cecal levels of succinate, increased numbers of small intestinal tuft cells, and evidence for activation of a succinate-induced tuft cell signaling pathway linked to Th2 immune responses. A prominent fucosylated HMO, 2'-fucosyllactose, failed to elicit these changes in bone biology, highlighting the structural specificity of the S-BMO effects. These results underscore the need to further characterize the balance between, and determinants of, osteoclastic and osteoblastic activity in stunted infants/children, and suggest that certain milk oligosaccharides may have therapeutic utility in this setting
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