4,786 research outputs found

    Digital memory sense amplifying means Patent

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    Digital magnetic core memory with sensing amplifier circuit

    Digital data command bus

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    Command bus constructed from coaxial cable has short segments of its outer jacket and shield removed and replaced with small ferrite cores carrying multiturn windings connected to decoder. Device reduces number of wire pairs required to communicate command data to systems and subsystems

    Transfluxor circuit amplifies sensing current for computer memories

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    To transfer data from the magnetic memory core to an independent core, a reliable sensing amplifier has been developed. Later the data in the independent core is transferred to the arithmetical section of the computer

    The Anomalous Temporal Behaviour of Broadband Lyα\alpha Emission During Solar Flares From SDO/EVE

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    Despite being the most prominent emission line in the solar spectrum, there has been a notable lack of studies devoted to variations in Lyα\alpha emission during solar flares in recent years. However, the few examples that do exist have shown Lyα\alpha emission to be a substantial radiator of the total energy budget of solar flares (on the order of 10%). It is also a known driver of fluctuations in earth's ionosphere. The EUV Variability Experiment (EVE) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory now provides broadband, photometric Lyα\alpha data at 10 s cadence with its Multiple EUV Grating Spectrograph-Photometer (MEGS-P) component, and has observed scores of solar flares in the 5 years since it was launched. However, the MEGS-P time profiles appear to display a rise time of tens of minutes around the time of the flare onset. This is in stark contrast to the rapid, impulsive increase observed in other intrinsically chromospheric features (Hα\alpha, Lyβ\beta, LyC, C III, etc.). Furthermore, the emission detected by MEGS-P peaks around the time of the peak of thermal soft X-ray emission, rather than during the impulsive phase when energy deposition in the chromosphere - often assumed to be in the form of nonthermal electrons - is greatest. Given that spectrally-resolved Lyα\alpha observations during flares from SORCE/SOLSTICE peak during the impulsive phase as expected, this suggests that the atypical behaviour of MEGS-P data is a manifestation of the broadband nature of the observations. This could imply that other lines and/or continuum emission that becomes enhanced during flares could be contributing to the passband. Users are hereby urged to exercise caution when interpreting broadband Lyα\alpha observations of solar flares. Comparisons have also been made with other broadband Lyα\alpha photometers such as PROBA2/LYRA and GOES/EUVS-E.Comment: Submitted to A&A Research Notes, 5 pages 4 figure

    The Foggy Dew

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    Foam composite structures

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    The need to include fire resistant foams into state of the art aircraft interior paneling to increase passenger safety in aircraft fires was studied. Present efforts were directed toward mechanical and fire testing of panels with foam inclusions. Skinned foam filled honeycomb and PBI structural foams were the two constructions investigated with attention being directed toward weight/performance/cost trade-off. All of the new panels demonstrated improved performance in fire and some were lighter weight but not as strong as the presently used paneling. Continued efforts should result in improved paneling for passenger safety. In particular the simple partial filling (fire side) of state-of-the-art honeycomb with fire resistant foams with little sacrifice in weight would result in panels with increased fire resistance. More important may be the retarded rate of toxic gas evolution in the fire due to the protection of the honeycomb by the foam

    Low cycle fatigue behavior of conventionally cast MAR-M 200 AT 1000 deg C

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    The low cycle fatigue behavior of the nickel-based superalloy MAR-M 200 in conventionally cast form was studied at 1000 C. Continuous cycling tests, without hold times, were conducted with inelastic strain ranges of from 0.04 to 0.33 percent. Tests were also conducted which included a hold time at peak strain in either tension or compression. For the conditions studied, it was determined that imposition of hold times did not significantly affect the fatigue life. Also, for continuous cycling tests, increasing or decreasing the cycle frequency did not affect life. Metallographic analysis revealed that the most significant damage mechanism involved environmentally assisted intergranular crack initiation and propagation, regardless of the cycle type. Changes in the gamma morphology (rafting and rod formation) were observed, but did not significantly affect the failure

    Low-density polybenzimidazole foams for thermal insulation and fire protection

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    Fire-resistant and nonsmoking foam can be prepared in desirable density range of 24 to 50 kg/cu m by controlled thermal crosslinking of polybenzimidazole prepolymer. Reproducible foams of specific density can be produced by controlling volative content and melting temperature of prepolymer

    Low cycle fatigue of MAR-M 200 single crystals at 760 and 870 deg C

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    Fully reversed low cycle fatigue tests were conducted on single crystals of the nickel-base superalloys Mar-M 200 at 760 C and 870 C. At 760 C, planar slip (octahedral) lead to orientation-dependent strain hardening and cyclic lives. Multiple slip crystals strain hardened the most, resulting in relatively high stress ranges and low lives. Single slip crystals strain hardened the least, resulting in relatively low stress ranges and higher lives. A preferential crack initiation site which was related to slip plane geometry was observed in single slip orientated crystals. At 870 C, the trends were quite different, and the slip character was much more homogeneous. As the tensile axis orientation deviated from 001 , the stress ranges increased and the cyclic lives decreased. Two possible mechanisms were proposed to explain the behavior: one is based on Takeuchi and Kuramoto's cube cross-slip model, and the other is based on orientation-dependent creep rates