323 research outputs found

    Raccoon Spatial Ecology in the Rural Southeastern United States

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    The movement ecology of raccoons varies widely across habitats with important implications for the management of zoonotic diseases such as rabies. However, the spatial ecology of raccoons remains poorly understood in many regions of the United States, particularly in the southeast. To better understand the spatial ecology of raccoons in the southeastern US, we investigated the role of sex, season, and habitat on monthly raccoon home range and core area sizes in three common rural habitats (bottomland hardwood, upland pine, and riparian forest) in South Carolina, USA. From 2018–2022, we obtained 264 monthly home ranges from 46 raccoons. Mean monthly 95% utilization distribution (UD) sizes ranged from 1.05 ± 0.48 km2 (breeding bottomland females) to 5.69 ± 3.37 km2 (fall riparian males) and mean monthly 60% UD sizes ranged from 0.25 ± 0.15 km2 (breeding bottomland females) to 1.59 ± 1.02 km2 (summer riparian males). Males maintained home range and core areas ~2–5 times larger than females in upland pine and riparian habitat throughout the year, whereas those of bottomland males were only larger than females during the breeding season. Home ranges and core areas of females did not vary across habitats, whereas male raccoons had home ranges and core areas ~2–3 times larger in upland pine and riparian compared to bottomland hardwood throughout much of the year. The home ranges of males in upland pine and riparian are among the largest recorded for raccoons in the United States. Such large and variable home ranges likely contribute to elevated risk of zoonotic disease spread by males in these habitats. These results can be used to inform disease mitigation strategies in the southeastern United States

    Raccoons (\u3ci\u3eProcyon lotor\u3c/i\u3e) Show Higher \u3ci\u3eTrypanosoma cruzi\u3c/i\u3e Detection Rates than Virginia Opossums (\u3ci\u3eDidelphis virginiana\u3c/i\u3e) in South Carolina, USA

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    Chagas disease, a significant public health concern in the Americas, is caused by a protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi. The life cycle of T. cruzi involves kissing bugs (Triatoma spp.) functioning as vectors and mammalian species serving as hosts. Raccoons (Procyon lotor) and opossums (Didelphis virginiana) have been identified as important reservoir species in the life cycle of T. cruzi, but prevalence in both species in the southeastern United States is currently understudied. We quantified T. cruzi prevalence in these two key reservoir species across our study area in South Carolina, USA, and identified factors that may influence parasite detection. We collected whole blood from 183 raccoons and 126 opossums and used PCR to detect the presence of T. cruzi. We then used generalized linear models with parasite detection status as a binary response variable and predictor variables of land cover, distance to water, sex, season, and species. Our analysis indicated that raccoons experienced significantly higher parasite detection rates than Virginia opossums, with T. cruzi prevalence found to be 26.5% (95% confidence interval [CI], 20.0–33.8) in raccoons and 10.5% (95% CI, 5.51–17.5) in opossums. Overall, our results concur with previous studies, in that T. cruzi is established in reservoir host populations in natural areas of the southeastern United States

    Evidence for Superfluidity of Ultracold Fermions in an Optical Lattice

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    The study of superfluid fermion pairs in a periodic potential has important ramifications for understanding superconductivity in crystalline materials. Using cold atomic gases, various condensed matter models can be studied in a highly controllable environment. Weakly repulsive fermions in an optical lattice could undergo d-wave pairing at low temperatures, a possible mechanism for high temperature superconductivity in the cuprates. The lattice potential could also strongly increase the critical temperature for s-wave superfluidity. Recent experimental advances in the bulk include the observation of fermion pair condensates and high-temperature superfluidity. Experiments with fermions and bosonic bound pairs in optical lattices have been reported, but have not yet addressed superfluid behavior. Here we show that when a condensate of fermionic atom pairs was released from an optical lattice, distinct interference peaks appear, implying long range order, a property of a superfluid. Conceptually, this implies that strong s-wave pairing and superfluidity have now been established in a lattice potential, where the transport of atoms occurs by quantum mechanical tunneling and not by simple propagation. These observations were made for unitarity limited interactions on both sides of a Feshbach resonance. For larger lattice depths, the coherence was lost in a reversible manner, possibly due to a superfluid to insulator transition. Such strongly interacting fermions in an optical lattice can be used to study a new class of Hamiltonians with interband and atom-molecule couplings.Comment: accepted for publication in Natur

    Human Umbilical Cord Therapy Improves Long-Term Behavioral Outcomes Following Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic Brain Injury

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    Background: Hypoxic ischemic (HI) insult in term babies at labor or birth can cause long-term neurodevelopmental disorders, including cerebral palsy (CP). The current standard treatment for term infants with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is hypothermia. Because hypothermia is only partially effective, novel therapies are required to improve outcomes further. Human umbilical cord blood cells (UCB) are a rich source of stem and progenitor cells making them a potential treatment for neonatal HI brain injury. Recent clinical trials have shown that UCB therapy is a safe and efficacious treatment for confirmed cerebral palsy. In this study, we assessed whether early administration of UCB to the neonate could improve long-term behavioral outcomes and promote brain repair following neonatal HI brain injury.Methods: HI brain injury was induced in postnatal day (PND) 7 rat pups via permanent ligation of the left carotid artery, followed by a 90 min hypoxic challenge. UCB was administered intraperitoneally on PND 8. Behavioral tests, including negative geotaxis, forelimb preference and open field test, were performed on PND 14, 30, and 50, following brains were collected for assessment of neuropathology.Results: Neonatal HI resulted in decreased brain weight, cerebral tissue loss and apoptosis in the somatosensory cortex, as well as compromised behavioral outcomes. UCB administration following HI improved short and long-term behavioral outcomes but did not reduce long-term histological evidence of brain injury compared to HI alone. In addition, UCB following HI increased microglia activation in the somatosensory cortex compared to HI alone.Conclusion: Administration of a single dose of UCB cells 24 h after HI injury improves behavior, however, a single dose of cells does not modulate pathological evidence of long-term brain injury

    LPS from P. gingivalis

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    Objective. Oral inflammatory pathologies are linked to increased oxidative stress, thereby partly explaining their relevance in the etiology of systemic disorders. The purpose of this work was to determine the degree to which LPS from Porphyromonas gingivalis, the primary pathogen related to oral inflammation, altered gingival mitochondrial function and reactive oxygen species generation. Methods. Human gingival fibroblast (HGF-1) cells were treated with lipopolysaccharide of P. gingivalis. Mitochondrial function was determined via high-resolution respirometry. Results. LPS-treated HGF-1 cells had significantly higher mitochondrial complex IV and higher rates of mitochondrial respiration. However, this failed to translate into greater ATP production, as ATP production was paradoxically diminished with LPS treatment. Nevertheless, production of the reactive H2O2 was elevated with LPS treatment. Conclusions. LPS elicits an increase in gingival cell mitochondria content, with a subsequent increase in reactive oxygen species production (i.e., H2O2), despite a paradoxical reduction in ATP generation. These findings provide an insight into the nature of oxidative stress in oral inflammatory pathologies

    Heterolytic Scission of Hydrogen Within a Crystalline Frustrated Lewis Pair

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    We report the heterolysis of molecular hydrogen under ambient conditions by the crystalline frustrated Lewis pair (FLP) 1-{2-[bis (pentafluorophenyOboryl] phenyl -2, 2,6,6-tetrame-thylpiperidine (KCAT). The gas-solid reaction provides an approach to prepare the solvent-free, polycrystalline ion pair KCATH2 through a single crystal to single crystal transformation. The crystal lattice of KCATH2 increases in size relative to the parent KCAT by approximately 2%. Microscopy was used to follow the transformation of the highly colored red/orange KCAT to the colorless KCATH2 over a period of 2 h at 300 K under a flow of H-2 gas. There is no evidence of crystal decrepitation during hydrogen uptake. Inelastic neutron scattering employed over a temperature range from 4-200 K did not provide evidence for the formation of polarized H-2 in a precursor complex within the crystal at low temperatures and high pressures. However, at 300 K, the INS spectrum of KCAT transformed to the INS spectrum of KCATH2. Calculations suggest that the driving force is more favorable in the solid state compared to the solution or gas phase, but the addition of H-2 into the KCAT crystal is unfavorable. Ab Initio methods were used to calculate the INS spectra of KCAT, KCATH2, and a possible precursor complex of H-2 in the pocket between the B and N of crystalline KCAT. Ex-situ NMR showed that the transformation from KCAT to KCATH2 is quantitative and our results suggest that the hydrogen heterolysis process occurs via H-2 diffusion into the FLP crystal with a rate-limiting movement of H-2 from inactive positions to reactive sites.Peer reviewe

    Psilocybin prevents symptoms of hyperarousal and enhances novel object recognition in rats exposed to the single prolonged stress paradigm

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    Pharmacotherapy for stress-related psychological disorders remains inadequate. Patients who are treated with conventional pharmacological agents frequently report negligeable symptom reduction, and, in most cases, less than 50% experience full remission. Clearly, there is a need for additional pharmaceutical research into both established and novel approaches to alleviate these conditions. Over the past several years, there has been a renewed interest in the use of psychedelics to aid in the treatment of psychological disorders. Several studies have reported promising results in patients with major depression, anxiety disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following treatment with psychedelic agents such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), ayahuasca, ketamine, and psilocybin. However, the precise behavioral and neurobiological mechanisms for these effects remain unclear. Thus, we aimed to develop an animal model of PTSD that involved prophylactic treatment with psilocybin, a 5-HT2A agonist, that could be used to further understand the mechanisms underlying the benefit of psychedelic substances in treating these disorders. Adult male and female Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to the single prolonged stress (SPS) paradigm, including 2 hours of physical restraint, 15 minutes of forced swim, and ether vapor exposure until loss of consciousness. Five minutes following ether-induced loss of consciousness, the rats were intraperitoneally injected with vehicle (0.9% saline) or psilocybin (1 mg/kg). One week later, the rats underwent a battery of behavioral tests, including the elevated plus maze (EPM), startle response assessment, open field testing, and novel object recognition (NOR) testing. No effects of SPS or psilocybin were observed for EPM behavior. SPS led to enhanced startle responses in males, but not females, which was prevented by psilocybin. SPS also increased locomotor activity in the open field in males, but not females, and this effect was not prevented by psilocybin. SPS had no impact on NOR memory in males, but enhanced memory in females. Interestingly, psilocybin administration, alone or in combination with SPS, enhanced NOR memory in males only. These findings support a complex interaction between the administration of psilocybin and the prevention of stress-induced behavioral sequelae that depends on both sex and the type of behavioral task

    Low-dose psilocybin enhances novel object recognition but not inhibitory avoidance in adult rats

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    Given the recently renewed interest in using psychedelics to aid in the treatment of psychological disorders, we aimed to examine the impact of psilocybin, a 5-HT2A agonist, on learning and memory in rodents. Previous work has demonstrated that psilocybin and other 5-HT2A agonists can enhance fear conditioning, fear extinction, and novel object recognition (NOR). Thus, we predicted that low doses of psilocybin would enhance inhibitory avoidance (IA) and NOR memory. In the first experiment, adult male and female Sprague-Dawley rats underwent step-through IA training (involving 0.45, 0.65, or 1 mA scrambled footshock) and were injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) with vehicle (0.9% saline) or psilocybin (1 mg/kg) immediately afterward. Rats were tested for their IA memory two days later. In the second experiment, adult male and female Sprague-Dawley rats were acclimated to an open field apparatus for 5 minutes on Day 1. The next day, the rats were given i.p. injections of vehicle or psilocybin (0.1 mg/kg) 10 minutes before undergoing NOR training, during which they were exposed to two replicas of an identical object for 3 minutes. On Day 3, one of the objects from NOR training was exchanged for a novel object; rats were exposed to this novel object and a new replica of the object from Day 2 (i.e., familiar object) for 5 minutes. The results showed that psilocybin had no significant impact on IA memory but enhanced novel object recognition memory in both males and females. The differential impact of psilocybin on IA memory and novel object recognition could be explained by the different doses of psilocybin or the different times of drug administration used for each task. Alternatively, they may suggest that psilocybin exerts distinct effects on different types of learning

    Mitochondrial phylogeography and demographic history of the Vicuña: implications for conservation

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    The vicuña (Vicugna vicugna; Miller, 1924) is a conservation success story, having recovered from near extinction in the 1960s to current population levels estimated at 275 000. However, lack of information about its demographic history and genetic diversity has limited both our understanding of its recovery and the development of science-based conservation measures. To examine the evolution and recent demographic history of the vicuña across its current range and to assess its genetic variation and population structure, we sequenced mitochondrial DNA from the control region (CR) for 261 individuals from 29 populations across Peru, Chile and Argentina. Our results suggest that populations currently designated as Vicugna vicugna vicugna and Vicugna vicugna mensalis comprise separate mitochondrial lineages. The current population distribution appears to be the result of a recent demographic expansion associated with the last major glacial event of the Pleistocene in the northern (18 to 22°S) dry Andes 14–12 000 years ago and the establishment of an extremely arid belt known as the 'Dry Diagonal' to 29°S. Within the Dry Diagonal, small populations of V. v. vicugna appear to have survived showing the genetic signature of demographic isolation, whereas to the north V. v. mensalis populations underwent a rapid demographic expansion before recent anthropogenic impacts